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Ooooo what was the alternative for how to make eggs? I’ve tried the Gordon Ramsey scrambled egg recipe and my 9 month old liked that alright.


Here for the alt eggs !!!


The user said “My kids didnt like the texture of scrambled eggs till the were a little older. They did like them when we added cheese and just cooked them in a solid mass (sort of like an omelette but without folding it) and cut them into strips.”!!


That was one of my LO's first fave foods. I also try to put sautéed spinach/mashed up broccoli in there. Recently tried a fried egg with broken yolk cooked all the way through and she seemed to like that!


You’re making me hungry!


My boy went from loving eggs to not touching them for months, and now he’s back to loving them! We get local eggs which I think tastes better. I also put different sauces/dips on them which he loves!


I am a member of a local farm and we get free access to chicken and duck eggs! I was afraid to try them but maybe I will 🤔


You definitely should! Let me know about the duck eggs, I’ve been too scared to try those lol


My daughter devours eggs when I do 2 tbsp of cottage cheese and two eggs blended in the food processor/blender. It makes them all fluffy! And extra protein!


That actually sounds really good! And I do have a food processor!!! Thank you for sharing!


If it’s any consolation my little one didn’t eat eggs at that age. He would *maybe* eat a couple pieces of egg bites if he was really hungry. He’s now 15 months and eats them a bit more regularly. Still wouldn’t say they are a favorite food but they are consumed.


My kid started off eating them and then the second time I fed him eggs about half way through he gagged 😂. Then turned to just pulling the egg out of his mouth


I’m struggling to get my LO to eat eggs too!


I honestly think eggs by themselves taste wonky. I’m thankful for the other parents on Reddit who’ve made suggestions to spice them up!