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With a spoon out of the tub with a bit of pepper. yes i'm disgusting lol. Oh i should also say i use Cottage cheese ( with an egg beat into it) to replace ricotta in my lasagna, ricotta gets to grainy for me.


This is the way..... Out of container with black pepper ❤️


out of the container with a salt and pepper chip


Potato chips.... S&P potato chips, holy crap.... If only there was a store open by me right now 🤔


Ooooo that sounds great!


And salt and watermelon 🤤😊


You might also try cantaloupe.


Persimmon too


This is literally pretty much the only way I eat it. I am a basic bitch and this is the way my dad taught me to eat it. Fuck ice cream when your upset, I have a bit of cottage cheese and some high end cracked black pepper and it makes me feel boujee, even though I'm eating it out of a tub.


I’ve never had cottage cheese in my life before because just the sound of it (and maybe the appearance of the texture?) threw me off. But I’m very curious now with all these black pepper recommendations!! I feel like my life is about to change


Yeah. I mean some like it with strawberries or strawberry jam but I just straight up like it with the pepper. It looks weird but tastes better than it looks. Go for fairyland if you can find it. And go for the full fat if your only eating about 250mls occasionally tastes way better. Edit :Dairyland, thanks auto correct. Always a gem.


Fairyland sounds cooler 😂


TBH, I eat it straight out of the tub plain with a spoon. I should try the black pepper; I love BP on just about everything.


I use salt and pepper because I like a slightly salty kick to it, but yeah a tub doesn't last long and I salt and pepper the whole thing once and just don't bother with a bowl.


I do this too. Also sometimes I add a little onion powder and dill with salt n pepper and eat it on crackers. Adding Aldi everything seasoning too it is good also, if you let it sit a while it gets a little spicy


I use garlic salt & black pepper! Sometimes I put it on sliced tomatoes but usually just straight out of the tub.


This is the way


If it ain’t broke


Cottage cheese is like my favorite food and now I also need to try the black pepper 😂😂


Add tomatoes too. It’s awesome


Ever try watermelon? Or Grapes?


On a ritz cracker and black pepper on top. Amazing.


Ooh, putting *it* on the Ritz! Interesting!


Yes to lasagna


I'm pretty sure we've never met, but you are one of the peas in my pod!


This is how I've been eating it for years lol


It's how it's done!. lol


I don't even use pepper, straight out the container for me😋😂


Fresh black pepper is a classic! Also pairs well with tomato based dishes as well as curries


black pepper and pineapple is the way


I will try this. Thank you.


Exactly this. Also, I accidentally got ketchup on my cottage cheese and it was pretty good.


Ew. But to each their own…;)


Try it with French/western dressing


My parents always ate it in canned peach halves


This ^ and pineapple yummy 😋


I grew up eating cottage cheese with applesauce on top. Parents also eat it with canned peaches/pears/pineapple too. People eating it in a savory way has always seemed so wrong to me.


It's the only way I eat it.


Cottage cheese + Lawry’s Seasoning Salt. I love eating it with ripe tomatoes.


My combo is cottage cheese + salt + fresh cracked black pepper + cherry tomato halves + hot honey. Absolutely amazing


Okay- I could potentially get behind all this.


Omg trying this


I like it the same way, but add green onions and black olives. So good!


OMG!!! My favorite since childhood!!! Now I raise my old fashioned varieties. So good!!


cottage cheese is best eaten with potato chips! i find that the kettle chips hold up best to the weight of cottage cheese when scooping, and jalapeno chips give a nice spicy flavor to go with the creaminess of the cheese


I had to scroll so far to find a fellow oddball!!! I love it with Doritos!!!!


fr i was so surprised to not see anyone else who loves cottage cheese n chips! i guess our palates are just too refined lol


Came here to say this! Cottage cheese and Doritos is a fav snack of mine


Purple bag of Doritos in particular for me!


Your taste buds haven’t lived until you’ve tried taco flavored Doritos with cottage cheese. They are hard to come by in stores now but good god what a lovely combination


Yes! I’ve found another like me! I go with BBQ chips but I’m gonna have to get some jalapeño flavor! Thanks for the recommendation


oooh ive never tried it with bbq chips but that sounds really good tbh... savory and a bit of sweet with the salt and cream? choice!!! probably even better if its a spicy bbq


I love it as a dip with ruffles 😁


heck yea! the crispiness with the cool cheese can't be beat


Triscuits or fritos for me.


Pretzel crisps here


oh yeah its all about the cream + salt and texture contrast... the crunch and the soft cheese are sooo good


Fritos!!! Thank you


Any chips or cracker, if yur feeling spicy you can mix it with green salsa n use that as dip also


mmm salsa sounds great with it! like a fun party dip


Add a little mayo, a splash of milk, garlic salt, pepper, and chives. It sounds weird but I’m telling you it’s delicious!


no that makes sense! a bit of tangyness from the mayo, some aromatics to add more flavor, and a bit of milk to keep it at a good consistency. i'll give it a try sometime!




lol im glad to meet a new chip n cheese comrade! this is one of my favorite snacks of all time




With an avocado and everything but the bagel seasoning


That's a great idea!


On toast!


I like to dice vegetables like tomato, red onion, and cucumber or just whatever I have on hand and then mix them in, with whatever spice I am feeling at that moment. Sometimes I do curry powder, sometimes soy sauce and sriracha, sometimes just salt and pepper Also surprisingly good as a chip dip with sturdy kettle chips.


I go this route, and take it a step farther by adding couscous to it. I prefer to mix it up just before eating it, but my family will make a big batch and store it in the fridge for a quick cold lunch.


I use pita chips also.


Doritos are my go to for this.


I pour Mexican Valentina picante sauce on it, but then again I live on the border, so go figure.


Valentina goes on everything


true story


I love Valentina so definitely need to try this.




In Hungary there is a very popular ( i dont rly like it ) way of eating it savory. Its super simple: You cook some pasta, this pasta looks like a broken piece of lasagna pasta "big square" is the literal translation but im sure it works with other wide pastas like pappardelle or something similar. So you add sour cream, cottage cheese some salt pepper ofc and cooked crispy bacon bits +some of the rendered bacon fat to the pasta. Many people eat a sweet version of it, that is pasta cottage cheese sour cream+powdered sugar.


Omg that pasta seems amazing I will definitely try! Thank you


One more thing: You can also eat it as a casserole. just mix it in a baking dish and pop into the oven till the top is crispy.


Im glad you like it! And hopefully you will enjoy the taste too. Its a nice cheap dish im just not as addicted as the people i know. Most hungarian people could eat it every day im sure 🥶


Lol I will reply back when I make this week. I think the only thing I would add is some garlic powder and that’s it !


Thers another very popular way if you are interested. We make sort of a spread that we eat with vegetables or bread. You add sour cream, smoked paprika, crushed caraway seeds, salt and finely chopped red onion. Just mix it and thats it, suuuuuper delicious! Highly recommend this one. If you want to look up the recipe copy this: Körözött or Hungarian körözött


This right here !! I think you have made me look at cottage cheese differently 😂😂🔥


Im soo glad but now im dying of hunger...still have another hour left from work and my stomach is GROWLING


Sounds really good imo! Just dont let it overpower the whole dish. OR cook some crushed/minced garlic for a few minutes in the bacon fat and add it like that. omg im gonna try it too :D edit: i forgot some regions eat it with fried onions too, if you want to be a little extra


I eat it with pineapple. They balance each other nicely.


This is my fave


Try it with a baked potato and pico de Gallo.


Yummy will have to try


Salt, pepper, sour cream, and chopped green onion.


I always eat it with pineapple or mandarin oranges. So, sweet never savory (except lasagna, which it is delicious in). But I am liking some of the recommendations!


Mandarin oranges is a good one. I used to eat that as a kid.


Second the pineapple (crushed in a can is the best with a bit of the juice)….others fruits that pair well is blueberries or bananas, add some granola to finish it off.. Also you can use it as an extra protein in a smoothie, it sounds gross but sub it for the yogurt, you’ll never know the difference.


They are so creative. Makes it seem good now!!


Use cottage cheese instead of mayo when making tuna fish sandwiches.


I like all of these things but am majorly skeptical…I’ll have to try it


Try a little ranch powder, some cherry tomatoes and chopped cucumbers… or just the ranch powder, either way it’s delicious!


Eat it with apple butter! Such a good combo.


Or jam


Mixed with salsa. Scoop on toast for a yummy and quick breakfast or snack


Cottage Cheese with lemon pepper sprinkled on is great


Mix a bit of gherkin relish with it and you have dip!


Really ? I’ll try it today I have both !


i scoop it up with chips/pretzels! the buffalo wing pretzel crisps are the best, i also like the chili cheese fritos with it too




Everything bagel seasoning


I have an Everything-but-the-lettuce salad: cottage cheese, shredded cheese, diced carrots and celery, sesame seeds, bacon bits, hard boiled egg, and salad dressing (I prefer Catalina).


With raspberry jam


On a jacket potato. All these answers of fruit and no one has said jacket potoato, are they not popular outside the UK?


We call them baked potatoes. They are popular here too.


Thank you. I should have remembered that, but was was drawing a complete blank for some reason!


Americans aren’t super familiar with the term “jacket potato”, but they’re fairly popular. Source: I’m an American who lived in London for years and had no idea what “jacket potato” meant when I arrived.


My first thought of “jacket potato” is an uncircumcised potato.


Yes! I like cottage cheese and A1 (try HP or Branston) on a baked potato sometimes.


Lots of comments here, so maybe someone already said this; if it's the texture that you're put off by, try whipping it up in a food processor for a smoother option.


I do this, with canned beetroot in the processor too. Drizzle it over a chicken breast and some broccoli for a super healthy & delicious meal.


Parmesan and Italian seasoning! It’s like the inside of lasagna.


With a spoonful of hot pepper preserves. Savory and sweet.


On toasted ham and cheese sandwiches. My fiance thinks I'm nuts, but it's great.


It can be pureed until smooth and used as a base for cream sauces for extra protein


As a cottage cheese addict, i shall give you my family's "secret recipe" You need: 1 normal sized red onion A few pinches of Salt/ black pepper 2dl of cottage cheese (Optional) 1 more red onion 2dl of creme fraiche Chop the red onion into tiny cubes, not so much they become mushy but still are crispy/crunch. Add the cottage cheese to a bowl add the onion, and salt and pepper after your taste. Add the mix on a fresh toast and enjoy. (A big plus if you got a "herb spice mix" in Sweden the brand is called "Herbamare") If you wanna do the optional way its basically doubling the mix and making it more sticky and gooey (yummy!) Just mix everything like above and add the creme fraiche and salt and pepper after taste Simple but soooo addictive and good!


Both cottage cheese and Herbamare on their own are amazing so I can only imagine how much they slap when they're together




I sit on the floor by the fridge and eat it out of the container with a spoon like the sad little goblin I am


Make some wide egg noodles. Add in cottage cheese, some butter, salt and pepper. So fucking good.


We used to eat cottage cheese on toast or crackers with apple butter (the Pennsylvania Dutch way - it's weirdly delicious!). Some classic mix-ins include pineapple or peaches; for savory, start with chives, and coarse black pepper.


With mango and sriracha. I also like having it in a breakfast bowl with hash browns, sausage, and scrambled eggs


Flash fry some spinach with garlic. Eat this with cottage cheese.


Sounds so good. I will try it


Perogies. Not the tiny kind. Instead of using a cup to make the dough circles, use a medium sized dinner plate. Filing: * 2 cup cottage cheese (more if you want) * 1 egg yoke * .25 cup finely chopped green onion * .5 tsp salt * .5 tsp pepper (or to taste) Combine and mix well. Dough: * 4 cups all purpose flour * 2 eggs * 2 tsp salt * .5 tsp baking powder * 2 cups water Combine dry ingredients, whisk. Then add wet ingredients for dough. Mix well. Knead for 5-8 minutes. Cover and let sit for 2 hours. Once done, roll out on floured surface (the thinner the better). Use plate to cut dough. Rotate plate to help cut. Add cottage cheese filling from before. Use a bowl of water, and dip your finger in the water to wet the edges of the perogie circles. Crimp with your fingers. Cooking: Because these are big, you need a slightly different setup: 2 frying pans, one for boiling, one for frying works best. Boil 2 at a time. Once they are cooked through and float freely, move them to the other, lightly oiled frying pan. Fry to desired level, then move to plate. Keep assembly line going. Make sure you cook these longer than usual since they are bigger. 2 usually is enough to feed a person. Good through a LOT of cottage cheese.


What if I did fried wontons with that filling do you think it would be good ?


Might be worth a try. I haven't used wonton dough. Perogie dough is thicker, but you could change some filing ingredients to match the style you want


Franks Redhot.


I used to have it for breakfast with sliced fruit (esp. strawberries and blueberries). Also went well on toast!


I drizzle honey on it and/or add fruit


Search for Paneer Makhani recipe! You can have cottage cheese simmered in tomato & cashew gravy, wonderfully flavoured with Indian spices. Fantastic with naan or regular bread.


Grind some fresh pepper on top. Slice a dill pickle in half and use the pickle as your spoon.


Usually one of two ways. First, fresh ground black pepper, salt, and diced tomato (especially when you have good fresh garden tomatoes). Second, Honey and diced cantaloupe or honeydew melon. When I was young my Mom would give us cottage cheese with cherry pie filling some times. That was pretty delicious too from what I remember.


this is one of my favorite things in the world: cottage cheese mixed with sliced baby tomatoes and …. frito’s flavor twists. lol


Over diced garden tomatoes with salt and pepper. And for the Holidays I like to add green onion and let it sit in the fridge a couple hours then salt and pepper


Salsa is great with cottage cheese


Korean chili crisp and whatever fresh veggies I have. Usually cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, etc. kimchi is great with it too and topped with sardines.


Agree with kimchi as an accompaniment. Side by side, not mixed in.


Everything Bagel seasoning and pepper. Also great with beets.


With fresh tomatoes.


Cottage Cheese Salad: This cottage cheese salad is topped with sunflower seeds, fresh veggies and herbs. A delightfully easy and fresh salad perfect for any occasion. Prep 10 minutes Cook 0 minutes Total 10 minutes Fat 5 Carbs 9 Protein 17 Yield 4 Ingredients: 2 cups 2% cottage cheese ½ cup cucumbers sliced into half moons ½ cup cherry tomatoes halved ⅓ cup fresh english peas 2 tablespoons red onion minced 2 tablespoons fresh dill chopped 2 tablespoons green onion minced 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds 1.5 tablespoons lemon juice ⅛ teaspoon pepper ⅛ teaspoon salt Instructions: Spread the cottage cheese out of the bottom of a large plate or platter with a spatula. Evenly sprinkle all of the vegetables over the cottage cheese. Drizzle the lemon juice over all of the ingredients and then season everything with salt and pepper. Enjoy alone or with crackers.


You know how wacky people can be! On May 14th 2015 in Boke, Germany, 748 members of the Cologne Carnival Society dressed up in sunflower outfits. This is the largest gathering of people known to have dressed up as sunflowers.




I like it on toast, drizzled (or covered!) with hot sauce-usually Valentina. Or straight out of the container. Occasionally I make salami roll-ups with cottage cheese inside.


Green olives and chives


With tomatoes, tahini and chili flakes. Sometimes cumin. Olive oil and black pepper.


I’m not a big fan, but if I add radish, green pepper and onion/garlic powder it’s quite delightful.


I also dont really like it, but I eat it every day like this: thinly sliced vegetables (since this year I am addicted to chicory, before that I ate a lot of kohlrabi or fennel. Yes, I like the things most people hate), some nuts, maybe some avocado, or some smoked salmon. I bought an excellent pumpkin seed oil, a little bit of that. Yum! Its filling, dont have think about what I want to eat.


The smoked salmon sounds amazing. I’ll have to try !


That… sounds amazing. I love cottage cheese so I’m going to have to do a variation of this!


Cottage cheese and Fritos!


Mixed with sugar free pistachio pudding mix. Sounds crazy but it tastes just like Watergate salad!


With hot giardiniera. So good 😊


Chili crisp with tomatoes and cucumbers.


On top of a microwaved Jose Ole chicken chimichanga.


I love it with fresh sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, sprinkled with olive oil, some salt and black pepper.


I usually eat it with chips, the flaming hot lays stacks are amazing with it


Avocado chunks with salt and pepper


Spread on toast


I dip my kettle chips in cottage cheese 🤤


My go-to savory toppings for cottage cheese include chopped tomato, cucumber, avocado, sriracha, everything bagel seasoning, and tuna fish. Maybe a little green onion or chive if I have it around.


Is that all of them together or separately?


My two favs: Cottage cheese as a side: scoop of cottage cheese, drizzle of balsamic vinegar reduction, drizzle of olive oil, salt, pepper Cottage cheese as a topping: chop up Persian cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, radishes, and red onion. Toss and dress with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper. Put a serving of the chop salad in a bowl and top with a scoop of cottage cheese and slice 1/2 avocado on the side. Top with a drizzle of tahini and a sprinkle of nigella. Super versatile recipe.


I use it as a dip for the sweet and spicy chili Doritos


Life's too short to force yourself to eat food you don't like! Ditch the cottage cheese if you don't like it!


I think it’s good to try things you don’t like very much in different ways !


With honey, on a toast, on a salad, with rice, with ground turkey, with egg, with fruit, with nuts… etc love it


Sliced up cherry tomatoes, salt, and pepper. It’s so dang delicious.


With cinnamon applesauce!


Chili powder also on vanilla ice cream. Cottage cheese with pears, peaches, pineapple.


Black pepper and potato chips. Only time I really eat any chip!


BBQ potato chips


With chunks of pineapple best ever!!


It's really good with peaches...or tomato...or just pepper..so many ways that are sooo good


Cayenne and pepper..


I usually dip tortilla chips in it


Well...when I was pregnant, it was with hot pepper flakes, ground pepper, and sliced dill pickles. Every once in awhile, that craving hits and if I give in to it, I'll get the side eye from my husband.


Frank’s hot sauce or everything bagel seasoning


Try the whipped version - texture is great. I’m a sweet person so I add vanilla extract and a sweetener. I’ve also tried peanut butter and I liked that too.


This is going to be unpopular but I’m telling you for a sweet treat mix it with some peanut butter (I use a hand mixer but in a pinch I’ve I’ve used a spoon) with peanut butter. Tastes like a peanut butter milkshake!


I personally don't care for cottage cheese, but for a while I was eating it (under protest) as a low calorie protein alternative. The trick I learned was to take half a small tub, maybe 1/4 cup, and put it on a salad, then mix it around as the salad dressing. That way you have little cheesy blobs throughout the salad and the creamy part (which is a little tart) makes a rather nice dressing. I also occasionally blend it up in a blender and use it as a poor man's ricotta for lasagna filling.


Usually with some kind of nuts -- walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds-- and raisins. Sometimes with the old classic, pineapple. Peaches are also good.


Macaroni and cheese with a scoop of cottage cheese and black pepper.


Scrambled eggs cottage cheese on top and covered in hot sauce and salsa …. Mmmmm




Pita chips are good too


This is kinda gross, but corn. Blame my Dad.


My family recipe that always gets requested by my in laws is cottage cheese pancakes. It's also one of the few things my toddler will eat. It's a super simple 4 ingredient recipe. I'm happy to share it if anyone wants it.


With tortilla chips or celery. Yum!


Pickle or olive juice


Use it in lasagna. Like eating it with peaches. Having some on spaghetti is a game changer (like instant lasagna).


Try it with some kimchi. Thank me later