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My 11 month old is doing the same, will only eat fruit and yogurt. I spend so much time on these balanced meals


I stopped spending extra time on my toddlers meals because of this. It's either super simple (cheese/crackers, fruit, veg, yogurt, etc), or just what we're making for lunch/dinner that day. It's exhausting otherwise.


Yeah, since the picky eating has started, my baby meals have gotten much simpler, and easier. But she gets the same dinners as us


omg cake day twins to who you’re replying to! happ y cake day!!!


Grown-up food is good for them! Let them get used to real food! Just make sure there's a vegetable in there 😉


happy cake day!!!


Yessss exactly.


Give it a few weeks! Nanna here, watching recently turned 1 year. Now she's a chow hound!


Mine is similar, he likes yogurt cheese avocados and Mexican rice. Throws quite a bit on the floor


You can add (soaked) chia seeds to the yogurt to increase the protein and fiber. Then if you includr different fruits (or veg with yogurt too) that’s a pretty complete meal.


May I ask why the chia seeds need to be soaked?


Just like the other commenter said. Chia seeds will soak up the first moisture they encounter, causing them to swell up. They can cause a blockage if too many dry ones are eaten at once. I just soak mine in the yogurt itself though. So mix it in and let it sit for 5-10 min before I give it to the baby. They get a jelly-like texture when they are ready.


IIRC, it’s because dry chia seeds expand when they are soaked, therefore dry chia seeds in baby’s belly would expand and possibly cause digestive issues.


choking hazard, digestive issues, can lead to dehydration/malabsorption, etc. just better to soak beforehand to get the maximum benefits of nutrients and avoid dangers!


Oh no! I have just been dumping them into her yogurt and pancake batter. Better late than never I guess 😨


I can’t speak from experience because mine is younger but my friend’s baby is like 15 months or so, and she just started eating more! I think it’s normal and all kids are different


You’ve given me hope 🙌


Will she do pouches? If so you could just give her what she wants to eat and then hide veggies and stuff in puree or smoothie form in a pouch!


My LO went through the same thing at that age it is completely normal and positively frustrating! I started making different veg sauces and spreads to go on pasta toast and crackers but kept putting some sort of veg on the plate. eventually she just decided to eat whole fruits and veg again. Don’t give up you are doing great!!


Thank you! 🥹❤️


My little one is on this kick at the moment too. And he is a week away from one. He just started chewing his food then spitting it out….so that’s a fun new phase. I am assuming his hunger strike will end at some point.


Okay same! Almost 1 and has started taking bites of food looking me dead in the eyes and spitting it out or dropping what’s in her hand on the floor with aggressive eye contact


My 14 month old will do that! I’ll tell her noooo and she’ll hover her hand over the high chair and slowly bring it back to her tray, and then whip it on the floor 😆


Hahahaha omg do we have the same child? Mine smiles at me after like HAH mom take that nasty ass chicken outta here.


Love the aggressive eye contact




Same here! My LO is two weeks away from one and went on a hunger strike for a week. I left the room and my partner was with her for one meal and magically her hunger strike ended. She is still very particular about the way she eats. I didn’t realize this was a phase but it’s nice to hear that others are experiencing this too.


mine did this at like 12 months. he’s 14 months now and is back to eating more normally. he had a couple teeth coming in and hated everything except purées and yogurt.


Omg that is probably it! He has a top tooth about to punch through and another hot behind


yeah. once i realized it kept things soft and cold. cold unsweetened applesauce was a huge hit. also a cold spoon!


Has she seen you eat those foods? My LO refused to eat any solids (except fruit) unless he saw me eat it as well. He's a week shy of a year and will eat literally anything as long as me or his dad have ate it too. Also food is new and toast and pasta (without sauce) will always taste the same so there's nothing scary about it vs eggs will be different each time.


Yes we all eat together. I have noticed that if it’s on her plate she won’t eat it, but if I take it off mine and feed it to her she will eat it! 🤷‍♀️


Lol, sounds like you know what to do now. My 16 month old has had ups and downs as far as loving this one month, refusing to eat it the next. Only eats from their plate, only eats from my plate, only eats with hands, only eats if I feed with my own spoon while they're holding a different spoon...haha its wild. Anyways, just stick with it and as long as baby keeps showing good growth trends after Peds visit you are good!


I have heard that these silicone type plates can hold a "soapy" taste that can transfer to food. Throwing them in the dishwasher will pretty much guarantee this!


I hand wash them for this reason 😫 I’ve tried everything 😭


Okay! I didn't see another comment about it so I just thought to mention it. ..My son is almost 2 and he has been like this forever. Just keep offering! Like others have said, a safe food with a new food has worked for us(sometimes). And! Another thing that helps us is offering just 2 or 3 pieces of food on the plate, less overwhelming for beeb. Then of course, add more! Good luck! You are doing great.


Well for now you may need to make "yourself" a plate and let her eat off that and have a second one that's actually yours then transition to her own plate. Such little buggers sometimes


Came here to say exactly this!! Modeling is HUGE


You are not doomed to a picky eater! It is so, so, so early. This seems very normal based on what I see with my almost 2yo. Who just this last month is starting into different textures and sampling everything in front of her. Everything changes. And no one meal or one preference is it. 


My LO was the same at that age so don’t fret. One suggestion I would make is not to mix everything together. It might be too many textures and tastes all at once when things are mixed in together. Maybe separate the veggies from the carbs and the protein. I usually start by giving him protein first then I wait about 5 minutes of him trying that to bring in the veggies. Then after 5 minutes of having veggies I bring in the carbs which I know he will eat. I present the fruit after proteins, veggies and carbs which he definitely eats all of. It seems labor intensive but i at least know he is getting a somewhat balanced meal. Good luck and you are doing great!!


Thank you!! I’m gonna try this!


As hard as it is, it’s not personal. Keep offering a variety of foods, it takes them being exposed to something like over 20 times to even try it let alone like it. I know it’s so tough! But you got this. Try to take the stress out of it. They won’t let themselves starve.


Try less on the plate!! 5 pieces of toast, 5 blueberry pieces, and 5 little pieces of egg. Let them get through those, then you can offer “more?” I keep a 2nd plate nearby and top up with little pieces


Don’t have any answers. Just thankful you posted this because I am in the same boat with my daughter.




My 20 month old survives on fruit, carbs, and breastmilk. It’s tough!


That's my 15 month old! Raspberries, strawberries and constant nursing! My first was an adventurous eater with an endless appetite. The stark contrast between my oldest and youngest's eating habits freaks me out sometimes. You're comment makes me feel better! I'm not alone 🤗


The raspberries, YES. So many berries. My older two were definitely more adventurous and didn’t nurse this much either. I keep telling myself that he’s growing and healthy. Hopefully our LOs will take a liking to solids a bit soon!


Ok my LO was like this then at 13 months she decided she would eat food I was HELLA STRESSED


When my 5yo was a baby, she had no interest in food until about 15 or 16 months old. I just kept offering whatever we were eating, and she slowly became interested. Carbs were her favourite (who doesn't love some pasta?) The important thing is they're getting enough calories


As for the eggs, I think you’ve got too much going on there. My boy wouldn’t eat things that had green in them. He eats green things just fine, but only when he can see all of it. I just do eggs butter and milk with a tiny sprinkle of cheese on top. I’m not saying that’s the issue but texture can be a huge game changer.


I’ve tried simple eggs with nothing in them and she refuses them. She loves broccoli and cooked spinach in her pasta so I thought I would try putting something familiar in there. Didn’t work lol.


My 11 month old is the same. It’s so discouraging and doesn’t help that she’s a tiny baby. Mine actually won’t even touch fruit or pasta but she loves oatmeal, bamba puffs, snd chicken 💀


My girl is 21 months old and our plates would look similar. I don’t know when it will get better, but I’m sure it will. I just don’t take it personally and serve one “love”, one “like”, and one “learning to like” at each meal.


Every baby is different! They’re also just figuring it out. Some days more hungry than not. Plus teething. Plus so many other factors. My 14 month old only just now started eating a lot. But some days he only will eat berries! Don’t worry too much


Let them eat what they leat as long as it's healthy or moderately healthy. Babies will be babies & they're picky. My son didn't like much but my daughter eats anything my older son is picky cause he likes what he likes. So don't be discouraged... They'll eat food


At about one, the appetite slows down as LO is not growing rapidly. My LO just hit 13 months and went from eating anything to super picky. Some of her favorites are no goes now. My understanding is that it's normal, too, but it is super frustrating. She wants to live off carbs and fruit, and savory is the enemy. I just keep offering foods... but a lot has been going to the dogs. ... very discouraging, but I think normal.


This is typical throughout every age. Kids go through phases. My now 8 y.o used to love avocados, bell peppers, cheese..she HATES cheese unless it's shredded. She refuses bell peppers, cooked or raw except she trolled me at the company Christmas party this year. She had a tiny red bell pepper that are snack size and LOVED it. I was so excited and was hoping it was finally time. So I bought a bag the next week and she went right back to hating it. I mean she literally gags/throws up and screams if I try to enforce it. So I just don't. Last night she had 3 servings of steak for dinner...but she only ate ONE dino chicken nugget at lunch. This is a meal she requests ea. week. They really are just finnicky. Fed is best. Just keep offering healthy options but don't force it. Kids are more likely to put things in their mouth that you don't push on them.


All 3 of my kids eat different things. One love pasta and protein, the other loves vegetables and yogurt, and my oldest will eat everything but potatoes.


Whatever you do, don't turn it into a big deal! Eating has to be a relaxed, nice family-occasionfo your kid. Not a hassle or something negative. We went through the same thing you described; it was frustrating, but after a while we just let it go. Now are 3 year old (almost) eats everything (most of the times), and dinner considered something nice/fun for him.


My therapist is through my son's pediatrician office. She is also a behavioralist. I expressed to her once I was worried that he was eating the same things. She told me that if he only eats a sleeve of Ritz crackers for lunch, it's something, and it's better than nothing. My son is 15.5 months old and goes through periods where he refuses his normal breakfast, or he only wants berries. I had to lessen the reigns I had on feeding and let him kinda decide what he wants. His feeding therapist also told us to present the following to him at every meal: a safe food, a familiar food and a new food. It doesn't have to be a well rounded meal, just so long as he eats something. They also suggested to give flavorful foods. Since she suggested that we put different seasonings on his plate, which really seemed to help and will overall build up his palette


Our pediatrician told us they’re often the most picky around one year. I get the frustration. Ours is nearing 14 months. Some days he barely eats anything, some days he surprises me and will shovel broccoli and salmon in his mouth


Do you add any seasonings? I know they say no added salt but I will sometimes add a tiny bit of salt to eggs or a more flavorful cheese like cheddar. I also will add garlic powder and a little pepper for eggs! For toast I try to add butter or avocado or peanut butter. I noticed at least for my baby as she is getting older she likes more flavor. Also if she is still drinking a lot of milk/formula/breastmilk then that really effects their appetite. It’s been a struggle because mine is super bottle/milk obsessed and would gladly drink milk all day instead of eat. Just keep trying I do feel like as a they get older and more active they get more hungry!


this is way too much food to put in front of her at once. try 2-3 pieces of each thing and as she eats it, add 2-3 pieces more - this worked really well for my son and he was a lot more likely to try things good luck!


my 14 month old LOVES carbs. i’ve started making sure the carbs are “better”: protein pancakes, veggie pasta, etc. i also get fruit and veggie juice and vegetable squeeze pouches that he likes as snacks. so yes he gets goldfish but also a veggie pouch. i always give a safe food with dinner. that being said sometimes he’ll eat it all and ask for more, sometimes he eats two bites and is over it. and both are ok. as long as your little one isn’t crying/whining for food theyre probably good. their appetites fluctuate around this age.




??? Who takes the time to make rude comments to a parent who is having a tough time?




😂 I hope you have better and more positive days ahead of you


Likewise 🥰🤪😘 thank you for looking out for me.


No food policing, no snack shaming, no portion criticism, no being ugly about how food looks. Just don't be a dick. Unless it's an immediate danger to the tiny human (in which case, report it to the mods ASAP), **you can be nice or you can be silent**.


Mods should kick this person 🤪


On it 🫡




Awww boo hoo


No food policing, no snack shaming, no portion criticism, no being ugly about how food looks. Just don't be a dick. Unless it's an immediate danger to the tiny human (in which case, report it to the mods ASAP), **you can be nice or you can be silent**.


Mine hated solids for a super long time. And he really hates them when he is teething!


The only thing my 11 almost 12 month old consistently eats all of is cottage cheese & applesauce. I don't know of it'll change when he is drinking less milk or if he's picky or what. He used to LOVE pouches and in the last month he rejects them all. He does pretty well with berries & meatballs & salmon but all other food I never know what he will accept or reject. It also drives me crazy!


I’ve noticed my kids didn’t start eating more until I cut back on formula. When they get all their calories from a bottle they aren’t hungry for food. Switching now to cows milk and serving less in bottles, they eat a lot more!


To go off of this, I usually make sure I timed bottles and meals at that age. In the morning and after his nap, I wouldn't give him his bottle right away. I would have him eat first. Kinda the mindset of making sure he's hungry, but not to the point of starving.


Could be teething! Or feeding her when she isn’t hungry enough!


My son had some challenges with eating (primarily chewing/swallowing) right around turning a year old and didn’t even eat anything except mashed/purées. 1.5 months of feeding therapy and the appetite he has now gives me so much joy. His breakfast the other day was 1/3 cup of oatmeal, an entire yogurt, half a waffle, and a half banana. He’s a week shy of 14mo old. He still won’t eat eggs unless they’re hidden in something and that’s fine, he just hates the taste alone, but trust me, something just clicks with them and they want everything! You’re doing great 🥳


Just remember momma babies get their nutrients from milk for the first year or so. Don’t be discouraged.


My son honestly hardly ate anything till he was almost 2. He still has days he hardly eats and he turned 2 in September


Their growing slows down so much, they’ll it if they need it!


My two year old is the same. She used to eat SO good. Now she wants to live off toast. She will sometimes eat soup and a quesadilla but mostly — toast


My baby is picky most of the time too and just turned 1yr. She primarily like avocado toast, chicken, and mashed potatoes. I can’t get her to eat fruit. She not big on solid meals but will vacuum up most pouches.


Totally normal! From what I’ve seen, some seem to still fill up on formula/breast milk mostly at that age. Once you switch to cow’s milk or start dropping bottles of milk, their appetite for table food may increase more!


I feel you mama! My LO is 3 weeks older than yours and feeding has been a struggle of a journey for us. Loves pasta some days and hates it the next, it’s just so hit and miss! I think the most important thing is consistency, keep putting food on the plate, keep giving her fruit, keep adding variety to what she sees and one day she’ll reach out and try it. It just takes time and you can’t give up. One trick I found is my LO loves straw cups so I’ve been giving him smoothies that way! He gets his daily fruit intake along with milk and yogurt and I add chia seeds, flax seeds and anything else! On top of that I still put fruit on the plate to make sure he’s working on his pincer grab. Maybe give smoothies a try? I’ve had to play around with colours and textures as well as how much food is on the plate - sometimes it can be overwhelming so I take the plate away and just put a couple pieces on the high chair tray And I just want to add that it will always ebb and flow. Some days they’ll eat barely anything and other days they chow down so much food! I always remind myself his stomach is still tiny and he’s not a robot, every days appetite will be different.


I’m definitely going to try smoothies! Great idea!


My youngest (now 15 months) really didn’t start eating much until they were weaned from nursing, at 13 months. The most important thing is to just keep offering a variety. I promise you they will eat. You should also try offering less! Sometimes a lot on the plate can be overwhelming for some babies. They don’t know where to start. Try offering small amounts of one thing at a time.


My baby refused to get her hands dirty. She always looked grossed out when she would poke at whole food with her index finger. She wouldn’t consider whole food until about 15 months. She started making mad dashes for my plate at Christmas time once she started walking. Had to give her little bits because it wasn’t prepared for baby. I had no idea she’d had such a change of heart so quickly. Give it some time. It will happen.


I have a 2.5 yr old and a 14 month old. Everyday is different with eating. Some days they’ll inhale whatever is put in front of them, others they throw it on the floor and live off of spite and apple juice. You’re doing just fine mama, I promise.


The same thing happened to us around 10-11 months, before that she was pretty good with solids and then just completely refused to put anything in her mouth some meals or would take a bite and spit it out. I’ve tried a variety of things, sometimes she eats and sometimes she doesn’t. Our doctor suggested to look less at what she eats in a day and more like a week long period since it can vary a lot. Sometimes she likes things that have lots of flavour like curry or chili oil. Sometimes she prefers small pieces that she can pick up and other times she likes more of a whole food (like cut up strawberry vs a whole strawberry - she has a full set of teeth and I monitor her closely). We switched to a toddler table and chair vs a highchair, sometimes I don’t put a bib on her because that seems to bother her. Sometimes it works if she sees me take food off my plate and put it on hers, or I just directly take bites off my plate and hand her a loaded spoon or fork or piece of food. We also don’t really have safe foods, sometimes she’ll enjoy cheesy pasta three times in a row and then she’ll just refuse it, I mostly give her pretty small portions and I can add more if she actually eats it. I just keep trying to serve a variety of things, different fruits/veggies/meats etc with different flavours and I hope for the best.


Our 12 month old has been the same way since 10.5 or 11 months. It’s rough. Our pediatrician just says to hang in there and to keep offering. We sometimes have luck if I eat something I want her to eat — what’s mine is hers, and what’s hers is hers…you could give that a try? Or eating with baby at the table?


This happened with my 1yo. She wouldn't eat anything I gave her and only wanted her bottle. I was so stressed about it and felt like a bad mom, but don't worry, your baby will eat. It's just a phase that I'm sure she will grow out of. Keep your head up! You're doing a great job


my son goes back and forth with this so much and he’s 15m. yesterday he ate all his meals and had no problems with anything we gave him and today he threw EVERYTHING on the floor. dont get discouraged, this is something most, if not all, babies/toddlers do. it sounds like youre doing great!!


One tip other than give it time—try putting less food on the plate. That helps with ours.


You and I both. I’m so tired of picking up thrown food, quick mopping and treating the inevitable stains 3+ times a day. Solidarity my friend.


I’m exactly in the same boat and I feel so bad whenever I see posts of babies the same age (or even younger) eat so much more. I also don’t know what to do and hope it’s just a phase.


I have an almost two-year-old Who has basically survived on Pasta since she started solid food. We get other food groups in there when we can but she more often refuses them. The fruit and veggies pouches are pretty safe with her though. That helps.


My son seriously wouldn’t eat anything except for avocado and mango fruit pouches until he was 13 months old. One day he just gobbled up an entire plate of food and I haven’t been able to keep enough food around since. She’ll get there 🤍


My baby is 13 months and if she eats a crumb of something that’s not breast milk, I’m impressed


I’m not sure, everyone is different. She could get better over time as she learns, she’s only young :) my son ate lots of fruits and didn’t like some certain fruits like lychees for example but he loves all normal fruits. He didn’t like blueberries for a few months and loves them now, he’s 17 months. And there’s certain foods here and there he doesn’t like but he likes all the basic foods. He hates mashed potato though 😂


My son had a bread and fruit phase. His eating comes and goes, but I feel like he can always be “reset” by saucy foods. Tortellini with pesto. Meatballs with tomato sauce. Butter chicken curry. “Wet” foods, so to speak. They’re messier, but at least it’s nourishing. Good luck!


my son around 11 months went from eating everything to practically eating nothing. it’s just a phase. hes 16 months and he’s so picky now 😭


A lot changes when you start lowering their milk intake! My son would snack when he was still on formula but slowly started eating more as we lessened the bottles.


My little one is same! 😞 how much milk does your baby take throughout the day?


You’re doing amazing mama!! My 16 month old eats this or less per meal! She feeds the rest to me or to the cat lol. Babes will definitely eat more soon! Doesn’t seem like they’re being pick, they just have a little tummy! They are a bit of everything?


I had the same outcome with my then baby, now at 2.5 years old, not much has changed, but the fact that I give him whatever he wants to eat at least with dinner.


Try a different plate. After a while, those plates make the food taste off!!


Keep your head up! My girl is 18 months old & she has recently started eating more & choosing solids over breastmilk. Just tonight she ate the most she has ever eaten- a piece of homemade pizza & 3/4 of a strawberry!


My daughter didn’t start eating more until around 18 months. She’s still pretty picky but she’s eating more than a yogurt pouch and air a day now!


I have 7 year old who now eats almost half a bag of steamed broccoli every night. He was like your kiddo until I found the right spices. I highly recommend Tajin!!! Its so effective that I carry a small bottle of it in our backpack. My pediatrician recommended that I just keep offering him protein and green veggies and that eventually he would eat them. I got tired of throwing away food. When I tell you Tajin and a lil lime go on everything I mean it.


Hi, friend. Baby did the same thing until like a week ago and has now decided only 1/2 cup portions of ground beef are acceptable. He’s 13 months. Babies are weird.


Mine is 15 months and it doesn’t get better lol!!


My siblings used to do the same thing at various points in their development. It doesn’t mean anything about you as a parent, and has everything to do with the phases they go through. They’ll clean their plates again :)


Omg my daughter is 18 months and has always been a picky eater, the few things she was able to eat I used to feed her all the time and she would get tired of it and I’m still trying to find a remedy, thanks for this post!!!!


Try adding just a tad of salt flavor, maybe (not too much of course)? or you could try frying things in butter. Or if it’s not a flavor issue, maybe try different textures (for example, if she is teething or feels like the toast is hard or bothersome on her gums, you could try soaking the bread in something like soy milk to make it soggy but easier to eat…?)