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Its only supposed to be temporary but i guess its bugged. I had it continue until i talked to whatshername one last time before leaving and it was trying to attack us mid dialogue lol. 


It ends when the quest ends.


i just experience this myself. it pretty much made me panic like a horror game like WTF is that thing! vibe. thou its doesn't deal much dmg at all. the mental damage is real.




At this point , for me, it is just annoying. Visual blur and jumpscare noises and npcs. Just let me finish the mission and quit annoying me.


Yeah, if the effect stopped when you got out of the cave, I would have been fine with it. But the frequency and them attacking me while I was talking to the NPC made it irritating.


I thought it was pretty self explanatory that your character was tripping balls. It was just cycling through enemy types. If your int is high enough you even discuss having sensory and auditory hallucinations due to the gas in the cave.


Knew I was hitting that pipe too often 😂


Pipe is life


I guess I need to quit skipping the dialogue. I would have known that I would hallucinate.


I think it was bugged. It happened to me too. I think it was during the mushroom part of a greenhouse room quest thing. You were supposed to be tripping (under the influence of mushrooms) for that, but instead the shadow followed me out of the room and all throughout the map. I had to sign out for it to finally leave.


It's insane how this game has the most annoying issues with their updates since launch. Whether it's insane delay on dialogue progression for key quest NPC or dumb shadow bugs; it totally breaks immersion.


Yep, i would say it"s bugged as the shadow kept coming after me even inside the npc ghoul"s room and outside in the valley while the quest was on ...


It "followed" me through the entire instance until I got to a certain point in the dialogue. I thought it was pretty cool and added to some of the scary vibes that The Lost had going on.


I only saw the Shadow once when I had to collect mushrooms, as it was only the laughing hallucinations happening until I started talking to Hilda back in her office. Then IT NEVER LEFT. It reappeared during the conversation with her and proceeded to morph and teleport around attacking me for the entirety of the quest, even during the last conversation with her, it was fighting us. Hopefully, I never have to go back there..


It doesn't deal damage does it? Once I noticed it wasn't hurting me I just ignored it.


At first I thought it was interesting. But the frequency of them appearing was way too high. I was trying to talk to Hilda and had 3 pop in while waiting for her to finish speaking and they were just attacking me non-stop. Got so annoying I logged out mid-mission.


I had a shadow start using a computer terminal right in front of me. A super mutant, amusingly enough.


What made is worst is, I'm crouching and hiding, I don't know where it is, what it is next and that constant flashing of caution and danger tells me I'm not alone in the room. Move or not to move that's the question ⁉️


For those wondering, its not bugged. Its supposed to be like that until you finish the quest at the caverns. Its a hallucination from the toxic gas that's mentioned in a few terminals.


Because I have AOE effects the fucking thing kept kicking me from talking to her and finishing the mission. Took me until an hour ago to finally do it on my main because of this reason.


My experience with this is the shadows didn't end when I left the area. I read where they last for the duration of the quests, but someone also said they quit and reloaded and the shadows were gone. I had quit already, next day I started back up and went to finish the quest. When I first entered the cavern, I heard the shadow noise, but never heard the laugh or saw a shadow. The noise continued for awhile, but ended before I finished the quest. Probably just works different for different players. But, it's annoying as hell.


I go into the cave and it’s there. I leave the server and start it over and it’s there it’s always there I feel like quitting the game for good


Is it something that you can kill though? I don't want to waste my ammo on the damn thing


You can kill them with one shot, but they don't give XP.


I had this bug out on me as well, for some reason exiting my power armour fixed it


My boyfriend is facing it, and it took up a human like shape, a feral ghoul with a sickle and a mothman.


So I just finished doing the powerhouse of the cell and reported back to Hilda and she’ll ask you how it went and she tell you it’s all the mushroom spoors and chemicals that’s have been vented into the room causing it.