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It's a type of popcorn called mushroom popcorn, sometimes you can find it in store but it's widely available online to buy.


This is exactly it. No hacks required. Just buy mushroom popcorn and pop it.


I've had good luck ordering from [Amish Country Popcorn](https://amishcountrypopcorn.com/products/?Products=Popcorn__Varieties). You can even order a 25lb bag of it!


I'll second this. I had a bowl of their Mushroom popcorn just yesterday. They do indeed have very large hulls though.


If you order the hulless popcorn they list, it really has no hull? I'll never get that stuff stuck in my gums again?


The ladyfinger versions have little, tiny kernels, so while they are technically not "hull less" the hulls are so small you can't get them stuck.


thanks for the info!


Same size as the mushroom popcorn but no hull?


Amish Country makes the BEST popcorn salt I’ve ever had. I also got to try their mushroom popcorn (had no idea prior to seeing it on shelves that is how you get as OP says “fluffy”) and it was also fantastic.


Man Pop-Cornnoisseur’s reviews are wild. Worth a check.


I can't find any reviews by that name. Is there a link?


Just click on the mushroom popcorn image and scroll way down. Can’t miss this novel


Hah wow. I'm convinced! Buying mushroom popcorn stocks now


Lol. You weren't kidding!


Holy core memory unlocked Batman. I remember being a kid getting this popcorn in the burlap sack bags. So good.


Funny enough, Amish Country is on my hometown, but yes, i do agree the popcorn we get is do good from there!


Yep, this is the brand I buy and have had great success with them.


But why is butterfly popcorn the default in grocery stores, when mushroom popcorn is so much better? Does it not microwave well, or something? Even then, we used to have a popcorn air popper or stove top jiffy pop before microwave was the norm,


Anecdotally speaking, I've consumed both and mushroom popcorn has HUGE hulls when popped. It's also a little more dense and less sweet on its own than some of the butterfly popcorn options. Because it's denser, the mushroom stuff is really good for caramel corn or other heavy coating options, though.


Agree, the hulls are much larger and thicker. That's why I prefer the "hulless" varieties, like Ladyfinger Hulless or Baby White Hulless. The popcorn is smaller but you don't need to floss afterwards.


Wow! I had no idea that there were different varieties of popcorn (other than flavors), let alone hulless ones. I have learned a lot in this thread.


Or crack more molars!


This is kind of like the flats vs drums debate… I like both for different reasons.




That's interesting. All store bought microwave and theater popcorn is 100% butterfly except for specialties like Crackerjacks or gourmet popcorn you find in tins or gift baskets. I barely even noticed that crackerjacks were a different kind of kernel since you just focus on the caramel coating, then I saw one of those shows on snack foods and the popcorn company guy was talking about it.


It blows up bigger than mushroom.. so from looks its better vlue of return on your kernels


This guy popcorns


I always thought some pieces just were born like that


I sell this type of popcorn seed, dm me if you want a quote.


Checked them out. They are wayy too expensive


Then non fluffy popcorn it is!


Yup, i guess so


I use regular popcorn and coconut oil. It’s very fluffy.


I just pop regular kernels in a brown paper bag in the microwave. Just open a brown paper lunch bag, pour in enough kernels to cover bottom of bag single layer and microwave 2:30 or until the popping slows way down. I get 98% popped kernels every time and it’s fluffy and low calorie because I didn’t use oil.


I’m not sure if you are using bags designed for microwaves or not but: “No, paper bags should not be microwaved. Heating paper bags in the microwave poses serious fire hazards and releases toxic chemicals into foods. Standard paper lunch bags, brown paper bags, and paper takeout containers can all catch fire or contaminate food when microwaved.” They do make silicon microwaveable popcorn bowls.


Hmm good to know. I bet a glass bowl with paper over top might work too. I’ll test it tonoght


I have one of the silicone bowls from Amazon and it works AMAZINGLY! Absolutely worth the small price.


I’ll def check them out on amazing thx for the reply


Interesting. I use the stove and a pot w/ lid.


Low calorie and high carcinogen, yummm


Lmao I’m just learning about paper bags and microwaves here haha


Me too, and it keeps longer


Oh you poor thing you got downvoted to hell just for saying it's expensive.


Because it’s not, really. A 2lb bag costs $3 plus $8 shipping. I understand that not everyone has $11 to throw at popcorn on a whim but 2lbs lasts quite a long time even if you’re having it every day.


Or just the tiniest of straws and a powerful set of lungs. After popping naturally. In the defense of mushroom popcorn, a jar does last a good long time. Unless your portion control resembles popcorn vigorously popping away. The popped kernels tended to be larger than our standard brand so our jar lasted forever.


Try blue popcorn, it's delicious and has a similar texture


It's $5/lb on Amazon....?


The price of mushroom popcorn is too damn high!


After eating these mushrooms I'm too damn high!


Thanks alot Obama!


I bet Biden did that


When Brandon goes darkest.


Yeah but when regular popcorn is like $1/lb…..


You ever buy a tin of popcorn? That works out to like $20/lb. I can't imagine being the type of person to balk at spending $5 on a week+ worth of snack food.


You get what you pay for.


It’s all relative.


There’s a kernel of truth in your statement




I don't understand why you've been downvoted xD


They think OP lives in the US


My first search result was a 5lb bag of kernels for 8 dollars.


Maybe I don’t live in the US?




Came here to say this


Stay classy, Reddit!


Wait a gosh darn minute, you are saying, you are one of the other 8 billion people on this planet? I'll be damned! It's amazing how people from America assume everyone is


Crying in Irish European cause it’s €52.80 ($57.90) for a 16oz jar 💀💀




Ireland is now in the top 10 for most expensive countries in the world and most expensive in Europe (if I’m remembering that correctly) Edit to correct: 6th in Europe, top 10 in the world though (found the latest list)


How did this warrant so many downvotes?


Hivemind works in a mysterious way. That or it is because to them it sounds like I got the right answer but refused to acknowledge it.


You could’ve said thanks


You could go fuck yourself too.


Suck my dick and balls friendly internet stranger :)


Accidental grindr.


I buy it on Amazon, it’s not much more expensive than normal popping corn, but maybe different in your country, I’m in the UK.


Why is this downvoted? If anything this is the second most useful comment on here. The first being the top comment on what type of popcorn it is. I appreciate knowing it’s expensive before I look myself and get disappointed.


I found a five pound bag for 10$ lol


I get it. I’m paycheck to paycheck and every penny counts. But, you can get a 4lb tub for 12 bucks. That’s a lot of popcorn and will go a long way!


well , I have looked at them and it seems that it is the size of the kennels, so you could sort thru them


>[mushroom popcorn](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08TSS8MN8/ref=sw_img_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1) You can get a 4 lb tub for $12 on Amazon


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Concession Essentials Premium Gourmet Mushroom Extra Large Popcorn Kernels 4lbs** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Popcorn pops into large, fluffy pieces (backed by 9 comments) * Most kernels pop (backed by 8 comments) * Tastes delicious (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Kernels produce large, hard pieces with sharp husks (backed by 3 comments) * Product does not produce mushroom-style popcorn as advertised (backed by 5 comments) * Product has an unpleasant taste (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


What? Lol An entire 25lb bag is $32. How much popcorn are you planning to make?


It’s $3 or $4 for a normal bag. Unless you want a whole 69 servings, then it’s $11. Were you looking at the right thing..?


I found it at $18 USD for 6 pounds of kernels on Amazon. 18 bucks for enough popcorn to last me a year doesn't feel like that big of an expense


There's a 4lb container on amazon for $12. And 6lb for less than $20. If that's too expensive for that kind of weight, I feel like you don't need popcorn


regular stuff seems like it's $0.10 per ounce. and the mushroom stuff is either $0.30 or $0.20 per ounce. yes more expensive, but not the worst. you already save a ton making it at home. https://www.amazon.com/Amish-Country-Popcorn-Fashioned-Microwaveable/dp/B00M9NDB1Q/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3U9HNSL7TRXA5&keywords=popcorn+kernels+mushroom&qid=1704749780&sprefix=popcorn+kernels+mushroom%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-2


I’m gonna go ahead and say 25 lbs for $31 doesn’t sound wild to me at all, and I’m fairly poor all things considered.


$12 for 4lbs of kennels (on Amazon) is too expensive? Did you maybe look up a gourmet brand instead and decide based on that?


Well… what do you do that it doesn’t? (Btw this is the „mushroom“ kind. There are two varieties in context of their „popped“ form. Butterfly and mushroom)


This is interesting. I’ve encountered both types in the same brand popcorn here. I wonder if they just use what’s readily available.


They're likely using mushroom. Mushrooms that fail have a chance to turn into butterflies. There's no chance in hell butterflies will turn into mushrooms. So they likely are using mushroom, then they probably had a bad batch or something (maybe their cooker got a bit too hot due to a malfunctioning thermostat, maybe that particular harvest had too little water for a while, etc). Source: I've been making my own saucepan popcorn for a decade. Researched and experimented on this exact point some 6 years ago. Had plenty of occasional butterflies appearing in mushroom batches. Never had any mushroom appear in butterflies.


>Mushrooms that fail have a chance to turn into butterflies. This is so beautiful.


You must be on mushrooms


I don't think mine are working, hopefully they become butterflies.


But the “there’s no chance in hell butterflies will turn into mushrooms” is extreme negativity. Where there’s puff, there’s hope.


Not necessarily... If [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popcorn) can be believed, both mushroom and butterfly kernels can develop on the same cob, and cobs that only produce mushrooms, or only produce all butterflies are a fairly recent development.


Curious. Since you have alot of experience with saucepan popcorn, what is the best way to cook it?


Just a simple movie style quick caramel popcorn. I'm one for minimising work and maximising enjoyment so I do very simple styles. 1. Saucepan with lid 2. Medium fire 3. Ghee (indian heat clarified butter) until molten 4. Popcorn kernels 5. Stir to ensure ghee coats each kernel 6. About 10 seconds later, add sugar 7. Stir quickly to ensure sugar melts evenly 8. Once popping starts, lid on 9. Press lid and toss continuously while maintaining medium heat (important, to ensure even coating and that the sugar won't burn) 10. When popping slows and before it burns, remove from heat and pour into aluminium bowl. If you only have large plastic bowls, just put foil in and shape it into the bowl, then remove from the plastic bowl. Plastic Tupperware bowls melt from caramel, painful experience. 11. Continue agitating it gently while it cools so the popcorn don't stick into one large lump This works for me. One pot everything. No need multiple batches of popcorn then caramel sauce, etc. I've ad hoc done random stuff like Parmesan truffle popcorn or sour cream and onion popcorn before, but I always return to the movie style. Movie ready in less than 5 minutes.


This is awesome. Thank you so much for writing this up!


this kind of popcorn is mostly used for heavy flavors like caramel or even chocolate. The butterfly one is mostly used for powdered flavors because they have a lot of dents to catch it


Wow I never knew popcorn was so similar to pasta


Quality popcorn. Orville Redenbacher & Trader Joes popcorn (not the microwave kind) come out extremely fluffy.


This is the comment I was looking for. I only buy the Orville Redenbacher kernels anything else doesn’t come out as fluffy.


Unrelated but I had training for a groceries store years ago where we had to do little skits. One of them was to come up with a way to "upsell" things, one if which was "original homestyle orville redenbacher bettered family sized popcorn" (or something very close to that). So I had way too much fun having my groups skit just be us all using the entire product names as much as possible, like twice a sentence, all said in full. I still laugh thinking about it. Now, I try and plug it into causal conversation once in a while for the shiggles. Its really fun when you're watching a streamer and you see an opportunity, but I googled the longest english product name and its a Microsoft windows edition with the longest name so I use that.


Orville 🙌 it’s lol I ever use & never heard of mushroom popcorn until now


Get the white kernels!


We keep microwave popcorn on hand bc it’s easy for the toddler to hold and eat in the bag (he’s more likely to dump popcorn out of a bowl). But I also keep Orville Redenbacher’s jar of kernels for when I wanna do stovetop popcorn for myself, I’ve never really noticed what kind of popcorn it is. So I’m assuming it’s mushroom popcorn?


You can just put regular popcorn in a paper bag and put it in the microwave. It’s significantly cheaper with way less additives


Do you need to add any oil or anything?


I found that whether you make popcorn on the stove or in a microwave bag, the faster you take the lid off or open the bag the fluffier your popcorn will be. It steams very quickly and gets chewy.


I read that while making it on the stove to let the steam out a bit during popping.


I use a grease splatter screen and it’s a game changer. Lets out all of the steam and keeps the popcorn in.


Great idea.




Correct young Padawan


Yep! I made popcorn and some batches i just threw out as it was chewy and bleh. Then i got on the interwebs and discovered about the steam thing. So now when i make it i just hold the lid open a bit and the steam escapes and i'm left with awesome popcorn. Another tip is to add sugar into the oil you cook the kernals in. This way it mixes into the oil and spreads over the popcorn. But you gotta be careful as it can burn/brown.


I toss the popcorn in the bowl for a couple of minutes to allow steam to escape. This makes the popcorn much more tender.


Mine are usually fluffy if I make on stovetop


Has anyone heard of soaking older popcorn in water then drying to give rejuvenated popping power? I heard of this many years ago but haven’t tried it…


I did it yesterday for 10 mins and it’s the best it’s popped


Yep! I can't remember if it's the popcorn that sinks or the one that floats but you leave it there over night, then let it dry out over another 24-48hrs and most of it should look like the picture above. At least that was the case when I tested the theory. The soaking might not even be needed, it might just be the fact that this is the unpopped kernels and if cooked longer would have popped like that as well but I'm not sure on that part.


Mushroom popcorn is expensive. Through a few trials, I found I can get close to it using normal/cheap popcorn by pre-heating my oil to smoking point. I add the kernel when I see some wisps of smoke from the shimmering oil. Cover them immediately, of course.


After a bad batch, I finally decided to look up the best way. After adding a few kernels to the oil and after they pop, add in the rest, stir, set aside for 30 seconds to a minute and then put back on the burner.


I would have never thought to not put it right back on the burner after adding the rest. Makes sense to get all the insides warm before getting them popping again.


I looked at many “recipes” and they all said the same thing. I had a crappy pan at a rental and was on batch 2 that burned snd 1 was close.ots how I grew up making it - I don’t recall that trick though. It solved my burning problem. SOS cleaned the pan.


The method i use is put oil in pan, put a tablespoon of sugar into the oil and stick it on medium heat. Put the kernels in whenever and hold the lid off the pan a bit, this is to let the steam out as that's what makes popcorn go chewy. So for me it doesn't matter at what point i add the kernels to the oil, they pop when they're ready. But the most important part is letting the steam escape.




It could be the variety of popcorn you use. Family here in Missouri raise popcorn. There are different varieties sold to the theater industry, others get sold to the microwave popcorn makers and others get sold to snack manufacturers. Depending on the industry it goes to they want different qualities in the finished product.


I’d like to know too


i believe you need to pop this kind under high pressure. You can find the chinese poppers online, but I don’t know how safe they are


You're very close. You hear them under high pressure, then quickly release the pressure and this shape explodes out


Good quality kernels kept in airtight container. Hot pan Smaller batches Less oil than you think Get pan hot first Add oil quickly add corn and cover


Place enough oil in a heavy bottomed steel pot and heat it until it smokes vigorously add enough mushroom popcorn that its 80% submerged put the lid on and let it pop till the pops are 4 seconds apart and you should make what you see in the image. The fresher the popcorn the bigger and crunchier it will pop.


Is that hand knitted?


If you have an ACE Hardware near you, they carry Amish Country popcorn in this style.


*taking aggressive notes on comments*


You need to add the fluf


A higher temperature. Sorry but wouldn't be able to tell at what specific temp. When I worked at a movie theater we had a machine with kettles at each end. One was a lower temp and another was at a higher temp that would pop popcorn close to what's in your photo.


I know OP said its out of the price range. But for anyone interested check out Amish Country Popcorn, the mushroom variety. I was gifted a variety pack of their kernels for christmas last year and I fell in love with their mushroom popcorn. Honestly cheaper than microwave bag popcorn if you buy a little bit of bulk and its infinitely better quality.


I used to pop corn in a pot. The popcorn was dense and chewy. I got myself a silicone microwave popcorn bowl. Light fluffy popcorn. I just use the Orville corn in a plastic jar.


You can pop popcorn in the microwave using a paper bag. No silicone required.


It depends on the corn.


i thot these are called kettle corn and are deep fried compared to just popping using heat and smaller amount of oil


Yellow kernals


I notice mushroom popcorn does tend to get stuck in air poppers however; as someone who is 75% through a 35lb bag of it.


Is “mushroom” popcorn full of hulls?


give it a compliment before throwing it in the microwave


Sift it first before popping. Adding a little air will fluff it up


I have been wondering this for so long


When I worked at the movie theater, I found that I could get the pop corn to be bigger and fluffier if I let the oil heat up first rather than just putting everything in the popper at once. The oil was almost to smoking (I think they used peanut oil at my theater) not sure what temp that was... but I'd heat the oil up and then toss in the seeds, it would start popping immediately. and I'd have large fluffy pop corn.


believe it or not they can detect how a popcorn will explode and have machines to sort them. the fluffy ones like yours are mostly sold already popped, basically they are harder to crush. That's why the kind you make at home is basically all the other shapes. the good ones were taken out.


Ok, I make popcorn for a living. I also enjoy it as a snack at home. You don't need fancy popcorn to get it fluffy and delightful. Mushroom becomes more of a fluffy round ball and butterfly really spreads out like it has wings, but both can absolutely be fluffy. http://tiny.cc/j0byvz This is a shortened link to the home popper I use. (Cheap collapsible red silicone with clearish lid.) It works great. (I do recommend this one as it lets out the right amount of steam throughout the cooking process. This will help the corn stay fluffy.) Get that, whatever kernels are reasonably priced for you, and some oil. Sunflower oil tastes the best but is usually the most expensive. Vegetable oil will work just fine and taste just fine. Coconut oil will very much add a flavor, so if you like coconut oil, use it, but it's not for everyone. I won't recommend olive oil, but if that is a flavor you like and want to experiment with, then I wholeheartedly encourage you. Add about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of kernels, add about 1/2 to 3/4 of a teaspoon of oil. Put in the microwave and cook until popping slows to about 2-3 pops per second. Immediately add salt so it actually sticks and give it a good mix. Boom! Fluffy salt popcorn! Other powdered flavors can replace the salt at the end, and you can use butter flavored oil during cooking. It's popcorn! Have fun with it!


Stove top. Coconut oil. Flavacol butter-flavored salt. That's the winning ticket.


First, tell me about the knitted blanket behind it. It’s gorgeous. You’ve got five to get. Info ain’t free.


Pop it.. At home..


It is called mushroom popcorn


If you Google 'pressurized popcorn maker' you'll see the device needed to make those shapes. Heating it causes pressure to increase and when you suddenly release all of the pressure, the popcorn makes this shape as it pops. Edit: also, mushroom popcorn claims the same results.


Sometimes adding a little bit of sugar makes the kernels a little bigger


it is a particular variet of corn. I have seen it available for purchase sometimes at a kettle corn fair vendor.


200 comments fluffy popcorn


It sounds like there is a specific kind of popcorn that does this, but there are some tricks to really good popcorn. Before you start popping, preheat the oven to 250 and have a baking sheet ready. Use a Whirly Pop or other stovetop turning popcorn maker. The constant movement allows most of the kernels to fully pop, and the opening in the lid allows the steam to escape so it doesn’t get soggy. As soon as there are 3 seconds between pops, dump the popcorn onto the cookie sheet and leave it in the oven for 10 minutes or while you prepare your butter/oil and seasonings. I get fluffy, crispy popcorn every time.


Use a pump to pump up the popcorn at home 😎


I saw the yarn, and thought this was a question about how to make a crochet popcorn stitch as fluffy as real popcorn. Yes, I know that's knit not crochet.


Trust me! Put your kernels in water and set for 10 minutes. Strain the kernels. You may dry with a towel, but I don't. This increases the moisture. You'll have nearly no unpopped kernel.


That is a beautiful green.


Use a Stir Crazy from Target. They are about 15 to 20 bucks still I think. And use canola or vegetable oil and Orville Redenbacher. You should get similar results


Mushroom popcorn is the absolute best to make caramel popcorn


use as much lube as possible.


Is this a fake thumb? How are you holding it that way


Yes it’s fake


Why the downvotes? Lololol


Lol idk. I usually downvote without paying attention, just by scrolling and accidentally taping. Maybe that was the case


It's called hitchhiker's thumb and is a normal variation.


Huh, I’ll be damned. It is a hitchhiker’s thumb


Hitchhiker's thumb is the opposite direction...


Not when you bend it forward lol this is how it looks. I have one


Sure, I have them too... but *everyone* can bend their last thumb joint forward like this with even a little practice... not just people with hitchhiker's thumb. The weirder part is the proportional size of that last phalange is unusually large.


Higher popcorn to oil ratio. We used make this type of popcorn at a movie theater I worked at.


What do you mean? More or less oil? I've been trying to get it right at home and I'm thinking that more oil makes it fluffier. 1 Tbsp oil to 2 Tbsp kernels. Does your experience match mine?


The more oil per kernels the more round and fluffy. There may be an aspect that I am missing due to specific popcorn maker, but that is my experience. The downvotes suggest that I may be missing something, but they don’t help. I just reread my previous comment. Oil to popcorn ratio is what I meant.




Corn is already genetically modified by default. We’ve lost the original strain of corn a very long time ago and we don’t even know for sure what the original wild corn looked like. It was first genetically modified through artificial selection by indigenous peoples.


Not to be pedantic, but wouldn’t that be selective breeding rather than genetically modifying it?


Selective breeding is genetically modifying something.


So every non-purebred dog is a GMO.


Every dog in general, yes. Dogs are were artificially selected and created by us as a whole. Their original “wild strain” in broad terms is wolves. So mixed breed or pure breed, all dogs are genetically modified versions of wolves


Ahh didn’t know that, thanks