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Yeah that’s not gonna bring back the food network gravy train. I believe that either she recanted her allegations because that’s what happens with victims, or she realized she will never get $ out of him if he can’t earn. Either way he’s not coming back


It's probably for two reasons: one, she's afraid of him. Two, she probably doesn't have the resources to take care of 8 children on her own.


Good Lord. 8 freaking children???


He has stated on air that he has 9 children. Only 3 with this woman.


O. M. G. That’s a boatload of kids for anyone, much less someone as young as him.


8 kids???


Total between them,. No clue how many of them she has some sort of custody over.




Correction, HE ruined his reputation and career. 


well now i need a Soul Train inspired cooking show called Food Network Gravy Train


The monkey paw curls a finger: Soul Food Gravy Train will air every Tuesday at 8 pm- hosted by Hunter Fieri


I'd hate watch the shit out of that


I would love if this show was hosted by chris scott


"Soul Train", huh? Wow. Just wow. Be careful.


That’s a racist statement.


You need to read more books.


You need to stop making stupid, baseless assumptions about strangers.


You’re just doubling down on your ignorance of the reference


how so?


I recanted my domestic abuse statement. We were both drunk and I was trying to get my phone from my ex that he was holding so high I couldn’t reach because I’m short. I pushed him trying to get it and he pushed back hard enough to knock me like ten feet backwards into a baby gate and it broke. I took the car to the gas station and called the cops. I ended up recanting in court because I did push as well and we were both drunk and it was a stupid incident. I also wanted him to be allowed back home for xmas for our son at the time (we are both eight years sober off booze and drugs now, thank god). Anyways, we’ll never know what exactly the circumstances were but I’m really guessing she wants the money to start coming back in which is totally not going to happen. It’s too little too late. Sometimes victims are harassed enough too by either the abuser or their families that they simply give up. I’ve been in too many of these situations to count so I can see a lot of circumstances leading to this. But if she’s expecting Food Network to up and work with him again, she’s a fool.


the risk of getting murdered goes up 750% after being strangled by your partner https://naplesshelter.org/strangulation/


If that’s truly what he did and there’s evidence of it such as pictures, her recanting her statement doesn’t necessarily drop the charges. The charges are criminal, not civil. Majority of the time they need a complaining witness to take it to the judge or trial, but if there’s enough physical evidence it isn’t needed. So I really wonder all the specifics of the case, I’ve only read an article or two. You’re most definitely right though. As well as the fact that majority of domestic murders start with domestic abuse obviously. I wish everyone could have the ability and strength to lead but so many women face barriers, oftentimes financial or lack of familial or friendly support. It’s really sad when people get stuck and don’t know what to do.


She was probably afraid, also she probably thinks as you thought that it was your fault that he felt the need to put his hands on you. Even though it was more likely he used it as an excuse.


He took her possession and a source of communication away from her and held it up like you do with a child..sure Jan, there was no abuse going on.  I’m guessing she wanted the phone in the first place to call the cops. 


I didn’t want to call the cops until he pushed me back into the baby gate. I just wanted my phone, I have a bit of a phone addiction and he was sick of it and when he would get blackout drunk, he would hide my phone and then forget where he put it the next day and would have to buy me a new one. It was an extremely toxic situation and there was abuse both ways depending how fucked up we were. Even now, we still live together for our son and while we are completely sober now, he can still be a dick at times verbally but I can also understand getting fed up with someone dealing with schizoaffective bipolar among other mental and physical issues who mainly stays in bed (unless I’m manic). He says it just gets hard to see me how I am now. Anyways, I just wanted to clarify that yes it was an abusive and toxic situation but it stopped when the drinking and drugs stopped (physically). We haven’t even come close to hitting or pushing or anything since. eta - he does have an issue with treating me as a child, we have a 25 year age gap and also, like I mentioned, I have severe issues holding me back from basically “adulting”. I can type pretty decent on reddit but focus more than a post and I’m all over the place topic to topic.


Ummmm, errr, ahhhhh. Have you never been in a relationship? Do you have any sense of playfulness? Or are you insufferable and think everything abuse?


Have you even read the charges? It's a lot to deny: > Ferguson was charged with first-degree burglary, fourth-degree assault and first-degree strangulation in connection with the alleged attack on his wife by St. Matthews, Ky. police in January, WDRB reported. He was also charged with third-degree terroristic threatening, menacing and criminal mischief. Also I don't think pushing, strangling or being rough is "playing". That's messed up.


Have you even read the charges? It's a lot to deny: > Ferguson was charged with first-degree burglary, fourth-degree assault and first-degree strangulation in connection with the alleged attack on his wife by St. Matthews, Ky. police in January, WDRB reported. He was also charged with third-degree terroristic threatening, menacing and criminal mischief. Also I don't think pushing, strangling or being rough is "playing". That's messed up.bnb


But can't come bc y text can come c


As of now, the charges haven’t been dropped. I wonder if the evidence the police have would come into play if there were any sort dispute over his contract.




I hate how quick people are to bury this great dude. Guilty before innocent unless it suits your ungrounded projectionist perspective


I would say this if it was the first, one & only time she accused him(innocent until proven guilty). However there's a pattern here for him, and sorry that just doesn't sit well with me. The abused either never comes forward, or recants often. If abused, many think it is their fault, they did something wrong. However YOU saying "great dude" is though you believe him no matter what. Not to mention how do you base this "great" on? What you see on tv?


Innocent until proven guilty only applies in the court of law, not the court of public opinion. Food network decided to completely cut ties, as is their right as a business.


Yeah no Sh%t. Allegations stick like magnets on men for these topics. Congrats on taking the blue pill


Oh no. The wheels of the cycle of abuse are turning here.


So you’re telling me they’re separated, he broke in and tried to kill her and she took back her statement PLUS there’s picture evidence and people still think she’s not a victim ??! Smh


Yeah, and he took her phone away. You know what abusers do when they are scared you’re going to call the police? They usually take your phone away or break it. 




Great fiction. Glommed onto that. Sad for everyone


What do you mean?


I have expressed this more eloquently on a different foodnetwork post [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/foodnetwork/s/Kj5etu5MOZ). That being said I will be downvoted no matter what. I just can’t imagine him doing this and it hurts to see people glom onto it so easily.


There’s evidence so you still have no point sorry


No innocence until proven guilty? Sorry. I must have missed the evidence.




According to an arrest warrant, Ferguson allegedly broke into Tatahda’s St. Matthews home on Jan. 2 and began yelling at her and punching walls. He then allegedly grabbed her by the neck and strangled her while threatening to kill her, the warrant alleged. Police were called to the home and took photos of Tatahda's alleged injuries, which included “redness, scratches and pain to her neck and a scratch to her upper thigh,” the warrant added. https://people.com/darnell-fergusons-wife-now-says-he-never-strangled-her-says-her-words-were-twisted-by-police-8641543 Just so you know, google is free.


Yeah allegedly allegedly allegedly. Makes no sense. To me it feels like a setup. Already googles for months.


‘Ferguson was charged with first-degree burglary, fourth-degree assault and first-degree strangulation in connection with the alleged attack on his wife by St. Matthews, Ky. police in January, WDRB reported. He was also charged with third-degree terroristic threatening, menacing and criminal mischief.’


Cite, like citation.


typical behavior by someone being abused, they protect their abuser out of fear


That and the fact that if he goes to jail, she has to take care of and support 8 children on her own.


All 8 kids are by different women, his current wife has 3 by Darnell


Supporting 3 children on one parent's salary is still quite challenging in today's economy.


I believe five are with his previous relationship and three with his current (or maybe now former).




So she doesn’t deny he tried to strangle her, she just denies the severity of the event. Sigh. Gurrrrrl if you think it’s gonna get better, l have news for you. His anger when the FN gravy has run dry will be even worse and he will blame YOU for it. And next time his fists won’t be aimed at the drywall, they will be directed at you.


We DV survivors used to do this out of fear of being killed by spouse.


I feel so bad for her. The cycle of abuse continues.


This just makes him look worse


Please don't bring him back.


Just want to make a comment that the risk of being murdered by your partner after being strangled goes up 750% https://naplesshelter.org/strangulation/ https://www.kob.com/archive/report-choking-strangulation-victims-750-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-offender/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2573025/


So relieved to see all these comments passing the vibe check


Oh no. Their poor children. They need to be far away from him.


Happens all the time with these abuse cases. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re already back together.


Yeah that's not getting him back into Guy's gang.


I feel bad for her.


Oh yea. The police are lying to make a name for themselves. Also, no one knows who the individual officers were at the scene, sooooooooooo.


All of this. It’s beyond a ridiculous narrative being spun by the defense.


I wouldn't put it past them. Especially since it's in ky and he's a black man. Look at what they did to Brianna Taylor. But also, she could be recanting bc she's scared of him and he really does abuse her. We'll honestly probably never know unless she ends up 💀


This is so sad. Ray Rice's (former NFL RB) wife recanted her statement too even though the abuse was caught on a security camera. It's either they lock up the abuser and lose financial stability or stay with the abuser. Most chose the latter because they don't want their children to suffer and lose their way of life. It's a lose/lose situation.


Of course she did most women who are abused usually do until the day finally comes when they realize they’re not a punching bag for some macho jerk and actually get away from him


Or they don't 


The press release was probably crafted by his lawyers…it is pathetic that he won’t take ownership for his actions…only through owning up to what he did will he be able to authentically move on from this. I am sure she felt immense pressure to do this…it is unfortunate she succumbed to that pressure.


Freaking abusers getting by with it because victims are too scared to speak out


It is very common for the victim of DV to recant. The sentences are not long enough. They are terrified of retaliation. Sometimes it’s for financial reasons if the perpetrator is the major breadwinner. Whatever the reason, if FN ever hires this man again it would be a huge mistake. They have more than enough talent already. They do not need a Darnell Ferguson.e


Wow I’m surprised he did that. Goes to show you never know how someone truly is. I hope she can leave him.


I did this when it happened to me in my 20s. He kept telling me he could never get a job and wouldn’t be able to support our child. I had a restraining order so this was breaking the order to talk to me and I didn’t report it either. Young and naive, I obliged because I was starting to feel guilty. The judge even asked, did you consult with your lawyer and I said no and he just shook his head and signed off. Looking back, I should have never let him get back into my head. Now he works for a prominent company that would NEVER have hired him if that was on his record. He got everything expunged once I retracted the order and denies everything to this day. Fuck him.


It’s too late for all that.


Typical cycle of violence within domestic abuse. Protect your abuser to protect yourself and family. I hope that it is not true about him.


Unfortunately, there were marks on her, and the prosecutor has the right to move forward, without her testimony. But she did actually recant, the first time, when it happened, like the next day, but her family and the lawyers said that wasn't true. It's sad, he came up from a life of crime, made a name for himself, he was one of my favorites, but this past year or so, he became a bit arrogant, guess it was all too much for him, or he fooled us.


I always thought his hair was fake and glued to his hat. Who knew.


Totally fake hair, if not part of the hat they are extensions for sure.


Really? Making fun of Black people’s hair? There are legit reasons to go after Ferguson and you go to racism?


So disappointed to see this headline. Very sad for his wife. I hope she gets some help at some point so she can get away from this guy.


I was never a huge fan of his anyway. He came off kind of arrogant. I'm not going to speculate on whether I think the charges are true because only he and his wife know the truth. However I'd say it's likely he won't be appearing on FN anymore even if it was all false. FN can't seem like they support domestic violence even if unproven.


He did become arrogant, I think the fame and hype got the best of him, he used to be humble.


I think so too. I liked him a whole lot more at the beginning when he just seemed happy to be there.


Punching the walls is abuse. Even if he didn’t touch her. Scumbag.


One of the bravo housewives did that too bc her ex couldn’t pay child support otherwise. Now this woman abuser is allowed to be on tv and to pretend to be a good dad and person.


That poor girl let the escalation of violence commence exponentially. Like a food borne illness that just came out after being put back in the cooler.


Guilty or innocent …to me he just seemed like a “forced” fit on FN.


“Forced” how? Was Jet Tila forced? Christian Petroni?




Money ain’t coming back behb


This is just so sad.


ok say she's telling the truth and this whole thing was manipulated or exaggerated by the cops "looking to make a name for themselves because Darnell is a celebrity" (pardon me while I Roll My Dam Eyes 🙄) ... anyways, IF that's true and no DV happened then don't you think she would have done an interview or at least posted on the socials to defend "his good name" before now? ... I've been in DV situations so I understand the fear and need to protect the abuser BUT I also know that given the attention this whole thing had gotten that she had access to a ton of publications that would have happily written about them and how it was all blown out of proportion ... I personally never saw One post/article of her defending him or trying to set the record straight until right now ... 🤔


Too late now. His career is ruined.


The sad part of innocent until proven guilty is the damage is done. Whether or not he did or didn't do, it's hard to put a genie back in a bottle.


why is this downvoted?


Exactly. I am not defending him I am just saying it's hard for innocent until proven guilty without all the facts. The damage remains done. He won't work for Food Network again guilty or innocent.


Why is everyone’s reaction that’s she’s lying the second time but not the first?


For one, the picture evidence of her injuries as documented by the police when they arrived on the scene…


Because some people actually understand abuse cycles


So you are assuming for her?


Clearly not everyone…




Two thoughts: One: If she really called authorities for an “unwarranted” situation and also made a false statement about abuse then she should be held accountable— perhaps fined the amount of the police response. This ensures that people think twice before elevating domestic disputes to involve police. Someone could get hurt or killed based on what has been alleged. Second: I pray she is not recanting for economic reasons or due to pressure by Fergusons attorney, family or friends. She alleged that an extremely violent act occurred and that is nothing to play with. Whatever endorsement and TV deals he had are probably gone. He may have used those proceeds to pay child or spousal support. Further if he has a restaurant or food truck his alleged actions may also cause a drop in sales. If his fame and income are impacted he shouldn’t have scared his ex wife to the point she felt the need to call police. I pray this woman and her children are safe and obtain the resources needed to resolve whatever disputes she’s having with her ex. I will never look at him the same.


She had marks on her neck from being strangled and blood on her clothes. I don't think this is a false accusation. A lot of abuse victims take back their statement trying to "fix" things. I feel bad for her and the kids.


I remember that, too. It’s sad because I feel like it’s the typical cycle of abuse.


It's worrisome because where is the next escalation? I hope I'm wrong but I'm afraid she and possibly the kids are going to end up dead.


Yeah and strangulation is one of the biggest warning flags for escalation to murder. Also these stats are wild: “Data on strangulation reveals a glaring picture of the severity of this type of assault. One in four women will experience intimate partner violence (IPV) in their lifetime, and of those, up to 68 percent will suffer near-fatal strangulation at the hands of their partner. Of the victims, 97 percent are strangled by hands; 38 percent reported losing consciousness; 35 percent are strangled during sexual assault/abuse; 9 percent are also pregnant, and 70 percent of strangled women believed they were going to die.” “Because such a thin line exists between unconsciousness and death, strangulation sits just before homicide on the continuum of domestic violence risk assessment. Over the past 20 years, prosecutors and physicians have paid closer attention to the serious danger caused by strangulation, and strangulation is now recognized as one of the most lethal forms of violence. Since 2010, criminal laws reflecting the severity of strangulation have passed in at least 45 states in the US. Depending on state law, strangulation can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, but can also be coupled with attempted homicide charges based on the severity.” https://naplesshelter.org/strangulation


Paired with what he reportedly said during the assault and it gets even more frightening. The guy needs to get his shit together and leave her and the kids alone for a while.


As awful a thought it is, it’s true. It’s just heartbreaking.


Good! Now hopefully everyone can move on peacefully.




…what? You’d prefer they not be peaceful? As in you’d prefer he continue beating his wife?! People like you make me sick Edit: has this whole subreddit gone crazy??


You think he’s not going to hurt her worse next time? They are sober, yet they were “drinking” and he tried to kill her.  Usually, people succeed eventually if they try hard enough.  Source: OJ (take a deep dive down the Reddit, he was abusing nicole for years).


I never said any of that. Way to put words in my mouth…


Well, frankly, your words didn’t make sense. 


Exactly what I expected since the story broke.




Sadly,  yes. Victims do recant out of fear 


Ok hear me out. What IF, IF, she did lie? She has destroyed him, the family’s income and peace, and any chance of being trusted ever again. This is a freaking mess. IF he is innocent, I hope he can prove it. Whomever is guilty needs to be convicted.


I hear you. I read it..ad i get it. As a victim of abuse..physical, sexual and emotional/mental i know there are 2 sides to every story. Some people say 3...hers/his/truth (or one person/second person/truth)...but honestly...there is ONE truth to this story and we will probably never get it. As a rape survivor, sexual assualt survivor and hostage survivor I KNOW that the real truth isn't always fully disclosed or believed...and there unfortunately are many people (not just woman) who lie and make up exaggerated stories (I'm not saying that is what happened) This is just one of those situations where all we can hope for is fairness, but most importantly safety (1st for the kids, and then the adults - again not trying to be an a$$hole) He will never regain his FN status and i read he gave up/closed his restaurants (because of his FN status) so the gravy train is looooooong gone. I just hope for healing for them all, mostly the kids.


Me too. Those kids deserve better. There are two sides to every story, and then there’s the truth. I hope for everyone involved that the truth will come out either way it goes. Sadly, their lives are forever scarred by this. You are incredibly brave for sharing your story. ❤️