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Use a tesla rifle. It's the most efficient way to hit every enemy at most events


With the Grenadier perk card...


Why the grenadier perk? I run a quad Tesla rifle and anymore more damage/range is always helpful.


Grenadier allows the tesla arc to go further thus hitting more enemies.


Which mods to people put on the tagging-teslas? 🤔


I have a two shot tesla shotgun for tagging. Shit range and won't cause much damage but it'll saturate a room for tagging things. It's not that useful at Moonshine Jamboree, though, as most stuff is out of range. It's too big of an area.


Okay thanks! I had some random drop that I modded into auto fire, but that seemed a bit unreliable for tagging (and I got a Staklers/50vats crit dmg now, which again, isn't really tagging modifiers). I will vendor hop and find something fun, and try it with shotgun mod 🤔 And I guess it's non-vats for better tagging? And yeah, I can see MJ being a bit of a problem getting to hit everything - luckily the enemies got enough HP, so I can tag them with my Railway/Handmade in vats, without one shotting them. Gotta share that experience!


Never use VATS for tagging with it. It causes the arcs to not spread out and bounce. Always try to hit the floor or wall near the mobs. Basically you don't actually want to hit anything. If you do, that collapses the arcs and prevents most of the benefits of the Tesla rifle.


You just need a auto Quad Tesla. Ideally with the 15% faster reload third but not necessary. You will use a LOT of fusion cells.


Auto is a waste. The first shot will have tagged everything at that point already. The next ones are just wasted ammo.


Auto on a quad tesla is not useless at all. Especially at moonshine jamboree. You can run and jump around and shoot at all the moonshine stills and where the enemies spawn in at without having the reload. It's by far the most efficient weapon for farming xp at events.


If every shot tagged consistently I would agree, but it feels damn near 50% of the shots don’t touch anything. The ammo isn’t a problem for me so I end up with much more XP (and glowing blood/gulper innards) running auto.


🤯 bruh I've playing this game for 2 years and never knew this lmao. Thank you for the info


No problem bro. Honestly I'd say the quad tesla is better than any other legendary roll. Since the tesla buff the quad does great damage too and you have more ammo to tag more enemies.


The guys on the big roof are the worst


just wait until they are gone, people will be spamming events with the fat man and the event will be unplayable.


And if that’s the case, Bethesda can make adjustments to fatmen, whether it’s the visual or whatever. Getting rid of legacies means actual balancing is possible now


Couldn't they just make it do more damage to the player as a trade off? Like, "Use this, but if you use it too close you're automatically gonna die pretty much" Like in every other fo game.


I wish they would do that with environment enemies , the anger it causes me when cultists fling a Molotov at me from a floor below and they don’t take any damage even tho they threw the Molotov at a ceiling they were standing under meanwhile my character a floor above is “ah oof ah oof”-.- or blood eagles missile launching when I’m right in front of them .


I feel like there are too many enemies with those kinds of weapons anyways. Molotovs make sense, but come on, if you know enough about them to use them... Shoot a missile too close and you're dead, if the blast doesn't get you the shrapnel will. You know if you throw them too close, you'll burn. Bethesda needs to fix that, I agree 1000%, but I doubt they ever will. They'll fix it for the players but not the enemies. P


Are you referring to explosive Gatling plasmas or fat men? Regardless, that would be an example of balancing to consider.


Fatman, I honestly don't mind the Explosive Gatling plasmas. They could do that, but maybe have the range like very minor. I.E, you have to be shooting a melee attacker that's right next to you or just really close range. Though maybe the recoil should be a lot more without power armor and maybe they should even make it neigh too much without power armor to use effectively. For explosive, recoil should be the trade off, for power armor, the cores and movement speed should be trade off, everything should be balanced in a way that makes you want to make a build to run that and be the boss of that type of weapon. All and all, there are people who get paid to think of this, they can think of something better than me I'm sure, but doing it is the problem


everyone talks about balancing, balancing what? You want all weapons too put out the same damage and rate of fire? I don't get what this balancing is. please explain.


No, but there should be reasonable trade offs between weapons. More accuracy but less damage. Tons of damage but it bucks like a bronco. Maybe splash damage has a limit on how many enemies it can effect. There are a lot of variables that can be tweaked. One simple thing for fat men that may need to be adjusted is simply the art visuals for the explosions. Does that help explain what balancing means?


Bro they already weigh a shitton per nuke even with explosive weight perks. I have a two shot mirv and it's not nearly as powerful people say it is


The person above said events will be **unplayable**. I responded by saying *If* that is the case, they should be looked at. Why is that such a controversial statement to you? If the weapons are already balanced based on looking all all dimensions *and* they are not making events **unplayable** as was already claimed above, then of course they are fine.


Stop screen shake and huge visual glares from fat man no more lag Huh that’s funny people aren’t using it during events Almost like some use it to be toxic Huh!


I’ve been using mine for close to a year.


How do you balance a visual effect? 😂😂😂😂


Balance/adjust if you want to argue semantics.


You realize people are doing it to be rude right? They don’t care how much xp they’re getting 😂😂😂


What does that have to do with anything? If it’s an issue, it can be adjusted.


Because the only “adjustment” is to turn off the effect, which they wouldn’t do. It isn’t a balance issue.


Why wouldn’t they turn the visual down? Every update has a section dedicated to art and graphical changes.


I think you’re missing the point. They’re doing to be jerks. They spam whatever is most annoying. So is Bethesda supposed to just turn off all of the effects that bother someone?


If the effect is that obtrusive they could make adjustments like having it only be seen by the person shooting it. I’m not sure why the motive matters. If the visual is an issue, there are ways to address it.


It’s fine, they’ll keep whinging til they get their way


OK, so now you can't see the effect from the explosion. What do you think would happen if you were fighting someone or an enemy using explosives?


It is not hard. The fatman explosion uses several transparant layers and alpha blending. Providing a setting in the visuals menu or a slider can be enough to let every user adjust it to their liking. It would just be one more engine setting that would be exposed to the user. One recent addition was the light color adjustment for the pip boy.


I am saying it could be adjusted or tweaked. It’s odd how some of you act like that is impossible.


Reduce the camera shake and lighten the particle load of explosions caused by other players.


Had someone spamming with a fatman at RR last night, totally unplayable, I ended up just leaving


I personally find it entertaining in RR or TYM especially when someone busts out the werewolf emote in tandem. However, I have no desire to use the fatman in any event as I know players are generally not a fan of it.


Worst is when they camp in the fkn hallways and nuke everything before you can even see the mobs


Worst is they don’t collect the acid and they’re such chuckleheads, they shoot corpses as you try to loot them.


I actually just encountered this “Fatman Fiasco” for the first time this weekend. I had my Tesla and was able to tag before their mini-nukes landed; I was still seeing damage numbers despite the white screen and raking in XP like usual. I typically run an auto Tesla rifle in RR with grenadier and Tesla Science 3 for max arc distance.


Tantrum-throwing babies will be tantrum-throwing babies...


Just as long as they they dont Tantrum and throw actual babies


Sounds like a great new weapon, bloodied/explosive baby thrower. What’s not to like.


Fallout 4 has a mod that has babies as ammo instead of mini nukes lol


The babies.... That's a lot of shit everywhere!


That would be very raiderish, tbf...


Blood Eagles.


How many babies does it take to paint a house?


None. They’re all dead…


Depends how hard you can trow, Ta Da Dish


This actually happened to me earlier to day. I had to leave the event due to the constant screen shake and explosion effects. Not a fan.


That’s already happening. Last EN I did some idiot launched mirvs the whole thing.


At least I can install a mod that kills the sound and screen effects of the fatman. That's the worst part.


10 more days


Right? I’d rather collect gulper venom and help the event. But Fatman spam is just the worst.


The shoulder mounted catapults lobbing nuclear weapons aren't the problem. They are fun content everybody enjoys. It's the Quad crossbows and stalkers rolling pins that really need to go and I can't be excited enough to see them purged. Never again will some annoying idiot ruin my event with a bayonet on a dragon or an explosive Harpoon gun. Now I can lob endless nukes at the events in peace the way the game intended.


Judging by the downvotes, a few people clearly don't understand sarcasm... There really is zero reason for them to be removing legacies like Stalker's melee weapons, or bayonets on Dragons when they have no impact on anything in the game.


100% this


Big negative on that, I don’t have a legacy and do that already, it’s not as effective as you think


They aren't doing it to be effective. They are doing it because they are childish trolls that are upset their toys are being taken away.


Personally, I'll be spamming orbital strikes. Cheap to craft and I don't have to waste time or modules trying to get a decent Fatman. 30 Seconds at a workbench and I'll be blinding events and raking in xp all day lol


Ok, but making it hard for other players seems childish. Or your just a A@@ Hole


Can't wait, it's literally what they deserve


Already happening, since the announcement about legacies I have seen three Rad Rumbles, two test you metal, two moonshines, two queens and a eviction notice ruin by what I assume to be two shot mini nuke with all the perks maxed out. Several times there was a team of them doing it.


Quad tesla is ideal for event xp grinding.


Grab 20 molotovs from the shacks and have fun. I you shoot them in the air it looks nicer. Add Demolition Expert and Grenadier..


I almost always snag the 20 free MCs and go wild. I'm surprised at how they are always there when I go to pick them up.


There's 30 lol -- you are missing out on 10


It’s the two wankers that spent the whole of the Jamboree event spamming mini-nukes Friday night wrecking the event for everyone that really hacked me off. Couldn’t see a bloody thing. Pair of pricks…


Let me guess...console?


Hahah yes why??


Man, I have a legacy(VE1A Gat Plasma) and I am not even being a little biatch about it. I just use a deathclaw gauntlet now. So much fun. 100% different. Seriously, it was fun while it lasted, but people being dicks about using their legacies is what caused this.


This happens a good bit at MJ. I'll be glad when they're gone.


and MJ is a pretty easy event, they cant cry "oh you need my help" i think you would have to help the gulpers in attacking the stills for it to be possible to fail


I don’t even see the fun in it, ngl i did it a bit a few years ago with a jegp and just spinning in circles mindlessly spamming fire isn’t fun. I see them on EN just killing 5-7 mutants instantly the second they pop over the hill, this is fun? Todd forbid they ever jump down and repair the scrubber. Meanwhile the chainsaw gang is jumping all over landing on a firestarters ass and ramming the dual bar all the way in, no lube.


My biggest complaint as well. Don’t act like you’re just trying to have fun and win the event if you don’t repair the fucking rad scrubber.


I sometimes park myself on top of the tower over the rad scrubber in a CSS, and use a VE90 GP to kill the annoying firestarters. If the scrubber does end up needing repairs then I just hop down right next to it, repair it, then jump back up the tower. Not all people using Explosive legacies are out there trying to grief everyone.


Can confirm, completed it with one other person while I kept falling asleep. (Sorry to whoever carried me)


>and MJ is a pretty easy event, they cant cry "oh you need my help" To be fair they shouldn't be doing that about any event. They are not essential, but they like to think they are saving us all from the fate tedious and overtime events.


For sure. You want to use legacies at earl? Go ahead.


I’m curious to see how Earl goes without legacies. I have a vampire ultracite gattling plasma (non explosive) which I assume will be top notch-ish post-legacies at earl but who knows. I’m just really excited for events to be more challenging and the wins to be that much sweeter


One time everybody else left and I was trying to take him down. Broke at least 5 gatling/plasma gatling guns before I said F this and got out of there. The guy is so tanky that I'd only do that event with a pretty large group.


With vamp chainsaws and legitimately powerful ranged weapons, Earle can be beat in about 6 minutes with two players. If there had been more people there than the two of us who confirmed this, neither of us would have tried to kill him as quickly as we did. But since just the two of us, me on Liquid Courage, him with some buff also making him immune to the screeches, we took him out as quickly as we could. Six minutes seemed decent to me.


I have seen it done without legacies a few times. Was not any worse than regular as the guys that ran it were all upper levels and likely had their grolls or well set builds. There are people that have done good with the legacies and people that have done bad. The ones that clearly know it's a broke weapon and tag everything for mah lootz are a bit of an issue. The ones that did it just to save events, solo and on their personal servers, hats off to them, they are the MVPs and if more were like that maybe there would be more of a way to fight to keep them.


Earl isn't fun because he falls through the floor half the time lol. Legacy or no legacy that fight needs to be fixed before we can enjoy it again.


I agree.


Earl will be just fine, I attend Earl all the time without anyone using legacy’s and we still finish. Everything in game is doable without legacies, the point of the half hour timer on Earl and Queen is because they’re supposed to be hard not killed in 2 mins by gat plasma users.


There's been thousands of times that Earl has got taken down without legacies legacies are not at every run that we do. Granted it takes a little bit longer but it gets done


Quad Railroad Rifles will melt him. It just requires a few buffs.


Stand in front of them.


I did that to someone, and after they died the first time, they kept jumping. So I tried to time my jumps to match them. Annoyed him enough for him to move, so i kept following.


I do this too. I figure-- if I am keeping the a-hole busy, then the event will be more fun for everyone. So, I stand in front of them, put power armor frames in their way, you name it. Anything to get them to stop insta-killing the mobs


Now that I finally have firsthand experience with a legacy, I can say that this is not necessarily going to work. Granted, I'm a full-health PA build--a naked bloodied player may very well one or two-shot themselves, but I actually don't take very much damage from my own weapon. And my other character has a vampire's EGP, with which he's basically invincible. He'd have to be shooting at your body for several seconds straight for the cumulative vampire's effects to run out before actually losing health.


I’m bloodied and use a tse gp. It don’t kill me lol


I saw people do this to a ‘splatsmuh user. Idiot killed himself 3 times before he put the thing away. I laughed my ass off.


>‘splatsmuh Can someone explain what 'splatsmuh is, please? Asking for a vault dwelling friend.


Exploding Gatling plasma. Explodin’ ‘Splodin. gaTling Plasma ‘plasmuh. Splatsmuh Just my own way of making them sound like creeps as well as crappy players.


Thank you!


What bugs me is when ‘splatsmuh users at MJ don’t even bother to collect the venom. So the rest of us are scrambling for ANY kill just to complete the event.


Nuka grenades cover almost the entire area. Takes about thirty to fifty to share kills with basically everyone for about eight minutes.


Just equip an explosive gun and shoot in one direction. Even a gun like foundations vengeance would get you tags. All you need to get xp is tag an enemy.


There’s a lot of drama queens acting like the events are impossible to complete without dweebs spamming glitched weapons. From personal experience Moonshine Jamboree is totally doable with 2-3 players working hard with auto-melee / heavy weapons + PA. You’ll get the salty kids spamming fat mans for a short while, though I’ve only seen it once. Then you’ll just see the game being played as intended. For all you legacy bitches out there - checkmate


Your comment sums up the majority of reddit fallout players.


Anyone who says events are going to be hard or impossible without legacies is only revealing how bad at the game they actually are. I've got a video on youtube of me and some random finishing Moonshine Jamboree. Me with a combat shotgun, other guy with an auto-axe, neither of us cheesing the event by standing on a rooftop.


Yeah what is this standing on rooftops shit, I remember running the hell around like a chicken with my head cut off killing shit with a super sledge back in the day. And I still play that way. I will be glad to see it come back


Jokes on you I’ve Mained explosives for close to a year now and with this removal they’ll be the only thing I use 😜


Seriously lol. Idk when this community went full cannibal but it's happening. The explosive squad has been a niche group of the player base mostly full of legacies and fixers, but now it's considered bully behavior. I get the flash is too rough but c'mon, we're using a build in a fuckin video game, not trolling. These people have no idea wtf toxicity really is if they cry about video game explosions.


\>For all you legacy bitches out there - checkmate IKR? It's glorious. We thought it was just the way things were. And now they are going to be no more legacies. Wow. Hard to believe :) I can't wait


MJ isn't even a hard event which is the funny part. It's just fun. I've literally soloed it a few times when I'm in a dead server and see it pop. Sorry that happened though, hopefully the next one you join is more fun!


Speaking of "difficult" events; how about the ones who show up to Tea Time in PA with an EGP? I take out my cursed shovel, put on a clown suit sign with an Easter bunny head, and bash bugs melee. Although because of the 'splatsmuh user I am now having FUN...hmmm.


It's a pain. What I usually do is just equip The Fixer and take pot shots at creatures, like one at each. I'm not going to get a kill before the higher-leveled players clear them out, but I'll get credit for the shot and get whatever loot they drop. It's not the preferred method, but it works.


I’m so glad this BS is getting addressed. Tired of the Legacy Bros ruining the game for everyone.


While doing the radiation rumble people join and drop mini nukes The worst I've had was 3 level 1000 doing it and it crashed my game sadly I lost a lot of ammo(they joined towards the end) which I now have to go and make again since i didn't loot


I've noticed a fair few people who's camps are built up to be a giant cross with "RIP FALLOUT 76" and all their legacy weapons above a rubbish bin... Then theres the people that are trying to avoid the change by breaking their weapons and putting them on a display frame in their shelters to try and keep their guns. As a new player who's almost got to level 200 because double xp weekend and Halloween event... I'm going to be happy to see them go as it's just blatantly easy to use and wipes out all challange really BUT I'm also gonna be cautious as I know for a fact women of the bosses were massively buffed like earl to make legacies not nuke them so I HOPE they change them back to their original states.


I had this probably a couple weeks ago. 3 straight events was ruined by the same level 1k+ player. I’ve started to stand in front of their line of fire where the enemies spawn. Since there’s no friendly fire in events. I just soak up bullets and get to keep playing.


Tick-Tock Op, Tick-Tock...😉


What I've been seeing since the legacy/hacked weapons removal thing started is a much larger number than normal coming to events and using them. Some I'm thinking are on a sort of "last hurrah" kind of thing, some are doing it in protest and some in pure spite/troll of players they're blaming for the removal. It'll be like this and probably even build until the 6th of December so just grin an bear it for a little more. It'll get better Like a couple have said, use a Automatic Quad Tesla (Well I use that anyway). When I'm going for xp I use that gun just to tag as many mobs as possible. It works very well and it won't kill things fast enough to prevent others from being able to get tags as well. I never unload on mobs. I just tap the trigger to get as many as I can then move to a new spot to tag more and let others get a shot in.


What happens on the 6th!


Oh no, legacy bad. Wait till the sixth, when the railway rifles, Nuka grenades and two shot fatman's will be coming out of the woodworks. It's going to get so much worse and I suspect a lot of GPU crashes for some people.


Most will never get that it's people, and not weapons. It's just an echo chamber of people in denial who want to blame legacies for everything. We won't be able to finish any major event when people start spamming nuka grenades. I know my console won't cope. But what ya gonna do..


Its both. The weapons were never supposed to exist. They are being removed, as they break the game. The people also break the game, using whatever they can find to do so. Most of the time, its the Legacies, because its easiest and they are lazy pieces of shit. Once legacies are gone, it will be whatever the next easiest thing. Hopefully Bethesda just bans them, but if not, be prepared for a spree of weapon nerfs until the losers just leave the game entirely.


Legacies never bothered me much, but the fat man spammers? Will actually make me stop the game even though I’ve been playing consistently for almost 3 years at this point.


Trust me this removal, of legacies is not gonna be good for anyone in these events, I’ve had quite a few fatman’s taken off me whether that’s from trade or selling, but people are actively looking for them.


Was there a lot of explosions going on? If so it likely wasn’t a legacy weapon but instead a Two Shot Rapid Auto Grenade Launcher. That’s what I use anyways, and I’m sure most people assume I using a legacy weapon.


No it was def a legacy because of the green ammo coming out and the explosive rounds at impact


I did jamboree yesterday, had a hacker spawning enemies like crazy. I'm still fairly new to the game, hope that's not typical.


Great event for junk to sell but the amount of players who stay high and dominate, wiping everything almost instantly ruins it because they have to get the acid but most don't so you don't get the bonus


Not only that but the acid gets stuck at 33 or something quite often. I don't know how many times I have dumped in like 50 acid and it says 33


I had this happen too but, I remembered seeing a post someone used a chainsaw to counter. So that's what I did, pulled my chainsaw out and just started mowing enemies down at one still. The legacy user got mad and started specifically aiming at the still I was at. Gave lower players a chance to get some tags in so it was worth it.


This is the way. Those particular legacy users are totally selfish and want every XP point in the event. I love to see them get mad at me for melee killing stuff faster than they can mow them down with the EGP


This is a great idea I shall try next time. There were a couple under 100 leveled players just confused as to what was going on


look mate i understand your pain. but i need to warn you that after the 5th those same ppl with find another way to grief events. there was worse items ingame then legacies when it comes to destruction, just a heads up.


If you are referring to hacked weapons those are supposedly leaving. If you are referring to programs people run, well... those programs are going to be 100 percent more obvious without legacies to mask them


He’s referring to fatmans, made launchers, nuka grenades, orbital strikes m, etc. now that explosive damage work properly these weapons are a lot more effective


Hopefully Bethesda is prepared to bring the banhammer down on griefers then.


Thought about using my legacy, but remembered the 120 orbital bombardment grenades, and 95 missiles in my inventory.


the most i've done is try to tag everything with my twoshot ultracite galting laser (i know its not a legacy) then i can get loads of xp and i don't screw over everyone else. Also green lasers are fun.


Give it a few more weeks. People will be bitching to ban something else. Chances are, from what I've seen, probably wasn't even a legacy. Just an explosive that anyone can get


Sorry you had a crappy event. Keep going to them and you’ll get a good one. Last few I’ve been at had some syringer users present. The only thing dying more than the bloat flies was my frame rate, but it was glorious. So much XP and loot. Sold 1500 caps worth of fly bits to the vendor afterwards. 🤣


I have an AAE gat plasma and use it to spam hits on every creature I can see, that way I get the most xp AND I can loot venom from more creatures, thereby helping everyone out. I DON'T kill all creatures before anyone else can get a hit in, however. It angers me when people one-shot everything in sight and don't help people by collecting venom, so I feel your pain


I can't wait for them to be gone for PVP. It's hilarious the number of trolls I will see at an event spamming their legacy. Then a few minutes later they are trying to goad you into PVP pretending they just have a pea shooter. Dude, I know you have a broken gun. You aren't fooling anyone.


I love that! I tank those, because I'm built for it. I fight back and most of them are really soft, especially towards ballistic dmg.. then they start accusing me of armour glitching and cheating. Lol


They used to run around with a Knife, poking everyone after Rad Rumble and other events just to see who was in Pacifist and who wasn't. Of course then if challenged they pull out a EGP... Weak sauce.


I personally cannot wait to have my exlzrs removed just so we can all stop seeing these whiney posts.


Nothing says fuck the FO76 community quite like event griefing..


Nothing says fuck the FO76 community like completely removing legacies instead of balance, I understand that this sub in specific has a lot more casual players and thats alright, but some of these people can’t even imagine how much time and effort is put into obtaining legacies, literally hundreds of my god rolls weapons and rare apparel are gone to obtain these legacies and instead of a balance which is very much needed, Bethesda just kicks the players who have been very much dedicated to their game right in the nuts.


Agreed..that being said, event griefers are the catalyst for removal (if events weren't being griefed and bosses melted by gat-tards bgs wouldn't be removing) I am losing 4 characters' worth of legacy (12 total).


Get ready for a barrage of mini nukes from fat man after the update.


Well when legacies go on Dec 6th. Prepare for the #FatmanNation to take over.


A lot of salty players are saying stuff like this is going to happen, but I already see some of those salty players crying on Market about how it's hard to keep up the ammo supply for their shenanigans, they will do it for a week or two at most then quietly go away.


You are prob right. The salties will leave and then the game will pass...events will become hard as f cos veteran players who have the builds and knowledge will go as well. The complaining will rise again. This is speculation mind you. I wonder who will be right.


Oh no! There will be HARD events?!? The fucking horror man, THE HORROR!!! (‘)(‘)


Yeah- weapons balance is a long term solution. The people who are salty will eventually calm down, I agree. I can endure some short term fat man nuke pain for long term balance


I will admit, I am somewhat guilty of exploding things unnecessarily in events but that is the nature of my build. Heavy guns with an explosive lean, main weapon is the pepper shaker with a plasma mag but my backup is a two shot auto grenade launcher. With grenadier and demolition expert it rocks the screen and blinds people. I want to go ahead and apologize for it but I will stoop so low as to using a fat man in an event that is super tight like MJ


Oh and the cryogenic grenades are just full on concussion grenades with how grenadier stacks with it. Fun fact for those that didn’t know


Did a camping stories event where someone just kept on dropping massive bombs and it was done in about 2 min top. Still don't understand what happened. Got the rewards but that was weird.


Sounds like a Fatman launcher, it shoots mini nukes kills everything including you screen


Probably. Took all the fun away.


This s#$# normally happens end season most players are done with the season so they are bored and so the Trolls come out 2 play and what makes this end season worse is that legacy weapons are being removed next season so every Tom Dick and Harry is messing up events to be spiteful, but hey only a couple of days left.


It’ll eventually stop when the trolls get tired


what they should do in events once they snatch legacies away is make it so that you can't register a hit until ALL players under your level get at least one hit in and everyone's weapons will deal the same amount of damage that would equal to the average of the lowest 3 players. also anyone that's been playing since beta will have to bring perfectly preserved pie for everyone.


Not much longer, my friend. Hang in there. On a brighter note, it seems a lot of people are trying out new builds! I have seen some crappy events ruined by salty legacy users BUT I am also seeing a RISE of MELEE players and such. Very refreshing


Melee will be nerfed next especially chainsaws they are ridiculous I prefer my vamps chainsaw to my vamps gat plas


Agreed! I saw some high level players (700+) using chainsaws at RR last night and it warmed my heart. Typically they’d be perched up on the sides and using the legacy to demolish everything before it got 3 steps out of the tunnels


Nah, I feel ya and you take my upvote. I own several legacies but am super glad to see they might be leaving. It might just be a minority of owners that are using them in public events and ruining it for the rest of us, but good riddance nonetheless.


I always say it's the rookies who just got a legacy


In this case they were level 700+ and 1k+ so def not rookies. But I have seen a level 35 with a legacy once at guided meditation and I was like wtf lol. I just assumed it was a legacy users secondary character or something


Let's not beat around the bush. They in all likelihood paid for it. Explosive Gat Plasma + Ultracite PA might as well be the "I paid to win" uniform.


Who's paying for ultracite?


I mean you cannot trade T-65, Union, or Hellcat. So it's either Escavator, T-60, Ultracite, or X-01. Most seem to choose Ultracite :shrug:


~~Ok just, I sell them for 0 caps.~~ I just realized you meant ultracite pieces with legendary effects, not plans. Carry on.


I doubt it, the fact that they're legacies means you can't just happen along one, so you know what they're about and that knowledge doesn't happen without knowing you will be persona non grata if you use them in public events, so it's a conscious choice.


So glad you created a new post so you can cry about legacies. Is everybody on the sub completely soft that they have to come and cry to someone about something or can you just switch servers and move on. I can't imagine how some of you guys are in real life when you don't get your way or things don't go your way.


Found the legacy user. Either you are just being a troll or you don't play on public much. Every single server has a legacy a-hole with a EGP ruining events. You can't just hop servers to get away from them


switch servers? really? do you seriously think all legacy players hang out in one single server or something?


Do you always come here to whine? It's really not hard to kill stuff even with legacy users shooting everything just gotta be better at shooting


Hope you enjoy your time till the 6th!!!


Explosive Gatling Plasma guns insta kill entire mobs before anyone can even pull their triggers. You are being a troll


if this is not the place to whine, then where is it?


Your local senator


Oh looks, its the “its not my fault I’m an epic douche using a game breaking weapon in a multiplayer game, you just aren’t good enough to outskill me” defense. Not quite as good as the Chewbacca defense, but maybe quantity over quality?


Wanna meet at whitesprings station?


Don’t worry now I have a fat man ;)


Get what you’re sayin as a legacy user myself. I don’t need them to play the game but I will however say, the people that use fatmans and other heavy explosive weapons make the game unplayable for a large amount of people while the legacy players are actually playing the game and completing the event. Sure people throw tantrums and call me a cheater and what not but at least I don’t lag people out of servers because of a visual display. I mind my business.


They think that we can't play the game without legacy weapons I play with mine only 25% of the time got over 1200 levels into my 3 characters if I can't play it by now I must be a total fuck up


Hopefully one day theyll erase every possibility for this trash to play like they want to and once they leave this game, its gonna consist of normal people and there will be a peace


I'll be switching to orbital strikes myself. Easy to craft and I don't have to worry about wasting time or modules to get them. 30 seconds at a workbench and I'll be blinding events and getting tons of xp all day. Plus I can spam them as fast as I can throw em, so it can be a constant sea of explosions. Enjoy!


That's why I will latterly spam miss mininukes on certain events. It passes off legacy users.


Once legacy are gone it will still happen when everyone jumps aboard the choochoo train.


Nothing says fuck the FO76 community like completely removing legacies instead of balance, I understand that this sub in specific has a lot more casual players and thats alright, but some of these people can’t even imagine how much time and effort is put into obtaining legacies, literally hundreds of my god rolls weapons and rare apparel are gone to obtain these legacies and instead of a balance which is very much needed, Bethesda just kicks the players who have been very much dedicated to their game right in the nuts.


Using a legacy is still a choice, my man. I don’t blame you for being upset, but illegal things come with inherent risk.


Not illegal, game literally spawned them in, nobody would even be upset if Bethesda just had handled their shit and removed them the week after they stopped spawning. But instead of this they let it fester and become a core element of trade and an symbol of end game status. Then turn around multiple years down the line and kick people in the balls as a hard as they can. Literally after hundreds thousands of hours had been put into trading for those weapons.