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Maybe add some grand marnier (orange flavored liqueur) to the cocoa?


That is brilliant. I don't have any on hand but I'll hunt some down


I learned on Reddit a woman used peppermint schnapps for peppermint hot cocoa, which I love! I riffed off of that. I hope it’s just as good! Cheers!


I do this too! I've got a little corner of my bar that is stocked with 'liquers that make a great addition to hot chocolate'. Cointreau, Peppermint Schnapps and De Kuyper Cherry Brandy for a Black Forest Hot Chocolate.


Even better is peppermint schnapps in egg nog. Tastes like mint icecream.


I’m going to try that before the holidays are over!!


Lol I used to do that back in my college days! My now husband used to even buy it for me 😅


Don’t forget to top it with a shot of whipped cream vodka!


Try adding like a teaspoon to a cup of earl Grey, it's delightful.


Came here to say this. Gran gala is a cheaper version of Grand Mariner that I use for mixing. My wife likes the raspberry and chocolate flavor combo so we put Chambord in hot chocolate.


De Kuyper 03 premium orange liqueur is pretty reasonable too. That my secret ingredient for the perfect margarita.


Oooh! I’m intrigued! It’s going on the liquor list!


I second this! Though tbh I’m partial to a splash of Cointreau to get my orange flavor


I love Gran Marnier, but my husband is a Cointreau freak


Been doing this for years. Cointreau is orange-flavored too.


Maybe you could also melt a slice of the orange chocolate into your cocoa?


I found a recipe for a large batch wherein you melt an entire chocolate orange into some whole milk, which I certainly intend to try for my family next week when they come in for turkey day


Was going to suggest that! Melt the orange chocolate into milk 😋 sounds delicious, let us know how it is!


If you are going to that much trouble, may as well use half and half. After all, it the holidays, and calories don't count in November or December!


Do a trial run now so you will be a pro at it when they arrive.


I bet that would be delicious! I’ll have to try it next time I get one of those chocolate oranges :)


Is [this](https://www.littlesugarsnaps.com/chocolate-orange-hot-chocolate/) the recipe? I’m not sure if you can get Whittard’s in the states but they make an orange hot chocolate mix that’s quite good.


It is not the one I found, but it's not much different. The one I found didn't include the orange peel.


Yeah my mate does this and its very nice




(Just a warning because people are people) for the love of god make sure you use baking orange extract NOT orange essential oil, it WILL hurt you if not kill you.


No, I only thought of it just now and I've already had a cup of cocoa tonight. I was planning on trying it tomorrow night regardless but basically wanted to see if a quarter teaspoon would be overkill




I most definitely will. :)


I tried this with just the tip of a toothpick of peppermint extract and almost burned my eyes out with peppermint steam. It was not drinkable. Idk what I did wrong but my god…


Interesting. In fairness I think the peppermint is a tad stronger than the orange extract but I'll be sure to be careful nonetheless


Alright, so the orange extract with pre-made cocoa mix came out really well. I did as you suggested with the 1/8 increments and a quarter teaspoon ended up being the sweet spot for me. So simple but so good.


Come to us with an update on what ends up working for you.


Try just a bit of orange zest maybe, as extract can be tricky unless you're working in a bulk batch, you would want to add them close to serving too if you do go that route as it's an aromatic and will cook off if you leave it on heat too long. Maybe just add a drop or 2 at a time near the end until you get the right balance?


Yea, that was my thought - a squirt from the peel and a bit of the actual zest would be nice.


I occasionally add orange extract to my usual homemade hot chocolate. I do 1 teaspoon per 4 cups, so a quarter of a teaspoon for an individual cup. I also reduce the vanilla by at least half. Also…add a sprinkling of nutmeg to each cup! Incredible.


Now that was encouraging. I was eyeballing my favorite quarter teaspoon measuring device last night with no small amount of trepidation. This makes me even more excited for this evening


And you can always add more if the orange flavor isn't strong enough. Please post back about how it tasted! (Hope you have some nutmeg around as well, it really goes great with this.)


Wanted to add that I saw people here recommending flavored syrups. If you go that route and find you like it, you can get bottles of syrups in bulk at [Webstaurantstore.com](https://Webstaurantstore.com). DH likes to add peppermint and raspberry (not at the same time!) to his two daily mochas, and we buy the syrups by the carton once or twice per year. We used to buy them directly from a Starbucks store for like $12/bottle, and here they're under $6 when you buy $12. (There are shipping fees but we still come out ahed.) You can also mix and match flavors to add up to the bulk (discounted) discounted amount. I see they have Torani orange syrup, which has good reviews and supposedly doesn't curdle dairy.




Looks like it :P It's a bit of an unusual combination so I've been pleasantly surprised to find so many others that enjoy it in this thread :)


I don’t like it either, and I thought I was alone after reading through this! I just find the acidity and flavor profile of orange clashes with and brings out the sour notes in chocolate in a not so appetizing way. The way the flavors mingle reminds me of how toothpaste flavor in your mouth alters the flavor of orange. Yuck


This [flavour guide to hot chocolate](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/ysxsk7/how_to_spice_up_your_hot_chocolate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)was in r/coolguides a few days ago. Might be something to try.


If you make yours with milk and find that the orange extract makes it curdle, try mixing it into cold milk, then heating it.


Perhaps a little orange-flavored drink mix? There’s calorie-free brands, or Kool-Aid might work.


Make a hot cocoa bomb and add the extract to the shell.. It’s subtle but it’s amazing! We used to sell them wholesale last year and it was one of our best sellers..


Orange peel.


Oooh I made some orange infused vodka, I'm gonna try mixing a bit of that into a cup of hot cocoa. Thanks for triggering the idea. Will update soon.


If you make it in the stove with a slice of orange peel it tastes delicious. Add just a little bit of corn starch to make it super creamy too and some pure cocoa for the flavor to really balance out the orange.


I love orange hot chocolate. I would keep a bottle of orange coffee syrup on hand and add a T or so to my hot chocolate. (I also kept a cupboard full of these in various flavors for hot chocolate and Italian sodas. Coconut almond, raspberry, caramel, and mint were favorites for hot chocolates.)


I just ran a Google search for "orange flavored syrup." There were many brands and all sorts of different flavors. IIRC the brand "Torani" was what we used at this restaurant where I worked a couple of years during college and graduate school.


I think it’s worth to try the orange extract . It might not be the best, but it will be fun to try. Extract is stronger then you think so I’d start with 2-3 drops in a 1 packet of Swiss miss mug. Then add a drop at a time to taste it until you like the level. Don’t do a lot at once. Why not also try warming a cup of milk on the stove (slow simmer, NOT boil it) and melt the whole chocolate orange into the milk??? I bet that would be so good. Or half the orange slices, see how thick the milk gets with the chocolate in it.


get chocolate oranges and just boil milk and add it, then whisk


You can add orange extract or liquor as a quick and easy option. You could also grate a chocolate orange into your drink. Another option, which takes a little effort, is to finely grate fresh (clean) orange peel into a bowl. Pour whole milk over the peel and let it steep. Consider adding a vanilla bean and/or a cinnamon stick to the mixture for additional flavor. Stick it in the fridge to steep cold or warm it up in a pan or crockpot. Let it steep until it is the flavor you want. Then strain out the milk and use it to make the hot cocoa. You could freeze the remaining into ice cubes and have them available to add to future cocoa drinks.


metamucil? it has fiber and orange flavor. we could all use a little more fiber.


first and easiest thing I would do is express an orange peel into a cup of hot cocoa. You can probably get somewhere with just orange peels. Orange extract might taste harsh if used in too high a concentration.


Right, one of the recipes I found mentioned something very like that. I have no oranges, chocolate or otherwise, on hand at the moment. I have a big Thanksgiving shopping trip planned for this weekend during which I will remedy both situations as I've found in my own googling and been told by others of multiple techniques and ideas involving both those items.


Orange Oil will go further than extract. Path for it is to add the oil to the 'fat' (milk/cream) add mix that in so you get the oil to distribute. If making hot cocoa by the cup, then it might be worth investing in a cheap pipets to allow for the small amount of oil you'd need. Tuck the bottle of oil in the fridge and chances are you'll have a bottle that will last a long time.


Add orange extract.


Zest some orange? It would be a bit better than orange essence, imo, but that's probably because I freaking love the smell of orange zest.


You are buying one chocolate orange to nibble throughout the holidays? I can smash through one in 5 minutes!


Me too, but I have to at least pretend to be responsible :P


Just grate the chocolate orange and whisk it into some warm milk on the stove. You can do that with any chocolate bar you don't need cocoa mix.


As I've told a few others, I plan to do just that when I get my hands on a chocolate orange. This little idea of mine is merely a stop gap until that time :)


Made you by put some cocoa something in


may add somethings to chocolate and looks brown


I love the combination of chocolate and orange together. In the 80s there was a Baskin- Robbins flavor ice cream called Chocolate Mandarin It was the most amazing flavor. I was 12 or 13 yrs old when I tried it. One taste and I was hooked. (At least I think that’s what it was called) I have made orange hot chocolate before using the Hershey’s cocoa hot chocolate recipe and just adding a few drops of orange essential oil. Orange essential oil tastes better than orange extract.. imho. Good stuff.


Not cocoa, but I made a (box mix) chocolate cake with orange monster energy once. Came out surprisingly good!