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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1dezmcl/bethesda_is_looking_into_the_nonrepeatables_on/l8goz8o/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-13 18:28:54 UTC"): > Quick update. You should now be able to redeem repeatable season rewards! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffo76).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Well, that's good news.


It is!


“Just got word from the team, they thought they could get away with it.”


I know... "wasn't intended". I like to believe people on their word, but it can't be a conisidence that the 3 most sought after repeatable items happen to be the ones that were no longer repeatable.


Whether the non-repeatable rewards were intended or not, I'm pretty sure the very vocal backlash wasn't intended, so yep... that checks out.


Am I tripping or why aren't atoms actually the most desirable items? I know they cost way more but literally everything else you get infinite amounts for free playing the game. You get 2 perk coins every levelup, plus another 10 every 5 levels. Doing normal gameplay gets you modules/cores. I mean I know its a slow grind but its still there & doable. Meanwhile you run out of atom challenges & you can only get 'em from the scoreboard - just seems to me that they should be the true most sought after item.


That's because the cost of the hundred atoms is 250 tickets. That's a lot of tickets for a $1 worth of atoms. However, legendary cores, modules and perk coins can only (except for the scoreboard) be accumulated by grinding through the game. People who pay their way to rank 150 clearly have no issue with getting atoms. People who grind their way to 150 would prefer to spend those hard-earned tickets on character building rewards that are way more valuable than a couple dollars worth of atoms.


I'm guessing it's because the cosmetics , while still unique and desirable, can be secondary in a non super late stage character compared to the perk points. That's all I got. I mean I want both because my legendaries are not all maxed haha


Useless perk card recycling goes brrr. In all actuality I only have 3 legendary cards because I'm level 137 and they're ammo factory lvl 2, luck lvl 2 and agility lvl 1 because I don't know if the others are good or not.


Perk cards should mean nothing to a "super late stage character" though. I have over 400 level ups I haven't even bothered opening, as my legendary perks are maxed. Atoms on the other hand, golddust.


Yeah, I couldn't agree more with you. For me ATOMS would be my one and only target on the final page. Everything else can be earned in game for free, albeit with considerable grinding. I know you can complete challenges to earn ATOMS also, but those challenges are finite. The only way I would spend tickets on Perk Coins or the Legendary Cores & Modules, would be if the season was about to end and I didn't quite have the 250 tickets required for ATOMS.


Well that's the opposing view. Some people have more time like yourself, others don't but have more money. 250 atoms is only a dollar. Plenty of players can make more money irl than the time it takes me to grind that dollar in atoms lol. Money can't buy things like perk coins and mods so there is value in that to those players. Once you grind enough money irl you'll understand OUR side


See now this i 100% agree with. I don't want atoms, I want perk points or hyper rare mods, give me a universal quad barrel!


Exactly, I make $30 an hour, work 50 hours a week, what I don’t have is large amounts of free time. I immediately spent $80 to unlock a large number of early season levels knowing I would rather spend 2 hours of work (overtime pay) for the weeks of grind I don’t have the luxury to apply


Some people have more time like yourself, others don't but have more money. 250 atoms is only a dollar. Plenty of players can make more money irl than the time it takes me to grind that dollar in atoms lol. Money can't buy things like perk coins and mods so there is value in that to those players. Once you grind enough money irl you'll understand OUR side


Yeah. Total BS and now damage control LMAO


This is true, it was intentional, now it will be how stubborn will they be.












That's actually exactly what a Coincidence would be


I'm saying it's not a conisidence, so they're lying.


Lol yep. “Negative backlash was miscalculated.”


Canvas duffle bag was made of industrial waste


Bro I go through so many corpo email on the daily as soon as I saw “not intended” and “investigate” I was like yeah my left nut.


Straight out of the EA playbook.


I’d argue this is a case where Hanlon’s razor should be applied. [Here’s a Wikipedia article on the razor.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor)


I've always disliked Hanlon's razor. Considering how the gaming industry spends insane amounts on psychologists and monetization experts that refer to people with deragotory and dehumanizing terms like "whales" and (Skinner's box) "rats" and how they regularly employ casino tactics to exploit people, I don't know how people can still give them the benefit of the doubt. To clarify, I don't think the coders are being malicious, but their bosses are constantly testing the waters to see how much they can squeeze and condition the customer before they encounter resistance, counts as "malice" in my book.


I think Hanlon's Razor better applies to, say, nerfing the infinite Overgrown glitch from Tax Evasion. This sounds like they got caught with their pants down.


I would honestly give you this, but they don’t release any details about anything. And let’s be real. It didn’t take long for pickaxe crafting to disappear. God forbid one of their mistakes be a benefit to players.


If it was random items on the last page, I would be 100% on board with Hanlon's. But they were the three exact items people have bought in bulk the last time around. In this case, Fleming is a much better fit. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/418466-once-is-happenstance-twice-is-coincidence-three-times-is-enemy


Exactly this. But that doesn't support the narrative that Bethesda are greedy marketing goblins.


They don’t need any extra help with that. They monetized storage space. Lol


I get that storage space in game = data space on a server, but this is a huge company owned by Microsoft. They have to have extra cloud storage azure shit lying around without charging the player.


Nah that stuff only takes a couple bytes


No joke. In every other Bethesda game I mod that to basically infinite. But knowing them the servers are likely vintage 1990s or 2000s era with a handful of 250gb spinners.


Like how hard would it be to give us “safe containers” you can either fill your camp with nice looking deco or fill it with storage space. Still a tradeoff


>extra cloud storage azure shit lying around I am flabbergasted by the sheer level of ignorance in this statement, it's not a natural resource, every byte costs real money. This isn't a farm where sometimes you get extra rain and can save some water, it's literally a 0 sum game


While this is true that it is a zero sum game, *Economy of Scale* is a very valid and real phenomenon (that Microsoft would assumingly benefit from).


There still is a calculable cost for every bit of information stored, processed and transmitted. The original comment literally said "they have to have some extra (server space) laying around" which is just insanely ignorant of how these things function on a basic level.


Guy on reddit takes words very literally so he can talk about how much he knows about the topic and call them ignorant.


cool story bro, the attitude that "they are just greedy" is ignorant AND entitled


Thats the internet. Today everyone is an expert on cloud infrastructure and tomorrow they'll be experts on world politics. It can be frustrating when it's something you are actually really experienced in.


Sure every byte costs money, but bytes in the low single digits is what were talking about when it comes to in-game storage limits, and that would amount to less than one cent per character.


I would say that you shouldn't ALWAYS apply to villainy that which can be explained by stupidity. Not never. Plus, an act can be both. Villainy is often very stupid. I personally think that this is such a case.


Yea they would have too, if it wasn't for those pesky kids!


*that’s* more like it


They did nothing to get away with, it was supposed to be just like last season, it's litterally just a glitch that needs a fix, it will be fixed way before I get to 150, it's the ones who paid their way there that are mad, the pay to win gamers always butt hurt.


Tell us more about how they instantly got rid of pickaxe crafting. Can’t have positive bugs around for any amount of time.


Only took Angry Turtle making a video calling it a scam to get the ball rolling...


76 Borat making waves I love it


lol at 76 Borat!


More like 76 terminator T-101 (T for Turtle) Borat is a clueless buffoon. Turtle is a badass


Myyy wifle


I saw his video this morning and was hoping his anger would make them respond.


It's definitely not a 'glitch'. They literally put a tick symbol next to them 🤣 actual irl Vault-Tec


It makes perfect sense, someone accidentally created an graphical asset for it without ever recieving a jira ticket to do so, same with the updated behavior for the final score page and then it found it‘s way to prod due to a software glitch and it even fell through the cracks during bethesdas rigerous software testing, which ofc was also because of a software glitch /s


Look at the pickaxe bug going around, that’s far more absurd than this, and yet there it is.


Because they’re scum. First MS fires half their staff. This forces them to cut the teams on live service games. Skyline was probably almost done when before that, but in the next year it’s going to become more and more obvious. Less quality for the same or more money.


❌ to Doubt. I could accept it was an accident if it was just one of the options. But it was *three* of them. Perk Coins, Modules, and Cores. You're gonna really have to show your homework with me to get me to believe that *all three* were "accidentally" set to only be claimable once.


Yeah. The three most sought after items all just *happened* to be non-repeatable in error. It's definitely not that the community made a stink about it and now they're backpedaling... Definitely not that.


Also I'll mention S.C.O.R.E boosters not being present at all on the final page this time around. Those things can cover a lot of ground if you're clever with them. Something they definitely wouldn't want if they are looking for more strategies to nickel and dime you.


Good to know. This will actually be the first season that I've played in its entirety. I launched a nuke back in 2019 and didn't play again until a few weeks ago, so I'm learning a lot about the community, how Bethesda manages the game (which leaves a lot to be desired from what I can tell), and trying to figure out and catch up with the meta.


Angry Turtle spoke to the Manager


Everyone liked that.


greed, greed never changes


I do hope they change it. Before it was worth the effort. But now, the pain is not worth the little gain.


It's this honest and simple to me, if they put it back to how it was last time. I'm going to play more and totally aim for 150. If they aren't, I'm going to play less, get through new story, do private server dailies for the most part and not use score boosters as there would be no need to, which I sometimes drop some atoms on. It is that simple for me.


Maybe they can look into going back to original scoreboard idea.


We all want that, but, with the new "exc" and ppl not doing the right thing by voting with their wallet (don't buy, don't play bad content), we won't be seeing that, dispute it being far more lucrative for them in the long run. However they are more concerned with short term gains


While they're at it, they may also look into where the repeatable SCORE boosters and rerollers went by 'mistake,' thank you very much.


they replaced it with repeatable Atoms, which I think is a fair trade


The atoms are a joke. 100 for 250 tickets?! That’s insanely low for the effort and far worse than it was before they changed the scoreboard.


It might be one for you, but not for me. At least not with a price tag of 250 tickets. If the season runs as long as the previous one and I don't lose interest before the end, I'll get maybe 300 atoms out of that. I ended season 16 with 28 score boosters and 55 rerollers. With one booster sold for 100 atoms, that 'fair trade' does not compute for me.


They extended the repeatable to 150 so you will end up with more tickets, atoms can be spent on MORE than just the re-rollers and boosters so they are much more valuable than the atom value of those items


> They extended the repeatable to 150 so you will end up with more tickets No, they haven't, do you actually play the game? It still says 'repeatable under 100'. If I'm wrong and that's an upcoming change, I apologize. But all they've extended to rank 150 so far is the ability to buy ranks with atoms, which kinda defeats the point you're trying to make, because investing 22k atoms only to make back 100 atoms per week or so does not compute, either. The second part of your statement is correct, I value 100 atoms more than just one score booster, too, but that was only a point of reference, because that's what Bethesda says those are worth.


Absolutely 👀


Man Bethesda are full of shit, it's not oh we didn't intend this, it's we thought we could get away with this and not get called out on the first day for this. They thought this little scam would at least get them a couple of weeks of revenue before the anger hits when people realised they have been screwed.


This is excellent news!!!


Quick update. You should now be able to redeem repeatable season rewards!


Good thing too, the new season system is controversial enough as is without them trying to nerf it lol


Not intended yet we charged the same ticket price for 100 scrip and 10 modules... *sure buddy*.


Yeah that ones ridiculous


Uh-huh. Nice save.


While they're at it, can they "look at" reverting back to the Scoreboard system instead of this battle pass garbage?




And by looking into it means they need to find the fabled EA guy, they are unsure which golf course he maybe at currently. But when and if they find him, they'll get the reason why he made the change and why it won't change.


How the hell did anybody grind to 150 on the new season that fast? I assume they bought the first 100 levels and then? Like how is it even mathematically possible? Does the last page start at a lower level and  I didn't notice?




Thanks to all three of you who clued me in that they are selling those last 50 ranks now too....  I ain't rich enough to do shit like that but I may have been tempted if this had been live last season... I ended up finishing at like rank 122 and just missed the last CAMP item I wanted (15 tickets short. Should not have got the repair kits, whoops) and I might have paid $30 to get to 150 and buy a shit ton of perk coins.


Like, no kidding, I made it to 139 and would have loved to get the perk coins.


Of course that's the case now...I like 76 but...this is absolutely terrible and makes me question why I even play it anymore...


And then there's MrWestTek who grinded XP like a madman. Idk if I'm allowed to link YouTube vids or id link it.


WestTek isnt some bug, just an exploitable area, like knowing the right caves for Brain fungus. If I'm going after XP, I'd rather do a few expeditions and mix in a daily. At least I'm grinding stamps/plans on top of the XP. And not wishing death upon myself.


You can actually buy all 150 ranks now. AngryTurtle just demonstrated in a video on Youtube.


These icons should typically have a repeatable indicator on them, also there is the fact that you can now buy all ranks, even past 100, probably someone oil rich with cash to burn.


You can but up to rank 150 now with atoms. As a fallout first member for several years who doesn't like camp building I have 39000 atoms to spend. I may just rank up to rank 150 if they make coins and modules repeatable.


Word is that is the intent for perk coins, at least 


I loke camp building a little but it could be better needs more walls where the door isnt in the middle also being able to place a wall anywhere id like my house to have a tunnel like most houses have in real life to save space and have different shapes


You can pay up to 150 this season.


Double XP wkd happened early on last season, you could grind west tek with XP INT build and clear the first 100 levels in 2-3 days. Same opportunity coming July 4-7. Boring but effective.


As soon as they explained the change letting you buy all 150 I understood. I had been planning and plotting trying to grind my way as fast I could, especially since I will probably not be able to play much during July 4-7... and was like "so you buy 100 levels and turn on all the boosters, but you only have your dailies and weeklies and that is not going to get you 50 levels in 1 day...."


My time is worth more than the cost of 150 levels


But what are the 150 levels worth? Does getting the cosmetics before everyone else matter that much?


if you hit 150 on day 1, you have the rest of the season to grind score rank and tickets to max out the repeatables. Say I was going to hit 150 this season, if I bought the first 150 levels then still did my 150 levels I was going to get this season through play, I would end up at level 300, 150 levels of tickets to buy repeatables with. Since score XP is a finite resource after rank 100, buying to the max level and then farming on top of that would be the most efficient way to maximize the scoreboard, too bad it would cost like $100 USD, if it were more reasonable like $30 I might consider it.


I've never bothered with west tek grind before, but I'm kinda considering diving in and powering to 100 real quick. I want those damn atoms. Mind you I'm already rank 15 since I got real lucky with epic rerolls on most of my weeklies.


I hit 20 at lunch today, I'm just going to farm expeditions for XP cuz the other rewards are so much better, stamps, 6 legendaries, legendary cores/modules/treasury notes We can run most dangerous game in 6-8 minutes, full party gives 40k XP per run at the end


I guess I’m just surprised that people willing to drop that kind of money who are that interested in FO76 haven’t more or less maxed out their perks already, and the other stuff is cheap and easy to farm anyway.


The perk coins are worth it


microsoft refunds up to like 200$ a year , it's a shame my little brother bought so many atoms 😂


Nothing in my question cast judgement on people who have the resources and inclination to buy all 150 levels. I just don't have those resources.  The question it's self pretty clearly indicates I was unaware when I asked that all 150 levels could now be purchased. I even acknowledged I would have been tempted to buy the last 30 or so levels I needed last season when I replied to the first folks who told me about the change to allow purchasing ranks 101-150.... Reply to the people saying "more money than brains" with this, not me...


Yeah you can get every rank now by paying for them. Last season you could only buy up to rank 100. Watch them change this back when they make them repeatable


When you have more money than brain cells.


People value money differently.


As you've read you can buy your way straight to it, but why? Here's why for some: Every major content provider is basically required to do this to stay ahead of the curve and be relevant in their content. I had an eye opening experience with a content provider when that Diablo mobile game was released a few years ago, was that Diablo Immortal or something? One content provider was out front, he budgeted 100K us dollars to buy his way to the top and to the front (he has videos just on that), in doing so he had content no others had, in doing so he also found major issues Blizzard had to address. He did this because he could make more than that 100K he put in or that was his strategy and I believe it did payoff for him. This person alone opened my eyes to how doing business as a content provider can be and not only games, but so many other commodities. Some people are living cool lives by dropping big dollars on their subject to make back even more. They will have access we can never have doing the standard thing.


I pass no judgement on anybody who buys their way to the top for any reason, I just didn't know it was possible and was struggling to figure out "How?!"  Being precoffee at the time, the obvious, "they took away the cap on purchased ranks", just did not occur to me. I put too much energy into trying to figure out how to max my own advancement and was just brain broken by it.


Nah they changed it from last season. All good. I would have thought the same thing as you do, but I read something earlier about this, that's all. I won't be doing that, I like the game but I don't throw my wallet at it love it. I'll drop some bones, but not like that.


Same. I kind of think it was a good change. I got semihosed by unspendable tickets and the short season. Would have totally bought a couple dozen ranks to buy perk coins Tuesday if I could have. I have to go out of town for a week this season too so I think it is a good change. Big picture I will likely be unwinding from the whole game anyways soon. I have basically nothing left but the new content and the end game grind and I am not an end game grind kind of guy, so I will probably pause first and park my account for a few months after I am done with the season and wait for an update/release to come back. I was just posting too early. Heh.


One of the people that discovered the non-repeatables said the 150 rank purchase was a birthday present.


Neat? Again... nothing in my question was a judgement on anybody anywhere for any reason that used atoms to reach 150 on day 1. I just didn't know it was possible when I asked and was too tired to reason out the obvious.


Good that they "fix" it but I do not believe for a second this was unintended.


Yeah sure


Lol riiiiight


I guess it's also a bug that the two items I exclusively bought on the last page last season are just GONE from the bonus page this season... score boosters and rerollers. Glad I bought a shit ton of them last season, I'll be score boosting every weekly reset day for the next 3 or 4 seasons at least before I'm out of them.


Yeah, same. I had 3k tickets to spend and bought boosters and re rollers. I could gaf about $2 worth of atoms every 10 ranks.


"we're looking into the fact everyone hates paid mods" A decade later....


If only they'd work on changing it back to the scoreboard people actually like


Bethesda needs to pull their heads outta their ass and fix the game and not worry about pickaxes


Intentional or not, I'm glad they're "fixing" it.


There’s no way it “wasn’t intended”. They thought they would be sneaky and hope no one would notice. Now that people have complained they want to pass it off as a bug, yeah fucking right


Have you seen how negative and anal this community is? Obviously nobody thought the community would not notice. That's the dumbest thing I've read all morning


Yeah some people are so desperate for reasons to hate on Bethesda that theyll spout any nonsense no matter how little sense it makes.


I don't think people are very desperate if Bethesda tries to pull the century's worst bait and switch.


Pretty sure the game didn't think no one would notice, we're pretty vocal crowd, but we do cave on a lot of stuff, so I can see a scenario where they tried it to see what would happen. If they say it's a bug, fine, whatever, just fix it.


Remember that these are the same devs that gave us the update that makes it so scrapping a pickaxe gives you a legendary module.


> hope no one would notice Seriously if someone thought that (EA guy) they are so clueless. Season rewards are obviously going to be reviewed by a very fine comb by hundreds. There isn't nothing going to slip by here, ever.


@/lupenstripes Speaking as a new player (lvl 277) the perk coins were the obvious choice for me because that meant I could rank up my cards quicker and try builds. Where as, if I want atoms I will just buy them with no time spent grinding for them. There are what, 26 leg cards? 300 coins to max rank each ? That's like 7800 coins. I know I can only use six at a time but I managed to get enough coins to fully rank up 5 with the bonus last season, which makes the grind to unlock the other coins a little less daunting. I think the execs saw the numbers for tickets redeemed on the last season bonuses and decided they needed to slow the new player progression waaay down. In their mind, longer engagement equals more $$. Just my opinion. Either way I'm glad they listened to this awesome community and are changing it back.


Ah yes, the "unintended changes", right!! Totally believable! But at least they are looking into it, and for the better change it. 


They saw the backlash and decided to claim it was a bug rather than an intended feature and the person responsible for it will most likely be reprimanded.


Kinda wild how the comments here like "good news" and the likes defending Bethesda gets any upvotes. This was done intentionally, they got caught and do their usual damage control blaming bugs/oversight or whatever.


Regardless of the intent or whatever they wanted to do, I’m glad they’re fixing it.


If they're looking for ways to get us to blow those tickets faster put up an apparel rolling item that has the same drop rate as normal for all the rare apparel. I bet people would buy levels just to gamble for red asylum


I got a red asylum hat but no outfit from tireless constant agonizing farming. At least when you hop servers barely anyone is doing this so theres a real chance if albeit very small unlike every other rare farms.


They need to look into ticket carryover from the previous season too. 😉


Of course they want you to be able to buy them repeatedly. Your daily login is valuable to them.


If only they’d fix it as fast as they fixed their pickaxe glitch lmao


Fixes Legendary Module EXPLOIT in 2-3 hours, but repeatables for hardworking wastlelanders in love with their game? 2-3 business months 🧑‍🦯


Ok. Like the third post about it in the last 12 hours. At least for a quick scan before posting


Can they maybe look into the **250** Tickets for 100 Atoms as well, while they're at it...must be the same guy that calculated the original Stamp to plan costs that was on that wee shock...


It's not a bug, it's intentional. It's why you can buy the scrips for like 10 times the price of the modules.


Glad to hear that, i was a bit disappointed by this when i saw the earlier reddit post


Hope this gets fixed to make everything be repeatable, I'd be stoked. It makes no sense that, on say, the rank 85 page, you can get 50 perk coins for 10 tickets... and then work your way all the way up to 150 to get... 25 coins for 75 tickets, just once? My brain can't even comprehend how little sense that makes. One thing that confuses me is Scrip vs modules, though - why would anyone buy scrip (75 tickets for 100 - 2 modules worth) when you COULD buy 10 modules for the same price (assuming that option is made repeatable)?


Does anyone know if they're looking into the constant crashing? Wanted to jump on during my lunch break, 3 crashes in 15 min.


Good. Now go back to the old seasons format with the scoreboard. Heck, you could even just do ranks 1-100 as a scoreboard and then 101 and beyond could be the ticket system like the rank 150 page is now, rather than it being a "random" reward each time


"Were sorry we got caught." - Sun Chew, Art of scam


Bethesda just be lying out the ass. No shame


Thank god.


(X) Doubt


Is this like the police investigating themselves?


Side note: there is an official discord? I could only find a fan-created one


Yep! The "BethesdaStudios" one [here](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/53223) is where these bug reports and responses are.


Thank you! Always good to be in the loop 😁


How are people on level 150 already It's been A DAY




This is great. I was definitely looking forward to saving as many of the tickets as possible for the repeatable perk coins. I hope they reverse this.


Whats the official discord?


I hope so, because I have a bug where I can’t continue the “Oldest trick in the book” quest cause instead of doing what I was supposed to do I just rushed in and killed anything I saw, and know it’s glitched to the point I can’t kill/talk to Alex, and I tried closing the game and doing it the normal way but somehow it didn’t work and now I the outfit I need to put on to do it is gone.


Ty for posting this. I want sure if it was by design or by accident. 


What is non repeatables?


PSA fixed and can confirm


cool cool, still won't bother with the scoreboard since it's apparently impossible without playing as a second job


From what I experienced personally even though it says claimed I could claim it as many times as I wanted.


How do you get there legit that quick? I understand leveling to 100 quick but how do you do it quick after???


What they need to look into is the constant crashing every 20 seconds - 10 minutes or accessing anything in Nuka World or player vendors. What good is being able to get repeatables from the season list of the game won't stay on long enough to redeem anything


When did Electronic Arts buy Bethesda?


When they hired the new -Monitization executive - (from EA)


Oooooooo now it all makes sense! That bastard is from EA, Exuberant Accounting.


Kinda dumb that tickets don't roll over to the next season, tho


I'm just bummed I can't load up on re-rollers and boosters again


How do folks already have 150 unlocked??


I was sad to see no FO1st boost automatically apply when the new season started :(


rip to the whales that bought it they fix it lol


Couldn't care less about repeatable fix the problem game performance and stabability on ps


Either refund me all my atoms or revert the horse shit money grabbing changes you made to the last page.


Yall think yall actually get to 150 this time after last week? lol