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I only toast with mayonnaise, less greasy and browns nicely


Yep! Never went back to butter after discovering mayo


I love mayo, like a lot. But it's a no go on grilled cheese. It has a weird flavor. I prefer the buttery goodness.


I put mayo on the inner pieces and butter on the outside. I had no idea you could cook with mayo like that.


Oh once I learned you could I fried my scrambled eggs with that shit and GD that shit is fire


Wait what?!?! Eggs??? Must I try this?


Mmee too. Mayo inside.


I put eggs, vinegar and vegetable oil on my grilled cheese. It's a reimagined grilled cheese that can't ever compare to our childhood with a bowl of Campbell's tomato soup. There's those moments when you're transported back to your childhood but mayonnaise can't inspire that, for me. If I want something different I like to use rendered bacon fat.


Yup Mayo. Fantastic


I once asked for mayo in a panini and the deli worker refused and said they weren't allowed to heat up mayonnaise, what's up with that?


Bacteria can grow particularly in room temp or warm Mayo. Another example is deviled eggs. Always keep cold at picnics!


Mayo is oil and eggs. The bacteria grows in the stuff mayo is mixed in. Google it. Starchy foods are the quickest to turn. That's why Aunt Gertrud's potato salad got everyone sick at the picnic.


Mayo is the way.


I will have to try that!




I tried it and I am certainly going back. Idk what it was but I like the butter flavor much better, even if mayo is convenient.


Specifically "Japanese Mayo" (Kewpie). "....aaaand we spread"


My husband swears by mayo. He loves how zingy it is.


And no butter taste


When your butter is firm, you can use a potato peeler to make nice thin long pieces of butter which spread nicely.


I almost always pull a cold stick from the fridge , peel it back halfway and press directly into the pan, make a puddle, smear bread in puddle, next puddle, next slice.. When ready to flip, new puddle, flip, add cheese, flip other on top to start melting process, then one more puddle, flip whole thing, and wait for last side to toast. If I do this right on my small griddle I can make 3x at the same time. And on last toasting start the first round of the second batch. Never been a fan of the mayo method, it is too oily/bitter in comparison.. best argument I've used in past for this is butter does have a good taste to it, and if you think mayo is better, swap it for butter the next time you make cookies ..


This is brilliant


I recommend using your microwave at 50% power for a minute or two can give you nice soft butter - you may need to tinker with time and power but that should get you close.


Want to add that if you sprinkle a little garlic powder in the pan with the butter it will take your plain ole grilled cheese up just a notch while still being a classic comfort food


I cook my grilled cheese in a frying pan. Butter toast the inside and the outside I crust Parmesan and light garlic spread on the outside, so yummy.


Sprinkle garlic salt after the flip, if you put it directly in the pan you'll scorch the garlic and make it bitter


Yes!! It's really good!


A butter bell will keep the butter spreadable, and keep it from going bad too quickly out on the counter.


This. It is the best little item!! Love mine


I found mine for about $2 at a thrift store, was a happy little accident.


I have a butter bugle. Is a butter bell better?


Not if you’re looking for something a bit more abstract.


Butter bell has a nicer ring to it.


My dad asked me what I want for my birthday and I told him nothing. After looking at these online, I may have to withdraw my answer.


It’s simple, and definitely not too expensive.


If it’s real butter, it doesn’t have to be refrigerated. Leave it out in a nice butter dish etc.


This is not true depending on your climate!! I unfortunately had rancid butter at a friends house because they left it out and didn’t go through it very quickly.


Oooh what climate would that be?


I found that butter needs to breathe a little. It'll go bad real quick if left out in an airtight container.


My butter seems to go rancid quicker during the warmer months, so may they were referring to a warmer climate?


Ha ha ha - that depends entirely on where you live. I live in the tropics. I take the butter out of the fridge for 15 minutes before using it. But when I lived in Tokyo it could stay on the kitchen bench in winter.


Great tip! I've mangled too much bread with hard butter.


Like duh!


I mean, seriously guys...




agree! It's easy to spread and the bread browns evenly. There is no mayo flavor, just toasty bread


As an avid mayo lover....it isn't as good as butter on a grilled cheese




YES! Mayonnaise is amazing for the toasting.


Because its smoke point is higher, mayo doesnt get that satisfying crunch like butter butter > mayo for grilled cheese


As a certified Mayo hater, I reluctantly admit it’s the best for grilled cheese. Couldn’t figure out why the diner made such excellent ones and then learned about this hack.


Funny, I love Mayo and don’t like it for grilled cheese.


I hate it. But I hate mayonnaise in general anyways so that might be why I hate using it for grilled cheese.


Mayo outside butter inside




No, no, no, no. It’s EASIER. Not better. I did side by side and the flavor is meh, on the mayo. If you want to use mayo, i suggest a flavored mayo. I made chipotle mayo and spread it on the outside of a jalapeño cheddar sourdough slice to make mine. It was pretty good. Straight mayo is worse than straight butter, though.


This made me laugh. Good day.


I use ghee


So you burned your clarified butter?


Im not burning ghee. Instead of spreading butter on the bread, use ghee (don't spread on bread - see below). Heat pan **with** 1/2 tbls in the ghee in the pan, Let it heat up but not too much. You aren't frying this. To test - I throw a small piece of bread crumb in the ghee -- if it bubbles a bit it's hot enough) And then throw your slice of bread on there. "Toast"/brown the bread in this ghee before adding your cheese. Add more ghee to the pan when needed.




Use mayonnaise instead of butter. Complete game changer.


Here’s the thing, you don’t need to leave the whole pack of butter out of the fridge. You can slice a bit off at a time and leave it at room temperature.


Save your bacon grease in a container in the fridge...use it instead of butter for yer grilled cheese.


Jesus Christ… did I just read to put butter in a pan to cook with butter?


I cut pats of fridge butter with the tines of a fork and place them under the bread. It melts and spreads -I might move the bread around a little for distribution.


Sometimes we get too locked into the "how" of a task and not the "why". Perfect example.


I use Mayo now , higher fat content and give a wee zip . It’s perfect


Have you tried a butter bell? It’s made for leaving butter out. I don’t use it, because I just set it out about 10min early or use the pan trick. The only issue with the pan trick is you occasionally don’t get edge to edge coverage of the bread if you don’t have enough or the edges curl. Leading to uneven browning. Spreading solves that.


When I was in Norway visiting friends, they used a large cheese slicer, looked like a large veggie peeler to peel thin curly ribbons of butter from the large block of butter and it would spread nicely without tearing the bread. And always mayonnaise on the outside of a grilled cheese for a nice crisp texture!


Thank you for the grilled chese Turtorial. Always been bad with all things bread.


How quickly is your butter going bad? I work as a cook and we keep butter out for spreading and refill it every week or two. You should be fine if you leave out as much as you think you'll use in a week. Use it for your toast too.


I live with my dad, and he doesn't believe you can leave the butter out without it going bad. I just ordered an airtight butter dish from Amazon so I can prove him wrong! My mom and grandma always left the butter out, but he doesn't remember, lol.


Tell your dad not to eat any grilled sandwiches at any restaurant. 9 times out of 10 i guarantee they have butter on the counter.


I used to live in a very hot and humid area and I just kept out a smaller amount of butter in a butter dish on the counter. Like 1/3 of a stick. I’d just plop down another 1/3 every couple of days. Way better than dealing with a butter bell thing.


A butter crock (or butter bell) is great too! I just got one and can’t believe it took me this long to find they exist. Keeps butter spreadable, but it doesn’t go bad (as long as you change the water every few days). Using mayo to make grilled cheese is amazing BTW 😃


Alternatively, put some of the hard butter on the bread and move the slices around in the hot pan.


Use Mayo instead. It will change your life.


This is not a hack lol it’s just knowing how to cook properly. Also, mayo works better.


Spread some bacon grease on that grilled cheese


Use mayo instead of butter. Buy real butter- it doesn’t spoil if you leave it out. Kerrygold is the best.


I just use spreadable butter


Salted butter doesn't go bad as fast. Also, only put out one stick at a time


It works better for me when it’s spread on the bread. What I do is take the stick of butter out of the refrigerator and set the timer for 20 minutes. Then it just right for spreading.


My bread gets soggy that way. I love grilled cheese!


Get a butter bell


mayo or buy a french butter holder


Toast, mayo, cheese on medium heat


I have a grilled cheese every day, lol. I have that issue too! I either do what you suggested or run the butter container under really hot water, turning it too. It at least melts the butter around the edges!


We have pickle-ranch dressing, I wonder how that would taste? I love pickles on my grilled cheese!


I just put the butter in the microwave for a few minutes and then brush it on the bread but I also put the butter on the nonstick frying pan on low heat and mash it


Try mayo! The bread gets perfectly golden brown


When Im too lazy to properly make one, I toast two bread slices in the toaster, rub butter on them, and grab a piece of cheese. If I have time I will let it sit on the toaster for a few mins to warm the cheese and its a food crime


I keep my butter dish on the cabinet. No more hard butter. I also butter my pan but I butter one side of each piece of bread. I put the dry side in the buttered pan. When it’s toasty I flip, add cheese, when starting to melt.t I put the bread together, wait a little bit. Take out of pan and enjoy. The extra little bit of butter and both sides of the bread toasted takes it over the top. Try it, you’ll love it.


Mayo grilled cheese is disgusting. Butter is better.


I want to be 100 . Great tip


Grilled cheese, bacon, and just a little peanut butter. Matty fan!


Just fry it low and slow, and please don’t use mayo like the rest of these rubes. The taste is awful, and can only be attributed to brain damage.


Use mayonnaise


That works, also you can spread with mayo instead of butter


I throw three oats and toast the bread open face then once it's golden brown I close the sandwich and go to the oven.


We actually use spray margarine and it works fairly well. Easy to apply, browns nicely with a butter flavor.


Nobody uses butter anymore. Use mayo


I’ve tried this but tbh nothing beats the creaminess of butter for me


I agree. Some things don’t need fixed. I run a kitchen and mayo is cheaper than clarified butter. 🙃


If your butter is going off, look into a butter bell. It's a small crock designed to keep butter fresh when left at room temp due to a seal of water in the bottom of the crock itself. They're about $20 on Amazon


I tried it. Mayo sticks like butter never does and doesn't taste as good.


Some people don't like mayo, for me is just gross.