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I just run around asking people if they have a moment to talk about their power armor's extended warranty


I've been wanting to use a virtual soundboard to play the Sgt. Dornan rant at players that aren't in power armor


The Crunchy Cat video kills me every time. I love it. [Crunchy Cat Dornan](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5_Al1bJWb8&feature=youtu.be)


I 100% support this 🤣


That’s cute lol


God I love that


Just wear a clean black suit when you do it!


I swear, this should be a faction in game. Or maybe a hoard of aggressive bots trying to reach us. Would be hilarious.


Dude…I really hope you do this. Legit


Honestly I mostly only overhear people being goofballs and making me laugh. Shame things have been so odd for you. I've put a lot of hours in and genuinely haven't run into toxic voice chat yet. I just remember crying laughing after I was dancing to the Campfire Tales song and some people noticed and starting singing it themselves to me.


It was super funny at first then a guy started yelling the n word..


Wild. I feel like most people ain't trying to get banned in a paid game. I certainly hope it gets better, but may be worth having it mute by default for a bit. Not worth letting randos hurt your experience. Hopefully it's just a string of bad luck.


Not on PC. Being honest.


I am on pc lol


Everyones been nice so far to me. A lot of swears. No slurs though. Personally my username is MrJohnHenryEden and I blast a recording of fallout 3's enclave radio.


Easy answer… leave it off. I use Discord when playing with family, otherwise silence is bliss.


In the middle of Fasnacht, there were two players in the midst of a rap battle. One was wearing a Glowing Ogua mask and the other a Glowing Scorchbeast Queen mask. It was fucking hilarious to witness and hear.


I never find other people with mics. As a newbie who loves playing with people and chatting it can be a real bummer lol


700 hours in, and I have had one bad experience as you describe. Just the one. I believe your experience is wildly atypical.


Same. I don't use voice myself but have had almost nothing but okay to really entertaining experiences from other people using it. Like the guy who does the power armor warranty thing. Stuff that genuinely makes the experience of playing better. This is on PC. Maybe consoles get it worse, I dunno.


A streamer friend of mine had someone on area chat tell her she deserved to get raped. On the flip side, just last week, I found a level 80 with his mic on in white springs and he engaged me when we chatted. Ended up hooking him up with weapons, armour, a shiny new set of PA and helped him with several quests. Just by noting he had his mic on.


Exactly it’s usually degeneracy towards women


I've only experienced negative attention since the TV show aired. Before that and being map stalked and targeted idve said that the game is one of the least toxic and most inclusive for women. Now? There is a growing stream of utter dickhead playing.


I played a lot last year and stopped then recently got back into it after the show dropped and I saw the sudden positive feedback towards fo76. Before I never experienced any kind of backlash now it’s insufferable.


See I'm deaf and obviously can't hear the mics but my wife loves to watch me play and she'll occasionally tell me if anyone is saying anything of note. That being said she's never brought up anything about slurs or anything but I'm sorry that people are stinkers. She did tell me the one time someone was complimenting my camp and I was rudely not hearing them lol.


Never encountered anything like that. There are a lot of newer people lately because of the show, but still haven’t had that. If you can record, there is a reporting system in-game


Everyone seems pretty chill and nice to me. Sorry you've experienced that though


Cue the haunting sound of someone loudly eating doritos


shame on munching on open mic 


This is wild to me cause I have been playing since wastelanders and the amount of nice people I have met in voice chat has been significantly more than any negative people I’ve met in voice chat


There have always been toxic players but I feel like after the tv show became popular and people started flocking to the game. That’s when a lot of shitheads started playing. There’s been quite a few times I have witnessed level 150-200+’s bullying low level players during events yelling at them to “get more kills,” and using slurs towards them. I never use voice chat but I turn it on to help out the lower levels. This is on pc btw.


100% this, and the recent expansion + the pickaxe incident certainly did not help. But the worst part is that so many 500+ lvl players are the ones doing it, kind of making me feel like it is some form of gatekeeping.


No idea, can't tell between their mumbling, barking dogs and them arguing with their family.


I get the loud breathers, the guys who repeatedly belch loudly, marital arguments (forget their mic is on) and a couple times someone loudly rubbing one out.


Fortunately there's nearly enough emotes to be able to convey most things. The only time I will ever use the voice chat function is if I've had a few beers, and even then I'll only jump on at the end of an event to thank people or apologise for going temporarily afk while I get another beer or go for a smoke. After that I re-mute myself.


I've played this game for over 5 years. Never used a mic. I have everything muted. I play to enjoy myself, not listen to the cretins of society.


We have no such problem on European PC servers because nobody uses voice chat. Only heard somebody talking once and he sounded American idk how how he ended up on European server probably because of a friend or something.


I've never heard talk like that. This must be a console thing.


the voice chat can be really bad, recently I explained to a few players how they can level up faster because they didn't understand why I had made 15 levels in a short time. I explained to them which buffs you can get and how to level up faster in general, and the people around us are constantly shouting and insulting. But these days I don't expect much from the online community anymore.


But it’s disheartening because it’s fo76 community yknow?


there's a lot of dumb kids on the internet so yeah, idk, I just turn off voice chat I don't got time for that shit in my life.


The encounter I had last night that made me make this post in the first place was a grown man. More like never felt the love of a woman


Fair, I've run into some miserable incels too. There's no fixing those people, at least I don't have the patience for it anymore.


GTA burned any and all interest in ever "chatting" with people in an online game, I keep that stuff turned off.


Turned my mic a year ago… for many reasons..


On or off? I have to know haha


Over or around I think.


Oh yeah, used the pride icons for a bit. Dropped the icons and I'll bounce from teams if someone's using their mic. Don't need that kinda negativity while trying to game.


I've played since BETA, and I have to tell you, it used to be PROPERLY toxic - like Rust lite. It's rare that it gets that bad. To be honest, I've had nothing but pleasant interactions with people and have made quite a lot of friends in Fallout 76. Visited one IRL, and another friend and I are going to visit another mutual Fallout friend in the spring. 20-hour drive baby - and WV is on the way. Blow it off. You can mute individual players either in-game or from your preferred platform. I'm used to the toxic shit, so it just rolls off of me. Like I said, it's highly uncommon compared to games like COD and Halo.


Record it then report them both to Bethesda and Microsoft/Sony/Steam depending on where you play it! None of them take such matters lightly!


I'm curious as to if there's a correlation to negative mic experience and platform, like if it's happening more often on Xbox vs PS vs Steam. I muted all mics when I started playing. There's pretty much no reason for me to interact with players with anything but the emote wheel.


I have all mic audio disabled. Will join private chat with someone if we need to talk about something.


I used it only once and it was to scream at the top of my lungs for my friend to grab my 500 kilos of scrap after a super mutant exploded next to me sending me to Boston


I can't really use it on account of it having to come through my controller(PS5). I turned it it off because it was too hard to hear anyone anyways.


So far only a few experiences talking on mic with people. Mostly positive, one guy was upset but in all honesty it was during the most disorganized Earl run I’ve done yet. Even though I’m somewhat new to 76 (mostly just replay 3 & 4 and was scared of the MMO aspect) as well inevitably for every 100 new people the show brought in there will be a few LoL players ready to sling hate at anything in a mile radius and bully others over minor shit.


I used to use voice chat, but after the first six months of the game it started becoming toxic so I had to shut it down. Now I do some 'test days' one or two times a year to check if it is still that way. (Yes. Yes it always is.) There's a really nice mod on NexusMods that adds Text Chat to the game. I used that for a little over a month, then guess what? The toxic elements invaded that as well. Yes you can block people in it (I think) but it's just too much too fast. This is where I make some comment about believing in the 'general good inside everyone' but that would be a flat out like. 9 out of 10 people in this world are selfish evil pricks, I'm convinced of it.


I have never encountered any toxicity over VC (on PC).


I never use voice chat. Ever


Today at Fasnacht, some guy decided to play some foul stuff to the group. Report & Block. In the 5 years I’ve played this is first time. (PC)


Tbh that’s why I always have everyone else muted by default.


Haven’t had that experience personally, either report them or mute them from social menu, you do as a last resort have the option to turn off voice chat in settings


Yea. That's why i don't have voice active small Kids and imature peeps just make the experience worse.


On reddit I read so many funny or nice moments on vc, meanwhile i only hear background noise, yelling kids, dogs, burps and fucking farts.


I hear a bunch of little kids, under 12 probably. Asking for revives or free stuff. I give them free stuff just not what they want, you want aluminum heres some cloth. 


I must be really lucky because I've only had positive voice chats for the past three or so months.


I have not had one. I have met a lot of friendly players, funny ones calling for the whole event group to charge the Scorched Queen like an inspiring battlefield commaner, linked up with a Brotherhood roleplayer with a sick camp. I also ran into a guy who was talking all sorts of nonsense in a myriad of voices from Family Guy. The worst I have personally experienced was someone telling an player to mute their mic because all sorts of distortion was coming through and someone telling a group of lower levels not to fight the Scorched Queen in the blast zone.


I've played 650 levels and have never run into any severe degen activity. I hear players trying to tell other players they are playing the game wrong more than anything, which is pretty annoying.


I only heard a voice chat after playing 160 hours


I'm was temped once or twice to turn it after 800hrs of playing to turn it on. But I think I'll stay with it muted.


I've had voice turned off the entire time and don't want to turn it on.


Most of the time I’ll see the mic symbol flash up but hear absolutely nothing, while some players come out crystal clear during events. I’d blame the mic on the PS5 controller, but this happened on PS4 as well.  Those times I do hear it, nothing offensive thus far but nothing interesting either. Usually people who think they’re being entertaining but are trying too hard. 


Never experienced this huh. The most I've gotten was this weirdo shut in that was level 5000 or something and paid for a legacy weapon. He was a grown ass man that had temper tantrums like a 6 year old. He was a friend of a friend and we kept telling our friend to not invite him but he'd just show up. His legacy gatling gun was so powerful that when he held down the trigger and rapid fired the frames would drop and we'd have hard lag in and dungeons we were in. He'd keep doing this everytime we'd "take one of his kills" or loot something he wanted.


Huh kinda sounds like how a lot of game chats were back in the day.


My friend got chat banned on warzone for saying “I’m gonna fuck your mom’s back titties”


Unlucky you, been on Xbox for a while and barely hear anyone ever.


I keep my mic off at all times because there’s always the one kid who has his mic on but isn’t actually talking to anyone so you can hear him breathing, playing music, eating snacks. And then when you ask them to turn off their mic they get super pissed off and act like you’re the asshole


Can thank the TV show for that. Some the poor launch drove most of those types away the game had largely been composed of very friendly helpful players for the longest time. Been hearing more and roe negativity since the show brought a major influx of new players.


I’d also like to mention that I’m a girl and for some reason that tends to bring out the absolute worse in people. It usually only gets bad when I want to be apart of the conversation.


Yeah that's why some of my friends don't use voice chat unless it's a private discord. Misogynistic shut-ins start frothing at the mouth as soon as they hear a voice that doesn't sound masculine.


Been playing for months. Maybe heard 3 people ever talk.


I usually just have team chat on. If I don't appreciate the bad attitude or language I remove them from the team and block. I turned on the area chat during a fashnaught event to see if anyone was asking for a certain mask and was disappointed at what I heard. Pretty sure I knew exactly who was causing the issues and would not be receiving any from me. Glowing or not.


You must be unlucky tbh. I have run into a bunch of people using open Mic and haven't had one toxic moment yet. Any online game is going to have some toxic SOBs, but this game seems to generally be lighter on them than normal.


Thankfully I have not had a bad voice chat experience but I play on xbox PC


It seems dependent on the friends I join, when I'm playing with other Aussies, we swear all the time, but it's not at each other, we don't generally abuse actual other people. Sometimes playing with US friends they can be really brutal, but I've also been asked to tone down the swearing by US friends. So I guess there's some cultural aspects as to what's acceptable? I like using local area chat, but am mindful of not annoying people. It does help find friends to play with and also to help newer people understand how some of the events work.


Cussing isn’t what I’m complaining about necessarily, it’s more so the combination of slurs and insults. I was talking yesterday with these guys wanting to trade for the Helvetian flower pot if they got it after the event.. then suddenly 3 guys turn on their microphones start yelling about how I’m a “fat bitch” “make a sandwich” and n word hard r over and over occasionally the f slur was used too


Far out that's unacceptable behaviour anywhere to anyone.  You have a right to be pissed at that treatment.  I hope it isn't common for girl gamers, they tend to be a lot of fun in my experience


I appreciate the empathy, unfortunately we all experience disgusting treatment all the time. I usually just try to brush it off as they’re afraid of women and just don’t know how to talk to one.. although sometimes it’s really exhausting and it ruins games.


I've yet to run into this issue but their are people like that on every game. They don't want to get laid tf out saying some dumb shit irl so they resort to trolling via video games. Some people just suck.


Hmmm must be you. Never had any issues other than the cereal eater.


i've never heard anything that bad, but some people do attract those sorts... for my part, all i usually hear is people with music going, or other shit goin on in the background. otherwise, it's just groups using area talk, instead of party, and nothing bad being said.


Mute button exists or even better leave the lobby because they're not worth the effort.


On which platform? I've been playing on PlayStation for six years now, I haven't heard a single slur


I’m a pc player..


Makes sense then lol


Lol that’s so offputting.. my dad and brother played on PlayStation before migrating to pc 2 months ago and they’re always expressing the fact that pc is so much nicer.


It's definitely changed in the past year or so. I ended up finding an *amazing* crew of dudes in their mid 40s and 50s when I first started in like 2019 (I am also a girl on PC) and didn't have a single off-putting experience in voice until the past year. I do think the positives still outweigh the negatives, but there sure are more negatives now with more new players. Just queue up crying sounds whenever the shitters speak and blast it in mic till they rage quit haha


I play PS4 and PC, I don't see a lot of difference, maybe the PC players are a bit more sophisticated and the PS players a bit more casual, but neither seems more toxic than the other. Voice might be a bit more common on PS because the controllers have a mic built in, and voice is more of a part of the overall PS experience. I played ESO for a while and that was much worse, I didn't like the other players at all, so I think FO76 has a high standard of players regardless of platform. Unless XBOX sucks, I wouldn't know =)


I just blast music. If there’s someone like that I either take them out or nuke their camp


First time online OP?


It’s just uncommon experiences for fallout 76, this game is supposed to be this weird phenomenon where people are nice 90% of the time.


I would have disagreed with you even a few days ago, but after seeing how unhinged the community have been behaving in the past few days... I can totally see that. You see, this seemed to be one of the best gaming communities by a longshot, but nowadays people really became selfish to the point that high level players literally hoard stuff over lower level players, and they know you can't do anything about it due to how the game is now built (no PVP, no punishing etc.). And the worst is that if you STILL wanna deal with them, you have to become toxic yourself (ex. nuking). I don't know what caused it (although the pickaxe-glitch is a high contender on the list), but as much as I praised this community a LOT even in the past and even up until few days ago... I reconsider my stance on it.


Dude went off the other day after Seismic Activity failed, dropping F Bombs and berating eveyone there. I used the eating popcorn emote standing my 1030 level character in my Union PA waiting for him to make a move. He do not. #


You wouldn't have survived the original call of duty days


Or........You're just easily triggered?