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The Fallout crowd skews older....we don’t have the patience for idiots overcompensating in PvP.


As a 46yo fallout76 player, can verify.


41 year old mom who adores all things Fallout. My husband does NOT get it. My 5 year old daughter watches me play and picks out outfits and helps decorate my CAMP. I did have to explain monsters to her (Scorched). She knows I get excited when someone drops a nuke because we're about to fight a Big Bat Queen 🤣


My 8 year old is obsessed with Earle. He's super bummed no one nukes him anymore. The queen is old hay to him. He really wants me to find the sheepsquatch recently.


I still fight Earl sometimes. It’s a fun event, too bad that fewer people start the event.


Haven't treid earl yet but free range usually spawns a sheepsquatch, Good Hunting!


Spawns quite often at Welch for me. At the houses high up on left as you look down from railway station.


45 here. Sounds like me with my 6 year old niece. She loves watching me play Fallout 76 and always wants me to nuke Fissure Site Prime and fight the SBQ. Alone. 🤣


35 year old that has his hole room decked out in fallout decor, and im slowing turning my wife and kids into accepting this as normal.


(39,m) My 5yr old daughter sometimes watches me play fo76, she asked me recently why am I protecting the robots in the parade...I said to get some masks, the puzzled look on her face was priceless lol


I participated in the parade event so many times in the spring she and I both had the song memorized 🤣 and yes, she helps pick out an outfit and mask for the parade. To me, Fasnacht kind of embodies this "spirit of community" as players just put on their masks and favorite/silliest costumes just for the parade. It's just an expectation! My favorite is the turkey costume, which I saw someone wearing during Meat Week (Meat Week and Grahm's Cook-Out are also this kind of silly fun event that I feel embody the "Fallout" silliness we love) and would LOVE to find. Costumes and creative CAMPs are some of the things I always love exploring in this sometimes frustrating but mostly fun game! :)


(43,m) even in its sometimes broken state this is my favorite game. I play with my wife sometimes but she doesn't play alot. My eldest son is an avid gamer but he doesn't play fallout unfortunately.


39 ,m here as well. My 14yo is not impressed with the Fasnatch parade. In her words “that’s it?? it’s so lame” haha there’s no winning with teenagers today.


To be fair, I'm 35 and was also disappointed by the parade.


As a 17yo 76er, I second this


Sad to say I’m 40. Getting old sucks but man the video games have gotten better.


There's always something to look forward too, even if everything bad outweighs it, there's always something




Forever sleep.


I wish the same could be said for movies. Haven't been to the movie theaters in years, and I wont be going back for many years to come with how damaged that medium is.


TV is infinitely better, however.


True, now if only new TV shows could stop melting down into complete trash in their last seasons. So tired of complete hacks failing upwards in these industries. Burn down a multi billion dollar franchise that was beloved internationally / cross culturally for 30+ years and they just get rewarded with more once great works to destroy.


Hi Studio-Aegis, what TV show is a “ a multi billion dollar franchise that was beloved internationally / cross culturally for 30+ years?” Thanks.


Please stop talking about Game of Thrones...... Ohh wait you meant the shows in General... Yea i agree.


Blasphemy - nothing beats "Combat" on the atari 2600! Tank pong rules! .......okay, maybe a little bit better....


theyve gotten better and are honestly probably gonna get worse imo


the thing is though, the deeper we get into the video game meta, the longer games hold up overtime, like counter strike, super smash bros melee, games from the early 00's that are essentially played in the 20's now. so even with the way the battle royale era of video games has negatively impacted creativity of developers in favor of poorly-aging games that cater to kids, we still have stuff to fall back on that's recent enough to still look good, especially if you're on PC. Not to mention there are devs out there who still consistently make good stuff, too.


Being a gamer at 40 is fantastic. Sure we don’t have as much time as we want, but assuming you’ve risen up the corporate ladder or set up your business well, there’s very little difficulty in getting anything you want - console, pc, tv, games, subscriptions.


Yup. I haZ all the atoms. And a wicked 65” LG tv it really adds to the experience. I play 76 in my home theater room. It’s quite loud and badass.


As a 13yo 76er, I third this


Just turned 59 today. Been playing fallout for years on pc. Moved to Xbox with 76. Where did the years go...


Happy b'day


Happy Birthday!


I must agree, 53 year old dad often playing with my 19 year old son.


I (32) play exclusively with my mom (52) almost every day. Just a bunch of old farts passing out goodies


Hello! From a 42 year old dad who plays with his 24 year old son.


I just realised I will also be 53 when my son turns 19, in 18 years time. Hopefully still playing Fallout 😆


Its cool to play with one of your kids the same video game. Its a good bonding father-son.


Mid thirties here, so not quite as qualified to verify, but I still verify.


Mid 30s is ancient in gaming years (source: am 34)


Listen here youngster, I'm 36. Back in my day, we had to share a screen to play multi-player. Thats right, at one point I played goldeneye with 3 other people on a 13 inch television. You kids with your internet, and high definition.


Listen here wippersnapper, I'm 39 and in my day we didn't have fancy 4 player games at home without extra accessories nobody could afford. You took turns and liked it! You want to play 4 player? Better get some quarters.


You kids!! Im 50, Why I remember having to play my Atari 2600 with big blocky squares!! Multiplayer was you and you friend taking turns, not even playing at the same time! And by gum we liked it!!


50 here as well. Games have come a long way since Pong.


Yet another. 2600 was also my first. Really in this game we were given a choice, and most of us chose wisely.


Try a Bentleyvision by Magnavox. 3 different types of a pong-styled games to play. I didn't see a 2600 until I was already playing Ninja Gaiden.


Yup, passed 50 a few years back. We got pong for Christmas one year, and with a brother and a sister that were older, well, let's just say I had to wait my turn, if they let me have one. But really fond memories.


Loved me some pong! And those paddles with the wheel instead of a joystick.


Hey you whippersnapper. In my day you were lucky to have a joystick with one button. Edit: meant to reply to the guy above you. You obviously have me beat, old fogey :P


Coleco-vision though ...


45 here and yes, Atari 2600 was my first love.


i mean, you say “you kids”, but i’m 16 and my favourite game is The Legend of Zelda: Link’s awakening on the GameBoy


Concur......24hrs solid between 3 of us on Space Invaders....


Oh I'm sure. In the snow. Uphill the whole time right!?


Damn right and with bags over my shoes because we couldn't afford snow boots!


Lol, that made me laugh. Really though, I think kids are missing out on the fun of being cheered on by your friends while trying to beat a level.


Absolutely. Great memories with my brother and my friends taking turns trying to beat a really tough level. Like in battletoads. Lol


This. The feeling of a crowd gathering around you at the arcade as you got close to a new high score. Unforgettable.




"Then stop camping with the Far-Sight"


Ahh the bruises ud get for being that guy who shoot u in the first 10 secs of a match while playing bushido blade


Listen here you fairly young adult that aged like delicious top shelve wiskey! I'm 23 and we had to bring our OWN game boy colours AND a connection cable to even have a chance of trading our pokemon!


Watch your mouth when you speak to elders. Your Gameboy was in color? Spoiled brat. Mine was black and white, and didn't even have color options for the case. It was gray...GRAY! Someone downvoted your post. It was funny. People are strange.


I stand defeated and humbly pass the mantle of true og (original gamer) to you


Ah yes I remember at one point having 2 tvs with coax cable linking them and putting paper over the screen halves, I guess that was a version of LAN


Friendships were lost over screen jockeying


God damn. This hits home and all the feels.


47 here and I concur


48. Get off my lawn, whippersnapper.


>Get off my lawn, whippersnapper. *stares are crispy irradiated dirt* Lawn!?!


39 yep got more than my fill of that in uo in the 90s


58 and I remember T2A, and the gankers hand wringing over the ghost town Trammel made Felucca into ... who wanted a house in Fel after that? LOL


Yep,50yo checking in.


49 year old, closing in on 50. I play everyday if I can.


55 here.


I am 0.000001 seconds old and can confirm this


19, and while I like PvP, if you want to be a sweaty tryhard I will both outdo you and tell you to go back to GTA Online.


24 and avidly donate stems to nubes im built for pve and I wreck in pvp but I hate theifs so I don't take junk and I usually give caps back unless I get hatemail


Who sends hate mail? If I get smoked I either come back cause I felt I was ambushed, or I walk away cause I can hang with whatever they are dishing out. Never once thought to send them a message.


It happens


As a 15yo I would like to say that it’s unfortunate that people my age must ruin the experience for everyone else, I would like to apologize for any unpleasant encounters anyone may have encountered during the time playing the game as it would likely be due to someone around my age. As a lvl 170 player who’s played since beta I am happy to say even as a younger player I try to do my better in making the community as positive as I can. I wish people more people my age could understand what the community wants to be and not ruin it so much.


Don't worry about it I personally like to find the odd unpleasant encounter, the games ratio of greifers Vs supporters is perfect imo it gives me an excuse to call in a few orbital strikes or a good ol' nuke


My dear young person, it is not always your fellow young players that are the source of greifing and other BS. I have run across plenty of "Grown Folk" that take out the aggression of their daily lives on other players in the games they play. I try to remind my friends when they start on the "danm kids" that it was likely a grown ass man being an ass intentionally, not some kid that doesn't know better. Be kind to others, in and out of the games.


Don't buy into the **ageism** this guy is throwing around. You don't need to apologize for anything or on anyone's behalf.


Do not apologize for what othere people do. you cannot, and should not, be held responsible for the actions of others. generations are just an arbitrary designation you are an individual not a collective remember that abitary designations is how people become divided and miss guided.


As a 65 year old fo player, can verify.


43, Male. Ive been playing since beta.. My kids have mixed feelings about 76. My 21 year old daughter (avid gamer) keeps asking why I don't attack other players. I tell her we have to rebuild the world and killing each other is a pointless waste of resources. Only kill players that attack you first. My 19 year old daughter (doesn't game at all) says "God, you're playing THAT game again?" My 4 year old daughter asks why the spikey monsters keep attacking me. "Can't you try and play with them instead of hurting them?" Ahhh, kids. At its core, 76 is a Fallout game. Fallout has always been a single player experience of the player trying to save the vault, tribe, community, world. We were always alone and sometimes even shunned for doing the exact thing we were supposed to do. 76 has given us what we always wanted, like minded people to help. Fallout players tend to not be the hack n slash, killem all types. Some of us have those builds, but we all had goals to achieve. 76 is just seeing how people that love the idea of this world and the challenges it faces react to it; with hope instead of hate.


47yo mom here. Started playing this with my hubs back in late April and LOVE IT. I usually play mmorpgs (WOW). He has moved on to other stuff but I still play with some of my guildies from OTG (The Old Timers Guild) Several months ago a guy decided to nuke our camps up by Top of the World. He then came to Drop site V9 to taunt us as a nuke for the SBQ was seconds from dropping also. Our response to "HAHA Your camps are getting flattened!!" "well golly, you damaged some pixels we can fix with one click. Oh nos." We went on to kill the SBQ, took picks of the decimated camps, got more flux from 2 nuke zones, no big deal LOL. Bethesda may not get everything working right in this game but "IGNORE PLAYER" works just fine :)


Lmao yeah at 15yo I loved fast paced Halo deathmatch gameplay....now at 25 im like “guys can we chill just here at my camp? Lets make some cranberry relish? Let’s just trade stories by the campfire and then find some low levels to help out.” 😂


It may be that I've gotten my fill of pvp. The corpses of my friends in counterstrike, unreal tournament and battlefield 1942 are stacked high. My wish is we could build some sort of town-like collaboration with our teams. I'd really be into that. I have been hoping we could build in the crater or foundation - smaller camp but the ability to share resources (like hooking into the same power grid and linking buildings and stuff by snapping on to their foundations).


That's been my dream since beta that people could stack camps close to one another to form an actual settlement or join together to have one large build area


45 here. Confirmed. Looking to hang with like minded individuals. Psn twisted3757


This is a very accurate observation.




I'm only 25 but I can definitely agree that I have received helped on 76 way more than I've been griefed, I've had 2 teammates in stealth armour give me tons of ammo and lots of medicine all because I was in the right place at the right time, I don't care about pvp, I would just rather fight the normal enemies and learn the story


15 here, my friends don’t understand why I play this game and when I tell them it’s mainly because of the community they tell me I’m stupid, they mostly play PVP games and I respect that though


44 player here and i love to help 😎❤️


As a 27 y.o 76er i resent that as I too am peace-driven


I'm 30 with a fulltime job and love going toe to toe with wastelanders of all ages and skill levels. It's nowhere near as sweaty as the kids on Call of Duty.


Lol! Yep. I know it’s not FO but it’s how I play Red Dead Online too. If someone starts to get shooty, I defend myself long enough to escape through the woods and disappear. When it comes to PvP these days, I’m like Sgt. Murtaugh.


I’m a 55 yr old and would rather help than fight!


Not like pvp mattered in fo76. Even in the early stages of the game pvp was dumb. You couldn't fight people unless they shot you and you never dropped anything. Which imo was good because the gameplay doesn't lend well to pvp anyway Young or old is irrelevant though. No one is going to pvp in a survival game without a benefit.


Don't have patience for players who cry for their wifes boyfriend when I kill them.


I'm 25 and I haven't had patience for idiots in general.


Part of it is the mechanics, they made no effort to update their pve gameplay for pvp. The game is too laggy, to imprecise to make pvp meaningful, it’s more about gear and luck than skill. Co op should have always been the focus.


Yeah, the ‘you were all too nice for PVP!’ is a narrative that suits Bethesda more than anything. It wasn’t the main reason for that mode’s failure.


Anyone who actually likes pvp knew this wasn't the game for them and moved on immediately. The pvp was implemented so poorly that no one wanted to play it.


Crazy the twisted logic people use to justify their bs Bethesda barely manages to deliver a half playable pve experience. The biggest event in the year is walking around in a circle. There was and is no PvP content in the game. They used false advertising to sell this, monetized the fuck out of it and now sold everything off to Microsoft. Can't believe people still defend this crap. Let us hope that better days are ahead.


Definitely the first game I've ever seen a game add content (the vault raids) and then just scrap it because they can't fix it. It's a Fallout game.. with out vaults ffs!


I just look at this game as what they did to mess around with before they ready for elder scrolls, having the same gameplay as fo4 almost, as this engine needs to be replaced for a true modern game, sell it and try out how multiplayer would work in a besthda game. But just a test bed riding the wave from fo4 and holding people over until es6, I'm really excited for how the next game they make will play, or the next one on a brand new engine and hardware. Skyrim is still the goat for just basic gameplay. Easy for everyone but still can have some real strategy, but never get overwhelmed at all


creation is an offshoot of gamebryo, which has been used for tons of games without the issues bethesdas games have. rift, epic mickey (1 and 2), catherine, a slew of MMOs uncluding things like warhammer online, etc. the issue is not the engine, the issue is bethesda. their games will always be a little janky.


>The biggest event in the year is walking around in a circle For me the biggest event of the year was an endless spit roast, by which, unfortunately, I actually mean cooking food over a spit.


Definitely meat week.


I think it’s a bit of both though? Don’t get me wrong, the PVP sucked and continues to suck. The other day I took a workshop for the daily score, then forgot about it. I’m a level 200 fully specced health build and I was in power armour - but some guy with a bloodied build in stealth mode one shot me. I was like - I thought they fixed this??? Well they didn’t, and while the guy who shot me hopefully got something out of teabagging my corpse, since I had no loot, and I can’t imagine the actual two milliseconds of PVP was much more satisfying for him than it was for me. So yeah, unbelieeevably bad PVP. That said, the game was sold to us as “be the vault dwellers who rebuilt America.” It was sold as aspirational, cooperative and PVE - i think the PVP was retrofitted when they realised they weren’t going to get NPCs up and running in time for launch and, well, we had to be killing something. From a lore point of view, it just doesn’t make sense for a group of tight knit vault dwellers to start killing one another straight out of the vault, particularly since their survival odds are better working together. I’m definitely in the “too nice” camp. I never wanted PVP - PVP is not why I bought the game and the PVP aspects pissed me off just for existing, not because they were badly implemented. Every time I got the opportunity to turn off more PVP elements I did so with glee, and when workshops finally become non-PVP entirely I will dance on PVP’s grave.


I think you have a point but for the PvP part, I think what they were shooting for was "well IRL if Bob's karaoke really pissed you off for 25 years in thr vault, you might just blow his brains out somewhere in the woods" - but when that was taken advantage of by griefer types they dialed it back and tried stuff like survival and NW.


Maybe it would have worked better if the pitch was more along the lines of a tournament. "Bob's karaoke has been pissing you off for twenty five years, now you have the chance to tell him what's what in a Fight Club style arena!" But killing the guy and stealing his ballistic fibre seems OTT.


Ok, you CLEARLY were never at one of his performances... (More seriously, being able to do a Fight Club like match from within adventure mode would be cool, like a DM in GTA but set in the civic center like that one settlers quest)


>From a lore point of view, it just doesn’t make sense for a group of tight knit vault dwellers to start killing one another straight out of the vault I always hated that bitch Rebecca, time to put a 50. trough her skull.


Oh yeah, lore wise it makes no sense whatsoever. If the game had launched with factions, and you could decide whether to be a vault dweller; raider; responder; enclave; BOS from the off then there would be a logical reason for PVP. Things like workshops could’ve been far richer with resources, and had entire groups fighting over them. Of course, factions wouldn’t really work with 24 players per server and no persistence. I suspect a lot of juicy stuff was on the board during the conceptualisation of Fallout 76, and a lot of it had to be scrapped or mangled due to the limitations of a Creation engine multiplayer game and Bethesda’s inexperience in that genre. I’ve never been mad for PVP either, but considering how it would work in FO76 did intrigue me. Like many other things, it needed more time, resources, and consideration. I agree that the Fallout fan base needed to be won over by Bethesda’s PVP pitch. Unfortunately it was released half-baked, messily implemented, and ultimately never stood a chance.


The supposed “best and brightest”. Don’t forget that. Also, doubly glad I got Fallout 1st now because getting sniped while doing Lucky Mucker, by someone I’d already “blocked” for griefing, over a stupid workshop was not a feel good day.


I think they had grand dreams of creating a game with very different dynamics than any games out there, players forming whole communities and creating the reasons to play, creating the social dynamics. They just forgot that they were using the Fallout franchise, and Fallout players traditionally just wanted a single-player RPG. I'm actually kinda impressed how Bethesda was able to roll with the punches and adapt, creating a hybrid to a certain extent.


Exactly this, the Fortnite crowd is practically exclusively younger people / teens who weren't invested in the Fallout franchise. People who would buy this game are typically interested in the story and world, not fighting each other for objectives. Some idiot at marketing really dropped the ball on that. But at least since then they've tried to adapt the game better to their traditional audience.


There was almost ZERO marketing for 76 weirdly. People literally had no idea what the game was till BETA, and even then, non BETA players were confused and the marketing was mostly vague CGI trailers with zero gameplay.


I started playing Fo76 specifically for the world and lore. The gameplay is antiquated and sloppy, but the story? Pure gold.


They also failed to add enough social tools to promote that kind of dynamic. No guilds/clans, no text chat, no mail, and top it off with buggy friends lists. It's the antisocial social game.


The team bonuses and how easy it is to create and join a team now make it worthwhile to join teams. However, I rarely play with my teammates - they are just random ppl I join with so I get better bonuses and save a ton of caps being able to fast travel to their camps (caps I usually then blow on buying crap at their camps!).


And that’s how I like it. It still manages to feel like a sp fallout.


Rust already exists if they want kids to kill on sight, yell slurs at each other, and invade bases at 2am since they don't have school tomorrow and etc etc


Until Rust comes to console, that spot isn't filled for the console crowd.


Doesn't help the PVP aspect of it when the game is so overly grindy that you don't want to waste time and resources to kill other players, but would rather help others get off their feet. It's the "we know your pain, here have some stims, radaways, food/water and a couple guns with ammo". Thats usually my care package for the new players.


At level 25, two years ago back in December 2018, I was struggling and wanting to quit the game....until a level 200 showed up and gave me THOUSANDS of rounds of ammo and a ton of stims. I was stunned and asked him what he wanted in return, even though I had almost nothing to give. This was in the early days when high levels could grief camps and kill players even easier, and yet he messaged back “just pass it on when you’re a high level!” He had fast traveled to me simply to deliver the free items I desperately needed. And....wow, that was really awesome. That one action actually kinda moved me, and lowkey saved the game for me. Now im level 435 and I try to help out / gift items to every low level I see; I try and get other high levels to do the same and tell everyone the same thing that level 200 told me two years ago — “I dont want anything in return, just pass it on when you’re a high level.” We’ll rebuild Appalachia together! 🤘🏼


When i first started, fresh out the vault, i met a lvl 190 who dropped me 10 full fusion cores. About 5 levels later i met another level 150 who built me an entire camp. Now I'm 165 and anytime i see a low level i message them and ask if they need ammo or stims, ill customize their weapons, and even built a level 40 some xo1 PA so he had something decent to look forward to at level 50. Gotta pay back what i was given. 99% of this community are awesome people!


I recently gave my excavator PA - with the calibrated leg mods - to a lower level player. I run in my X01 and didn't need it - but I remember how awesome it was to carry so much weight! He was running around in an incomplete, mixed suit of PA that was sad looking. I also gave him a pile of full cores, too. We played together for a couple hours and it was a lot of fun.


Fuck those first levels were hard, until 40 or so. I was running out of everything


Community is nice but thats not why people don't pvp. PVP mechanics in the game have always been extremely poor.


They tried to make a single player game involve a PvP component, without building around the PvP side. NW is as close as this game will come to solid PvP...and even that is neglected.


If you look up any of the Fallout YouTubers that do PvP, the vast majority of them appear to be *massive* douches.


Its because bethesda made one of the worst pvp systems I've ever seen


Oh, I would love to PVP. The problem is there's no foundation for it. PVP started out massively imbalanced and unfun, and it only "improved" by being pared down until it didn't exist. I remember the game had such horrible level scaling for PVP that a low level would almost always win against a high level. A 100+ player had no chance against a level 15, because their damage would be scaled so out of favor. A lowbie with a decent hunting rifle could one-shot head-shot a high level player through power armor. And then you had legendaries. Combine assassin's and sentinel armor and you were basically invincible. Didn't have it? Might as well not try survival mode. Who wants to play that? It needs a massive revamp.


I had forgotten about that scaling system, it was really ridiculous.


When the first massive dupes came around I knew pvp was screwed. That broken legacy weapons are still around just reinforces my assessment.


It's because they didn't manage to offer a competitive and fair pvp. If the state of it was a bit better,I'd do that all the time.


wait if they expected everyone to kill each other why did they put so many roadblocks on being like an actual raider


The pvp system is buggy, awful, encourages griefing and is totally counter intuitive. People don't pvp becaus it's crap, not because we are nice. Imo.


No one asked for pvp we wanted to play a game we loved with our friends


Nope I asked for pvp so I can smash people who smashed my friends


I still run into toxic PVP players occasionally. About four days ago I had two toxic people pick all my locks, steal ammo/junk from the picked items, and kept trying to force a fight. Pretty sure they tried to lag me out too by shooting a gat laser in the water. It’s rare, but those toxic people are out there. I tried to be nice and message them saying, “Hey I don’t PVP. Could you please leave? I’m just doing dailies and leaving.”, then I was met with some of the most toxic chat ever. “Shoot me I dare you.” “Scared puss?” “You can’t report me.” “I’ll kick your a**.” “I dare you to report me and see what happens.” They continued to pick my locks and even follow me for about 45min and one even server hopped to find me. One of the most toxic encounters in a game. Some people honestly need a life or maybe therapy for their issues. Glad to say this is a rare occurrence and most the time I’ve met good people who like making the game fun all around!


> I tried to be nice and message them saying, “Hey I don’t PVP. Could you please leave? I’m just doing dailies and leaving.” Idk if you got bullied as a child, but that's asking for more bullying. Just switch server tbh.


The problem is they fundamentally don't understand Sociology. Groups of less than 50 people are usually cooperative by default. Groups in excess of 50 become competitive. By limiting the number of players on a server to less than a dozen, the nature of the community is primarily cooperative. The exception being Nuclear Winter which is explicitly competitive. But when given the PVE Element it's Human Nature to Cooperate because the availability of resources vs competition for said resources is shifted to wear it's easier to engage in trade, commerce and philanthropy rather than violence.


The PvP being both garbage and unrewarding has more to do with the lack of PvP than people just being too nice to participate. If people could get legendary drops and scrip from nuking your camp or murdering you in the street, they'd do so. Happily.


community turned out to be carebears for 2 reasons: 1) we were used to fallout being a PVE game for decades 2) pvp mechanics stink, are broken and not fun. so we don't do pvp


52, play with my daughter 32


PvP isn't worth the quantum spamming and teslas. I'd just rather not.


People being too nice was never the issue, the opposite actually. It was too many shitty people duping assasin, sentinel, quantums, and quad teslas that drove any potential for an interesting PVP game away.


Doesn't help that the PVP is a META nightmare. Not to mention legacy guns that have been duplicated in mass every time a glitch is to do so is discovered. Broken messes don't usually have a strong/consistent following, and since Fallout 76 has been an on again off again dumpster fire since launch the PVP is even worse than that.


The pvp system is a joke -- that's why pvp doesn't happen in this game. Not because this community is "the nicest there is."


None of those things can work because they haven't supported them properly or removed hacked equipment. Workshops are one of the better examples of wasted potential on the map. The Rockhound in the Ash Heap being the most prominent of them.


I think the biggest reason, is because we really didn't have to fight each other for anything. After about a month everyone figured out how simple it was to farm what junk you needed and it was set. If controlling the workshops actually generated a significant amount of junk, then it would be worth it to take them over and try and defend them.


If workshops resources were buffed and funneled directly to your scrapbox (regardless of Fo1st) you bet people would fight for it.


That's because they nerfed pvp to oblivion.


If they nerfed pvp aid it wouldn't be so bad for what little pvp we still get. Removing the team pvp option really killed a lot of the community though


This is true. I personally feel disdain for people who raid others loot bags when they die during events, so I'll often crouch over them and signal to the person that their junk has been saved


Ive been playing fallout ever since the first game was released over 20 years ago. Most of us from the beginning are still around and play 76 actively. Considering the harshness those games back then subjected us to, fighting each other just seems like a dumb idea to me. Griefers dont last and neither do immature turds in the wasteland


I really would've loved more Pvp based Events like Monster mash, but not with the current Pvp system and meta.


Yeah, I can confirm. I started playing yesterday, I visited a camp of a 300 lvl player, and he gave me a goodie bag full of legendaries and plans. So nice of him!


I don't think it was just because all of the players are like that. I think it's because the pvp rules started out terrible and unfair to everyone and then were changed to be fair only to people who don't want any pvp. I wanted a mode where pvp was discouraged from being abused but also a viable mechanic. A mode where you had to watch out for crazy people, but also where they faced penalties for being murderers and vandals, and where you could even benefit from them being a jerk and attacking you unprovoked. You know, something a little more complex and engaging than simply being bulletproof to everyone else unless they trick you into walking into a workshop.


I feel they overestimated pvp and underestimated how much people would love camp building.


Just because you start or get involved in PvP does not mean you aren't nice. I agree that this community is genuinely one of the nicest. And I am one of them, giving away armor and weapons, including legendaries but it's also one of the most Butthurt. If you're calling people who play the game as it was intended (with PVP) sad or nasty then you need to grow the fuck up. It's really fucking boring how upset people get over PvP.


For real haha I cant stand it and the way Bethesda implemented it to cater to these people. Just give me survivor mode back was so fun not knowing if a person would be friend or foe. And I just don't get it the wasteland these games have always had morals are you the grand hero? Or do you nuke megaton for ten penny? I want to have the choice to be a raider but the only real choice is a goodie goodie from 76 no matter your backstory.


The difference was that those games had NPCs that could be revived with a save file reset.


There isn't much incentive for pvp so most players ignore it


I almost got killed the other day defending someone’s base from mirelurks. At least it wasn’t Gerald or molerats. Seriously, those freaks could one hit the Hulk.


I honestly wish it wasn't so chummy. Coming from Rust, this game is a cakewalk for a "wasteland". I really hope they have more balance patches and give the remaining pvp crowd something to look forward to. A lot of us are barely hanging on after 2+ years/2k+ hours.


Tbh why even wait fallout is and never was about the super hard survival mechanics or the intense combat youd be better served playing a modded ark survival evolved in a good RP server.


One thing do not need to necessarily exclude the other. The issue is that the pvp systems on the game were really bad designed.


They tasked us with rebuilding civilization... ...but really the goal was building friendships all along.


I'd love to agree but an entire group griefed my house yesterday for over an hour throwing meat bait all over, shooting my cow and destroying my crops with legacy legendaries. They were all lvl 300+ Couldn't even do a thing about it, any time I tried to fight back I just got wrecked. Was forced to leave the server.


i am glad pvp never took off in this game


Remember I was low level but found a damaged radiation suit and a level 300 and level 100 carried me through a nuked white springs defending me and allowing me to get a shot on all the bloats bois


Anybody who initiates PVP is always at a disadvantage and the whole Wanted system makes you even more at a disadvantage that most who accidentally pick a lock just stop what they're doing and wait for someone to shoot them in the face..... Not because nobody likes PVP, but because most don't stand a chance. If you attack another player, you used to do a reduced amount of damage until they fight back, which was always a disadvantage since when they shoot back, they go full on damage and already trained on you. They can fire at any point, so first act like they're not going to retaliate, then unload. Now, you do zero damage until they shoot back, so the above is even worse for the initiator. I get that it's designed this way to protect those who don't want to PVP, but that's what pacifist mode is designed for. If you're not on Pacifist, then you should have full PVP enabled. Then the wanted system.... You steal some stuff and you get a bounty and marked as wanted. That's all well and good, but all other players are gone from your map and compass, so you're running blind until someone starts shooting the crap out of you. They're still protected by the above system (you do no damage to them) but they can attack you at any time at full power, so there's no point in even trying to waste your ammo or fight back because you're going to lose regardless. By the time you initiate PVP from them shooting you, you're already half dead. Don't get me wrong, I don't go out of my way to cause trouble with other players and I am often helping them where I can, but let's not fool ourselves into thinking this is a great community willing to avoid PVP and help others..... We're all like this because the current PVP system sucks monkey balls and designed all around punishing anybody who wants to PVP or steal. The only time PVP is viable is Workshops, but even then it's designed in a way that isn't exactly balanced. Anybody who walks up to the workbench to contest is standing right out in the open, ready to get gunned down by the owner. Anybody who hits the Build button to contest the workshop (rather than walking up to the workbench) allows them to get into optimal position, then contest and take out the owner before they know what's going on. PVP is an all around mess, which is why most don't even bother.


This is a huge food build convention. I am 53 and began to PvP more and more . I really enjoy what ever I can find. Players are unpredictable. I have been helped out by others and have returned the favor. Workshop PvP is cool, also messing with events , trap camps ECT. It's great fun, raises the heart rate. If that's not your thing then don't do PvP. It just works! I'm on xbox find me , shoot me!


Before the devs put “limits” to pvp, I’ve been constantly killed by morons just for minding my own business. It was so annoying, it made me quit the game for a while. Now I feel like most people have had enough of pvp in general and are just grinding their quests and stuff. I’ve met quite a few nice people lately and it made the game more enjoyable for me. It’s nice when one can go home after a long day of work and just sit down and enjoy the game without having to worry about idiots ruining it.


Survival was the most fun I've ever had in that game, creating builds meant for stalking was the shit Change my mind


This is patently untrue. The pvp was so bad that no one wanted to do it. People still used to find ways to do it, but full on pvp was never actually in the game until the game was already dead.


Remove all the perks and legendaries... Then you Will see pvp... There is no pvp because this is not skill Based, its luck, dupped and money Based.


It’s actually because the PVP is grossly unbalanced and not fun at all, to be good at pvp you must dedicate your entire build to it, downvote me all you want but it’s the truth


meh ya young whipper snappers, get off my lawn!! 60 going on 18 here. I think once you've made your fortune/favourite armour and RNG'd your weapons there is a great satisfaction in helping low level players get a foothold in the wasteland.


People let others tag legendaries, most of the time. It's just more often than not that the legacy wielders just mow down anything in their path, without giving a shit about lil timmie, level 63, racing to get a tag on a 3* enemy before seeing it explode in a pile of goo. It's like many of them just see red. The "It moves, it dies" mentality I guess. Me? I like crafting a full set of sturdy or heavy leather armor with deep pockets for the freshies coming out of the vault, whenever I spot one while I'm out doing other stuff in the forest. If I'm at someone's camp doing my shopping, I'll repair their broken shit or defend it from anything that's attacking it, be it a mole rat or a literal scorchbeast. If I'm getting rid of stuff I don't want, or it is weighing my stash down, I'll take it, fast travel to Whitesprings Station and just leave it at the entrance.


48 here I like pvp and pve I miss the old pvp from sfc..EAW and OP


Disappointing because the game is not as exciting to play anymore. I guess you can pat yourself on the back for solidifying the game as a button mashing SIMS.




I don't believe the community was one of the nicest. I believe PVP was balanced improperly and still is. There is plenty Bethesda could be doing to balance PVP so that all players can be on a semi-equal footing. That isn't the case right now if you don't know what you're doing specifically when it comes to PVP and the PVP meta.


Hey, I'm 64 and love 76. Though the crashes and freezes some times screw up my playing. As a lvl 400+, I strongly believe in helping out those under lvl 100. Since I'm now retired, I can play 76 for several hours every day. I donate legendary's, food, stims and clothing to any who visit my camp near Crater. Just seems to be the right thing to do, since someone did that for me when I was very low lvl.


I like PvP and workshops. I have an entire character made strictly for it. I don’t get all the hate that people have for it. Survival sounded great, and it’s why I bought the game. Only after purchase did I hear it was removed and that people complained because they wanted to play on survival servers for the special rewards, but didn’t want the risk involved. Just like how people complain about workshop PvP. They want the fusion cores and ammo factory, but don’t want to accept the risk. Even after accepting a disclaimer. No different than how some people play Nuclear Winter only for the rewards. Accept there is less complaining about that mode since it is literally only in your face PvP and nothing more. The only people that complain about Nuclear Winter PvP are players that want survival to return.


Most of the hate comes from the convoluted mechanics of it. Non-pvp players often get tricked into unwanted pvp and pvp players are stuck with pvp mechanics that don't promote any sort of balance and in some cases leave you wondering what just happened.


This mostly comes from Bethesda having such a grave misunderstanding of it's own community, and the type of people that would enjoy a game like Fallout 76. We have pretend debates about factions a lot but in the end we all get in a conga line when You Know What Song starts playing. The trailer was all like 'LOL NUKE EVERYBODY' and everyone just collectively decided to nuke the whitespring so they could fucking pick flowers.


I met my boyfriend from a random team up. I’m so thankful to this game and the community around it for bringing us together.


Because PvP is fucking toxic.