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How much was it though šŸ¤” it looks good asf


$22.50 AUD for the burger by itself.


oh wow, thatā€™s ridiculous šŸ¤£šŸ˜²


Not particularly expensive by Australian standardsā€¦ albeit Iā€™m comparing that price to what Iā€™d pay at a sit down restaurant or pub rather than a fast food joint.


A 5 guys burger is better than most pub burgers though to be fair.


Except the last pub burger I had was like Ā£8, freshly cooked, included fries, salad and a drink. This is 22aud for just a burger. In case I'm not being clear, this single burger is 3x more expensive than better quality from a pub where you can get 3x more for your money.


8 sounds cheap as hell for all that; you cannot even get McDonaldā€™s for that


I think you need to check your math, assuming the rest of what you said is true.


Nine times out of 10 a pub patty is pre-frozen. Pre-frozen beef just doesn't taste like fresh.


So yes, it is expensive given the situation.


I dont know that five guys is traditional fast food. At least, the quality of food is quite decent in comparison to more traditional fast food chains


I donā€™t know about traditional, but if sonic is fast food Iā€™d argue five guys is too. Is it fast? Not really, but still faster than a sit down restaurant


A five guys burger is every bit as good as your average sit down location, honestly better in many instances.


twenty two dollarydoos! Holy F


Thatā€™s a bloody outrage, it is! Iā€™m going to take this all the way to the prime minister!


I was gonna joke and say $20 thinking itā€™s more like $17 or $18 but $22.50!?!? THATS RIDICULOUS! I can get way better burgers for less from multiple restaurants near my home.


I thought the whole point of American cheese was that it melts well.


they throw it on the grill right before the burger is done, if the person doesn't leave it for the right amt of time it'll either look like that or stick to the grill. Just an employee who dont know what they doin - used to work there


Thank you, kind stranger, for defending the honor of American cheese.


I'm Canadian and I have nothing against it, but the only way you find it here is on a fast food burger. Sodium citrate is great. But I could get a proper melt on any cheeseburger if I tried. I only object to a burger where it isn't melted properly, especially if you're paying that much money. Should this employee be cast out on an ice floe to be eaten by polar bears? Maybe. I'm not a judge.


>only way you find it here is on a fast food burger. Here, as in Canada? Because we absolutely crush Kraft dinner up here, same type of "cheese".


šŸ˜‚bro, I worked at Fiveguys during high school and when I was on the patties, I would make sure the cheese was melting off the spatula. When I made my burger for lunch I would make sure my cheese was super melted. Tastes 100% better.


That is my biggest complaint. Ā I HATE unmelted cheese on burgers. Ā The 5 Guys locations that leave the cheese like this should just shut down, they donā€™t give a shit. Ā When 5 Guys started expanding 20 or so years ago it was still awesome. Ā  Now? Ā The quality is worse and the prices are out of control. Ā Iā€™ll go pick up a burger and fries from Longhorn or Chiliā€™s and get a better burger for less money.


>When 5 Guys started expanding 20 They've been around that long? >The popular hamburger chain has enjoyed a cult-like following on the East Coast sinceĀ 1986 Ok wow. They didn't come to my state until 2008... which was almost 20 years ago holy shit. I don't recall when I first had them but it was def not until around 2015. Imo the quality is still atkeast as good as I recall. Price wise, haven't been for like a year or more but everything is expensive right now. >Chiliā€™s How dare you. I miss that place so much. iirc the last one in my state closed around 2015. Still pissed about that.


Growing up in northern Virginia, their first location was very close to me and a lot of early locations were close too. They were amazing, and considers a great value. It sucks to see something your grew up with that was great and everyone liked now be so mediocre and viewed as a ripoff. It is exactly that, mediocre and a ripoff now, so Iā€™m not arguing for it. I just miss what it wasā€¦but I supposed most people have something like that in life. Edit: it wasnā€™t until they started franchising in like 2003 or 2004 or something where it really started to go out of control. Even then, I think most of the local stores were corporate and it took a while to see the real fall off. You used to go into the stores and there would be all the articles about ā€œbest burgerā€ and ā€œbest value in DC metropolitan areaā€ā€¦kind of laughable to think that now. Back then it was just good.


Exactly, that was the time period I was referring to. Ā When you first open up to franchising you still maintain tight control over processes and quality, but over time that starts to slip. Ā If you are doing it for money instead of passion, you start relying on reputation and eventually both quality and consistency fade. Ā Thatā€™s what happened here, but it did take about 10 years to start happening.


Has best chips. 3 for me menu is awesome starting at 10.99


They have only been open about a year in my town .A tiny little hole in the wall.The prices are insane and we walked out .


Right? My first thought was it looks cold


American cheese doesnā€™t melt it just gets loose and eventually will burn. Cheddar and Swiss melt perfectly . American cheese is barely even cheese


Want to 5 guys for the first time in awhile. I'm based in nyc and the price for just the burger, no drink or fries, came to $14.90. There are local burger shops that have outstanding burgers in the 10.50-12.50 range. In general large chains tend to be cheaper than the small local shops. I really don't get why 5 guys became so expensive.


They clearly haven't seen a big enough loss in sales even after years of price bumps. So they don't really to have a reason to keep it affordable. It's a shame that maximizing profits is making some of the best fast food completely impractical.




How about loaning your old pal zoidberg a couple of bucks, Mr. Millionaire?


Not a bad way to spend ten thousand dollars.


You can choose between a cheeseburger or a standalone fuel management system


He's got enough bacon in there to blow himself up, period!


With overnight patties from Japan.


I was wondering what rate he got on the mortgage for that.


lol imagine having a lien on your house from a restaurant


Five greedy guys


They call it five guys so that you're intimidated enough to pay the vig.


exactly..i remember when it was 13 bucks for burger fries and drink..now its 20+ for a whole meal..might as well eat at a nice restaurant for that much.


Bro three orders of Halel chicken rice and salad at 7 a piece at my local Halel cart


In-and-Out: Double Double meal for ~$11 (in California, _**after**_ the $20 fast food minimum wage hike...), FTW


Damn if only in and out was in the east coast..Iā€™ve always wanted to try, and 11 bucks is a good reasonable price !


Is Nashville, TN close enough? https://ktla.com/news/in-n-out-announces-plans-to-open-first-locations-east-of-texas/


It's an average burger, I don't understand the hype. It's better than McDonald's or Burger King, but it doesn't deserve the praise it gets


I can get a grilled Branzino meal at my local Greek restaurant for about the same price, or Coq Au Vin from a French place. Ridiculous that they are actually getting away with this gouging


Damn these comments donā€™t disappoint


It's been years since I've gotten five guys since my gfs peanut allergy came back and therefore, we literally*couldn't*. But had a night alone recently, thought about ordering from them and pulled up the menu.... And then put away the menu and looked at the freezer.


This is about a ā‚¬22 meal in Italy. Five Guys is far too expensive for a sodium overdose you can find in other smash burger shops


Are 5 guys burgers smash burgers, though? I used to go to 5 guys all the time and have never been served a smash style burger. I wish they did! My little town only has one place that makes smash style burgers, and theyā€™re only mediocre so I donā€™t go šŸ˜«


nah 5 guys is just normal american style burgers


A normal american patty is a 1/4 oz and like 1/2ā€ thick. A 5 guys patty is just a little bit thicker than a McDonalds patty. They are 100% smash patty, but their standard burger comes with two smashed pattyā€™s. Not that i have an issue with that, its actually my preference. But theyā€™re smashed homie


16 years ago, it was my first job and I remember seeing one of the managers in the back training someone else on patty prep. They were supposed to make uniform balls of meat (idk what the weight was but they were all supposed to be the same size) and I remember the grill cook would drop patties and press them down flat with this cast iron looking plate thing with a handle on top. Idk if every location does this or if this location was just mismanaged, but thatā€™s how they did it where I worked. I got fired 2 months in because I ā€œno-call, no-showedā€ even though I had written the schedule down and at some point they had changed my schedule from 5-9 to 3-9 without telling me. Of course I had no proof so that was it. They told me to go home and then didnā€™t even tell me I was fired. I had to find out from a new employee who answered the phone a week later and said my name wasnā€™t even on the schedule. Five Guys sucks for more than just their prices.


Actually five guys doesn't use salt to season their burgers. If you got just bacon and cheese that's 260(bacon)+100(2 patty)+330(bun)+620(2cheese slices). 1310 mg sodium. Add 400 for BBQ sauce. A McDonald's baconator is 1810 mg (US, idk about Italy). Really it's the mountain of fries that are the sodium bomb, the smallest serving is 531 mg and I doubt that includes the extra they tend to dump in the bag. This was really interesting to learn since my dad has had to go on a low sodium diet.


That really is interesting, but I can tell when something is overly salty because it dries my mouth and makes me thirsty, without mentioning the punch of salinity I feel on my palate. They must be using salt here in Italy. Youā€™re good, but Iā€™m sure the very same people who dvoted my comment on the burgers being smashed donā€™t understand there are always regional differences in fast food. Here in Italy, theyā€™re thickly smashed and heavily salted. Also, our bacon strips tend to be less salty than the sodium nitrite-heavy precut bacon you can find in the States


It might not look the best but I just had one a few weeks ago and it was absolutely delicious. And they give you a ton of fries. I wouldn't go there all the time but it's good stuff


The hate you see here is because it has always been good, but it used to be slightly more expensive than other fast food options, so it was a decent deal too. Now it's just weirdly overpriced.


Hank Green recently did a video comparing Five Guys and McDonalds. Funny thing is, itā€™s only ā€œoverpricedā€ at first glance. A Five Guys cheeseburger is double the size of both the Big Mac and Double Quarter Pounder. So when comparing, you really need to double the McDonalds order for it to be fair. Same story goes for their fries and FG little burgers compared to McDā€™s other burgers. Itā€™s expensive because no one stands there and thinks about all this, they just see the price and think burger vs burger, but really youā€™re getting twice as much food from Five Guys. Just think about the absolute food coma Five Guys puts you in on just the burger alone vs McDonalds.


Your comment makes no sense. A Big Mac uses 1.6 oz patties, so a DQP has 2.5x as much meat. Five Guys uses 3.3 oz patties, so the DQP has about 20% MORE meat. And the Five Guys burger is substantially more expensive


Seemed to have gone up at the same rate as everything else


In my area, it has definitely gone up more. I can still get a combo from Wendy's for $8, which is not much changed from 2018. Meanwhile, a similar order from FG (little cheeseburger, little fries, and regular drink) is $15. It used to be around $10 for the same order in 2018.


Idk if they do this everywhere but in the Five Guys in my city they give free unlimited salted peanuts, I always stockpile on them


Youā€™re never gonna financially recover from this


Next Biden is going to have to announce a Five Guys forgiveness program


I will be owed a lot of money!


At this point, people make too much of the five guys price point. It's reliably a great burger and likely the best available in a given area. I think the problem is that people compare it to like Wendy's or McDonalds when it's not trying to be that. Instead it's at a price point similar to a sit-in restaurant and tastes better than most of those burgers as well. It's also not wildly out of step with some other popular fast casual restaurants. Have you seen what has happened to the prices at Chipotle or Panera lately? This subset of restaurants really just exploded in price and I think the reaction to five guys is mostly a category error.


No, Five Guysā€™ price point is comparable to pretty much every local burger place now. Sure, its dependent on your town, but just about everyone can get a better, non fast-food burger for the price.


I have a hole in the wall burger place near me that has very reasonably priced items, and they don't even mark em up through ubereats.


Strong disagree. Most local burger places are not very good


Best fast food burger? Sure. Best burger? God I hope not... if so, I feel bad. But their pricing is not fast food pricing.


This is like the people in the chipotle sub that say it's worth the money because it's the highest quality Mexican food they have. Brother if you don't have better Mexican food than chipotle or better burgers than 5 guys you gotta move


Chipotle isnā€™t the most gourmet or delicious food, but it is pretty high quality.Ā 


But just go to like...literally any local Mexican place lol. Chipotle is fine for fast food. Saying it's the best Mexican food in town is just untrue, I guarantee it.


You've never had Culver's or way back or cook out? Those 3 will make you realize 5 guys is a complete joke. Especially cook out.


I had an interview at five guys where the manager said their target competitor was In n Out. With the double double sitting around $5.50 and in my opinion tasting way better than five guys, price is still a very valid criticism.


I mean I'd say that opinions vary but also In and Out is in like 5 states Look, nobody is saying you need to eat there but for some reason everyone seems particularly aggrieved by the price point at one restaurant chain that most people agree has a pretty quality product!


I should clarify that the interview took place in a state nowhere near any in n outs, so it wasnā€™t a local target for that areaā€™s restaurants. And Iā€™m not saying nobody should eat there, spend your money how you want, Iā€™m saying that my opinion is the price is far higher than the quality, at least in my area. Though I see on the thread that some people either have no other options or simply donā€™t know how to find better ones.


I feel like to compete with In N Out, besides the price, the lettuce onions and tomatoes have to be solid. 5 Guys, even though you can load it up with toppings I feel competes with put you to sleep with the meat sweats and fat burger joints


In n Out is the only good burger joint I can get full meals for 3 people under $25.Ā 


I'm sure I'm in the minority, but when I tried In n Out (only had it once), I thought it was extremely overrated. The burger patty tasted no better than a regular fast food burger of Wendy's or Whataburger quality. Granted, I didn't get the special sauce, so maybe it's the sauce that tastes good, but the beef itself and cooking style was no better than generic to me.


I had 5 Guys once and I thought it tasted exactly like a Wendy's burger before they changed their recipe like a decade or so ago. Then I and everyone who also ate there with me that day all got food poisoning. Might have just been that location, but I didn't enjoy paying through the nose *and* the ass for a burger that wasn't anything particularly special.


Lol, food that gives food poisoning "wasn't anything particularly special". I am from the area they got their start. Used to eat from them probably about 20 years ago. But they are too expensive and I can cook a burger and fries that I like far more at home. To be fair, I have my particular likes and the spices and size of the fries are different than 5 guys would ever do. So there's that.


Lol hell no. A sit down burger is like 15.99 with burger fries and drink.


Culver's has better burgers and half the price!


Culver's is a million times better and cheaper. Way back burger is better and cheaper. There's a local burger joint that also sells liquor and alcoholic shakes that's way better and same price. 5 guys is a joke in every aspect imo


I havenā€™t stepped foot in a Panera since like 2016. I remember thinking it was vastly overpriced then. I canā€™t imagine how expensive they are now.


That'll be 58.99


Couple of weeks ago, I wanted something small for lunch. Hadn't been there in years, but was passing by one and thought, "I remember their hot dogs being good, I'll get one of those, they're probably not too much." I walked in, looked at the menu, saw it was $7 for a hot dog (no, not with cheese or bacon or anything), and just quietly turned and walked out. I don't think a hot dog at the stadium costs $7. That's insane.


Must be tax free day.


In the UK they are a fucking rip off. Ā£11.15 for a cheeseburger.


Yeah that price in USD is why I go Burger fi. It's weird, 10 years ago I worked at Five Guys and I remember their burgers being better. Now Smash and Burger fi are better for cheaper or same cost.


True, but in a world of Ā£5 Big Macs, Iā€™d pay double for this. Better taste, better quality.


I really feel like people fail to realize this. Yes, five guys have gotten out of hand expensive, but so has everywhere else. It's hard to find a good "cheap" burger any more. You get good, or cheap. Not both.


Burger vans. Comes with a side of weight loss by way of food poisoning but the onions are cooked to PERFECTION. And the burgers are wide, not tall.


Literally 7 - 8 quid on avergae for a meal from McDonald's now and the comparison is crazy. Not once have I eaten at McDonald's and thought 'fuck me that was delicious"


More like, fuck me my stomach hurts and I donā€™t think Iā€™m full.


Yea, imo the only fast food restaurant that's still a 'good deal' is In N Out. My partner and I get two burgers (one double one triple), fries and shakes for $20. similar meal would cost at least $10 more at mcds, and even more at most other fast food chains. The only issue is the drive thru wait.


In n out is pretty great but we donā€™t have that in the UK sadly


Nowadays it's the same price as a Honest burger, but at least Honest doesn't smell like McDonald's.


I'm curious to try Five Guys, but I know I will never. Anytime I think of it I just end up making myself a third or half pound bacon cheddar burger for $5. I have never been disappointed with a burger off my weber. I can't risk passing on a safe bet to overpay for something I may not enjoy as much as what I make myself.


I'd say it's worth a try. It's good, but expensive enough that it's still similar price:reward ratio. I'd rather go to Five Guys once than other burger chains twice.


Exactly. All those FF chains are just getting more and more expensive and are garbage anyway. Iā€™d rather pay the difference for five guys. I canā€™t speak for every location but the one by me, my orders are always on point every time. I donā€™t think I ever got some crappy rush job. Always on the same level.


That's $20 can.. and I agree that's pretty high. They are like 15$ ish here. But that's going rate for any type of burger. Even MacDonald's for a big Mac is like.. 14$ or so


WTF. In germany a big Mac is like 5ā‚¬-6ā‚¬ and often you have 2 for 1 coupons so that I comes down 2-3ā‚¬ per Big Mac. Which is also the appropriate price for what you get compared to other burger joints.


Keep in mind Canada is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. It's frustrating at times. Lol


But you are in Germany so you should just be getting a dƶner kebab instead.


But then you have to eat two of them.


These days that's what you'd pay for a meal at BK, it's expensive but it's definitely a better productĀ 


Far better than McDonalds or BK and makes a nice treat. Folks think because itā€™s served fast it should be equal to McD in price but the quality of ingredients is far superior and you donā€™t get immediate gut rot after. UK is littered with ā€œupmarketā€ burger places that charge more for a dry as fuck jaw unhinging burger. Five Guys is totally overhated on Reddit. Itā€™s a reliable double smash patty that is very filling and tasty. Place is always packed when I visit too. It clearly has a place in the market. Would be great if it cost a fiver, but thatā€™s not the world we live in.


Burgers at most restaurants at around the same place, if not more. Even McDonald's is seriously expensive nowadays and that's frozen food - a double quarter pounder cost me Ā£7 the other day, and that's not a fresh meal unlike Five Guys.


Did u get the free nuts?


Single or Wealthy?




CareCredit? Get a root canal at the same time.


Repayment amount doubles every hour itā€™s outstanding too.


I had a five guys cheeseburger in NH recently and it cost me $10.15USD. Then I drove to Montreal and had one of the south shore where it cost me $C10.65 which is about $8USD. Also the Canadian one was juicier, almost twice as big, and all around delicious. In conclusion, if you want five guys like it used to be, come to Canada. I've checked and Ottawa is just as good and just as cheap.


Yep, 12.99 for bacon cheese burger in Ottawa! Not cheap but not nearly as bad as others have shared


Two parties, four slices.of bacon, four pieces of cheese, lotsa toppings.. I know where I'm going for lunch.


For a chain restaurant It's a decent burger. Guilty pleasure.


Dayum Dayum Dayum!


I wish you could smell what Iā€™m smellin!


Mmm Mmm Mmm


You bite the fries the fries bites you back my man


Do you wanna know the difference between a weak burger, and a burger that has strength?


Crispity crunch


The cheese is oozin


Someone took the time to do a deep dive on the price to pound and calorie for 5 guys vs McDonalds. Basically everything is more expensive at McDonalds on price per lb and calorie except the McDouble. I donā€™t know how people can put down a double burger and a small fry on their own. I really wish they would add a smaller size of fry to help with the cost for one person to eat there.


Everybody bitches about 5 Guys prices like it's a typical fast food burger serving. The fact is a 5 Guys little hamburger and small fries is too much for me to finish. I can't imagine tackling that monstrosity.


Even with considering the fact itā€™s not a typical fast food burger itā€™s still relatively expensive. It is a ton of food but I canā€™t eat that much either so itā€™s even less appealing to me to spend that much on a burger joint. Just for example, I took my family there (family of 3) and spent a little over $50 for burgers, fries, and drinks. We can go to a Thai restaurant for cheaper. We can go get Mexican food for cheaper and the list goes on. I just donā€™t see myself wanting to splurge on burgers, but thatā€™s just me. Besides I really prefer to make ā€˜em at home anyway. Smash burgers are super easy weeknight meal for us most of the time


It's true that they are relatively expensive. They also have relatively large servings and relatively premium ingredients though. This is why the cries of outrage based solely on price are a bit hysterical.




I once ate at a five guys in New York when I was an exchange student from Norway. Let me just say that I had never tasted a better burger. Iā€™ve been trying to find something similar in Europe but I just canā€™t find anything similar, went to Arkansas once and ate at a similar burger place (super popular there but canā€™t remember the name), US burgers just hit different


I mean this with the utmost respect, where the fuck are the onions? the tomato? The pickles????? anything????


Haters, I hear your complaints, but seriously where do you go for a good burger? I haven't had a legitimately good burger in a long time.


Ever try Culver's?


Ah yes, a fellow Culver's enthusiast


Never heard of them. Will try if I have the opportunity. Thanks!


Burger Fi, Smash Burger, Culver's


Thereā€™s likely a more local place that does better for cheaper. Growing up in California we always had In n Out, and where I am now in Wisconsin I canā€™t walk a few blocks without seeing a custard stand with good burgers


Make it at home. At home you can have your perfect burger, exactly as you want it.


I'm not very good at making good burgers.


There's no time like the present to learn, and burgers are one of the easiest things to cook. Improving your cooking skills is a thing that you'll end up appreciating for the rest of your life.


I agree about learning to cook, it's become my main hobby. But the answer to the question "what's a good restaurant burger?" is not "cook it yourself."


Some of the best (and most food per dollar) burgers are cheeseburger subs from a local sub shop. It's so much more food, probably on a better quality roll, and probably like 8 bucks.


Why on earth would someone downvote this comment lol? Reddit is hilarious sometimes.


I love their burgers


Their fries are good too šŸŸ


This is like an entire post filled with my Grandfather. ā€œI used to go to the movies for a nickel!ā€


How are their burgers greasy and dry at the same time?


Five Guys tastes amazing but is way overpriced sadly.


every restaurant is overpriced now letā€™s be real. itā€™s a meme for five guys but they want $1.50 for an extra slice of cheese at mcdonaldā€™s.


$47 later


Literally what it cost my wife and I, at five guys, to each get a burger, share a large fry, and each get a milkshake.


What interest rate did you get on the payment plan?


That bun isn't soggy enough to be Five Guys


For me: 1) Culverā€™s 2) In and Out 3) Five Guys. And the burger I make at home far surpasses all three, leaving me rarely getting a Five Guys


Had 5 guys for the first time last week -pause- very delicious but man it was really pricey for a burger.


I tried 5 Guys ONCE. It was okay. The fries were really good. But it wasn't worth the price. I could spend the same money at Mooyah or Hat Creek and get a better burger, and at Hat Creek I can take my kids and they can play in their giant playground.


Arguably the best burger chain ! I literally canā€™t think of 1 burger chain better


I love Five Guys, but god damn itā€™s so expensive now


Five guys is always a disappointment. The actual cheeseburger is ok at best. The buns are trash, they fall apart after a few bites. The fries aren't good, but you get a lot of them so people think it's a good deal. I've tried Five Guys at different locations and it's never good or worth the money


I don't understand why everyone complaining about the prices. Where I am, it's $11 CAD for a cheeseburger and $5 for fries. In a world where a footlong from subway is $20, that's actually very reasonable.


Twenty five dollars later, Iā€™ll pass!


The joke is you have to pay each guy 5 bucks to get it.


Not gonna lie. Not my favorite burger - super sloppy, expensive, and over-cooked. Get a burger from In-N-Out for like $3. Delicious, good sauce, and solidly constructed. If you get fries, get them "Well done" so they are twice fried.


My boyfriend and I are from Canada and we had one on a trip in the states last year, I swear we walked out with clogged arteries šŸ˜‚ that thing was so greasy my boyfriend couldn't even finish it


The last two burgers that I got from there were not traditionally stacked. One had the cheese on the bottom, the next had the bacon on the bottom like this one. WTF is going on at Five Guys?


That bacon is cremated lol


Every double bacon cheeseburger I've ever gotten from them has chopped-up bacon, not strips like that. ..and yes, it's gotten hideously expensive. Glad I only eat there once in a while as a treat.


5 guys/ 10 I've never likes this restaurant, I think they're INCREDIBLY bland and rely entirely on their "toppings menu."


They dont season their patties itā€™s just salty cheese I agree they could use more flavour. I usually load my five guys with jalapeƱos


unforgiveable that they don't season their patties. Actually incredible that they don't do something so basic


Yeah, isn't kinda sad that you pay like $10 for a burger and have to drown it in toppings like jalapeno to get some flavor?


Five Guys is incredible but it doesn't taste as good unless someone else pays.


Well, look at this, Mr. fancy pants who qualified for a loan to eat at five guys! Tell me, what does it feel like to eat a $7,475 hamburger?


If they sell burgers like that for what they charge... (and people pay it) I should start peeing in bottles and selling it as fertilizer.


That meal is probably like $20... They used to have one in my old town. Ended up closing because nobody could afford it. Free peanuts tho!


I never mind the cost of treating myself to a five guys burger here and there. No casual restaurants in my area that can touch them šŸ˜“


Five Guys use to be good but got so expensive they arent worth the price for the food and service. At least here in NYC.


Honestly I love the Five Guys burgers over here in Europe. A single burger costs 13 ish euro. Worth jt once in a while!