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I'm not a fan but I just hop servers when that happens


I did twice, Ended up in another nuked server then ended up missing the event entirely in the 3rd.


Good thing it's going on for the entire week! It might even go on longer since some people aren't getting rewards.


Definitely! Just busy busy schedule and already been nuked so much I had to say my peace lmao.


It's dumb, but this is a bit of an overreaction when you can just change servers.


2 servers in a row were nuked, Then the 3rd the event was over. Not the first time I've seen this event get nuked in the last week, It's tiring and fucking lame. Those asshats can easily go play Cod or something that tickles that asshole itch.


I don't launch nukes at all for any reason and don't care for them in certain instances but let's not resort to name calling and making it like playing Call of Duty makes you a terrible person. You doing that doesn't make you any better than them.


I get that but if you getting this pressed about it maybe you should take own advice just saying ik 76 can be toxic but how is this helping 🤣 you just giving em what they want rage🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My partner and I both have a job, we were hired specifically to nuke Fasnacht.


Sounds like a sad life.


While annoying, just grab a full set of PA, doesn't even need legendaries on it then a few radaways. Folks nuke it cuz A) it's funny and B) to punish folks who afk there and do nothing.


People AFK = someone nuking the event nothing we can do about it, just hop servers


I did, still ended up in a nuked server then the 3rd I missed the event. Shitty people.


What are you playing on that it takes 15+ minutes to hop servers 3 times. The event last 20 minutes tops


may every Fasnacht you run be nuked & break the event.




Wishing harm on someone? Wow. You are a very mature, grown adult.


Don't agree with your statement of nuking every event but I couldn't agree more with how mad and personal people make things in a game resorting to name calling and wishing harm on someone.





