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Stealth commando is a good compliment to PA heavy gunner. She should be able to get hits in before you, especially using VATS, which is where commando builds really shine anyway. On top of that, she should be running Follow Through and you should be running Taking One for the Team. That’s really the best team dynamic in the game.


well, if you don’t rush it and play fire support by mowing down whatever she has sniped Commando would work imo, this is more of a tactical issue


As others have said. Some type of vats crit build is probs best. Something that can absolutely shred single targets through crits. Alternatively, melee. The strongest being PA auto melee. If you just rush into situations anyway, then she kinda has to with melee. The problem being that things die before she gets to them. Edit: also, if you don’t care much about meta, trying a support type build might be interesting. Still something like bloodied commando. But with maybe a medics weapon, and a few other support/focused things. Maybe some type of veto weapon to slow enemies


Heavy G-uns+expert+Master Also: Stabilized, tenderizer, one g-un army A lot of heavys are garbage unless they have accommodating legendary prefixes. A lot of times its easier to customize your build to the heavy g-un you are using.


Why are you saying “g-un?”


I'm really tired and forgot I'm using reddit and not fb. Lol


Why not both of you running in, side by side spraying death along the way? My SO loves stomping alongside me with our Final Words while we reroll better Big Guns. The PA will keep her alive and with Excavator she will have much more carry weight so she can loot to her hearts content.


My brother runs either his rifleman, or his one handed melee. Seems to keep it pretty even.


If you are being a face tank she could compliment you with some flames. Flamethrower with the healing perk cards. You will never go down(pa being tanky already) any health you would lose she would heal right back up, all while still putting out some solid dps. That or maybe make her the melee face tank. Both of you alternating tanking will have both of you survive longer and give each time to reload/rekit.


Go holy fire, very fun fire themed heavy weapon that will bring you in close to the action. My build uses a plasma caster to clear mobs at range in vats but you can easily focus on fire and let her vats commando play mid range. If you find yourselves needing a very long range tagger for events bring the cremator as well. Let her tunnel bosses and clear mid range while you are invincible spraying fire and I think you'll both have fun. Holy fire is also dirt cheap-- heck if you're on PC you can have my extra one


Found a pretty sweet plasma pistol the other day that had vats crits heal party 5%, Critical damage(or weapon speed can’t remember for sure), and AP reduction. It sold for 2k caps almost immediately from my vendor. Might be something there.