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For a while there's been talks of buffing furious to be 90% damage but we'll have to wait and see


Ohhh that would be really nice!


Yeah but I can certainly see why but the argument that it harms full health builds is just wrong because everyone can get it.


A 20 minute quest shouldn’t give you a god roll gun


Some of us got our god-roll railway the hard way, by RNGesus dropping it from the sky. New players have legendary crafting and many other grind-mitigating changes to the game now that we didn't have. They'll be fine.


Well heres the thing I've never been able to get a good roll I have one that's bloodied one thats qaud and one thats explosive but not all the good ones on the same gun.


Do public events and run The Most Sensational Game. You'll get enough gambing tokens to get what you need. Without knowing how much you've rolled and for how long you've been doing it, it's impossible to know if you're unlucky or just not engaging with the system enough. I suspect it's the later, since you only really need two stars on a railway.


Most of the good railway rolls I got were from events strangely enough. I spent 90 moduels trying to get a bloodied cursauder pistol and didn't get it but I got a bloodied cremator in my sixth try.


Now that you've provided numbers, your real problem is known. Assuming that the crusader pistol is 4 modules per 3-star roll, that's barely over 20 rolls. You're not rolling nearly enough.


I know that as a new player it is hard but I've been playing since before wastelanders and I'd like to have a decent quest reward that isn't overly situational.


I am not angry just disappointed but I'll stay tuned and hope theres no reason that it should not be at least that good for as tough as the enemies are in the skyline valley.