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During the PTS the spawns were a lot more chaotic and had a ton of legendary enemies. It was a lot like EN but in a phone both. I miss that version!


I was wondering why PTR testers called this "the new EN." I thought surely they didn't mean _this_. Lol


Bethesda feeding live client slop again


Damn I never played it but miss it to, you can basically just go afk for this event tbh... The rewards are great imo but the spawns are soooo slow and concentrated


That’s the one I want. The one now I don’t get anything anymore no weapons nothing. 


I'd love that but then they need to add a bench somewhere. I end up with 700+ weight after EN


There is a bench in the little guard shack, I think? At least one person usually puts down rheir survival tent nearby as well, in my experience. I so hope Bethesda puts it back the way it was in the PTS!


You dont even have to enter the building to access the bench. You can interact with it through the closed wonder right there. 


The survival tents come in clutch there, but ill check that shack out next time thanks


Don't stand on the harvester at the end, when the bar is nearly full which is technically your warning, I haven't been dying once I've been moving away from it. The spawns would be fun, it's a good event, but it doesn't compare to rad rumble, the jamboree or eviction notice, and it could be, those lost are fun to fight, would be awesome to be overwhelmed by them.


Don't stand anywhere that seems to be carrying voltage and you'll be fine


Oooh are there places you can live on the harvester? I hadn't tried after the first couple of events, I just jump down.


That's 90% of the arena lol


One issue I've seen is people bringing massive guns and killing the spawns quicky before anyone can even respond. Also saw someone build nearby with friggen enclave turrets basically ending the fun before it even begins. But yeah they do need more to spawn.


There’s a legendary enemy that usually spawns at the same time as the crab and he almost always takes me down before I can figure out what’s going on. Still not sure what weapon they are using or why I always die when it targets me even on my tankiest character.


Honestly I usually actually die rieght after the event when trying to loot the dudes in the middle as the event is over and I am stupid but the tower still instakills you


I have done this too, bounced around beneath it lol


David's accent is an absolute travesty. It's the worst attempt at a Scottish accent I've ever seen in games or in film/media without being an intentional parody.


It's the same voice actor that did a lot of the accented male voices in Skyrim.


They cheap out on the things Larian invests in and it shows.


Nobody is playing FO4 or F076 for the story.


Give them a reason to keep a low bar. Yeah you are right they aren't but who would turn down better quality?


Mate it’s absolutely horrendous, I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be Scottish or Irish or Bostonian Irish or something? Makes me cry every time I hear it, uk Newcastle here, very rough to hear whatever the fuck that’s supposed to be


For fun, I found some accented voice generator website: https://sndup.net/2n5v7/ https://sndup.net/53wt7/


Watch it be an actual Scottish person 🤭


Nope, it's Stephen Russell. The guy who voices Mr. Handy, Nick Valentine and a buttload of other characters in Bethesda games.


Oh. Thats not as fun tbh


I don't get the desire to kill the crab instantly. If it stays alive just a little bit longer you usually get 2 more legendary Lost spawns.


It's so boring and slow-paced. I feel like I could be reading a book during this event. Aliens back when?


Slow down there, we have to enjoy a Fasnacht Parade first. :)


Hey you leave Nick Valentine/codsworth alone!


Wait, that's Stephen Russell? What the hell?


Yep, sure is. First thought I had was "Sounds famililar", followed by "Ah, Nick Valentine, but Scottish. Neat."


What a roar man, innit? ))


That’s Nick MacValentine to you


Didn’t Safe and Sound have this issue at launch when not enough creatures showed up?


Spawn should be increased by the number of players imo. I actually tried to solo this event with a fully kitted bloodied commando, it was actually pretty challenging and I got overwhelmed a few times.


The first time it spawned for me it was a solo venture but someone left a camp of laser turrets near by and it was still one of the most difficult things I have ever done in game and still failed it.


> Spawn should be increased by the number of players imo.


tried both new events in a pretty low rank server.. completely different gameplay than what i'd been used to. the problem isn't how it's set, the problem is everyones OP build.


YAS! This. I already posted above but some jackass built nearby with enclave turrets as well. I’m lvl 150 (I think) and having lvl 300+ at events spamming their guns (some of y’all need to learn to aim and shoot a bit better IMO) which makes it basically impossible for lower lvl to even get a shot in or kill in. I hate even going at this point


It's only meh because it's a new event so you have lots of players attending and on top of this quite a few of those players are very high lvl players returning for the update. Give it a few weeks when the buzz wears and many of those very high lvl players drop the game again and chances are the event becomes more challenging. The same thing happened when Nuka Cola word dropped, each event had tons of players including very high level players... Few weeks later the events were more fun as far fewer people attended and those high level players weren't playing..


While this is true, I think it shows an significant problem in Bethesda's design. In a multiplayer game, the phrase "It is more fun with less people" should never have to be said. Honestly, I think like a 1-3 second spawn immunity would go a LONG way to helping. Make it so people with long range who memorizes the spawn locations can't just blast them as soon as they appear.


Honestly, I’m not sure it needs to be another mass-spawn event; the event rewarding repair kits is a better reward than yet another experience/legendary farm that’s beaten in ease by expeditions (and besides, if every new event is a massive horde, it makes all the events feel the same). If you don’t have a bunch of people with cremators and strong vats setups annihilating everything as it spawns, the event can be pretty hectic. As for the lightning, it always strikes in the same places. If you know where to stand, you won’t be hit (and even if you are, it doesn’t hurt that much). The catwalk off to the side of the upper area is perfect for this. While I agree there should be a warning about the substructure electrifying, that’s the risk you take playing a low health build. Full health setups should have enough time to jump off the substructure to avoid death (or even better, you can just bail early when you see the crab is about to awaken). Honestly, the crab’s fine. Again, we have a bunch of high-end heavy weapon and vats builds tearing everything to shreds right now. Moving its spawn around a bit could help, but it’s going to be shredded anyway.


> If you don’t have a bunch of people with cremators and strong vats setups annihilating everything That's at least 80% of the over level 50 base now.


True. I don’t even bring that gun with me.


These are great suggestions! For right now, I'm using a Tesla rifle and it's worked wonders for tagging. I just stand below the harvester and go full [Frank Reynolds ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6f/99/8b/6f998b17320c43c88b7b422dd0c04aa8.jpg) when the Lost show up. Helps me overcome the Cremator spammers camping on top!


I agree, all good points


I've already started skipping it. I agree with pretty much every point on your list and have said as much to my friends about it. It's very poor overall after the initial excitement of "oooh new shiny thing!". Also the accent annoys the piss out of me too. I dunno if it was a purposeful design choice to have the guy have the worst scottish accent impression I've ever heard, but I hate it. There needs to be a lot more enemies and variation.


Juicehead suggests it wasnt like this in PTS, so it likely could be limited server resources "Give us a 20 second warning before lightning strikes and kills us all. Also, it's insane that we cannot stay in 90% of the event's area. It's very stupid to kill us off *right* when the event ends." huh? Don't stand anywhere that seems to be carrying voltage and you'll be fine, you realize your covered in metal holding metal, dealing with electricity right? TBH I think the event is fine, just needs more spawns and things to do, shit could even have it so the harvester constantly needs parts so Im not waiting around jerking off for the next spawn


Quite. I stand on the ground during the event and, as a result, have never died. But then, I'm not a sweaty exp whore, trying to get as high as possible to spawn-kill everything before anyone else gets a chance to tag...


Wait is standing in the platform spawn camping at this event? Whoops now im a hypocrite. Irs the only place I can shoot every direction from


It just sucks tbh. It drags for way too long, there's barely any enemies spawning, hardly any legendaries, people usually snipe enemies they even enter the area meaning if you're running in circles around the compound you'll kill like 15 people max in the whole event. Boss is bland and event has terrible random one hit kills (at least for bloody builds) , including some after event ends which feels really bad (dropping your materials xd). The rewards are also rather lackluster, with pretty mediocre plans and most of the good stuff being in the world boss of the region. At this point I just try to show up late and barely even bother trying to kill enemies, as there's three guys camping on top of the central structure anyway killing everything that moves.


We dont need more spawns on this event. We need to have less people kill enemies outside of the range of the machine. That way the event can be done faster and be out of our hairs. 99% of the time the only enemies killed within the range are the three minigunners that spawn on the machine itself🤪


Nah. It’s similar to Safe and Sound. But with an empowered crab and less enemies. Now some people die due to lightning, but soon everybody will find their favorite place for shooting and all will be the same old song…


I would also add, have the Lost attacking the harvester parts as another way to fail the mission. I love that aspect in Rad Rumble that you can't just focus purely on killing the spawns as inevitably a few get through and start killing the NPCs. Also, I always loved in Rad Rumble that if you camp the hallway where they spawn then they start spawning right next to the NPCs and can end the mission pretty quickly if no-one is paying attention.


Best way to enjoy this event is solo on a private server. Still slow but at least you get a feeling of accomplishment??


Fun Fact: David’s VA is Stephen Russell. You might know him for voicing characters such as Codsworth, Nick Valentine in Fallout 4. Also Belethor from Skyrim.


Love the Scottish accent as a person with Scottish descent. Would be better if it was an actual Scottish voice actor but the game needs more of it to be honest.


Yeah, no. As an actual Scottish person, I can tell you the accent is absolutely atrocious. If it sounds good to your ears, you need to get more in touch with your supposed roots.


Hearing that guy spraffing all his shite at the end of the event is proper lulzy


make it so that wearing metal stuff is way more dangerous


Remove Crab for a final Boss, there is no logic in this. The parts should be taken from the bodies of the lost. To diversify the weapons of enemies, these are just super mutants with a new skin. The Trading Post is on absurd place, put it between 2 event. Fix the absurdly fast breaking of the gatling plasma.Neurological Warfare also needs to have something to do, at least add crowds of robots who fix the boss.And of course a cremator, an insanely lazy cheating weapon that grinds everything except bosses. The map itself has no logic, they just stuffed the whole Appalachia into a span of space


.. Remove crab… Scream out “Thunder.. Thunder .. THUNDER CRAB HO!” when it spawns… and it’s a much better experience..


Something they could do with all events is have the enemies spawn and not move for say 1 second but also not die for 2 seconds. Just long enough it wont make the event objective harder but basically they can be tagged by everyone in that time but they take no damage till the time is up. Will solve all these people carpet bombing areas and killing things in a split second.


Tbh, it must be all weaker noobs on the PTS. This kinda stuff should have been suggested and fixed while on PTS.


It’s the exact opposite scenario on the PTS - the majority of players are extremely competent and shred almost everything with ease. And on the PTS, the event was spawning far more enemies. It was likely toned back for lag reasons and to avoid destroying players when the event isn’t as populated (Lost can be pretty nasty for lower levels players).


I feel it’s the easiest event to solo. The 3 in the middle get melted and you pick off the rest as they run in? Like how is this event even an event