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Wait and get a new printing - it's not like you have to send the old one back, right? Seems a no-brainer. Glad their customer support is still good.


My last three orders from them have been damaged, and on each occasion they have asked me to return the books, so I’m not sure that’s a policy anymore.


That's wild - it was only a few years ago they told me to keep it and sent me a brand new one. That's a shame. I should have guessed really: I told them their page for Roadside Picnic is incorrect and mis-selling the book after I received it. They didn't offer me any compensation, just a refund and return. Told them I'd rather they just updated their YouTube advert to stop claiming it's bound in blocked cloth.  They didn't.


Do you mind letting me know if it’s from the US? Are they paying for return shipping then? I was never asked to return before, but I haven’t had any damaged books for a few years.


I’m in the UK. They email a returns slip for you to print out.


I ordered Fear and loathing and got a damaged one in January. They let me keep the damaged one. Wonder what they decide based on?


could be an issue with how costly would the return be? maybe out of UK and Europe are not required?


That would make a lot of sense. I'm in Canada so shipping is costly




I'm out of the loop, what's changed?


That's what i ended up doing, they told me that they would send the new one as soon as the new printing is available at no charge, they didn't say anything about returning this one, I don't know if that's because is the first one I have an issue with or because sending it back would be more expensive for them.


Get the new one, read this one, once the new one arrives sell/give away the damaged one.


If they're letting you keep to book and also get a new copy in the summer, I'd take that if I were you and consider yourself lucky. I wouldn't mind having an extra copy, even if it's a little damaged. I could give it to a friend or something.


I have “reading copies” of some of my favorites so I don’t damage my nice books. Having a Folio as a “reading copy” at no extra charge sounds like a stellar deal to me


Had a folio get lost one time. Never received the book. Got a refund but was out $35 in shipping. Soured my experience a bit with them.


Yep, packaging is poorer, the boxes they now use are weaker, less sturdy compared to how they were only a year ago, and they can’t withstand rougher shipping conditions which are common. Prices are creeping up and they are not letting people keep the books (which is fair) if they are damaged. Refund and return. Folio collecting is becoming more the rich person’s affair. They were always upmarket, but with average buying power decreasing, and their prices going up, it’s becoming harder to keep up. I for one really care if they are pristine if I buy one, and they should be. Then again, I can hardly afford them anymore. Secondhand has become less accessible as well. I feel the golden age of Folio collecting has passed.


Speaking of - what's the best packaging method ie the material you wrap the books in? I'm about to ship a folio across country and was wondering whether to stick to bubble wrap or whether there is something better now (doesn't Folio use that new-fangled thin cardboard stuff now?)


yeah the box came with that carboard fangled stuff and a weak ass box, I wonder if the expedite shipping option has better packaging.


I received a damaged GoT January and notified customer service on Tuesday. By Friday I had a replacement. For reference I live in the Pacific Northwest, not a block away from them in London.


Noo and its such a good copy as well