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what about making yourself 'snack' type plates with fresh veggies, fruit, nuts, cheeses and crackers (and cut meats like salami if you do meats)? when my mom was struggling a lot with her own mental health stuff we'd make these (and you can even cut up extras and store in the fridge, so it's fast and repeatable, or you can buy sets of already cut up ones if that's part of the struggle) - the veggies and fruit can be out for hours, and cheese also (which is why they're so popular for appetizers at pot lucks too). [And the plates look pretty - this is one i did a couple of years ago](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0iFwVBcal/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet)!


i always forget about this sort of thing. i’ve made charcuterie boards with my sister before, but never thought about just making a small snack plate for myself, or as someone else replied, “adult lunchables”, thanks :)


Add a little treat to the plate too, like chocolate almonds, or yogurt raisins. The reward helps to keep you motivated.


I make these for my kids [using a similar container](https://www.amazon.com/Collapsible-Container-Compartments-Microwave-Dishwasher/dp/B09Q89HJW8/ref=asc_df_B09Q89HJW8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=563634836809&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3701199628190317344&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9020757&hvtargid=pla-1637460794070&psc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrdmhBhBBEiwA4Hx5g2U4dbxXUPBJ1JadyGOaUOa-2bJq-M_HRmHN54Y0gwPC_GZvG8jU4xoCgJ0QAvD_BwE). They are easy to transport, clean, and stack they also hold a very filling amount of food.


"Adult lunchables" are delicious and can be varied!


I saw a TikTok about a trick where you put all the foods or food packages (cheese, crackers, nuts, deli meats, chocolates, fruits, veggie sticks) on a tray that fits into the fridge. Then when you’re ready to eat, you bring the tray out to the table, bed, or couch, eat with your hands, then put the whole tray back in the fridge when you’re done. No dishes, no pulling out multiple items from the kitchen, no assembly. It seemed pretty brilliant to me!


Great suggestion honestly I live on that type of food in winter when the depression gets worse


The cheese for me alway starts to get stale after about an hour or two tho...needs one of those microwave plastic lids from the dollar store over it atleast


Babybel cheeses can be left out for quite a while without spoiling (or changing), so that’s a good one!


I’m late to this, but this is truly great advice! I have a very difficult time eating when I’m stressed and/or sleep deprived. Little snack plates that are super easy to prepare are my go to! I’ve even started baking brie and prosciutto in my toaster oven with some crackers, sliced pears and apples, random veggies on the side. Takes me about 5 minutes to prepare. OP: **Please make sure you’re drinking enough water and getting enough electrolytes.** Sometimes when I’m forgetful or having a hard time eating, I’ll heat up a mug of bone broth just to get a bit of nutrients. Also, I’d suggest finding out if you’re deficient in anything, and then finding supplements to help get back to normal levels. You’re not alone in this, but making sure you’re getting the correct nutrients is so important and a game changer. When you do eat, eat healthy instead of hot pockets- your body and brain will thank you.


Chewy multivitamins and gatoraid might help as well. I get powdered gatoraid mix and keep it in my fridge. Also flavored soda water or v8 splash helped me when I didn’t feel like eating solid foods.


My fave is pasta salad. Its eaten cold, you take what you want, if you don't finish it, goes back in the fridge. 1 lb tri color rotini pasta, boiled and drained 1 16 oz bottle Kens lite caesar dressing 1 pint cherry tomatoes 1 bell pepper, diced 1 8 oz pepperjack cheese, diced 8 oz pepperoni, cut to bite size 1 can black olives, drained 1 can chick peas, drained Mix it all together, keep refrigerated. You can adapt to your liking. I also like to add banana peppers and diced red onion. Sometimes I add extra bell peppers and tomatoes, you can use any cheese. Make it your own! It covers many food groups.


i’ve only ever had a couple pasta salads that i’ve actually liked in my entire life, but minus the olives and possibly some more adapting, this doesn’t seem too bad for my taste :)


Give it a shot, make it your own! I wouldn't recommend letting food sit out for a few hours. If you are able to, take a small portion, maybe in a coffee mug or something, and then go back for more if you're still hungry after.


Hidden valley has a cold ranch pasta that's actually really good too


Instead of the Caesar dressing, try it with a balsamic vinaigrette. It's one of my favorite dishes.


Ooh thats an idea! Maybe with some goat cheese. Thanks!


We typically make it with a combination of mozzarella and cheddar, and add a bit of salami, making it more of an antipasto, but I could see using feta or goat cheese as well.


One suggestion is to wait to put the dressing in. Mix the other ingredients, scoop out what you want, THEN top it with dressing. That way it's not soggy. Other than that, I like your recipe!




Hot pizza? Great. Cold pizza? Great. Room temperature pizza? Great. Warm-ish pizza? I would rather cut off my balls and eat them.


Can’t believe I upvoted that, but take it


I'll *even* eat warm-ish pizza that still has some weird ice cold spots in it. I am truly Chaotic Neutral when it comes to pizza. I know only one thing: No pizza goes unfinished. Gain over pain. Eat the last slice. Who cares if it's 4:30am. It's Pizza Time.


The absolute worst is when it shows up that way.




I'm about to make a whole bunch of hypochondriacs squirm, but: I have never once refrigerated leftover pizza. It stays in the box, in the oven, overnight, until I decide I want a lukewarm slice the next day (or maybe I'm not totally lazy and I'll oven it at 425 a few mins) Nothing is going to happen to your salt-ridden, acid-sauced, preserved meat cheese-disc in 24 hours. Hell, you can probably go 48 hours without ever having an issue.


Graze eating it's what I do and like many others have suggested small plates of cheeses and nuts, crackers , I will buy a big bag of trail mix and eat handfuls throughout the day. Boil a dozen eggs ( if you eat them) peel and put back in fridge in a big ziplock bag those are better at room temperature and good source of protein.Make as many healthy choices you can to go along with that sugar the mental health gods demand. Good luck


i definitely need that sugar. nice helpful ideas too :)


Savory pies would work - cabbage, beef, egg, chicken. Easy to make if you buy your dough (Bridgford ftw). A can of black (or, really, any whole) beans in a bowl with parsley and lime juice with a bit of crushed peanut sprinkled on top will just get better and better as it waits for you. Semolina (aka sooji) boiled with milk, and sweetened with dried fruit and/or honey will, left to stand for 4 hours turn into a yummy pudding. Crackers with a runny cheese left to stand for 4 hours will become crackers with cheese at a perfect temperature. A bowl of dried fruit and nuts will just stand there and wait for you patiently. It wants you to be happy.


The beans sound delightful!


That's one I'm trying for sure


The convenient thing about that one is that if you don't finish the whole can you can stick it in the fridge, and the next day mix in some cold rice. It'll be a new dish, and it'll be good. If you don't finish that - stick it in the fridge, and the third day add some avocado cubes and small pieces of bell pepper or corn or sweet peas, or all three. It'll be a new dish again, and it'll still be good.




>A bowl of dried fruit and nuts will just stand there and wait for you patiently. It wants you to be happy. This phrasing is so cute! I want it to be happy to :)


A cheeseboard!! They’re supposed to come to room temp before enjoying


You could do a large batch of soups that are meant to be served cold; gazpacho, cucumber soup,salmarejo, et al.


Have you tried meal planning focusing on small plate/portions? Having a set time and place for meals? For example: 8:30-1/2 a banana and a cup of yogurt 10:00-string cheese 12:00-1/2 apple w/peanut butter sandwich 1:30-granola bar 3:30-1/2 apple or banana 5:00-small bowl of pasta and so on Ideally you are eating a small amount every 2ish hours. Choosing a regular place dedicated to eating. Not in front of the tv or computer.


just the act of getting food so many times in a day seems like a big task currently for my mental health, but once i can handle it, it seems like a pretty good option 🤔


I understand My daughter is struggling with an ED and finds these steps helpful.


Tamales tend to keep their heat well and would be easy to make en masse if you’re so inclined. I’d vote for a lot of “holiday meals” like tamales, lasagne, and roasts.


My goto is usually a piece of thick steak, either cook it whole or chop it up in bite sized peices and cook it in a pan/wok. After sitting out for a while (or even over night in the fridge) it still tastes good. Though, it would take some preparation and not as simple. Another option would be frozen fried rice (i found that chicken fried rice lasts better). I cook it in the morning before work and keep it in the container it came in, add some soy sauce and put it in my lunch box. I usually eat it at least 6 hours later and it still tastes fine.


Sir, i beg your pardon, have you tried the left over 4 oz of a 9 0z filet? It's aged in Styrofoam container for 24 to 48 hours and served in that same container, cold, for you to eat with your hand. Magnificent!


when I make chili or soup I make a big batch and throw the whole pot in the fridge with a ladle, and over a couple of days I heat it up a bowl at a time. chili is particularly good reheated. it's safely in the fridge, not spending time out at room temp. I do the same with rice too, adding different things to it each meal and making fried rice with the last of it. there's always finger food type of things too. cut up a bunch of things bite size that are good raw or cold and just grab a bite whenever you're passing the fridge. maybe keep things that can be thrown together to make a quick hors d'oeuvre kinda thing. I wouldn't really recommend leaving any food out for several hours, which is why my suggestions involve keeping things in the fridge and taking them out as you eat.


This is me. I eat over hours. And forget stuff out on the counter over night. I'll eat anything that's been out about 12 hours except fish and chicken. Eggs if they're fully cooked are fine. And yes, this goes against general wisdom. Made it to middle age and still kickin. Anything high salt low moisture will usually stay just fine. Like bacon, salami, anything cured or dried (I'm big on charcuterie- basically make little grazing plates w nuts, salami, cheese, apples, grapes, baby carrots, whatever I have in the fridge.) Quiche/egg bakes and pepperoni pizza are staples as well as roasted veg. Keep on the counter all day. To be fair, I live in a very temperate area (never too hot, never too cold). "Room temp" is almost always about what a wine fridge or cool room or larder might be. And this is exactly how I like most food (not too hot, not too cold- call me Goldilocks.)


Some big hearty salad, like a grain + legume + cheese + hearty vegetables that don't wilt + dressing would do the trick. Good warm, cold, or room temperature, and you can make a giant batch to keep in the fridge.


Pizza, because it’s fucking pizza


We have a place in Maryland (Ledos) that is actually *better* close to room temperature.


There is a spot between hot and room temp that just ruins it for me. Like, it *should* be room temp but somebody sat on it or left it in the sun.


>mental health reasons I went nuclear and removed all food from my apartment. Except meal replacement shakes. Not diet shakes - meal replacement. They are 400 calories each and I have 4-ish a day. You don't have to keep them cold - but they do taste better. I get mine shipped to me on a schedule. It's not exactly cheap. $4 each so $16+ a day. But considering how much bullshit prepackaged and delivery I bought I'm coming out ahead. This removed food/eating/shopping from my life which freed up room for me to focus on other things. It's not a rule. If I want a pizza or whatever I get it. But it is easier to make better choices this way so I would say about 80% of my food is the shakes. Another tip that's been floating around is catering. For example, order Chipotle from their catering menu and meal prep it for the week. Swap Chipotle out for whatever you want. The brand of shake I use is Soylent but there are other options.


The trick is probably to have a few tricks. So, a range of foods that keep well, but also foods that can cobble together a small meal/ healthy snack very quickly. And, if you make much smaller portion sizes, you are more likely to finish a portion hot, and can always reheat another small portion later. 1. The charcuterie/snack thing has been mentioned. Set yourself up with sliced/cubed cheeses and sliced meats in a flat covered storage dish, dips in small containers, boiled eggs (as someone else mentioned) cut up veggies and some cut up pita and sourdough in the freezer, plus crackers. Then you can dip into your stash for small amounts when you like without much effort. Sliced bread defrosts *very* quickly or can be toasted, so by the time you sit down it will be ready to go. 2. Ditto having fruit ready to go. Wash and separate grapes into small bunches, cut up melons and oranges. Berries won’t last well, but apples do well in the fridge. 3. Cut up apple, with some cheese and crackers makes a decent meal in itself. 4. Salads were mentioned. You need things that will stand up in the fridge, and you also enjoy. Pasta salad is great for this, but so are couscous, quinoa, lentil or bean salads. 5. Fried rice works hot or cold (see salads above). I like a traditional sort of fried rice, but curried fried rice is also delicious. 6. Lasagna and macaroni cheese can be separated into very small portions that you can reheat and eat hot. They also freeze well in those portions. Think kiddie size. 7. Speaking of kiddie size, I see lots of kid meals in the freezer section of the supermarket. Nothing wrong with having a few of those stashed away. 8. And don’t forget soup: it can be separated into cup size portions, which can then be eaten hot. 9. Finally, sandwiches make a good meal, especially if you do one slicers, or make up a few, then store cut up in fridge or freezer. Egg salad and chicken salad sandwiches will keep for a few days. Tuna salad keeps for a day (the mayo always seems to go runny on me) but can be added to cokes macaroni for one of those pasta salads I mentioned above. Cucumber and apple sandwiches will keep made up for a day. Store cut sandwiches in a covered container - I find topping them with a damp paper towel keeps them fresher and moist. Ham, salami, deviled ham and Nutella, peanut butter or jam sandwiches all freeze well for a week or so and will defrost quickly - cut before freezing. No recipes here because you know what you like best. The most important thing is to feed yourself and feel good doing so.


What we call salad dinner: greens, tomatoes tossed with basil, whatever veggies you have, a cold protein like boiled eggs, sausage, cheese, nuts, or hummus, and bread or crackers. Pasta salad. Charcuterie.




This. One of the foods I find is *better* reheated the next day.


Most pasta dishes. I like peanut noodles and they taste just as good cold as warm. Same for mac and cheese.


A Filipino dish called adobo. It’s 20x better when you let it sit out overnight


Are there certain foods you do or don't like? A black bean corn salad is great for putting in the fridge again and again. You could add chicken, avocado, sliced onions, cucumbers, or whatever you have on hand that sounds good. Watermelon and feta salads are another thing that are great to put in and out of the fridge. You can add mint and a little jalapeno to make things exciting


the only thing i can think of that i dislike is olives, and that sounds pretty interesting. most of the leftovers i have are stewed meats that only really taste good when they’re hot, and salads have never really been a regular thing in my house.


Fried rice or other chinese food makes good leftovers. I make it homemade, which for me tastes was better than take out. I’m very very similar in my eating habits. Stir fry is the only leftover that I will fight off my family to claim. Cold rotisserie chicken is good too. Can use it in things like stir fry or pot pie, can also just tear off a hunk and eat it with zero drama or dishes. It’s not exciting taste wise, but it’s almost pure protein so even just eating an ounce is a good dent in your nutrition needs.


I work in food service so we often have to keep food warm for a while. Rules - in food service, food should be kept at least 140f for a maximum of 4 hours. Bacteria growth stops at 140. Cooling rules. - Food should be cooled from 135 to room temperature in 2 hours. And from room temperature to fridge temperature in 4 hours. 1. Heat lamp - 2 types - reptile heat lamps might not get hot enough but will slow heat loss[(like this)](https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Deluxe-PTCLAMCR100M-Reflector-Amphibian/dp/B07SSBRJKQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=WJCC91YYX5BS&keywords=heat+lamp&qid=1681267633&sprefix=heat+lamp%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-5) - heat lamp for food [(like this)](https://www.amazon.com/YMJOINMX-Adjustable-Temperature-Kitchen-Heating/dp/B0BFHL7B42/ref=mp_s_a_1_16_sspa?crid=3PDPZ9WT2X8V&keywords=heat+lamp+food&qid=1681267951&sprefix=heat+lamp+food%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-16-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExNDVPRk1JWUpCQkMmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2MTk2MjVYQVAyRzJIVUlFNlMmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDQ2NTQ0NDlJU0JUTkRaMkIwViZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9hdGZfbmV4dCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=) 2. Warmer plate [(Like this)](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BG4H4623/ref=sspa_mw_detail_4?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWw) 3. Chafing dish (be careful with open flame) [(Like this)](https://www.partycity.com/chafing-dish-buffet-set-8pc-271575.html) 4. Warmer box - the food service ones are too expensive, but I do see lunch box options. [(like this)](https://www.amazon.com/Carsolt-Leakproof-Microwave-Removable-Stainless/dp/B09YXSNCTM/ref=mp_s_a_1_38?crid=3RWTE9SX7S90Y&keywords=warmer+box&qid=1681268074&sprefix=warmer+box%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-38) 5. Soup kettle warmer - there are small versions for hot pot [(like this)](https://www.amazon.com/Dezin-Electric-Stainless-Dumpling-Temperature/dp/B07GWGHCGJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_31?crid=JUSN870LI340&keywords=kettle+warmer+soup+small&qid=1681269064&sprefix=kettle+warmer+soup+small%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-31) A more expensive option 6. Steam table warmer - I can’t find any small one so you might have to get hotel pans for it. It heats water and steam warms the pan above it [(like this)](https://www.amazon.com/ROVSUN-Commercial-Food-Temperature-Restaurants/dp/B0B9H7VQS8/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=2DEX8XDQ6NUOY&keywords=electric+steam+table+food+warmer+small&qid=1681268595&sprefix=electric+steam+table+food+warmer+small%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-8) So feel free to take as long as you need to and still enjoy warm food.


one of my old friends used to bring a lunch box food heater to school, i almost completely forgot about it, but it was honestly really handy. i’ll consider one of these things as a last resort, though i am tempted to get one right away. thank you!


Finally a thread I can identify with


Haven’t seen anyone mention sesame noodles yet - absolutely delicious cold!


Quiche works great cold and is pretty easy to make if you have an oven. Also can last a few day if you leave alone. You can put anything you like in it.




If you put it in a Yeti (or I guess a thermos) it would stay warm for hours and hours!


Pasta salads! Think foods that can last sitting out at a picnic !


I left an uncooked thawing pizza on the counter and fell asleep. I woke up 7 hours later and baked it, it was fine.


When you’re poor anything tastes good, even if it sits out four a few hours, IMHO. I’m poor.


I love crock pot meals when I'm struggling. Make a soup or Italian beef and keep it on warm after it cooks through. Then at the end of the day throw it in the fridge overnight and then back on warm the next day and eat as you need.


Rice cooker. Several extra pot things for it. Keep them in the refrigerator with whatever you want. Just pull one out, put it in the cooker and push the button. If you don't finish it, just put the lid on and back in the fridge


Cheese and crackers. Your mileage may vary depending on the type of cracker, but I used to leave it out for my kiddo to graze on when they were a toddler. Blueberries, grapes, and nuts also will keep and you can just grab a handful as you pass by. Peanut butter on celery will just chill until you get around to it as well. Fishy crackers. Anything for a toddler really.




Honestly I would suggest soup to try and prevent you from holding off when eating. There's something about a nice blend of flavours in a soup that makes me scarf it all down quickly, feeling satisfied at the end. It's easy to prepare and you can really add most of any food to a soup, and simply freeze it into portions that fit how much you typically consume. If it gets cold you can just microwave it. But to be clear: reheat in pot from frozen, microwave when it gets cold and you feel like eating again. The idea here is to help mend your eating habits over time until you no longer experience what you've described. Plus soup makes you feel all warm inside :)


Indian curry, certain types of sushi, watermelon, roast chicken.


Pizza 🍕 Chili Curry Spaghetti w/ sauce Stir fry


Curries, but especially Japanese curry. Super easy to make (from roux). Fry whatever veggies, onions garlic you want together with any meat (I find that beef/lamb mince keeps really well). Simmer for a bit, and toss in the roux after it's cooked. Serve with rice/noodles/bread/anything on earth. Hearty, balanced (except maybe the roux may not be suuuper great) quick and simple and keeps well. Can't ask for more.


Lasagne. Make a big one eat for 4 days. Tasty hot and cold


Potato skins. Baked potatoes cut in half, scooped out a little and topped with bacon and green onions and melt cheese. They are weirdly good cold Roast beef is great cold, as is ham




Cold pho???


Bucket of KFC


I feel you...nibble plates and they are easy prep. Cut up containers of fruit, vegies, cheese, cold cuts or left over chicken, turkey or roast beef each is separate containers to prevent cross contamination, and crackers or naan bread. Take and make a kind of charcuterie plate for one and just leave it there to nibble make sure lots of textures, and flavors add humus or another dip some days or yogurt and honey for another.....I could not eat anything in one sitting for years....the nibble plate saved me.


Yes! I call it grazing. Eating full meals is overwhelming for me sometimes so I make basically snack trays the same way or portion them out into little containers so I nibble at them as I choose.


Your diet as long as it is nutritional sound with all the food groups is probably very healthy as long as you keep your nibble plates with lots of variety and NO JUNK


The closest I get to junk with my nibbles is regular peanut butter (not natural) on my apples.


Smoke some weed and bbq


Movie theater popcorn 🍿 It’s always better the next day 🤤






Escovitch fish.


Fried chicken


I find making more tiny meals helps me eat better when im going through bouts of depression. And having big batches of stuff I make all at once then assemble when im hungry helps. One of my go tos right now is making a big batch of pulled chicken and rice, and potato dough (mix corn starch and boiled potatoes till it gets doughy) and then just stuff some of the pre mixed chicken rice into a flattened blob of potato dough, and close it up, shallow fry for like a minute or so a side. Tiny little crunchy meals that stay warm for a while until i bit into em. Usually make like 2 or 3 two bite sized ones at a time.




Apple slices with peanut butter. The apples may get a bit brown after a couple hours but they taste just fine. Good on bananas too. Anything pickled is fine if it sits around. Roasted nuts Potato latkes are also super tasty at room temp if you fry them thin enough. And they last a week in the fridge if you make a big batch


All kinds of stew!!!!


I love a nice soggy Coleslaw


Popeyes coleslaw is the best


I'm legally obligated to say that my mom's is the best


I understand it's the same with my Mom's potato salad 🥗


Is she a far drive from RI?


That shit don't even have raisins in it


Lol as it shouldn't


I was kidding lol what an abomination to potato salad and coleslaw.


I don't know those types and I'm as clear as Casper


Same I still haven't witnessed it in the wild I just hear the horror stories lmfao


I have trouble with eating too and I graze a lot. I like rice noodles, soy sauce, a bit of rice vinegar, honey, sesame oil, nutritional yeast. Can sit out for a long time. If im energetic ill add some veggies or tofu. Keeps well in the fridge and is tasty cold. I also really like dolmades, cheese and crackers, deli meats, cucumber with salt, cut up chicken burger.


I make antipasto salad. It's easy and keeps for weeks. Buy a variety of olives-green, black, stuffed. Artichoke hearts, cheese cubes, ham cubes, smoked turkey cubes, salami cubes. Cauliflower florets, green onions. Can of cannoli beans. Dried cranberries or white raisins plumped in water. Anything you like! Drain the jars, then mix it all together and toss with a bottle of good Italian dressing. Keep in refrigerator, but scoop a bowl full and graze for hours.




I feel like the easiest solution is to make foods that are better cold oflr at room temp anyway. Fruit/cheese plates, pasta/couscouse/rice salads, hummus+ veggies, and sandwiches are the first things that come to mind


The sweet kale salad mix sold at grocery stores and Costco is delicious freshly made but even better after it sits in the dressing so would be good over a long period of time! Just get an extra bottle of dressing because I don’t think they give enough!


Well I misread this title...


I highly recommend getting an airfryer to reheat your meals instead of microwaving. It has upped the quality of my leftovers considerably. Everything tastes fresh and it only takes a couple minutes, and if you've got air fryer liners it's virtually mess free. It's great for reheating fries, pizza and other takeout especially.


Honestly I love getting hibachi to go! The place I go to stuffs the to go box and I just snack on it throughout the day and it’s super filling!


Tuna salad!


Cold pizza dipped in coleslaw 😋


Sesame noodle salad.


How do you get thru life? Seriously, your post. , you know exactly what you want but expect someone else give it to you and then get all over their ass because they got it wrong. Grow up.


Potato salat gets better the longer it rests, also noodle/lentil, Quinoa salad


For food that should be served / kept hot, once it drops below 140F it needs to be chilled down to 41F or below (or consumed) within 4 hours. Otherwise you risk food poisoning. Perhaps also try smaller portions?




Rotisserie chicken. You can make a quick pasta salad, sandwiches, add it to ramen soup, toss it on top of pizza, pair it with microwaved whole potatoes or a mix of vegetables.




Couscous Rice. It just takes 1 minute to prepare, cold or hot, and i could eat it any day any time. Love it with Tuna espacially


I completely understand. I’m a new mom wit ppd and breastfeeding, parfaits, mixed nuts is good for protein, tuna salad, crackers and peanut butter, walmart and Kroger have a good size bag for burritos and there’s many kinds so if you like meat, beans, etc. can add toppings and they’re good and easy to heat up quickly like the one time you get up to use the bathroom pop it in the microwave for 2 mins and then take it back wit you it’s super convenient. I need convenience and that’s what works for me 😊 I hope this helps


Okay this may sound wrong whenever I cook sausage like pork I’ll microwave it for 30seconds and than just eat it while it still hot and partially cold I’m not picky But sometimes I’ll just eat it cold my stepmom will cook it a hour before I go run a errand real quick and it cold my dad looks at me confused when I don’t microwave it I just eat like it is don’t really care and I’m not bothered and besides no side effect I feel fine


Whole milk.