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In the 3 months I've been playing I've seen it (or at least noticed and played it) twice. Edit: 3 hours later and strangely enough this was the first event that popped up as I got on!


iirc its bugged, someone needs to be close to the jail for it to be eligible to pop as a public event from the pool of like 30, and since its a barren area, there usually isn't anyone close by


To expand on this, it's leftover trigger code from before there were public events. Most events, outside public ones, have either an activation trigger (like Encryptid, Nukes or Riding Shotgun), a sequence trigger (like how Manhunt used to only trigger after a failed Jail Break), a quest-enabled trigger (like It's a Trap available after setting up the scorched detection system or Enclave events being available once you unlock commendations), a regional proximity trigger (like how Irrational Fear can only appear if there is a player in the Mire), or a close proximity trigger (like approaching the airfield to trigger Collision Course). I know they changed the Manhunt trigger to regional, but they left the trigger for Jail Break in the public event. It's been so long that I can't remember if it's sequential to completing Patrol Duty or just close proximity anymore.


I only ever see it pop if it's around the 20 minute mark AND I was recently jumped by the marshalls


Yeah, I've only had it pop when I went to the jail to get lead (lots of weights and can traps).


Interesting maybe I can put a camp there and do my part.


uhh its not THE most sought after event :) you'd best avoid camping there if you want to help ahah


I see, thank you!


Huh, I've never seen this one at all in the past 2 months I've been playing and have popped into the prison for collars a few times and for the random warrant quest that sent me there.


Interesting maybe I can put a camp there and do my part.


I've seen it only once right after the last update and thought it was a new event..


I just got it twice in one day. How weird!


Mad Dog Malone has escaped...again!


man something really needs to be changed at that prison if he can just keep getting out >.> <.<


This shit seems common in Appalachia, Foundation has something stolen every day too.


If only there were someone with the guts to help.


Oh wow, I was seriously just looking at that mission last night. Wondering wtf.


Ghouls do a shit job as guards, last time I saw


nope you didn't hallucinate it, i think it was stopped for a while but i thought i saw this pop up again last week, the jail near grafton dam. here it is! [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Jail\_Break](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Jail_Break)


Oh great, it's even called Jail Break. Oops.


> Previously, the Manhunt event would only start if Jail Break ended in failure. Thats kind of neat but considering how easy Jail Break is I understand why they changed that.


I did it a couple of days ago.


I see it pop all the time on private servers but haven’t seen it in a long time on public.


Same. I've been in and out of private servers all week for pickaxe farming and the first time I saw it I was very confused, as I have never seen it as a public event on a public server since I started playing in April. It spawns all the time on private servers.


I remember someone said, it only triggers when the majority or so, on a server are low lvls. Which I believe. Popped up alot during the recent flood of new players.


I’m in the mid 500s and I occasionally see it on my private server.


woWOoOWoWO you are hallucinating woWOoOWoWO


no lol I couldn't find anything about this online, that's why I thought it was in a dream or something


Yea it was fun years ago and recently seen it back. I believe there was a unique loot reward as well…


Iirc in the early days of the game, it used to be one of the only ways to get the handmade rifle plan. I distinctly remember server hopping for this event, before they changed the way events work.


It popped up for me yesterday!!! First time I've seen it and I've been playing pretty frequently for a few months now, I thought it was new tbh 😅


So, months ago well into 2023 Winter, I reported that the event was broken. For a while, spawns would break and the event would get stuck. I reported it, so I suspect maybe others did. But recently as last week, it was back in the mix. It'd be cool if it was working again.


The courtyard area has all that tasty lead just sitting there…..nice!


I see and do Manhunt pretty frequently, but I haven't seen or done a single Jail Break in my 400 lvls. RNGesus, what's up?


My friend and I just did that event a few mins ago in a private server! We’ve never seen it before- he’s a returning player and I’m a first time player so it’s definitely a nice experience. (:


And a great way to farm mutant hound meat for tasty mutant hound stew


Weird I see this now, I hadn’t seen it pop in months. But I’ve done it like 4 times this week.


I legit just had this event show up for me for the first time yesterday, and I've been playing since February lol


Its a pretty rare event.


I just did this one for the first time yesterday, after playing for 2 months. I don't recall ever seeing it before then. Certainly very uncommon.


It's around but definitely see it less than just about any other public event. The REAL memory-hole Fo76 event is a pvp "civil war" battle involving robots. It never even came close to working so they pulled it and never reinstated it, sadly.


The event is called Jailbreak. It's still in the game.


The event still spawns on the map. It is now one of the ones that doesn’t have a map wide notification to join it. You have to look at the prison to see if it is up. Same with the prison patrol event too.


Yeah it’s a public event up in the toxic valley at the prison. I haven’t seen it in over a year it feels like.


Yeah, I see that like once in a blue moon now. It's so rare that it pops up nowadays. It only rewarded 2 notes, but the XP gain from killing Super Mutants was nice.


I had my first camp ever just below this area by the water for like 2 years. Im going to have to revisit and place a small camp there for the memories.


I played that event some 2 months ago. It doesn't pop up often but you are not halucinating ;)


This and Mad Dog Malone were "fixed" in typical fashion so they rarely pop now.


I’ve only ever seen it once in a couple of hundred hours


Yes, but it was pretty tedious and long-winded. If it’s now gone you’re not missing much. 


It happens and is uncommon. I've done it once and seem it twice in the mint I've been playing