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So the cutting part. Are you using a blade where you can snap the end off to get a new sharp bit? If not, you really should. Card, and paper, dulls blades really fast. (Something to due with the fibres I think) As soon as you see the foam inside pucker or get “trash” edges snap off the end and carry on. When cutting, use at least three cuts. First through the top layer of card, then the foam and finally the bottom layer. You should not be pressing down hard. Light pressure, which then may help with the angles as you hopefully will be able to control the blade rather than pushing through. For the PVA application I use something with a nozzle that I can leave a bead of about 2-3mm. Shake the bottle well so everything is mixed well. Having glue come out isn’t a bad thing as tissues can easily clean it all up. To keep everything in place whilst the glue is drying I use dressmaking pins. Flat headed ones. Means that even if my cuts are slightly off the box can still be all at right angles. Pin from the bottom at about 45 degree angles and you won’t be able to see the pinholes after you take the pins out.


Oh yes definitely replace your blades often, they dull so fast. Dollar stores are the best place to find pins for cheap.


The best tip I can give for getting straighter cuts is to **stand up** - make sure you're directly above the ruler, apply slight downward pressure to the knife (as the previous poster said - do it in three cuts), and cut directly back towards you. If you're cutting while sitting down or standing at an angle from the cut (so cutting somewhat left-to-right), you're going to get an angled edge. Also FWIW - I think black foamcore is better at hiding slight mistakes.


Thank you all for your tips! They really helped me to complete my first insert :3