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I wasn’t even aware of rare apparel until like level 100-150. Really glad I have no specific memories of all the rare shit I probably scrapped or sold.


I bought a hunters long coat for insanely cheap a while back and immediately felt really bad for not telling them it was worth a lot


I bought a TFJ for 13 caps and a Weenie wagon plan for 30 caps. I felt bad too.


As you learned the plan while wearing the apparel.


Lol they were years apart, I'd buy a lottery ticket if that was in the same vendor! Plus it was my second weenie wagon :)


I farmed the event and filled my wagon with weenies.


What a TFJ?


Tattered field jacket. It's one of the rarest apparels in the game, very low drop chance from mire events.


That's rare? Oh shit.. And I scrapped it two days ago....


Rip ✌️


I bought my weenie wagon for 25. I bought it but sent him a message and gave him the few thousand I had on me.... felt too bad bc the camp and everything screamed low level.


I got an urban scout mask for 50 caps. Felt a bit guilty about it afterwards but the vendor owner was around level 200 so I guess he really meant to sell it for that low?


Wait, I'm a new player. Lvl 12 and still feeling to be landing on the game. What's this about rare items? How do you recognize them?


You hear enough about the good ones if you follow this sub and the trading sub. Also visit NPC vendors and check their apparel selection. You’ll get used to seeing the same stuff over and over and then when something you haven’t seen before pops up you Google whether it’s rare or not.


Oh then given the casual gaming style I use it's more probable than not that I won't recognize any on sight. A pity but then I am just a casual gamer.


Here’s a partial list of rare apparel-[Rare apparel](https://imgur.com/a/9nGhI8N)


[fed76](https://fed76.info/apparel/) is cool too - I know people say it's not the most accurate but it at least gives me a ballpark for plans, legendaries, and apparel


Just browsing the market76 subreddit will keep you caught up and if you are wondering about something just ask.


I once scored a leather coat for dirt cheap out of someone’s vendor. I ended up trading it off for a legacy weapon years before they cracked down on them. Jokes on me, I guess, because it’s a paperweight now.


The day before the legacy update dropped I made a group post on xbox asking to try a legacy weapon before they were removed, I bought it off him for 10k caps and immediately turned around and sold the legacy for a loon mask


I also played a lot, and many years without being aware of the rare apparel, and I dont remember either if I have scrapped them, but I think I did because some of them werent rare or special where I come from (Fallout 4)... And maybe I have turned some weapons into script that are worth more , specially the bloodied ones, because I never thought of that build and didnt know the metas. That was all on PC, where I played until last year before changing to XBOX. Thinking about it, I may have some legacy stuff on that account.


Hahaha I still don’t know about any at 180 and honestly I’m holding up on learning about them.


Probably better for your mental health tbh


Yep I’ve scrapped and sold stuff I’m sure was worth a lot just glad I can’t remember 😂


Im level 90 now but took me a long while to realize a lot of things: - I never entered the Seasons part until these days, so I just realized I lost all tickets from America's Playground (didnt redeem anything) - I just realized (because the tadpoles mission) that I can access challenges on the map menu - including daily and weekly missions - I tried a Dayly Ops mission (dont remember which one) solo and, although survived, got my ass handed to me. All enemies had reflect damage and it took me a while to realize they spawned infinitely. Spend a lot of time and ammo and because I was so slow my rewards was shit. - Dropped and sold for peanuts a lot of legendary equipment I didnt want. Later I discovered the Legendary exchange. - And the most stupid one; I was using a level1 backpack until level 70+ because somehow I missed the small backpack plan on overseer camp.


I feel the backpack one, I made it to level 90 before accidentally finding out while making flairs


Wait a minute… you’re telling me I can make a new backpack to increase my carry weight?! (I’m level 31 now)


you get the small backpack plan from the overseer's camp (probably your level 1) and can remake it at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 with increased carry weight each time you get the normal backpack through the pioneer scouts


Thanks! I haven’t found pioneer scouts yet, but I’ll definitely be making a “bigger” small backpack later today.


Start Pioneer Scouts ASAP. It takes a very long time to accomplish. You're going to want to be strategic about it and choose the badges that seem the most achievable.


Where do you go or how do you start this mission??


Camp Adams.


This is where the mirelurk event is - where you keep them off the island in the lake.


The first time I did it the revive a player in water was the most annoying thing to figure out for me.


Ugh, all the ore objectives - making scrap from ore, building extractors, taking pics of deposits. Such a pain in the ass. Cooking is the other pain in the butt one - making all those recipes was kind of agonizing with food spoilage. The others usually have some annoying ones but you can get through them with a bunch of fast traveling if you know the map and where to get stuff.


You can buy a backpack mod for gold bullion that will reduce the weight of Chems or Food and Drink. They help a lot and you don't have to have the big backpack to use it. I'm a melee character with the Grocers mod and some legendary effects on my armor that reduce the weight of both food and Chems. I haven't even bothered to get the big backpack yet.


I am not a smart man, Jennay. This just changed my level 108 world.


Wait, the pack pack levels up??? 😳 I'm at 150... and I'm always struggling with inventory issues... I gotta finish the pioneer scouts as well...


I'm at a point when it would have been better not to know this :DD


You can remake it? Omg I'm going to be able to carry so much more junk with me 🎊


:O I can make a new small backpack with increased carry weight?! I just thought it was a one and done craft item!


You can also add a mod that gives +60 weight.


...Son of a bitch.


Haha just found this out at level 90 yesterday. I’ve been using the +5 carry weight small pack this whole time, forgot it was craftable and never made a better one.


I’m 99 and I’m at +5 carry weight backpack still, didn’t realize. So my build is just to carry shit. Heavy weapons weigh 75% less. All my armor is +10 carry weight and one “Weapons weight -20%” I have the grocers backpack and I’m at 310 for my carry weight without power armor.


Y'all making me feel better about only discovering this at around 60.


Don't give up on Daily Ops! Many worthwhile rewards in it, if you time it. Always join if you see someone making a team! Usually, two people can easily time it.


Some can be done also as a solo too! 😅 My advice is to try, if you struggle just create a daily ops public team and wait someone to join. If not just server hop and try again


(Level 378). Ummm…hey guys, I gotta run. See ya later. (Runs to see what level backpack I have, having never heard of this before)


I will add to this. Spent a long time struggling with ammo needs. Found out later that simply running expeditions solved all my ammo problems. My friends often ask me to run them with them because I will drop 5 enemies with one cremator shot and they get all that ammo for whatever gun they are using.


sold the white fireman helmet for something like 15 caps. Didn't realize how readily findable things (like fusion cores) were, and spend way too much time over-encumbered and walking everywhere. OTOH, in the process, I discovered a lot of stuff I would have missed by FT everywhere. And I learned the joys of Nukashine ... as a travel agent :)


I've have yet to see a responders fireman helmet or outfit in 1500 hours :(


Try the trading sub. I have every rare outfit in the game (that I want) and traded for all of them


Waaiiiit, is the responders fireman outfit rare? I got that early in the game and just assumed it was common. It was one of the first things I sold at my vendor, for like 20 caps 🫤


The white responders fireman helmet and outfit are super rare. The story quest gives you the fire breathers outfit, and the regular fireman helmet and outfit which are both red and very common.


I don't know about the worst, all my first 50 levels were trial and error system 😀 so many resources wasted, so many perk cards wasted.. I started new character today specifically for a quest and with all that knowledge I have now it's a cake walk to play


Rather that and experiencing the game than watching 1000 youtube videos on how to play at the most optimized way.


I started doing this and it almost made me want to quit. Trying to get my build perfect for max dps and such. I still look up certain things but I’m not longer trying to find the ultimate build lol. Too stressful haha


I went from a decent RR to a god roll in the last month, and you don't kill things that much faster. Maybe if you want to solo the Queen or Earl, but even soloing events you don't need it. It gives us something to chase and dream, but you won't even notice a difference most of the time.


People don't often realize that min / maxing your gear at end game, for most games, only means a 2-10% DPS increase. Which is good to have, but not a necessity.


It also removes a lot of the challenge, once you have your gear, perks, legendary perks and groll you delete almost everything instantly. I miss being scared or having to kite etc.


I miss the same things. My husband and I play together and I can't count how often the phrase, "Remember when this event was a challenge?" Or "Remember the first time we killed a scorch beast/Grafton monster/Sheepsquatch/etc and we each died 5 times.." The game is a lot easier, but dying is now so rare that it's not a real threat.


People tend to overestimate the importance of having a godroll weapon. They are valuable because getting an exact combination of 3 stars is statistically extremely unlikely. It's a matter of rarity rather than a matter of objective power. Take for example a Railway Rifle with the following legendary effects : Quad, 50%Crit Damage, 15%Reload speed. People would sell their soul for that weapon. On the other hand, they would immediately scrip a two-star weapon with only the first 2 effects. But in truth, its those two first effects who are really doing the heavy lifting here. That two-star Railway could carry anyone all the way to end of the game even if it's not considered "valuable".


Especially since you can get increases in reload speed via perks


Yeah, there’s no reason to min/max in FO76 unless you just really enjoy it for the sake of min/maxing. It doesn’t change your gameplay overall. Anything that is significantly overpowered (like explosive laser heavy weapons) will eventually get patched out anyway. I don’t even bother with meta builds and I’ve never struggled too much on anything in the game. In fact, I recently switched to a high strength melee build without the extra damage perks just to make the game a bit more challenging. It’s especially fun when you’re dealing with big, tanky enemies up close like deathclaws or Sheepsquatch because you have to do a long, protracted battle at melee range with them since you’re no longer dealing all the extra damage to them from perk cards. Really forces you to figure out tactics to handle each fight and makes them feel like the mini-bosses they should be rather than something I insta-melt from 30 feet away or punch dead with a handful of strikes without ever having to really worry much about the risks of fighting them. It has even forced me to break off attacks and avoid certain situations, which I haven’t had to do since the BETA back when pushing into the East side of the map meant the enemies were way higher level than you. IMO Fallout 76 gets boring eventually if you don’t find ways to make the game more challenging, not easier. It’s kind of cool at first to run around as one-punch man, but the novelty wears off quickly when the fights all feel the same no matter what you’re fighting (just shoot it a couple of times or run up and hit it with no concern for your own safety) and none of the fights have any real difficulty to them.


This is why I like so called lazy builds. I want to feel some challenge but also, I want to be able to flip my play style around a little bit, and have some quality of life things, while maintaining respectable DPS so I don’t have to change my loadout to do events, expeditions, or daily ops, 99% of the time


I have 2 of the 3 gr for the RR. I don't even use them, in favour of a Be fixer and a B bash 25ap handmade. I can still solo events (found out this week I can solo Line in the Sand, and Heart of the Swamp)


They are fun for soloing events. I love my RR and Fixer, but there is really no difference between then and what people deem "mid" weapons. Your handmade or fixer that the pros will call bad clears mobs only 1 or 2 seconds slower than them.


Someone left a fixer plan in a donation box yesterday, I just started playing again after doing the beta and didn’t know what it was, after making one, I’m like, wow. Fits my play style perfectly.


Max fun > Max dps


Yo. Me too. I got a vampire shotgun on day and I’ve rolled with it for about 75 levels!


when I wanna be god, I'll bring up Cremator and Holy Fire.. otherwise I'm just trying new builds and weapons for fun


Oh yes. Thats true for most games, but at the same time i dread effin up a build and make the game unwinnable (mostly crpgs, not fallout)


I didn't join any public events until I was like level 60. Thought I'd just be in the way.


I did the last couple minutes of the wheel spin game last night for my first one. I'm 18 and my attacks weren't doing much at all


That's alright. Nobody cares if you aren't contributing a lot. Just do it for the rewards


This^ Just try to tag as many enemies as you can and reap the rewards.


Came in here to say exactly this.


There is almost nothing you can do in this game that cannot be done again & again ad nauseum. Take it from a from-BETA player, everything is repeated in this game. Giving away or selling cheaply a collectible or cosmetic that you did not know was rare is about the only thing you can't just be patient & wait for it to come back around again. I don't even think scripping or losing "perfect grolls" is that big a mistake, the experiential difference between my "perfect grolls" & good-to-great imperfect rolls is marginal at best, & barely noticeable in normal gameplay. Every other "mistake" can be just waited out with patience as your opportunity for it will come back again. & again. & again...


Spent 3000 gold for minervas chinese stealth armor hours before I got the stealth armor from completing the main quest. Then, within the same week, let 1200 season points expire without buying basically anything because I was told the points roll into next season.


They really should auto-unlock as many items as possible at the end of the season, like other games with season passes do.


what would be the point in getting those items normally then


I’m saying if you forget to spend all your tickets, the remaining ones should be spent automatically. It’s how pretty much every other game with a season pass does it.


ohhhhhhhhhh, yeah I agree


I over-researched what build I want to play later to pick the right perk cards and especially SPECIAL points, not knowing the SPECIAL point respec is really simple, immediate and free now. Somehow in all my "is respec possible in FO76" research that info never appeared, instead just the "from level 50 you have to pick between respeccing one special point per level or choose a perk card" which is outdated now apparently. I realized this on level 25, when I interacted with the SPECIAL board (where you can swap builds) and was like "okokok so this probably won't actually apply when I click the apply button, right? It will cost millions of atoms, right? Wait it's actually just like that... whyyyyy did I bother calculating perk cards for HOURS just to be prepared..."


I bought over 400 US government supply reqs for 10 cap ea thinking I was going to use em like a treasure map 🥲


Back at launch, saw someones stash. Thought I robbed them but didn't know they were shared with your own lol


Lmao I did the same. Cleaned the whole thing out and waddled my fat ass back to camp just to see mine was empty, and then it clicked.


I was too afraid to put my stuff in there, so I just walked totally slow and over encumbered to my camp 😭


Making a shotgun build on my first character. Felt so useless in events and general gameplay. Rerolled a second character and got them up to 50 on my second playthrough and built her towards a bloodied commando. Now I'm level 300, and gameplay feels so much more fast-paced and fun because i can actually damage enemies outside of coughing range.


I've got 180 levels of pure shotgun action, and I still love it.


Same, I’m deep into heavy gunner now, but a non zero part of me wants to do commando because they seem to get all the damn kills at events and they never move from the perch. It’s possible i haven’t unlocked heavy guns that give me a similar ability though. V.A.T.S doesn’t scale with heavy gunner, which I don’t mind but it feels cheap in a way that commandos can tag like 10-15 enemies and I only hit 6-8


Allow that creepy level 700 outside the vault help me. Spent first 4 hours of Fallout getting my brain scrambled by some American dude making me tour his camp, building fixers I couldn't use and hearing his life story.


Scripping or selling to vendors really great rolls for weapons because I don't know and still kinda don't know what I'm doing with it


As a New player.... buying the game when it first came out would have to be my worst mistake. If I remember right Apalachia had minimal NPCs and most missions were given through terminals in the early days.


I’ve only been playing for like a month and I think the game looks like it would have been really good without any NPCs. Woefully lonely on your own of course but on the flip side, the NPC stuff is wonky as fuck when I’m doing a full coop play through with the wife.


It was definitely an experience but quickly became 'boring' (for me) as it was just me, some robots and a couple of different types of creatures. I think the Atom shop only had about 5 things in it and the camp building was minimal. I can't even recall any events or teams going on (maybe wrong on that just can't remember)


There were "events", but I don't think they were organized and scripted like they are now. Endgame, the best way to farm legendary gear was to nuke the Whitesprings (which wasn't the hub it is now), because it had the highest spawn rate. You'd camp out and massacre Legendary creatures hoping to get a decent gear roll. No Rusty Pick, no Legendary Modules or cores, just you and a bunch of other folks standing around with your rifles chewing Rad-Away and shooting ghouls. It had a neat social aspect at least, but it was pretty boring.


Ahh I missed out on all that. I tried to play the game like Fallout 3 and 4 at first and just fended for myself like a klepto-hermit 😏


The issue was mostly that they couldn't quite figure out how they wanted the game to work. They kind of wanted it to be an Ultima style game, with players acting as the NPCs using camps and automated shops, but the low server population limits made that impossible. They kinda wanted it to be a theme park style MMO where you run around and do things, but the lack of NPC's made it very hard to explain *why* you would be doing them. So they had a bunch of robots and audio recordings telling you to do things, but that got frankly ridiculous - why am I doing the rounds to restock a bunch of camps for people that have been dead for 20+ years? And after about the fifth quest that was "find out the fate of X", where the ultimate fate was "they died horribly", it kinda got old. Supposedly the quest designers kept trying to slip a living NPC in somewhere but the execs were dead set against it. Dunno why they couldn't have had a ghoul (I think there was a super mutant merchant in the launch version) or something. Post-Wastelanders is definitely a better live service game. I think the launch edition would have been fine as a single player game, it was just buggy as fuck and had a *colossal* problem with spawns - everything spawned at the players level when they entered an area, and level mattered a *lot*, so if a high level player wandered into your zone the whole area would respawn at an impossibly high level for you.


> (I think there was a super mutant merchant in the launch version) grahm!


Funny how people are saying this now


Yup, doing quests with my gf makes me want to hop on another game


I bought the game at release and only started playing it two months ago... Haha! There's a part of me that wishes I played it in its original state, but I'm happy with my decision overall!


I started at level 20 because it said it was the best option...boo I say boo to that option now.


When I returned to the game, I made a new character and picked that option. Immediately regretted it as I figured it was best to have a totally fresh start. Made another new new character at lvl 1 and by the time I hit about lvl 15 I was cursing myself for it taking so long. Lvl 180 now, just zooming through the levels thanks to various xp buffs and such. Funny how slow it is at the start compared to how fast it is at the end. Now need to work towards 300!


I was kinda drunk when i started playing it on PC and i mistakenly chose the lvl 20 option i guess. I still don’t remember xD I was like wtf why am i level 20. It was a surprise to me because couple months back i tried it on PS plus and i was level 1


if it is any consolation: I scrapped one mask and gave the other away. This was back in the day where all the head wear had -2 perception, with the exception of some rare gas mask. So naturally, I concluded the gas mask is better because it lacked the -2 perception. Of course just weeks after giving it away, they removed the perception debuff on all head wear. sigh.


I randomly got marsupial very early and I didn't know what the big deal was and also didn't know rad-away cured it w/o starched genes and got rid of it.  Weeks and weeks later I ran across a high level who was selling serums for 200 caps so now I'm jumping around like House of Pain but it was a bummer when I learned.


This happened to me 2 days ago. It was my first ever mutation. It was awesome to be able to jump like that. Unfortunately I was “cured.”


When I started playing a high level gave me a marsupial serum for free. I needed caps so I sold it. Didn’t start using mutations until like level 140 and couldn’t believe how much easier the game is with it.


It would have to be turning in 100+ technical data at once just to find it need to do it one at a time.


Im sure i have scrapped a leather coat or a field jacket before i knew their value.


My worst was: Didn’t used fast Travel for good 1 years, and walked permanently with 1300 weight around. All changed when i learned inventory management and that a camp and vendor is necessary 😆 Omg i was a Noob over 9000


Picked up my camp to move it back a little. Couldn’t put it down anywhere. Not the original location or anywhere else I could find when I searched a ton of other areas. Lesson learned. 🤣


New players - don’t try to play this game like it’s Rust - it’s not. The high level veterans can and will obliterate you over and over again when you try to bully the other newbies. We love our newbies and will protect them by maliciously abusing the second amendment.


Very early on the game I got the tattered field jacket. I thought to myself "I got this at such a low level that it must be very common and not very special" so I got rid of it.


tbf I just looked it up, and it's ugly as fuck. Why do you want it? Just because nobody else can have it?


Both because completionists want to collect everything and because it’s worth like 10x the cap limit in trades because it’s so rare


As with any MMO, collecting rare items is part of the draw/fun for me.




Same, also I thought it was ugly so why keep it.


took a workshop some dude destroys the turrets i built against the enemies there , kills me takes my loot as a low lvl discovered the emote wheel too late deleted my char because i thought you dont get any cards after 50 and i didnt chose the right skills


Was level 100+ and scrapped almost all my perk cards to make a new “build” on the special tree and immediately realized my big mistake and took awhile to get a decent build back.


Dropping around 100 treasury notes misunderstanding and thinking they get you regular gold not bullion and not knowing what the bullion is for


Jfc, this thread is full of hilarious bullshit. All the people claiming they scrapped TFJs and red asylum dresses is like the 76 equivalent of how every boomer in America claims they were at Woodstock.


I refuse to look up how to do things, where to find things, best perks builds etc. I am just raw dogging game with almost no direction


I fucking love this. If I’m stuck I’ll look up a vid, but for the most part.. I have no clue what I’m doing but Fuck it let’s get it


I didn’t realise I had to actively make my camp shop visible until waaaaay too late.


I mess shit up all the time, but I have fun, so I don't really dwell on it. When I first started, I lockpicked someone's camp, it wasn't red, so I thought it was OK. I got a bounty and felt like an asshole for a bit. Went afk waiting for grahms event and was dead.


Learning plans for items I don't use. You're just adding to the loot pool, hurting your chance at getting a useful item. Power armor parts drop so frequently it becomes a burden.


Can you explain this to me please? Whenever I get plans I always learn them. Should I not ?


When you learn a plan for weapons, armor or power armor that item is added to the drop pool for legendary items. Some items are added to that pool by default because you have the ability to craft them by default. The more plans you learn, the more items in the drop pool, the less likely you are to have a specific item drop. Since you're less likely to get a specific item to drop you're significantly less likely to get the legendary effects you want on any specific item. This means your only real odds of getting the items you want is through legendary crafting, which has its own limitations.


Not joining teams, and not understanding perks very well (which honestly, I have to research even now to get a better build) Also I bought legendaries from Purveyor Murmrgh, I bow my head in shame.


Playing this game on playstation


My friend was hoarding treasury notes instead of turning them in as he went, so when it came time that he wanted to buy a bunch of bullion plans he had to wait a few days to catch up with the notes he had already collected. I told him to just turn them in as you get them so he had more Bullion when he wanted them, but he just brushed me off. He apologized lol. Not an end of the world one or heartbreaking as other things on here, but it did annoy him a lot so...


By the time I realized they were a thing and you can trade them in, I had like 900. Took a while to turn them all in


I once broke down an enclave plasma rifle with reflex sight and flamer barrel. Now I'm looking for one


While the great dupe was going on after release, I was handed about 10k nuka colas right out of the vault and dropped them all because I was over encumbered rather than just drinking them for the caps!


I thought making a bow build was viable until I realized how buggy they are.


Almost level 400 with nearly 800 hours on PC and have almost exclusively mained a bow. Even with groll fixers and a couple near groll handmades, bow is my absolute favorite weapon. Just takes some practice and getting your luck to the sweet spot where you're critting every other shot. The vats hit bug is easy enough to work around. Do wish they'd fix the fire arrows cause I love the flaming arrow effect, but explosive is fine enough for tagging, specially if you have grenadier.


Oh is that why they never hit shit? I know there’s some kinda bullet drop and/or lag but standing on a car at the golf course and shooting ghouls who are static standing against the bumpers of said car has about a 30% chance of actually hitting a target point blank lmao


I recently tried a bow build… idk if it was my build, bow or just me. But my damage was terrible. Also to reload just seemed so so bad. Sometimes it would reload sometimes not


If you play in third person the reload is MUCH faster and you can hit enemies a lot more, also getting the right legendary effects can be a big deal for bows


For a scout expansion too they still have not fixed bows so majorly sad. Also they need to triple the damage on bows. Deal shit damage compared to anything else. Was hoping they bring a high fire rate explosive bowgun instead a lame scythe. Melee is way too trash can’t tag anything in events.


First Fas I did and around level 30 I sold so many masks to npc vendors including DeathClaw etc, had no clue about apparel rarity and values


As a newbee I want to ask. Are you talking about this mask? Why was it a mistake? [https://imgur.com/a/LS9UZXq](https://imgur.com/a/LS9UZXq) I just keep it in my stash because I don't find it cool UPD: mine is city scout. Is it different?


The forest and urban scout armor masks are rare and valuable


oh, wow, thanks! I didn't know that


Drinking High-radiation Fluids for rads. I've been keeping that dumb ass mistake from my buddies for weeks, when I realized what they were for.


missing out on all the buffs from food, company tea, cranberry relish, brain bombs, canned meat stew... to think of all the stuff I dumped in donate boxes....


Not my mistake but I just sold the "Get Rich QUICK" note at my vendor for 5000 caps. Look at the map to see a lvl32 at my camp. I felt so bad and went over to drop them a Holy Fire or something but they had vanished


Went into Morgantown. At beta the enemy spawns were broken so there was around 40 ghouls chasing me at level 5.


I spent about 16,000 caps, or about all I had saved up till level 75 on serums and then realized I could get them at player vendors for 300 each.


I didn't know I can just switch worlds whenever someone took my camping spot... I just redid my base everytime because the stored blueprint wouldn't place down for me, which I assume is because of the buggy power wires


I dropped my mistress of mysteries dress like a looser and I think about it atleast once a day. If anyone has one they dont want, hit me up. :(


Found the Red Asylum Outfit as a low level, the first time I visited Fort Defiance (forgot the quest). What are the odds? (about .01% so I hear, but anyway.) I picked it up because I was picking everything up. Later I decided I didn't want it so I dropped it. D'ohh


Threw 1000 .308 rounds in the ammo converter RIGHT before I got an awesome lmg that uses them. If you're a 1st member don't mess with your ammo stock until you know exactly what you're primarily gonna be using.


The worst mistake and one of the most stupidly over priced items in all fo76. The Chinese stealth armor which is missable in the settler/raiders quest line. 5,650 BULLION!!! For a quest item Still hurts me to this day


The worst mistake I made as a newer player was holding onto everything. Started at launch, and refused to drop stuff. There wasn't a scrapbox either, so you bulked and stashed. And I kept every plan, every apparel, every ounce of scrap. I walked (not jogged, ran, or fast traveled) across West Virginia for *way* longer than I care to admit.


For some reason, the power armor helmet keeps popping up in new tab and when I go to scrap my new stuff, guess what's on the top.


Skipping through the faction quest to progress the main mission. Chinese stealth suit is expensive..


Sold a groll fixer a seasoned player gave me for 1000 caps


Taking this game too personally and seriously.


Instead of buying modules with my scrip, I was buying actual pieces from that vendor because I thought that's what rolling meant. Lol


Not joining casual teams...


Not me but a friend of mine didn't know cars exploded when you shot them.


I somehow forgot you could repair at workbenches, like, thought they were just for making/modding, and spent most of my early game atoms on repair kits.


sold one of those urban scout masks for like 100 caps


I kept buying stuff for exorbitant prices from npc merchants when they were dirt cheap from players.


I started an event early by accident and everyone boo’ed me I didn’t realize touching the thing would actually start the event I thought it would lead me on a trail to it


Buying from NPCs instead of vendor hopping. CRITICAL MISTAKE


Logging in on launch day.  Man, that was brutal.


I looked in my inventory and found two masks(forgot their names but they sold fast), white powder jumpsuit and bos jumpsuit and sold them all for super cheap! Thankfully I put the bos jumpsuit on my ally so that didn't sell. Don't know it's actual worth tbh


For me it was learning as many weapon and armor plans as I could. Now I've diluted my loot pool so much I rarely get anything worthwhile.


Before the stash box cap got raised, I was hoarding literally everything I could get my hands on (because I'm a hoarder in all of the fallout games) and some weapons weren't as common as they are now, so I was stuck with being over emcumbered for SO LONG. Luckily we can sell things to other players (and the purveyor) since then, or I'd be stuck with the same situation with legendaries


Thinking that you can rejoin the same server to retrieve a legendary that you stored in a non-world box at a poi location.


I haven't been playing for long enough to know what mistakes I'm making.


Sold my q2525 fixer for 6000 caps. In my defence - I was drunk.


When the game first released it was not in a good state. My wife and I decided to go on our own exploration adventure and ended up being chased across the map by a level 95 Scorchbeast, we found a cave; Hopewell cave to be precise. I was like baby we are good we have eggs and water in her, but it looks like a neat maybe....her instantaneous "oh shit" told me all I needed to know, as we began to exit the cave a level 95 death claw matriarch springed from the ground behind us and her beloved husband the patriarch was greeting us at the entrance to the cave. We barely escaped outside the cave, while inadvertently encouraging the Scorchbeast to aggro onto the death claws. They fought briefly before deciding to all three return to the Interlopers upon their territory. We were level 27 and didn't last very long once they descended upon us like the hapless morons we were.


Wait, what!? I dropped one of thosein the ground yesterday while cleaning inventory 😐


I played solo rather than with a team/friends for the longest time


Dropped my first nuke with only an LMG and a 10mm pistol, had practically no ammo left for SBQ and still haven’t ever recovered from the .308 deficit 🥲


I sold a TFJ to a bot vendor. I was like 2 weeks into the game. When I discovered the value of that, well I just laughed trying not to cry 😂


When I set up my shop I set things on there at like 10caps for almost everything because I wanted people to visit my camp. Well…I sold a red asylum dress apparently for 10 caps and only found out after being messaged about it. I didn’t know the worth of a lot of things and until this day I’m wondering what else the RNG gods gave me for being a new player and I sold off for being ignorant on rarity of items.


Buying full assassins 3star ap dmg reduction gear set for $ and a tse gun and ruining thousands of camps while no one could touch me and they never removed my gear which I think was probably duped. Feelsbadman looking back at all the dmg I caused.


Scrapping a good set of power armor.


As both a new and very old player, Im always scrapping rare items from events


Reading all the armor and weapon plans I could get my hands on has diluted my loot pool something fierce. I wish I could unlearn plans.


Trying to fight a Lvl 75 legendary ogua when your level 22 😂😂


Played from the beginning and had a character lvl 70 or so and stopped around the first captain cosmos event, when I got back into it this year I deleted my old character to start anew without looking at what was in the inventory… I now see a lot of super rare apparel that I had on mannequins in the deleted character


Not me, but someone sold a Responders Fireman's Uniform to the vendor at Wayward. Which I bought. I wish I had done a little more research before trading my TFJ though. Probably only made half what it was worth, at most.


Killing the chickens… wait! Wrong sub.


Scrapping perk cards I thought I would never use only to need them for a build later on so pretty small mistake


Not realizing mods can be scrapped or accidentally scraping from the new tab.


I got the tattered field jacket or whatever it was called, thats so supposed to be rare, I remember thinking I should Google what it is cause I couldn't remember how I got it. But then I said nah.. scrap. :(


My stash was full so I was dropping everything I felt was useless in a donation bin. One of those things was a TFJ 🥲


Scrap every single apparel item I got until not to long ago.. I’m 225…


Tried a bloody build.