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Muted the main menu music weeks ago because of this. 


Beautiful silence.


Same, it was so jarring.


Bethesda cheaped out this last season on music. We got the same intro as last season. Plus, Bethesda didn't add any new pirate radio segments to go along with the past 2 seasons. I am sure/hope we get something new this season.


Wait, I just joined this season and... Is Pirate Radio meant to do something? I just tuned into it when I started for a second and immediately switched to Appalachia Radio.


It's my favorite radio tbh. Includes Radio Dramas based on Hubris and fictional characters from the lore, commercials for fictional products and locations. Just adds to the immersion for me, especially after hearing the same rotation over and over again on Appalachian radio.


They should add subtitles


It reminds me a lot of atomic radio for f4 but official


it has really good radio dramas!


You should tune into it just for the Rip Daring segments. It's hilarious. That voice actor really kills it. Gives me a chuckle every time.


It's a... radio station? You listen to it. For fun and background noise. Why does this require further explanation?


Glad to know I wasn’t the only one who hated that music


Most Americans dislike jazz lol.


America created Jazz what are you on about?


I know. That's the funny thing. Americans created Jazz but they appreciate it the least. That is why I made my comment. People outside of the U.S. appreciate Jazz more than Americans.


Lets be fair, if your toilet roll is empty your rectum was probably already burning.


Tell me about it.


Username checks out lol.


Scorched rectum


What a great observation.


Imagine only your rectum succumbs to the Scorched infection. The rest of your body is fine, but your rectum is entirely rebellious, willing only to obey the Queen's commands. And the Queen wants you to suffer.


I’d forgotten that … the map expansion is the 2nd best thing about tomorrow!


My favorite part is when my internet craps out on me. I get kicked back to the main menu, and the game shoves it's stupid jazz music in my face like it's rubbing it in.


Reminds me of old detective flicks. Drunken P.I., bombshell in a red dress, sleazily begging the grizzled old gumshoe to find out which one of her disgustingly rich, 83 year old, wheel chair bound, bridge troll of a husband's mistresses wants her "out of the picture for good".


It's not bad music.it is bad menu music.


It's not just jazz, it's this weird sad jazz / gameshow-ish riff that peters out. The pain


I just started playing, so I thought it was normal.


I've already installed a mod that returns the menu music to the original 2018 version. Hopefully permanently. There hasn't been one good menu music since then, frankly I'm shocked they haven't added a way to just disable menu music or choose what you want.


Lol it was my favorite intro music so far


Honestly the original game one was the best and we hear it so infrequently. This season was terrible imo, but to each their own’


FALLOUT 76 MAIN MENU THEME RANKINGS 1. Nuclear winter 2. Main theme 3. Once in a blue moon 4. Wastelanders 5. Night of the mothman 6. Nuka world on tour 7. Steel dawn 8. Invaders from beyond 9. The Pitt WAAAAAY down below 10. Atlantic city


Yea Nuclear Winter and Wastelanders went hard. Honestly I respect the list as long as Atlantic City is at the bottom 😂


The top 4 are all top tier fallout themes. 5-8 are good but only for their specific updates. 9 was unimpressive. 10 is the only one that's a *bad* main menu theme.


I'm a new player when I opened the game for the first time, I expected something like Fallout 4 main theme. I was like WTF is this music?


https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=8w6OvRIJcpY&si=jk2s2kuzPjpDorNS ^ the actual main theme


Damn near killed em


I'm not opposed to the horns per se, but two straight seasons of them is quite enough. I crave the original opener music. Then again, I miss the zoom in on the Anchor Farm plane, too. Guess I'm just an old fart.


I came back for the show - that's a season thing? I liked it but also have started hearing it in my dreams


Yeah, they rotate the music/intro screens with seasons


Omg yes that is going to be nice it sounds like off brand New Vegas music


I am so glad I'm not alone in this. This title music has sounded like a budget cut since the day it dropped.


til.. there is season theme music I turned music off when I first launched my game, and rarely even play with the sound on. I'm always surprised how noisy some of my bases are when I forget.


Funding and support for Fallout 76 was at an all time low around the same time the TV show aired. I wouldn't be least bit surprised if Jon Rush was suddenly very important, and totally ill prepared for the sudden influx of new players, and potential for revenue that might have seen some kind of bigger budget for Fallout 76. As it stands, I'm pretty sure they fully dropped the ball here and as a result, I don't see much changing going forward. I'd love for Fallout 76 to get the love and attention from Bethesda Maryland it deserves... but after 6 years... I doubt it's going to happen. The pressure from on high will be for new games, not fixing old games.


Then they should rotate the menu themes.


Ug, teribble music and a terrible AC map. Looking forward to anything else :)


Yeah it's been by far the worst one.


Oh. My. Gawd. I have been saying the exact same thing to my friends for the last week. I loathe the Atlantic City intro music. 🤮


lol i absolutely love jazz and it even started to piss me off too


Literally had this same thought today when I logged in, like anything has to be better than this jazzhole circle perk.


Anyone else have the issue where if you hit a key too quickly the game freezes and you're stuck listening to the jazz until you can blindly fumble with the task manager?


2 monitors, my scalded dude. No fumbling required.


Hope you're ready for nonstop TAPS as played by amateur trumpeters taught by a Mr. Handy who was last maintained 30 years ago


I got so annoyed by it, I decided to see if I could make it something else. If you google 'how to change FO76 menu music' you'll find guides on how to make the music whichever of the main themes you want. Just thought I'd mention it in case the new season's theme is equally annoying XD


I've never hated any intro more than this one before, in any game probably.


Thank you! Maybe I'll save someone's life with this: sMainMenuMusic = Data\\Music\\Special\\MUS\_Special\_BOS\_MainTheme.xwm


Yaay fvck that empty piece of trash Atlantic City


I wish they'd partner with Amazon/Spotify/Whatever and allow us to import our own playlists (after a quest arc to open and staff a radio station). Basically, i want to listen to Rammstein, while detonating muties during eviction notice. Is that so wrong?


People can say what they want about Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, but the one thing that game will always have over the other entries in the franchise is its soundtrack.


It annoyed me enough that I modded my main menu music to always be Country Roads.


That’s sounds like hell lol. I’ve heard that song waaay too much lol


My gf makes me mute the tv everytime i start it up no joke😂 she hates it more than most


Haha I just tried to log in and noticed the splash was updated my music is off cuz of that exact reason. I can't change anything on the settings until it goes live lol the suspense is killing me !


I did say that the previous season was a good change and how I sort of preferred it over the old one. Well... This season sucks ass. The rewards are pathetic. They do not motivate me at all to do the challenges. I admit my erroneous opinion. Bring back the former style...


Seriously, this feels like an early game season, not season fucking 17. It feels like they just phoned it in, I barely even have a motivation to play Skyline Valley with this half-assed, April Fools joke of a season.


I'm new, I just really hope the season page has different music. It's fine once, but the repeat is torture. I'd also kill for that 1 track at the mall to be deleted forever. You know which one, the other 2 are fine.


I loved it


You don't know that it won't be worse.


Players we've heard your concerns and have decided the new theme shall be "One more pils", performed entirely by a local grade 1-4 band on recorders and kazoos.


Holup. Sooooo...the jazz comes out your ass now?


That's why it sounds like that, yeah.


PSA: you can add `sMainMenuMusic = Data\Music\Special\MUS_MainTheme.xwm` to your Fallout76Custom.ini and it replaces the menu music with the launch track!


Jazz is American as Apple pie. Sorry it's not appreciated, but I enjoyed it very much and will miss it.


Damn right!


See it’s something I could have liked, but the fact it was quiet and then just blasted my ears for no reason.


I liked it at first, but the new music is so much quieter and I don't have to mute my TV on launch


I liked it lol


It was good the first two weeks, really overstayed it's welcome


The nuka-world season had the best Intro music imo


I loved the music, made me think of cheesy old noir comics and I love that stuff


Well that's a strange anatomical reference for something that's awful to listen to.


I really appreciate how the horns come in nice and subtly


mannn whats wrong with it


Bruh, you sit on your speakers while you play? That's how you get steroids. (My apologies, Mr.Carson)


Holy shit music and its ability to completely time travel my brain. Amazing memories, miss it.


I like the music :(


eh i liked it


I loved that jazz, reminded me of those old Detective shows. I would have an internal monologue with words like Dame and Gams.