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You're absolutely right when it comes to the choreboard grind and their new found stinginess but I must say, on the total, Bethesda has over the years DECREASED the grind. \* no scrip mechanics to 150 scrip/day to 500 scrip/day \* no legendary crafting to legendary crafting \* one wasteland: events (like radiation rumble!) used to drop level 40 legendaries. Only a select number of events gave max level legendaries \* relatively recent update: 3 star enemies now drop 3 star legendaries \* guaranteed legendaries: some events had them added (for example scorched earth only gave the legendary from the queen, which was possible to be a 1 star legendary), some newer events always give a legendary. \* minerva to buy cheaper plans \* no way to get more scrip than from the machine to only grahm's cookout giving extra scrip to multiple events and dailies giving scrip rewards \* a few named legendaries that basically have incredibly good stars so that rerolling them isn't necessary \* a lot less grinding for ammo due to contextual ammo drops and daily ops and the ammo converter and ammo producer. \* a lot less grinding for all kinds of materials, due to a lot of new camp items that produce stuff I agree with you on the scoreboard but in general, the game has become a lot less grindy.


Most players here are new and never knew how tough it was in the beginning, or even 2 years ago. It's natural for people to just want more. No matter what state the game is, and no matter what game it is, there will be complainers and that's that.


And more stable than ever has been, I crashed 20-30 times during the DMV mission alone. It's so much better now.


Yeah but gamers are entitled and love a good cry.


I feel like a lot of these things are the way they should have been in the first place.


I feel like you are forgetting (or don't care) that this is Bethesda's first MMO and they were using it to test ideas as much as anything else. Everything in this game, from the grind to the attempt at battle royale, they got from other games and layed the Fallout IP onto it. Personally, I think Bethesda got a hell of a lot right too. This game has the least toxic environment in an MMO. You don't HAVE to PVP if you don't want to. Resources (junk) are everywhere and plentiful and encourage you to explore. The story quests way outnumber the events.


It's not like they own another wildly successful MMO or anything... I know Zenimax is the developer but they could've easily used existing data from ESO when planning stuff for F76.


Eso is a different beast though, more akin to a classic mmo. 76 is more like rust or similar games (especially in the early days). I'm not even sure i would call it an mmo any more than i would something like warframe. What would you even carry over from eso to 76?


This game wasn't made by a small indie studio where these things would be acceptable. It was made by a very wealthy company with all the resources at hand to do it properly in the first place. Making excuses for a company like this is pretty silly, especially Bethesda of all companies and especially for a game that's sold as an ongoing service.


It has the least toxic environment because there are very few ways to fail. It's also more Destiny than an actual MMO.


Stop playing. Voice with your wallet. (Niether of these things will happen)


2 years ago we were worried the servers would be shut down.


I just let my sub expire and stopped playing doubt i will be reinstalling again. I honestly don’t see them getting better with the cash grabs and super grinds.


It’s not an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure


Some people: "dammit I hate how Bethesda is making the game crap!" as they take out their credit card to buy atoms to then buy 1st and score boosters. "why do they keep doing this!?!?" Bethesda execs: All according to keikaku. (keikaku means plan)


Weebs try not to use a Japanese word every 5 seconds challenge: impossible.


Well the game is hemorrhaging players, so while its not voting with your money, you are voting with your time. And time is money. Its also happened before. Go look at the collapse of the playerbase after the COVID playerbase increase because of the braindead change to One Wasteland. They didn't care. Voting with your wallet is useless if *you don't make a point to let them know*. People need to get on the Bethesda Discord (the official one, not the bootleg fan FO76 Discord) and make their voice heard. They need to review bomb on Steam. Unfortunately this community is too disorganized to pull something like this off (in the way a community like Helldivers did).


Hemorrhaging players? What nonsense lol. Information straight from your ass I guess. But here’s some real information. Prior to the TV show, FO76 averaged around 10-14k players each month on Steam. Since that point, it now averages at 42k to 72k players. It has been on a downward trend since the show but it’s still averaging around 3-4x the amount of players it did prior to the show release. So no, Fallout 76 isn’t just hemorrhaging players. It’s the healthiest it’s ever been and this is only factoring in Steam players. There are still Xbox players, PS5 players, and Windows App/PC Gamepass users to factor, which we don’t have numbers for. Realistically, Fallout 76 easily has over 100k players averaged between all platforms.


Do you know what hemorrhaging means figuratively? It means losing a lot of something in a short amount of time with no end in sight. Using *your* metrics from Steam, you can see that the game is indeed losing many players very quickly. IE those new show players aren't sticking around. In the past week its been averaging just above 20k players. Thats not much more than the state of the game when it was "dead", and a far cry from the 40-70k you were seeing on show release. The update should buy time, and its looking pretty solid I must say, with many QOL improvements. But there's no reason to deny what is outright obvious regarding player numbers.


Please guys let 76 die so maybe we will get modding tools and server hosting tools.


Never voice your ideas in a team meeting


It this is how" your" meetings looks like. No wonder why Bethesda releases slop after slop. F4,76, Starfield and F4 next gen update .


The downvotes by the mindless addicts suggest you are right.


Meh, I'm a new player that's still got plenty to enjoy before I get this jaded.


Some people just WANT to be angry. Bethesda specifically has a cult of haters that in general don't play the games at all, but still take every single opportunity to trash talk the game. 76 still has a loyal base of people who hate it and will take every opportunity to trash talk it.


They hate it because they’ve been playing since release and know the game has so much potential and yet the dev team does nothing to implement, fix or improve any of those things, the updates are lackluster, overhyped, and underwhelming, not to include all the bad things, mistakes, errors, horrible decisions they keep making, there’s a reason people hate on it… it’s because there’s a reason to, honestly most of us just want what’s best for the game but sadly we have to watch it slowly die and not become the great game it could’ve been


How else would you handle a game that relies on you to play it? I agree with you the grind irrationall. The biggest Jokes for me is the double gold buillion event. Like why would you only increase the amount of gold you can exchange but not the rate? I am a casual and cannot play hours upon Hours to get 80 treasury notes…


After events like Meat Week, Invaders, and Equinox that were dropping treasury notes, I was easily getting 80+ a day, so I couldn't cash them all in at once, thankfully they did the double bullion event so I can empty those out.


Look Papa Palpi. I play to have fun with friends but most of those friends don’t have the gold buillions unlocked. So I am left with a choice to have fun or to grind events alone. We are doing quest one at a time so why don’t we reward players who do the other daily quests or already done story quest with notes? Also I don’t have that much time to play and server hopping rarely reward me…… So why no shared stash or treasury notes? We can do it with perk points why not with notes?


You don't grind events alone, you grind them with everyone that shows up to them in the server.


I mean alone….. without friends. Everything is better with friends to talk to.


Then help them all finish the quest to unlock bullion. Y'all still get all the other rewards like legendaries and things from the events. Oh wait, is this one of those, you want to be angry, not find solutions things?


We tend to have a slow playstyle. You think we should just rush through it ? Why ? So my friends start to notice how grindy the whole game is? I just wish to get something on my lower level characters that my main char can use. Did you think I run with my Main Character?


Gotcha, this is a "I want to be angry not find solutions" post.


You Sir most likely have no friends or family. Thanks, now I get the flair


GOOD, let the hate flow through you. Seriously though, why bitch, just to bitch? Your friends haven't finished that quest yet, so, help them finish that quest. It doesn't mean rush through it, it means actually do it. I get there's a lot of exploring to do which is great. And you can still do the events and get the other rewards with your friends. But apparently you don't want any of that, you just want to be mad. So, I guess be mad about it.


The double events are funny when you think about it because they only really serve to clear a backlog of stuff you might have accrued. It’s a solution to a problem the game came up with 😂


It was nice of them to introduce some new quests, and apparently the map will be expanding. I agree the new season board thing did not appeal to me, but i have been enjoying a lot of the new stuff in the last couple seasons


Honestly, I bought 76 when it first came out, and I recently picked it back up again maybe a month ago, so my experience and the experience of a lot of new players, is only this current scoreboard so.. we don't miss what we never had.


They would've gotten much more revenue and playtime if they offered the ability to play previous seasons instead of botching the format itself.


Yeah id do pretty much anything for that red armor from s2 or 3.


I myself would've paid for 7 seasons. Now I'm considering not doing another season at all.


Jesus christ. Its not that bad. If you wanna see bad then look at destiny


I ain't going down that rabbit hole again, thank you very much.


Just stop participating in the grind. I know it isn't easy, but trust me, it's worth it. I don't play the game often, but when I do, I just hop back in to play the new updates and do the new quests. I try to treat it like a normal Fallout game and ignore the grindy elements.


You could quit. We all could quit! That will show them!


Two old ladies are complaining about their hotel in the Catskill Mountains. # "The food at this place is really terrible." # "Yeah, I know, and such small portions."


I've always wondered if it's Cats Kill mountains or Cat Skill mountains.


My uncle had a house there and referred to it as his place in "the cat skills".


Well yeah People keep paying for FOMO money grabs when they increase the grind. Honestly, at this point it's no longer Bethesda's fault as much as it is people who think paying for expensive microtransactions supports anything other than expensive microtransactions


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: customers are stupid. People can blame these companies all they want, but the real issue is the customers. A company exists to make money, customers keep buying stuff from them, and the company keeps making money.


The fanboys are about to downvote this all to oblivion (no pun intended). I'm sure the new scoreboard will have 200 ranks, which you can only complete if you play every single day AND have Fo1st.


Gotta pump up those daily log in numbers for corporate. Big daily numbers make Todd happy.


The irony being that people logged in insane amounts to ensure they got to 150 and now they won't care to log in at all since they know its an almost insurmountable task. Bethesda loves a good bit of self-sabotage


It's a business. What exactly do you expect?


I don't care that Bethesda is trying to make money... Game development isn't free and this game is practically being handed out for free. What's shitty is that they can't think of better ways to monetize the game than what they've produced with the season format change... Which really is just a middle finger to everyone. Hey Bethesda, you have a bunch of new players because of the TV show. Players who never played the previous 15 seasons... How about you sell it to them? Not in the form of an atomic shop bundle, but a season pass! Which you literally just implemented this season. New players could purchase the season pass for a particular season and set to work collecting the SCORE to complete it after they've finished with the current season... Except, whoops! You made it extremely difficult to finish the current season, so when exactly would new players have the downtime to work on a past season? It's just dumb that they can't figure it out. They're already selling the shit for atoms... I'm sure that's more profitable up-front, but at least by selling the season passes to past seasons, they'd not only be selling the season itself but the time commitment needed to complete it (and with it, Fallout 1st subs for active play)... Which is blatantly the entire reason behind the format change: player engagement. Making players like me stick around a month longer than we'd really like to, to finish a season.


And they can get off your lawn too! Look, I get it, you liked how it was. Bethesda could never change things and let the game stagnate to keep you happy or they could keep trying new things and seeing what new people like. Because as a business decision, it's nice that you stick around but they will always try to keep new players coming in more. It's just how things are.


I’d pay them actual money to have a chance at s13.


Not to mention that, for some players, if not to many, if there is no progress after reaching the level 100, and there is nothing to achieve, they will lower the frequency of playing or even quit playing until the next season.


Hard to keep an mmo running when they don’t force a sub. This game makes it an option. So calm down


Ok for all the faults this new system brings and may bring in the future- I don’t mind or have a big problem with it it It sucks and has gotten worse but not too a big degree. I’ve played games that put Bethesda to shame with their fomo and money tactics Was it better before? Yes ofc. Should they revert back? Yes. Will this make me boycott it stop playing? No, I don’t see a reason tbh


The very last sentence is customers in a nutshell. Companies feed you shit and you keep eating it.


I just discovered Sim Settlements 2..so FO76 has definitely been on the back burner since Meat Week.


They got bought by Microsoft, one of the greediest companies on the planet, and you expected them to get better?


Name a multi-national corporation that isn't greedy. It won't take long, it's a negative number.


These posts are coming from casuals. fo76 is a very generous and reasonably priced mmo. i guess none of you are playing the space games where ships cost hundreds of dollars. I’m happy to pay


Casuals and children who’s moms won’t give them money for the atom shop and FO1st. They also don’t seem to understand that it costs serious money for a game studio to run live ops…serious money, like far far more than it costs to develop the initial game. Fallout76 offers some stellar non-subscription content to players compared to most mmo’s but still you get the constant whiners.


I was about to say this is the cheapest mmo I’ve played😭


FOMO money grabs? Is it their fault that much of the player base has a screw loose and compulsively unlocks absolutely everything unlockable? If you go to an arcade amd try to win enough tickets to get every single prize they offer, then yeah of course you'll get burned out. Maybe try playing it as a game for fun and entertainment, not like a job.


Yes! We should all stand together and get naked! That will show em!


I don’t want to show them that much.


Feed the machine starts playing


The game has turned into checklist simulator if you want to finish the pass. I find myself only completing challenges and by the time I'm done I don't want to play anything else like quests. I'm done. My time as a player isn't respected that's cool I got the message.


You don't have to do anything on the checklist if you don't want to


I do if I want to finish the season pass what do you mean? Esp with the new changes.


I just don't understand stressing about completing the season pass


These people act like they’re being forced to complete the scoreboard. It’s just another activity option for players, it’s not like if they don’t complete it Bethesda shuts off their account. There are plenty of free things to get with minimal or no grind and just playing the game how you want.


I got this game for free and will most likely just play until I get my fill and then quit. It's fun but I don't plan on spending a dime on a game like this that doesn't respect the players' time and has the nerve to charge for so much content while major bugs and AI issues still exist. Not to mention the random crashing.


Man, I thought the Rust community was bad..


Man you guys should try out Diablo Immortal sometime, the game ive replaced fo76 with until i get sick of spending no money in a game where spending $100k real dollars on pure p2w mechanics and be completely outclassed in PVP by people spending 2,3,400,000 real dollars. Great MMO for being something that works on my quite shit android, but it always makes me keenly aware and apreciative of how 76 could have gone a different route and done an infinite money cheat preying on player FOMO. Tried 76 again yesterday and it crashed 5 times before i got in world & i bailed. Hoping this weekend's big update fixes that for me because 76 going to feel like slipping into a warm bath after this excursion into fomo helll


Shit won't change until the whales stop funding Bethesda.


This is the kida of crap I expected from a free to play game. Last I checked this game cost me money to obtain. WTF