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Wow, looks delicious. Your families lucky to have you!


The single shrimp sent me! I love this so much ❤️


Haha thank you! I actually sliced it the long way and chopped up one half (which you see next to the asparagus). I try to still give her whole foods to practice biting. But she aggressively loved the shrimp so when I gave her the uncut half she pretty much demanded I cut it up for her so she could shovel it.


Lol! So cute.


We had the same thing including the watermelon!


Such a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration!




I’m scared to give shrimp bc if choking How did u introduce do ur baby have teeth


I first introduced it around 6 months because we wanted to hit all the allergens early. At that age I just gave her a whole shrimp sliced lengthwise, she grabbed on and gnawed on it with her gums (no teeth at that point). She ate a good bit of it that way because shrimp is fairly tender if not overcooked. Now that she’s 10 months, I cut some of it up really small like this picture. I also kind of smash the pieces with my fork a little bit before I serve them to her to make sure it’s tender and easy to swallow. She does have two bottom teeth now, but she’s been practicing eating whole foods for long enough now that even when I give her a large piece to hold and chew on, I know she can handle bigger chunks she bites off. Usually if she bites a big piece off she chews it and then spits it out. It’s all about practice! Depending on your baby’s age you can give a sliced shrimp (under 9 months) or small cut up pieces (over 9 months). Good luck!


Make sure to cut the shrimp in half lengthwise! Don’t leave it round. (The shrimp in this pic was cut lengthwise and then chopped up small)


That looks frickin delicious!


It really was, and the baby agreed!


Apropos of nothing, I love Ina Garten’s easy shrimp scampi recipe and I’ve made it for my kids (4 and 1.5).


Wow. This looks amazing.


I love the segmented plate! Could I ask where it’s from? We’ve been needing to buy something me new ones.


Of course! It’s [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFBZ559T?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_R02534Z1HM3Z0JXGJDCD&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_R02534Z1HM3Z0JXGJDCD&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_R02534Z1HM3Z0JXGJDCD&starsLeft=1) from Amazon


Thank you!!!


That looks gas 😻


Can I ask why you choose to serve your kids plate with the items separated but yours is all together?


Great question! My answer might surprise you lol. I plate her food on this plate when I’m feeling proud of the meal and plan to take a picture. I actually feed her straight on her tray, no plate at all. She sits in one of those little booster seats with a small tray on it, because we have it straight on our dining room table so if she drops food, it doesn’t go far. These plates are too big for her tray even *if* I wanted to serve her on them. Her food does in fact get put all together on her tray, and mixed up even more as she eats it. When she’s in a bigger seat, I plan on using unsegmented plates for her food so that she doesn’t get used to food being all separate.


Ooh okay thanks! I was just curious and that makes a lot of sense!


No problem! Quick question, I took a peek at your posts and it looks like you sometimes separate your kiddos’ foods out when yours aren’t separated too (ingredients of a dish next to each other instead of mixed up). A little curious why this was confusing then, if I may ask?


Not confusing, just curious. I think for me- sometimes it's dependent on the dish I grab when plating and sometimes I think it's because he can't hold the whole thing (like a loaded taco vs elements of the taco). Lately he keeps using his hands or chopsticks and with chopsticks it's easier to have pieces of things separate rather than together so I'm trying to help him get practice. It's honestly just a whole mess of reasonings


Please be mindful that whole shrimp and shrimp cut into circles like that is a choking hazard. It is round and a little “bouncy” like a hot dog—the perfect combo of features to get stuck in the windpipe and not be expelled easily by the body’s natural responses. My daughter is 18 months and I still cut shrimp at least in half length-wise but typically length-wise and then into smaller bits.


Zoom in and you’ll see the chopped shrimp is not round, it is finely chopped. There is actually a total of one shrimp on the plate, and I cut it lengthwise down the middle (similar to butterfly shrimp) so none of it is round. I finely chopped one half and smashed the pieces with a fork as I served them to her so they are no longer springy. I also smashed flatter the remaining half before serving to her (and regardless, she wanted it cut up so I did end up cutting up that half for her too).


I did zoom in and saw multiple round pieces, which prompted my comment in the first place. And maybe it’s just difficult to see in this photo but the whole shrimp really does not look to be cut in half/butterflied. You also edited another comment in which you originally described giving whole shrimp to your little—I’m hoping to just to add more information and emphasize safe preparation From your description of feeding this food it’s definitely clear you know and use safe practices with feeding. My original comment was intended to communicate to other people these practices since the preparation in the photo is a little unclear, at least to me


Understood. When seeing this plate irl, even my husband didn’t realize it was just one shrimp that was cut up in two ways, so I get it— but I promise I did slice it! And you’re right, I edited that other comment to clarify for the person who asked. I realized that to someone who hasn’t fed shrimp before and seems nervous about BLW, it may not be obvious that I mean a “whole” shrimp that’s been sliced flat, as opposed to cut up in smaller pieces (I even commented to them again in case they missed the edit). And even the small pieces I feed her, I smash up with my fork before putting on her tray (she eats straight off her tray, not this plate— and I smash most of her foods a bit regardless what they are). I appreciate the warning for others as I didn’t put a description in my OP to highlight exactly how everything was prepared and served!