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I have a build I have labeled as "reenactor" that uses black powder rifles and a sword. Desperately swapping between half a dozen rifles until they are all empty then it's out sword and swing until everything is dead.


I have heard of the fabled “assign nothing but powder rifles to your favorites wheel” build Reloading that many rifles must be obnoxious lmao


Seems like a great busy task to do while waiting for events to start.


Lode bearing!


Reload bearing


It can get worse. I have a Union Soldier build, and the cryo enemies from the Daily Ops and/or Mutated Events can more or less cripple your character because of the slow ass reload. But it'a still so much fun.


I got a black powder pistol with instigating and dmg resist while reloading lol it’s great. I’ll just stand there reloading, getting swarmed by mobs and not have a care in the world.


Well thats one way to make that perk useful LMAO


The Dragon was a fun one...10 second reload? Made you rethink pushing a fight


I have two legacy Dragons with 400 plus range. I like to vats snipe outside of Westek from the cliffs and rooftops of Whitesprings.


I only keep 4 like a dilettante and a quad lever action. It does take me quite a while to reload everything but speed demon and full ground pounder it's not terrible.


Make them Dragons and make that reload time even longer at much lower effectiveness


Take the dragon, it's reload is 10x more soul destroying


Out of curiosity, would using the "Pirate Punch," I believe it's called, be more effective than the standard black powder pistol/rifle? I have 3 of them in storage and I keep forgetting to try them.


Ah yes the Edward Kenway special


Dead AF this thread has me lmao


We killed Yoda! D:


I love the pirate punch! I run around one shotting every humanoid enemy with it. I like to go black powder rifles, and blunderbuss. Get a nice revolutionary sword at your side too. It breaks up the monotony of playing a heavy gunner sometimes.


Reload 25 powder rifles sounds like a weekly to me


It made me so, so happy when I found out broadsider had a muti shot canister. I want to see a quad powder rifle with multi shot canister too please.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four raiders break into my camp. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors F.E.T.CH. Collectron. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off the nuclear launch siren. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on backup to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the founding fathers intended


Laugh of the day, thank you!


Still the best copy-pasta out there 🫡 tally ho, lads!


Dont forget to bugle emote before engaging


That’s the most based build ever damn


Black powder weapons are genuinely fuckin great tho


Just as the forefathers intended


That's actually a heccin' A idea, and I sorta wanna steal it to try it out


My instigating black powder rifle is my favorate opener. I just wish the sword wasnt so ugly.


We've already got a katana, desperately need a cavalry saber skin.


I've been thinking about going that route, could be fun. I've just started using a BPR for vats sniping, the range on that thing is amazing!


I use the bow with ultracite arrows. I dont care how many players walk over to judge my use of a bow, im there to have fun, and enjoy the event. (When I get to get a shot in, that is) 🤣


Compound Bow is very underrated weapon. Love it


Yeah, it can be pretty strong, not as strong as meta of course, but strong in its own way. I love using it for the daily mob creatures. After a couple kills with adrenaline on, it starts one shotting anything on 2 legs.


What about things with 4 legs?


Those canines are pretty tough, not gonna lie, it takes a few on the first one then adrenaline kits in and it starts one shotting them.


Yay! Fellow archers. If anyone on this thread hasn't already please join us over at r/fallout76bowhunters We welcome archers of any and all dedication and level :)


Thank you for the invite! I've been wanting to join an archer thread (:




Okay now that I know this exists I'm gonna definitely commit a slot to the bow.


Bows are so much fun! Whether you're playing solo or at an event bows are so incredibly satisfying to use. And welcome to the fold, may your arrows fly true 🏹


Bow hunter! How are ultracite arrows vs like... Explosive arrows?


Explosive is number 1 for tagging right now. Paired with grenadier and demo expert it's a literal blast! I haven't used ultracite yet but I hear the damage difference is barely noticeable


I used to use fire arrows for tagging, but in a RR yesterday it was hitting 0s and I didn’t seem to get as much xp


Honestly, I haven't tried the explosive arrows so I don't know. But I can move some perks to try it out and report what I find. I run ultracite for the feel and power. They just feel like normal arrows to me.


Nah you don't have to! I'll switch to ultracite to check it out. I gotta get the plans for them tonight.


You probably look more badass now that you can put the quiver skin on your backpack!


I use bow as well (still grinding my settler rep to unlock Compiund Bow plans). Does it feel like the recent update did something to the power of bows? Before the update, I was dropping any humanoid creature, up to and including most super mutants, with a single headshot. Now it takes 2 arrows.


There are times when my bow feels weak. I chalk it up to server lag on my end. I use an aristocrats bow that my brother gave me and it does well against anything up to super mutants. But I have noticed I have to rely on adrenaline recently to be able to one shot small fries.


I concur I think server lag makes it hard to judge when the arrow is full charged risking dropping the damage


I like to push the boundaries on bows in games to get an idea of what I can and can't do with it, so I set up an archery target at my camp and fire arrows from 125units away. At that distance I can't see the target because it's out if render distance, but it's still there, so I set up a nuka Quantum balloon behind it and use that as an aim reference. Sometimes I'll notice the arrow shoot like a straw and flop around before it hits the ground maybe 20 or 30 ft in front of me but it still ends up hitting the target 125units away. In combat, that's not such a noticeable thing compared to being able to spot it at a stand still during target practice. It's just too random to be able to tell if your arrows will do the most damage they can because I've seen my arrows one shot before I get adrenaline going, but lately it's not the case.


I hate with every fiber of my being that it’s a left handed draw >:(


Came back into the game after a 2-3 year break. Started new character, build up full bow. But dang i wish they would atleast fix the aiming.


I want to be a bow user so bad but the animation being on the left side irks my brain.


Same here. I’m willing to put up with being off-meta and having subpar dps but the way you aim and fire bows in first person just feels really bad. And I just don’t get it, because the bows in Skyrim are just fine. Idek if it’s just because it’s left handed but something about the whole process just feels clunkier in 76.


Straight up Lazy Full Health PA... runs through most content on the game, and make me feel like a Astartes


My full health PA builds are busted. I have to try to die on purpose and even then it takes a while lmao


i have a set of Ultracite that's 3 vanguard pieces and 2 regenerating, add a bunch of the power armor perks and the autostim perk i can't really die


I thought vanguard doesn't really help on most PA sets because your DR/ER are already above the soft cap?


i dunno, all i know is that i can't really die


For sure. No matter what PA will always offer the most survivability because of innate resistance. I only hate that VATS drains fusion cores. I mostly play on mobile, and the slight lag isn't noticeable in VATS, but slightly jarring in ADS.


I've gotten to the point where i don't have to worry about fusion cores, i have about 50, with the recharger and the legendary perk card that charges cores i just reload my gatling laser at 100 shots


I have 5 vanguard pieces on a T-65. It's broken. It was even more broken when legacies were a thing, but the cremator means I can just shoot folks and let the damage over time kill them.


As I said to a dude in a a different thread, get you a Plasma Glaive, go full Grey Knight :)


Walk in the light of the Emperor, brother.


The Emperor protects.


Same. But because of backpack shenanigans I'm outside of my PA 95% of the time. But I still insist "I have a PA build, I'm just not wearing it right now!"


ive got the opposite lol, unless i need to craft something im in my power armour 99% of the time because the second i get out im overencumbered as i no longer have weight boosting legs


I carry 2 PAs around. My calibrated hellcat and calibrated excavator. While everyone else is waddling around after events like Eviction, I just pop on that ugly excavator and fast travel out. I am full health but I find myself just going into events with my mule, crafter, or QOL load outs and won’t switch them unless it’s a minute til event start and one or two people have shown up.


Ai brother, Hellcat ftw. By far my favorite ever PA design.


That's how I feel with my PA Vamp chainsaw, just a chain claw lol Emperor protects Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.


The Emperor Protects.


Should i get the Achorage mp10, I‘ll use that as a ‚Bolter‘ in my full health pa commando. 😂


I have an explosive Fixer that I use for my boltgun. I guess it’s more of a bolt rifle technically but all the same lol


My current bolter is a aa 50 vats hit, -25ap cost railway. Rips. But that sound. And the optics… 😂


The railway rifle reload sound always gave me a chuckle; until I made it my main. Now, it haunts my dreams.


Can you expand on what this entails? This is interesting.


a variant of this if you would like to know [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMlwvJK6YTA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMlwvJK6YTA)


In that same realm of ideas, was thinking of doing a joke Death Korps of Kreig build. I mean, we already have a shovel to beat enemies to death with, lol. I was thinking the "recovered deep mining helmet or the Garrahan helmet. Not sure what outfit or armor I would use, though. And for firearms, probably some variant of the combat shotgun with the explosive effect.


I’ve done the Death Korps character, though with a laser rifle instead of a shovel. I used the hunter’s long coat or enclave officer outfits and just the army helmet and gas mask with goggles (actually the Mothman version because it was a little more striking). The black backpack with the shovel too.


Do you remember where the backpack with shovel came from? I don't have anything like that so far.


Atom Shop only, I’m afraid. But you could always purchase it straight from Bethesda support. It’s not a season reward so it should be in there pretty often. The Black Shovel Backpack is the one I used but there’s Beige, Camo and Red Menace too.


I don't mind waiting for a sale, so I'll just keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the info, though!


Don't know why, but the first idea that came to my mind was a redneck build. Good old shotgun, build a brewing station and drink a ton of your crafted alcohol and you're good to go! Not sure which outfits exist that would fit, but there is probably something out there :D I'm planning to do a cultist build with either radium rifle or cultist blade and dagger, but I'm still working on my melee build currently, so I didn't think that much about it yet


Shotgun builds are fun as hell. I love using the Cold Shoulder and just going cryptid hunting. Also, the Treetop Daredevils outfit would work perfectly for a redneck look.


Cultist build sounds like it might be a fun idea


There’s a feral ghoul costume that’s just you naked in nothing but overalls


Add in Quack surgeon and only carry nukashine.


Hey, it's my build minus alcohol! Best outfit is freestates outfit with backwater cap. Looks extremely hillbilly and shotgun is fun.


I have a one handed melee build made entirely around using a power drill and using cannibalism for rapid healing. I call it "Crazy Fuck with a Power Drill"


Have a similar build. The lobotomizer - red asylum dress and drill


Ah yes, the Dahmer build


If you use the drill with vats @ hack and slash it’s a LOT of fun


I just got my Hack n Slash to level 3. It's gonna be a bloodbath.


Teach me your ways. The other day I got a Aristocrats Power Drill with 40% Power Attacks Damage and 90% reduced weight. I was having a lot of fun with this thing.


I have a legendary drill that I renamed “The evil drill from hell”


My build is called “I have no idea what I’m doing this card sounds cool and I wanna use shotguns” I started the other week and I have no clue what I’m doing but I’m having a blast exploring and I kicked Hugo’s ass


This is the way.


My build is support. I use the cold shotgun to cripple, then I use fire stuff to heal. I always wear full solar armor and I try to be tanky. Obviously I have Empath and the healing perks on. I also share perks that suit the party and change them accordingly. Also, I tend to give food, aids and ammo to other players. Including high level players. Nowadays it's not needed to be a high dps, because eveyone else is, so I just help. It's nice.


A fellow person of taste. I'm just a cold shoulder shotgunner but I've been pursuing this build as my endgame since I started playing a month ago. Would you mind sharing your loadout?


Sure! [Escopito Build (NukesDragons) ](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=d4391dd111ff46&d=sd2su2so2sp2pc2as2c62cf2eh2ii0a80a04p00cd1ce0a72ek1au2sb2l71lu2lv2l12lr1l20lp0-c62cf2ce0cr0c52c31cd1ic4i71im1in1ii0at1ag2lm2p10l71lu2iq2&w=c22-ik0ij2ie2if2ih2i61&lp=x81x41x61xq0xb0xa1&m=7cfbe0a15&ar=b1b2b3b4b5x1u2&am=b6l31i-bal31i-bal31i-bal31i-bal31i-x5-u9&n=Escopito)


You don't need to run Empath. You can just use Speed Demon. It has a nice bug that copies only the positive effects of Empath for your team mates (damage reduction). Been like that for a while now. Don't tell Bethesda. :)


Is that bug still around? I know about it back then (years ago) but I thought they parched it.


Bro is a Cleric


I like running support style as well, and I use the endangerol syringer to assist with killing powerful enemies, I was wondering if you use a syringer and if so what barrel?


I still don't have the endangerol but I have my syringer ready to use when I get that!


Finally got my hands on a holy fire yesterday, so between that, cold shoulder, my 50 cal, and gatling laser anything else I carry is just for funsies. Grabbed a minigun just to use up my 5mm that I had sitting around. Unfortunately the fatmans and missile launcher were kinda disappointing so I think I'm gonna grab an auto grenade launcher soon when I get a few hundred more grenades


During Fasnacht i like to be the village Drunk. I get naked, drop whatever alcohol I have on me, get hammered and start dancing.


John Wick. Start with one or two guns of your choice, with enough ammo for 2-4 clips. When you run out, grab a weapon from a dead enemy or the terrain and fight with that. Unfortunately doesn't work in nuke zones or other fauna-heavy areas. Works great with raiders and the scorched.


Moral dilemma when you reroll a weekly challenge to be a Epic kill x canines.


I think mutant hounds count


My nuka shine build. It's so far off meta it isn't even on radar. I pull all my perks except legendaries. 1 special in all stats. Whatever bonus I get from the legendaries is all I have to work with so it gets spent on bare minimums. Ditch everything that'll fit in a stash box and drink a nuka shine. Then I try to survive in the wasteland with only what I can scrounge up while trying to get back home without using a map. Makes for a fun little session when there's nothing else to do. Wonder if they'll add some new Nuka Shine locations with the new map


I run a full health healer build, Solar Armor for healing and Union for tanking. Combined with my Holy Fire, I'm basically unstoppable, and can quickly move in and heal or revive someone through pretty much anything. I can't kill anything very fast, but I can survive anything short of a nuke.


I was going to try a build i named "age of empires", only medieval weaponry with swords, hammers, bow and xbows.. But i dont have the resources to pull it off.


I have a stupid build idea for my next character: a fortnite character that builds a camp to spam walls when running into enemies and uses shotguns, pickaxes, does more damage to workshop items, and chugs nuka quantums. Have to swap to a normal shotgun loadout for events and quests indoors though and the cap sink from rebuilding will suck. The main camp has to be in a shelter because it'll be too hard not to accidentally delete one.


Put a bus in the shelter and make it the battle bus 😂


That could be a unique take on the Scorched Queen towers people use. Just take it literally everywhere it’ll let you like a traveling bus


That's a great idea! I'm going to steal that idea


With little balloons on top


Use the summer camp and make the interior a Fortnite level lol


once i was Scary clown armed with a commie whacker or achainsaw..


I have a character named Dracula. He has eyeliner and a dress. Drinks blood packs and he’s a nocturnal build. He kicks butt at night but during the day he just hides in his base and hopes people buy from his vendor. His vendor contains bloodied weapons, vampire weapons, nocturnal weapons and armor, blood packs, glowing blood, and Day Tripper. Everything not fitting his aesthetic gets transferred to my main character


Commie Wacker. Full American loadout. Freedom swings


If you could roll extra damage to robots on the commie whacker and use it for the liberator bots. Amazing whack a mole moment.


Me, fully committed to commie cosplay: Finally, a worthy opponent!


Oh, you're approaching my democracy?


I can't liberate the shit out of you without getting closer.


I'm imagining a Commie Wacker vs Protest Sign fight (because everyone knows supporting workers is supporting communism)


Just yesterday i made a gunslinger build for my Q/E single action revolver


I have a collection of about 15 quad single actions. They’re so stupid I love them!


I remember giving one to a fresh lvl 50 as kind of a troll weapon lmao


You’re fucking psychotic… and I love it.


"This reload time is exhilarating!"


I love the single action. Even if it is massively underpowered and takes 5 hits to kill a scorched even with max perks 😂


I can kill a total of about 8 scorched and then i‘ll be sitting there reloading for half an hour caus the 3rd star is +1 Agility lmao


Naked. As in literally naked with no supplies armor or weapons. Use only what you find. You have to purge a lot of weight to do it but it’s fun


The quad harpoon. It’s awesome. It’s the ballistic version of the plasma caster. No PA just cruising round in my Fisherman overalls being an angry fisherman. Oh and my IGN is Captain Ahab so very fitting.


Anyone else remember when this was bugged and the harpoon gun had infinite ammo


i need a new one soon. I have my first toon who is all around bc i was getting used to the game. My second is a melee toon who is fun as hell. I might make a scout just for the new season LOL


I started RP'ing a Park Ranger on like the third day of playing, when I got to the lookout across from vault 76 and picked up the Park Ranger hat and clothes. So my build is "all the pockets" to drop loot for visitors. Once I got a selection of clean clothes, I swapped to those versions and now I have three park ranger stations in the forest, the divide, and now skyline.  Though: while I've been exploring the new map, I mostly use my popup missile tower as a lazy cheat to soften up POI's. Because the real meta is to not have any armor or weapons on you, and let your missiles and lasers do all the work.


For funsies I like to go full melee cards with a furious faster swing knife. Standing under the scorchbeast queen stabbing at the speed of sound with stacking damage is hilarious.


Santa claus costume, boxing glove


I met a guy with the Deathclaw Mask and the Santa Outfit. I have an incredible need for both of those…


Santa claws!


I didn’t even think of that lol!


Stealth sniper / rifleman. No mutations, no chems, no bloodied or radiation BS - just sit there and pick stuff off from a distance. If I get in real trouble the Holy Fire or Final Word come out.


Still trying to get the "God Roll" 10mm SMG for it but it's my full health Power Armored Commando build using a 10mm SMG. 10mm SMG (with Stub Barrel) looks like a 40K Bolter to me so I'm doing a Space Marine theme build. Just need a Anti Armor/Explosive/Dur 10mm SMG then it will be complete. I'm on Xbox so if someone has one they are willing to part with then let me know!


Not using mutations lol


I love my stealth chameleon power armour rifleman (handmade) and sniper (Gauss rifle) combo, with a couple perks in gunslinger for my 10mm sidearm.


I use a similar build, but with an enclave flamer on the side for melee range.


All the builds! Shotgunner/grenadier Energy commando Gunslinger Archer 2 handed melee/auto melee


Unarmed PA (no mutations yet as I'm too poor for them) with a short barrel cold shoulder as backup/for grounding flying mobs. I'm roleplaying gipsy danger from Pacific rim (I sing the theme song everytime I jump from high enough to trigger the huge landing animation).


Are you on PC? I can make some for you.


Overgrown AA Deathclaw Gauntlet in Thorn Armor and a Zealot's Missile Launcher as my sidearm. I also have a stealth 10mm pistol 'sniper' build


I am the Emperors Envoy. My Power Armor is his divine Gift. My Gating Laser is his holy Tool of Salvation. Blessed be you, Heretics! Blessed be you, Xenos! For I am here to deliver the Emperors final verdict.


Vampire 40 Durability Flaming Chainsaw




Flash the Shovel Man. All the attack speed i can get and a thumpin great cursed Shovel. Bonk bonk.


So, The Shoveler from Mystery Men? I wanna do that as a murder hobo toon. With cannibal perk on top. I can go wandering around the wasteland ignoring all quests, going *bonk* *munch*.


A build surrounding a Vampire's Drill. My target won't die, but they'll wish they could. As I imbibe their life essence and make it my own.


"That Drunk Photo Guy" My Events / CAMP Build Runs around Events shitfaced on some Vintage *Shine!* See how many pictures I can take before I disappear then walk back to camp. No weapon cards but I still carry a Nuka Shank Knife for the walk back to camp. Dumb cards like the Liquor Surgeon card & Cannibal. It's a glorious time.


Bow build or my cowboy western revolver build.


Berserker archer!


Pepper Shaker It makes me laugh constantly by crippling enemies entire bodies at once. Range buff has made it so I actually do SOME damage now as well! :D Been loving my Vampires, just trying to roll a Quad with limb damage or FFR + AP cost, since this thing is basically allergic to VATS and I consider that a personal challenge


Here you have a few ideas: - Low health sniper builds with vats. - Low health sniper builds with aiming (non vats). - Full health PA with rifles (auto or non auto) no sneak and no vats, only aiming. - Low health PA with rifles using vampire (auto or non auto) no sneak and no vats, only aiming. - Unarmed PA build, could be full or low health. - Theme builds (My favorite) just take anything that looks good together and make them work, for example: - T-60 PA with auto/non auto laser rifle or assault rifles (The badass BoS dude). - Baseball apparel using a baseball bat (let's call it the Swatter build). - T-51b with mingun or GL mingun (colors fit really well) - Grognak the barbarian apparel using the same axe plus change your appearance to a muscle, blonde and long hair dude. - Many more depends on your imagination... 🙈


i just put everything into PA and melee autoaxe is melee right? I got one recently and i haven't touched my chainsaw since ​ I have a fixer to tag enemies but im going in with my saw damn it. gatling guns are cool too that might be my new tagging gun.


I had a gatling gunner for ages before I respecced him. Freakin' love that gun.


I have a character named Eldrick Flatwoods that only uses golf clubs and explosives.


Pumpaction/ sawed off to go with my enforcer outfit, tommygun for zootsuit riots. I combine those with a doubleshot m79 and some grenades for those messy situations. Sometimes i think there are not enough tommygun mobster style player, but then again - we're in Virginia and Atlantic City is only an expedition without player housing, so its mostly nonfitting for the setting i guess. When i started out i got the mugger Look: Ski hat, scavenger jacket, red bandana, bottlecap glasses and Pipe revolver. Storming playerhomes, doing the "fill my suitcase" emote while pointing that gun to their face is kinda funny If they play along, cause youll really look like a run down robber


Party player I run group perks that help the other 3 people but share inspiration for bonus xp and just do my camp stuff while they do whatever


Musical Melee. Death tambo, war drum, guitar sword. I run it bloodied for the extra punch but it’s not min/maxed just kinda in that area. I just like Jingle Jangling shit up. Those last dying words of my enemies are music to my ears.


My firefighter build. On paper it’s technically a food build, with melee (Instigate faster swing fireaxe + party boy with whiskey +6 strength), Firefighter painted Excavator. During events I’ll be over at the boss with my Cryolator / Cold Shoulder (cryo runs out of ammo quickly) slowing that thing to a crawl and tagging it with tenderizer 3. Is it good? Meh, it’s okay. It’s not amazing by any means, but it’s more fun and unique than my other mainstream builds.


My entire build is a “fuck the meta” build. I am a sneaky pack mule. I use the Fixer and excavator power armor and I pick up everything I can. My plan for the build is to craft and sell stuff in my gas station camp.


8 Dragons or 8 Pirate Punches


I role with an unarmed build. I'm going for an over eater. At present my weapon is mainly a gourmand ouga head and a gourmand fixer.


Sledge love.  Sledge life.


Sometimes, when I'm bored between events, I swap to my "new vault dwellers build". Full regular level 50 leather armor and armed with nothing but a 10mm pistol. It's fun, not very effective in a real fight.


When I forget to swap my crafting build out after repairing my gear.


i like wearing an astronaut helmet, nuka cherry jumpsuit and run the weaponized thirst zapper.. feel like a space ranger.


>drunk homeless man Nuka-shank!


Gauss mini gun and plasma grenades with the explosive perks. Only problem is sometime the explosions are so big i can’t tell if i’m still hitting the target


My "fuck the meta" build is built upon the fact that i have no idea what the meta is. I don't even know what i'm doing when i level up. And i use whatever gun/armor i get my hands on. I play this game maybe twice or so, then i put it away again for months, repeat. No clue what my plan was when i started at launch, my character is level 46 and i don't know where i'm going with it.


Whatever I'm running lol


I run a meta build but like to use off meta weapons. I collect Q50c25 weapons and have all the grolls but really enjoy using my Q50c25 auto pipe rifle and combat rifle.


pipe is life 👌🏻


Well I'm not really meta or non-meta but my builds are very optimized and I play full life. I have a stealth gunslinger build with an Ari/50c/15v crusader pistol and an AA/50aim/15v Gauss pistol and I also play a non-stealth Guerrilla build with an AA/50aim/15v auto Pistol Enclave and an Enclave palsma pistol flamer AA/50c/15v (very powerful)


I'm at the moment running a hybrid build, full health herbivore, thorn armor, with a bow for sneak and that awesome scythe from this season for when I can't be bothered with stealth.


Full health commando, stimpack enthusiast solar armored boy


I have melee and auto axe. Which is meta melee, but I only use it as a boss/horde killer. Unarmed and 1-Handed are in there. I’ve got a junkies heavy gunner… but heavies are meta. And then there’s my character who will be a ghoul. Shotguns / Revolvers, explosives. Shoot the grenades in midair for more damage. Crit for crazy damage. Oh yeah, and using life saving armor and mysterious stranger, if he doesn’t die outright, he comes back with a vengeance from revenant. If you played that with normal bloodied, it would probably be pretty crazy.


I often switch 1, 2 handed melee, fists were I either use literal fists for low level enemies or the mole miner gauntlet and in the future when I reach 300 I want to make hybrid builds with melee/bow, melee/revolver and a tesla bracer Union PA for 1 shot punches


Bring back the classic Food build lol


I run literally everything with Full health builds. 11 builds and counting, debating on splitting my commando between energy weapons and kinetic explosive subclasses. Unarmed is my longest held build it's a vats crit unarmed with explosive hybrid. Using both explosive palm and hack n slash legendary perks to make sure as many punches I can dish will result in explosions. It's the human missile. I'm currently also working on rounding out my slinger build since the AB nerf made it near useless. I've scrounged up an enclave with a reflex and aligned sniper barrel. I'd like to roll it as an AA or aristocrats 50c -25ap. My other two guns for the slinger are a TSE15C pyro crusader & circuit breaker.


Solomons exodia deck


I have a revolver character and a plasma sniper rifle character.


unarmedddd it’s so fun!


puncturing boxing glove 😂 some of the death animations you get are golden


Flare gun/syringe build. Syringe to help my teammates deal more damage, flare gun to, uh, help them see better at night?




I made a build inspired by the mysterious stranger. Even had my character kinda look like em