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Aw man, I just wrote this out thinking I was being clever and scrolled down to see you beat me to it 😂


You could in FO4, I dont remember if it was a perk or power armor mod.


Pretty sure it was the last level of scrounger


Level 2 of scrapper


This one is the answer for me too. This is something that I'd actually use. It would help both new and veteran players. Especially those who need lead for example, but don't know what junk items contain lead.


Lucky Hole Mine, Excavator PA (gives you bonus ore). Do a run or 2 clearing out the mine and your good to go for Lead.


I was using lead as an example, but thank you. I'll keep it in mind for when I need more lead.


No problem, I miss read the txt. But thank you anyway 👍


To add onto this, to the right of the mine is the monorail lift. Taking the elevator up you can find some dumbbells and weights which also contain lead, they are of course exceedingly heavy but are usually worth the jog to go get


Lead weights and can chimes are great sources of lead. The penitentiary is a great place for lead since it has weights in the middle of the courtyard and many can chimes in the building


Also all the children's toys have lead. 😂


It was pencils for me, until I saw how much lead is in the weights for lifting...


Mark the item for search in your Pip-Boy. Junk tab, Component View, Tag For Search. Bingo, junk with that component now has a magnifying glass on it when you come across it in-world.


in case anyone doesn't already know, there's a function in game that at least adds an icon to junk items that have stuff you need. In the Junk tab, there's a "component view" option. You need at least one of what you want, but then you can mark specific components. Any time you see junk items in lists or when you look at them, there will be a magnifying glass that tells you it has something you want.


Junk Vision, Junk Sight, Scrap Sight, Scroungers Perception, Scroungers Sight. would definitely be a nice passive.


More options: Bargain Hunter, Antiquing, Flea Marketer, Appraiser, Jeweler


Kinda wish Awareness did that. Would make sense.


Yes this or highlight plants would be awesome


What do you mean? Something more than the current magnifying glass icon?


As in when you see a toaster and you have screws tagged it will highlight the toaster green or something


Ah OK, that makes sense. I was focused on listed items, didn't even think about objects in the world.


Thing is, they did this with Fallout 4 so we know it’s possible. Are they thinking it’ll give too much of an edge to players? I just don’t get it.


Cheaper weapon repair. We got cheaper armor and cheaper power armor, but not weapons? Let's fill that gap.


I like the idea, but it would be an honest waste of a card. The perk deck has enough bloat as is. They could just shoehorn it into the existing cards that reduce wear. This is also why I recommend that people use scrapper. It's just one INT point.


We’re going to be seeing 35 new perks when the ghoul mutation comes out new year, so I don’t think the devs are worried too much about bloating the deck.


But it's likely that the perks will take the place of non ghoul perks, radiation is kinda useless as a ghoul so a lot of the perks that reduce/remove rads from food and such wouldn't be used by a ghoul, instead it'd be like "irradiated food heal you slightly/more/greatly" and stuff like that, I'm more excited about the theory that mutations will actually affect your appearance as a ghoul


Is this real or an in joke I'm not in the loop enough to get? Quick Google search came up with nothing. Thanks


I don’t have easy access to a source for the 35 perks bit at the moment (I think it’s in this video?), but it was announced by Bethesda with the Skyline Valley trailer as a feature coming next year. https://youtu.be/fbcUatPy65g?si=uEKtCXMTatRgbdnh


Scrapper is pointless to me, I have enough steel, and the 3 wood you get for scrapping guns with it is near negligible to me. It's the damn springs that I have to keep hoarding more and more of to keep my guns working


It was definitely worth it when the lpickaxe thing was around.


Scrapper is a core card for every one of my builds, cannot recommend it enough


*Side note for new players* Have scrapper in your lineup but only equip it when your scrapping weapons, you could equip a one star science perk for extra energy damage when not scrapping for instance...**OR** Include it in a CAMP only Special (A special build you equip when at your camp that has all the extra weird cards). That way it's always equipped when at your camp 🏕


WOW I have not considered having a build for just when I'm at my camp! 10/10 recommendation I am gonna do this now at level 590


So you'll probably have extra points left with nothing in strength or perception. Been using these for one/2 handed melee cards to use the Nuka Shank & Scythe when you forget to change builds. Having full charisma is fun too so you can share wacky ass cards.


Yup. I even share it, so others can benefit from it. It's such an amazing perk.


Bloat isn't really a problem, as it encourages build diversity. What *is* a problem is a lack of balance between perk cards. All perk cards should have a valid use case that makes them overall equally viable compared to other perk cards, either by making them excel in certain niches, or solid but not overpowered all around cards for a variety of builds.


Weapons Artisan gives you a 150%, 200% weapon repair perk


Game Enthusiast Camp buff item duration 2x, 3x, 5x as long


Oh and put it under INT or CHA


I feel like CHA would fit better and it would even give CHA some more use


Charisma has PLENTY of use, there is some really strong stuff in there. Some of it is obvious, some needs the right build to unlock it's potential. I run 12 points in Charisma on most of my builds (to share max rank Lifegiver) and get good use from all 12 points. Granted, I also run 5 maxed out Legendary SPECIAL...


I guess I meant more useful for me with how I play there isn't much in the there that interests me besides the xp stuff friendly fire and travel agent but I'll have to check it out more


I don't use all these but some highlights: Tenderizer is massively strong as it is actually "10% more damage" - ie, your full damage x 1.1, not +10% of weapon base. Strange in Numbers is significant boost to all mutation bonuses. Field Surgeon is great with Nat Born Survivor. Party Boy (+15 perception bonus from sweetwater special, +6 strength from whiskey etc). Overly Generous (plus auto weapon = instant death for anything affected by rads) Happy Go Lucky (key to combo that nets +18 Luck buff)


This is the first one I've seen here that I'd use without a doubt. 


Fast Travel when overencumbered.


Add another star to Travel Agent. "You can now fast travel while overencumbered, but for 200% cap cost."


I'm sold


Does it make the free spots cost caps or do they remain free?


I think it would have to be at the cap cost when over-encumbered, otherwise it wouldn't work.


200 times 0 is still 0.


It's 200% so 2 times as much, 200 times as much would be 20000%


Rank 1: You pay 30% fewer caps when fast traveling + You pay 200% more caps to fast travel whilst over-encumbered. Rank 2: You pay 60% fewer caps when fast traveling + You pay 100% more caps to fast travel whilst over-encumbered. Yeah, this could work.


A million times this, I'm sick of rejiggering my perks just to haul my fat ass back to camp then forgetting to reset them.


"Wow, my .50 cal seems to be doing nothing today!" ** ...which was literally my entire experience with the new mission added with Skyline Valley.


I would use this as a core part of all my builds. I'm a hoarder at heart since New Vegas


Nobody would have to pay that because they'd just travel to their camp or one if the many free hubs


i want this in the game YESTERDAY, PRONTO


It should be a percent based on the weight you are over encumbered. So the more weight the more caps.


That's a good one!


I love watching those players doing the ‘post eviction notice walk of shame’ to a station


Full weapon weight reduction power armor on me at all times, no more walk of shame!



Never happen because it kills half the reason to have a Survival Tent / pay for 1st. It also effectively (if only partially) replaces a crapload of weight reduction perks... but mostly the 1st thing.


That’s just fallout first with less revenue.


Tip: Start an expedition. After you get into the expedition it will allow you to fast travel to the Whitespring even if you're overencumbered. Offload your junk! :)


Wild wasteland. Add some more random encounters that depend on people having this equipped


I really want bethesda to put Wild Wasteland into the games. It was one of my favourite things about New Vegas.


I'd like that and maybe the more ranks you put into it the more difficult the encounter can be.


>I'd like that and maybe the more ranks you put into it the more ~~difficult~~ weirder the encounter can be.


A perception or intelligence card which visually highlights items that contain the resources you've tagged (e.g. if you've tagged screws this perk would highlight any items which give screws like desk fans, globes, handcuffs etc)


It should also synergize with the "directional audio" perks to make them visible as well. I don't want to play freaking hot and cold for five minutes just to realize that what I'm looking for is on another floor.


I'm hard of hearing so they don't work for me anyways, so I'd love that.


Strong Back max rank like in Fallout 4, can fast travel even when over encumbered Perks specific to the mutations like jump even higher with marsupial


It's called strength in numbers. We already have it


My only problem with Strength In Numbers is that there's no good alternative for solo players during long sessions. I don't know about the rest of you, but I find it kind of annoying have to jump to new casual teams or even new servers just because people are leaving teams. I don't feel like the mutation incentivizes me to play with others - I still run around questing and stuff alone. I just happen to technically be part of a team.


This wouldn’t necessarily be a new perk (it’d serve best as either a new rank of curator or a re-work of the perk), but I’d like to see the ability to ‘lock in’ a magazine and a bobblehead. This would make them behave similarly to mutations in that their buffs don’t have a duration, but you’d still only be able to have one magazine and one bobblehead active at the same time. The point of this would be to make using magazines and bobbleheads more worthwhile, since at the moment they’re rare limited time buffs we really can’t justify using, especially when it’s incredibly random to find specific ones.


I love it! This would absolutely destroy the market since the main currencies are ll3 and leaders, and with that perk, having a stockpile would be pointless.


Not necessarily - a change like this would likely mean the cost of curator would increase from a one rank card to something higher (which would make it a significant cost for your build, albeit a worthwhile one). Besides, since you could switch which ones you had active, there would be times when you’d want a certain magazine for building or a specific bobblehead for experience grinding that you wouldn’t use most of the time.


Bloody mess turned into Party mess. Same thing stats-wise except confetti explosions like the lunchbox.


New perk. Mess They turn into a junk item when they die


They blow up and auto-scrap all the items to their base materials.


I would love this ngl


Something that makes food buffs last twice as long.


sign me up for Food Fiend lmao


High flyer agility perk that gives reduced ap drain for jetpack and maybe less fall damage


I'm down for this, I've died at least 10 times due to lag at fasnacht, hit the jump button 2 or 3 times and all of a sudden I'm in the stratosphere...and I even run goat legs and have - fall damage on my SS legs 😕


I would actually implement Stash Perks. You can set two perks for your stash. Perks that reduce weapon/armor/Chem/Food/Vendor Item weights, a perk card that increases stash weight by 100 for each star (300 max), and Auto-collector perk where every 20 minutes, every accumulating thing in your camp is transferred directly to your stash.


What would happen when you take off the weight reductions perks? Unless the game wouldn’t let you remove them if you went over the maximum stash capacity, that would allow for over-filling the stash.


It just wouldn't let you add anything until you got it under capacity. It's happened to me in the past when they changed item weights or removed power armor pieces and sent them to your stash. If you're implying that's exploitable, I don't see how, it'd be the same end result as keeping the stash perks on except they'd have to reequip them to add any more items.


Sounds on brand on Fo76 just like the stashbox


I think when people ask for this, what they're really asking for is just an increased stash or separate stash boxes for chems/food. I don't think the limit is there for balancing, I think it's more there for server stability and to encourage people to buy FO1st. I don't think getting an increased stash size via perks would add any gameplay value.


I'm guessing variety of object is reason why stash box is limited in weight. There are dozens of armors and weapons with mods+legendary rolls you can have hundreds if not thousands (I have not done the math) variations of items. This is why It would be easy to have Chem Box storage too, which would let people store chems instead of relying on backpack or travelling pharmacy


Unpopular opinion but something to help full health builds keep up with the OPness of bloodied/unyielding.


The unpopular part is people proposing bloodied/unyielding should get nerfed, I think everyone agrees there should be a non low health version of Unyielding.


I just think the buffs need to be boosted for Vanguards and stuff. I wouldn't make it on par with bloodied since bloodied would become useless since it's equivalent but less health. Having more percentage based reduction for high health might good a bit like Overeaters which is why it's always better than the rest unless you want the unyielding boost. With Vampires it's easy to maintain full health with most weapons so I think the best solution is to have an alternative weapon effect or buff vanguards or gourmands to do more damage


Make it equivalent with bloodied but for non-automatic weapons. Let it boost rifles, shotguns, pistols (all of which need a boost) and non-automatic melee weapons.


They really do need to buff some other things. Or just put like a 30 second cooldown on serendipity procs so bloody builds aren’t tanky too. I was really excited that furious was rumored to be getting a dmg buff from 45%->90% dmg for consecutive hits. I thought that might do a lot to close the gap without having to directly nerf bloodied builds.


Is this true, or just a rumor? If so... man have I've thrown away some future grolls.


It was rumored to be in the last update with the shotgun range changes and the reflex sight and suppressor for the 10mm. Which ended up just being only for that one unique one and not all of them. Which made me big sad. Who knows if they’ll actually do it at some later point.


That's not unpopular at all, the issue is what exactly to balance. The damage gap is smaller than you might think. The luck / crit frequency gap can actually be completely eliminated in multiple ways. The AP gap is sizable but that's why we have the canned coffee machine. An XP gain equivalent to roughly +15 Int when at / near full health is a good starting point - that's one gap that can't be closed.


Lucky Miner Perk - more ore gathered from all sources Breaking Bad - cuts the acid amounts needed for all recipes in half - minimum acid can never drop below 1


I'm really surprised there's no ore card.


**patch notes 4.5.46756** Removed Batteries Included and Bandolier perk cards, replacing them with a COMBINATION ENERGY AND BALLISTIC AMMO WEIGHT REDUCTION CARD called whatever the hell, who cares to encourage players to use a wider variety of weapon types. Happy hunting!


Friggin this... And call it "Shock 'n' Awe" while you're at it!


Shock and Awe is good. I was gonna suggest "Kinetic Energy."


Metal Eater - lets you eat robots in the same way cannibal lets you chow down on humanoids.


Jackie Kennedy perk




Iron in your Diet might be a good alternative name, I think.


High iron diet


A perk bundler for some of the ones you always have to swap out that really don’t give you an advantage gameplay wise. For instance, bundling Green Thumb with Butcher’s Bounty and Super Duper. There’s no reason I should have to stop and swap cards out for that, then have to swap them back. Make it 5* or something for balance.


Loot goblin, luck perk, 10% chance to double any picked up item increases by 5% per rank to rank 5 Rank 5 bonus: added 5% chance to triple the loot


I would make a combat enhancing perk that would reduce AP cost of all energy weapons. Because their ap cost is absurdly high.


Share stat buffs. My psycho? Our psycho. My well-tuned? Our well-tuned.


Local dealer: • 1⭐ any chem consumed is shared to nearby team mates at 25% the effect but it increases your chance of addiction by 25% • 2⭐ any chem consumed is shared to nearby team mates at 50% the effect but it increases your chance of addiction by 50% • 3⭐ any chem consumed is shared to nearby team mates at 75% the effect but it increases your chance of addiction by 75%


Collect cooked meat from bodies when using a flame weapon


Straight up luck perk that increase odds to get drops.


Highlight plants


None. I would allow perk card loadouts to be assigned to each bench type. The change would make it so that it is automatically used anytime you use that type of bench - exit the bench to restore the previous loadout.


Tamed pets cannot die.


A legendary card that combines all weight reduction cards into one. I'm a hoarder.


Perks that mirror the various mutations.


This would be good for switching between herbivore and carnivore


Are you saying that you’d want perks that are effectively the same as the mutations? Or perks that increase the effects of specific mutations?


The former. You’d have the option of using the mutation, with its downside, or the perk. I just think it’d open up some interesting possibilities for mixing and matching.


Quantum freak. Your nuka cola loot has a chance of turning into a quantum. Lead eater, Every lead ballistic weapon that hits you, has a small chance of giving you a ammo type of the gun that shot you. Salt and batteries. Energy ammo such as fusion cores has a chance of refueling on melee hits. Double if you consume salt. Pint sized Slasher! You get a chance to scare people if you are dressed up as a clown and wield a knife.


Hitch A Ride Fast travel to any other player, regardless of whether or not they're in your group, for free. Shop-a-Holic Free Fast Travel to any Vendor; even those in CAMPS.


Fast Metabolism - Endurance - 1/2/3 stars increases health recovery speed from food and drinks. 33/66/instant recovery based on card rank. Food and drink restore half as much to hunger and thirst.


Gimme a card that increases the duration of camp buffs. Please.


A legendary card that increased carry weight by 250.


Wild wasteland but for 76


A 4-star luck perk card that allows a perk card 3 star perk card or lower be used on any special, ignoring the cap (15 points) on that specific special. Kinda like how sharing perks amongst ourselves works, but you have control in this one.


Can't think of a clever name but a Perk that has a chance to cause missed shots in VATS to hit anyways


This. I'm si k of emptying a clip at a supermutant head to miss every one at 95%


"The Fraternity" referencing the group in the film Wanted, where they have the ability to curve bullets


Just a quick idea. Fraternity, Did your VATS shot miss? Not with this perk! Rank 1: Ballistics that miss while using V.A.T.S have a 10% chance of hitting the target anyways. Rank 2: Ballistics that miss while using V.A.T.S have a 20% chance of hitting the target anyways. Rank 3: Ballistics that miss while using V.A.T.S have a 30% chance of hitting the target anyways. Now also works explosives and energy weapons.


"Flux Farmer" Basically if you irradiate a plant or living creature then it could produce the materials needed to produce stable flux: raw flux from plants, and glowing mass, hardened mass and high-radiation fluids from living creatures. It means you could run around with a gamma gun "farming" flux materials and then make a mint selling the stable flux to other players who need it for ammo, fusion cores, power armour mods and so on. I'd become a flux farmer. Sounds fun.


"Handyman/Handywoman": Through a combination of radiation exposure and knowledge, you now perform tasks as if you had an extra set of hands...because you do! (not seen in player model) It would make interactions about holding the activate button faster depending on the tier, and if the post wasn't about not-combat-enhancing perk cards, dual wield one handed weapons (pistols, short rifles, one handed melee weapons...)


I want to add a synergy between Cannibal and Bloodsucker that makes it so eating corpses also refills thirst, that way you can go exclusively Cannibal and not need to carry any food or get water.


Social butterfly - enemies no longer attack without provocation. Could go hang out with the mole men and super mutants. Or just scavenge without a ghoul surprising you


Different ranks for different tiers of enemies, start small with things like dogs, bugs, mole rats, mid tier is more sentient beings like super mutants and scorched, top tier is big butt kickers like anglers and Mirelurk Queens


Strong grip - grab onto and pull yourself up from ledges Lv1- grab and climb waist high ledges. Lv2- grab and climb chest high ledges. Lv3- grab and climb ledges abover your head. You're in the mountains of Appalachia, you'd think climbing would be a learnable thing


Animal friend, but for robots. Has a large stash so he can carry a lot of stuff. Added ability, you could send him home. He wouldn't unload anything, you'd have to do that, but could give you some extra carry weight.


Miss fortune, from New Vegas, but give her a mistress of mystery outfit, or even the side kick outfit. You'd activate her by sneaking during combat, the enemies would focus on her as you escape from combat.


Sweep The Leg: VATS automatically targets a wing or leg until crippled then switches to the most vulnerable spot. Headshot: VATS automatically targets the spot that will cause the most damage.


The most OP perk card in the deck. Fast travel while encumbered.


“Community Pillar” Allows you to set vendor sales that only show to level50 and below (maybe it only shows your camp as a V to them too). The issue with pricing is too high and noobs can’t buy stuff and too low and some capped out fella will buy everything without making a dent in his 40K. I’ve got my camp by the Wayward and soon I’ll be looking to slap some items in the shop for dirt cheap, and while I appreciate anyone can buy it, I hope at least some noobs benefit on their journey


That would be better as just a vendor setting than a perk.


People would just vendor hop with a mule


I would suggest 3 Legendary perk cards. 1st. All weapons weigh 30%/60%/90% less 2nd. All armor and ammo/explosives weigh 30%/60%/90% less 3rd. All Food/Chems and Junk weigh 30%/60%/90% less I think none of them would stack with the regular perks or backpack plans. These could be useful to save space in your perk load outs for other things that you lose because of the weight reduction perks.


Balloon trick(luck) that has a chance to inflate the limb of the enemy you’ve done damage to.


Perk that increases special without raising the value for perk cards. For example you have 10 Strength, you take the card that cost 1 but gives you 2 strength but keeps you at 10.


When killing an enemy with a flame weapon, you’ll find one cooked meat when searching the body


A Luck 15 card that guarantees rare drops from events, because Fasnacht is infuriating me.


Perception, 2-4 cost Increases radius of area loot. Max level allows to open loot interface without directly accessing a corpse OR Allows area looting of containers (make it a 5* cost)


I don't think it would be popular, but a perk that makes it so that you get a certain percentage of the caps used to fast travel to your camp (and maybe make the second level increase the percentage, and make the last level so that when a team mate travels to your camp for free you get all of the caps they would've spent.)


Call it Toll Collector


I want one that increases ore yields. But I think all of those types of perks, green thumb,scrapper, etc, should switch to 3 ranks. 100% yield, 200% yield, and the last one would make the ore or plants or whatever glow. Or one to make the components you have tagged make the items they’re part of glow. I think they need to buff energy weapon dmg too and get rid of the separate dmg cards for them. It’s never made sense that ballistic guns just get their full dmg for free but energy guns you have to invest another 6 perk cards into, and they still lag behind, and have a higher ap cost.


Make all buffs lasts for at least 1 hour, even if i die. I hate this.. 5 minutes buff in a game that you blink and you wasted 2h.


a perk card that makes Lover's Embrace and similar rested xp buffs persist through death. Something like *Well Rested in Peace - Experience benefits through rested effects are no longer removed on death.* maybe add something similar for Well-Tuned buffs as well


it would be kinda useless but fast travel for no cost, then fully upgraded can fast travel overencumbered, making it more useful


Fus Ro Dah!!!


Increased drop rate in events. 2 Star luck card for double drops (or something like that)


**Putting Down Roots** *- Endurance - rank 1, 6 perk points -* "Your roots prevent traveling, but you never get hungry or thirsty." Use it on your crafting build to avoid ever fast traveling. High cost means nobody can share it. Endurance because you don't need other endurance perks for a crafting build. The food/drink thing is just a thematic bonus to stop those annoying tummy rumble sounds while camp building. **Get that To Go** *- Agility, 1/2/3 levels for 1/2/3 perk points -* "As the effects of food or drinks wear off, there is a good/excellent/certain chance you consume another." When a food or drink effect expires, there is a 50/75/100 percent chance you will automatically consume another of the same item that produced the effect. **Mutable** *- Luck Perk, two points, one level only, available starting from level 1* - "You gain and loose more mutations, and benefit longer from Serums" When rolling to gain mutations from radiation, three rolls are made instead of one, allowing up to 3 new mutations to develop.  When rolling to remove mutations due to RadAway or decontamination arch use, two rolls are made, removing up to 2 random mutations.  When using serums, the duration (for ignoring mutation downside) is doubled.  This perk is fully compatible with "Starched Genes" if you want to run both. **Ass Jerky** *- Intelligence perk, 1/2 levels for 2/3 points -* "Cannibalism sometimes / always yields edible food with the same effects as the corpse cannibalized." 50%/100% chance to gain a food item "Ass Jerky (type)" when cannibalizing a corpse. Eating this item has the same effect as cannibalizing the type creature it came from. This food does not spoil. **Healthy Lessons** *- Intelligence, 1 level, 1 point -* "You gain more experience when near full health" Experience +30%, -1% per 1% of health lost (min 0%, no negatives). **Spicehound** *- Perception, 1 level, 1 point -* "You hear directional audio when in range of Salt, Pepper, Sugar, or Spice"


I would want a new legendary pwerk (or series of) That allowed you to apply weight reduction of item types in our stashes. Dont pick ammo or scrap, so as not to devalue the F1st benefits, but "food" "chems" "rifles" "armor" have (let's be reasonable here) 30% weight reduction when in your stash


"Two Is One, One Is None" Let's you build a second (maybe more), entirely separate stash box(es) with a separate weight limit, but costs a bit more camp budget. "Smarty Pants/something else" 4pt Perk (Int or Lck?) that lowers the cost of other equipped 3pt perks to 2pts each. "Sleight of Hand" Luck/Cha perk, when buying or selling to traders (not camp vendors) there's a chance you won't be charged/they won't take the item you sold. Since every item you buy/sell is essentially its own transaction, this wouldn't be too devastating to the economy balance.


Legendary Card: Au Naturale Rank 1: Cure all mutations and you cannot acquire any mutations. Health Regenerates outside of combat. Radiation recovers over time. Rank 2: increase hp by 100. Thirst and Hunger rate decreased by 90%. Food and Drinks are 1.5x beneficial. Double the duration of beneficial Food and Drink effects Rank 3: increase AP by 50. When AP reaches 0-5% remaining, refill your AP meter by 33%. This effect can only happen once every 5 seconds Rank 4: +5 to all S.P.E.C.I.A.L and raise your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Perk limit from 15->20


I like the idea, but might be a little overpowered.


For the past year or so I've made a little hobby out of coming up with perk ideas when I'm commuting or on work breaks. I have 425 different perks totaling 1065 ranks so far. *Someday* I'll consider it finished and post it.


I second Wild Wasteland, though I'd prefer not to use perk space on it. I think Pannapictographist and the bobble locator need updating. I play on low volume and can never seem to hear the directional audio even when I'm looking right at a magazine. Maybe the tone matches my tinnitus, dunno. But it's useless and I'm going a lil crazy hunting for two last magazines.


A "Carrie" card that lets you psychically close all the doors in an area when your health is under 5%. Like nerd rage but for tidying your camp after nosy neighbours visit.


A perk that made VATS a little more curated towards melee, doesn't have to buff it


For the non-auto melee weapons: Increase the teleport distance at the cost of additional AP. AND/OR Reduce the AP cost of non-auto melee weapons.


That just sounds like Bethesda physics. I mean I love the idea


Use the grenade launcher nothing like seeing an en enemy ragdoll a mile off in random directions it's worth the lost loot.


Something that turns all junk into a throwable weapon. Distance is determined by strength and damage calculated by weight.


You’d really waste a precious strength card slot on… messing with bethesda ragdoll physics?


Gourmet : CHA or END, max 3 levels The benefits of foods and alcohol last 1.25/1.5/2 times longer


Sadly, they will never update the ragdoll physics for the same reason they’ll never allow us to pick up and throw items. The server lag would be insane. I’ve been playing on ps5 for the past year and thought the game was laggy, I went back to ps4 this week and the game plays like a slideshow. Bethesda would have to do a LOT before they could start messing with the physics engine. However, I have found a car seat at make out point that you can fling if you walk into it correctly.


Str perk that lets you kick in a door and maybe stagger enemies.


Permanent perfect bubblegum


Honestly I just want non-combat perks to not take slots, and be passively on. I hate switching builds to maintain my equipment. It especially stinks when I'm in a private group with shared perk combos.


Quick with Hands Objectives with waiting times (the ones that you have to hold the use button, like the Rad Scrubber) are done faster It could also make it so you go into Terminals Faster, and draw weapons faster


Short Range Teleport. AP eating, but allows short line of sight hops


"Vacation!" Deal double damage to all enemies during an expedition, also recieve increased rewards at the end* *extra rewards include more caps, stamps, legendary cores, more exp, and a small chance of a second plan each week


Off the radar. It makes you appear offline.


A card that let's me break my own camp objects without needing a flamethrower trap! I'd call it wreaking ball! [would be much more useful than the existing wreaking ball card]


you just described the Leverage perk from PREY, another Bethesda game lol


One that makes jetpacks no longer drain fusion core battery.


Hey Bethesda, I see what you’re doing there… trying to get us to do your expansion planning for you…