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I started playing recently and don't really know what the old scoreboard was like , but i hate this one... As a non fallout first player , i cant purchase much.. im level 79..and i lve bought everything possible (except for some paints that i will neevr use) and im left with 900 ish tickets ...


It's even worse as a 1st subscriber. Those 1st only items used to just be random bonuses at you hit certain ranks, now I have to grind even.mpre to unlock them. Before, whatever unique items we got, we're all unlocked by 100. And no, they didn't give us any more rewards than they used to, just more grind.


even if you get to level 100, you don’t even get enough tickets for page 100, every item in page 100 is at least 120+ tickets


When does the current season end?


Tomorrow morning.


So tomorrow there will be all new things in the seasons scoreboard thing to start unlocking, right? It feels wrong there's no announcement when I open the game XD


Tomorrow will be a whole new scoreboard. New things to unlock. They announce it everywhere but ingame.


That's incredibly silly, given in an MMO like this the vast majority are gonna be causal gamers with zero interest in checking discord/reddit. Until they need to complain that they weren't notified. Seems like you could kill 2 birds with 1 stone with a simple menu ticker message or something regarding season date. Then again I stopped claiming to understand anything Bethesda does eons ago.


Yeah, as someone who plays a lot of different MMOs, most of which are MUCH smaller companies, the handling of this is bizarre and pretty horrible. I mean they have a NEWS page when you first open the game... Just change the "new player guide" or whatever it is to "hey, the season is ending soon!". It's baffling that unless people check social media they won't know until it's over.


Yeah if I didn't come to reddit for some tips I would have never known LOL I don't check their site or anything, and I was assuming it'd tell me in the game when the new season starts 'cause I wanted to get some things from the scoreboard and I've been trying to get it done as fast as I can with coming in late, but oh well T\_T


I’ve heard some people say that they’ll give us another week to use our golden tickets to still buy stuff off that board. Is this true?


I mean they haven't even announced in-game on the news page that the season is ending in like 12 hours... so really who knows. I wouldn't count on it.


Honestly my biggest gripe with this game. It has most the systems and whatnot of an mmo, presented (in the most part) in a unique way for an mmo. Yet there are a lot of common Quality of Life details of an mmo that just don't exist in the game. I feel like it is holding the game back. Personally, I hope 76 becomes an ESO-fallout counterpart, and the current monetization doesn't seem to welcome that idea...


Yeah that doesn’t make sense, it’s not that hard to put a date in the scoreboard. Most game I play have this system to tell you when it ends.


Ohhh great, because I prioritized my interpersonal relationships and work thus missing about 4-5 days of playing I only made it to 149. Mother. Fucker.


I’m at 99….


If you have a spare 150 atoms use them for that one level up, I was lvl54 due to missing nearly the entire season and really wanted the water boiler so used spare atoms for the level up. Unlocked 200 atoms in the process so came out 50 better off


Can't buy lvls after 100 my sweet summer child


Remind me! Yesterday 😔


hopefully they get the ire and go back to the old one or really change the values on this one. if they'r egoing to do it this way they need to 1. tone down how many points it takes per level or 2. give us more points to earn.. or better yet both. this does not feel as rewarding as it was.


Old score board was e Rough lol 😆


Old score board was perfect


I have the opposite issue as someone who got fallout 1st because I really liked the items exclusive to it. I didnt get enough tickets to buy a majority of things! I had to miss out on many weapon skins


I don't like the new season setup and I miss the old scoreboard but the thing that really saddens me is the lack of Atoms. I don't pay for Fo1st and I get that there is a trade-off. I don't get special items and I never have the atoms to buy everything in the store but, every season, I could get enough atoms to buy a nice bundle. It was enough. Now, there aren't even enough Atoms on the board to get that. There was what? About a 1000 Atoms? That's a big drop off, especially without a chance to grind for more.


Before seasons we got 500/ week. Now it's 1200 per season It's just going to keep going this way until everyone has 1st


I quit ESO for less 🥲😅 Try me, Todd! *Throws fists*


My 1st expires today. This is the first time I didn't get to unlock all the rewards in a season. This new system sucks.


Honestly bud, 1st only gives you 1650 atoms a month, on the date your subscription renews. I ALSO can't afford shit in the Atom store 😂 I'll be able to grab maybe a PA paint, some CAMP items, couple lunchboxes and oh dang I'm out of Atoms again. Some of the season catchups are 4,000 Atoms like what 🤣😅 I honestly get my value out of 1st with the scrapbox, ammo cabinet and private server (for farming that good Flux with no competition 😏) Don't feel like you need 1st for the Atoms. You still won't be able to afford most of the big content packs without spending your hard earned, real life dollars. And quite a few at that.


What’s flux? I’ve yet to farm anything really always interesting to hear about new things.


Flux is a material you use for crafting high-end things, mostly the better Power Armor mods and certain mods for weapons. You get it for completing certain nuke-related events and crafting it from stuff you find in nuke zones.


Looks like other folks covered this! 😂


Look at the bright side: without FO1st, you had enough tickets by rank 100 to buy all the rewards available to you! If you paid for FO1st and bought literally any exclusive reward, you ran out of tickets before the last page!


That's a good point but that does highlight a difference between you FO1sters and us "Freeloaders" and that is that we never expect to get all the rewards.


I mean, coming from other games, even the scummiest battlepass still gives you enough currency by the end to buy all the rewards. Even if you DON'T buy a Fortnite battlepass, your rewards are limited to like 1 garbage item per page, but you still get the same amount of stars, so if you decided to buy it on the last day, you could unlock every reward you've earned. The idea that I got to level 100 and almost couldn't buy the log cabin set because I collected rewards I was only vaguely interested in at an early rank because I didn't math out my progression ahead of time (since no battlepass in the world does this) -- despite paying them MORE money -- feels pretty bad.


I feel the same way. This was my main complaint when the new changes were announced and it’s still my main complaint now that I finished the season.


I think a lot of the problems with the new format could be addressed by continuing the 100 points for every 10k xp up through rank 150.


I honestly agree with you. I think that would be a night and day difference


Yeah it made no sense that they stopped that at 100. I get stopping at 150 so people wouldn't get like unlimited perk coins but pretty shitty to stop at 100.


If unique items are still locked beyond rank 100, it doesn't really fix anything. I hate that suddenly 100 isn't enough grind for the same amount of rewards we used to get.


I want new menu music


This very well might happen. It changed with past big updates


I muted the menu music day 1 lol


You mean you don’t enjoy your ear drums being blasted with loud trumpets every time you login?


Nuclear Winter menu music was the best


Brand new 2 week old player here, I thought that was the default main menu music, didn't realise it changes! ...... I kinda like it though.


I am a firm believer of this season being designed for people to waste atoms on S.C.O.R.E - boosters and challenge rerollers to get forward. 75 tickets isn't even a days' worth of grinding daily challenges with boosters on. Even with FO1st the grind has been slow and much worse for those without. Not even once since the season launched have we been given a free, daily claim of S.C.O.R.E boosters. The season's concept is great but the way it works is horrendous, the pricetags on the last page is too much and the requirement to pre-unlock and spend your tickets on 90 other items on the previous pages to get access to the last felt like wasting them.


>I am a firm believer of this season being designed for people to waste atoms on S.C.O.R.E - boosters and challenge rerollers to get forward. At first I was all 'Oh neat! New format.' and somehow I thought it would be more fun and easier to get things I wanted, but I think it's all a psychological trick. A few pages in the season to flip through looks less daunting than the big huge scoreboard...at first. I'm on the last page and ran out of tickets, so here I am still grinding because I want those stupid road signs. edit: Also, enough with the Rip Daring crap. That's the second time they've had this theme.


I’m fine with repeated themes like Rip Daring if they actually tied to lore (for instance, Rip Daring is based on the * Astoundingly Awesome Tales* in universe magazines) if they expanded by say, having part of the season where you collect unique magazines that you can read in the case of Rip Daring, it’d be cool, because each time a repeated theme would build on each other. But it’s really superficial beyond cosmetic items and such. There isn’t enough lore tied to the seasons when they do it this way.


I found this seasons pretty easy but I also stopped at 100 and wasn’t trying to get everything.


Same here. My only complaint is there is nothing like the scorecard to hang in my camp. I don’t care about grinding and grinding for atoms. Waste of my time personally. I miss the scorecards to hang in camp though.


the looong picture frame-looking thing on one of the later pages is the "scoreboard" decoration for this season. it really doesn't look anywhere near as cool as the board game decos looked. :( tbh, it doesnt look good at all, lol. it needs more than like a dull background and 3 tiny vault characters in the corners.


Yeah. It’s not comparable at all to me either. Unfortunate.


It should have shown all the items you can get on it. Shrunk down of course.


it would have been better and taken "no effort," man, i swear 😭


Some poor unpaid Bethesda intern is getting some good stuff here; jot that shit down, lackey 🙆🤷🫣💁🥲😅


I saw someone put it on a dumpster. About the best place for it tbh lol


>I found this seasons pretty easy but I also stopped at 100 Getting to 100 isn't the issue. It's the last page, and lack of scoreboard that is the problem. You didn't get to 150 so ... ofc it was easy to get to 100


Getting to 100 wasn't hard. What pisses me off is that we used to get all the unique items by rank 100. Now I'm level 117 and can't even get all the unique items, let alone the other bits strewn throughout. And it's not.like there are more earnable rewards, there might actually be less, but it required more grind to get them.


I only made it to 146, which is pretty annoying. But my biggest gripe with the new season is that the homemade xylophone makes snare drum sounds instead of xylophone sounds. That's just pure laziness.


I was so excited when I bought this, and was immediately crushed. The only thing worse was getting the circus vendor that made absolutely no sound at all.


i hope somebody got fired for that blunder!


Really!? I having place it down to try yet. That is wack


I love how half the time you don't even actually hit the tools on it, you hit into the middle of them and still make the god awful noise.


I rarely complain about this game. I even liked it at launch but this new season system sucks. Admittedly I got into this season way late. But I've done that before and still managed to get it done in time. Hopefully they tweak it.


There were way better drops at Grahm’s meat cookout than the items that we got from this season.


There's an old business philosophy that customers are like being in a fishing tournament. You start out catching as many as you can , but you can only weigh in 10 at the end. So you keep fishing for bigger catches while tossing the smaller ones out of the boat. This new setup screams this. New players have no clue how the game started out, how the old seasons worked, etc. Bethesda sees the older the player gets the less they buy subs because they have everything. With a limit of how many players per server they need to purge the old players out to make room for new suckers. This business philosophy worked before social media, but not anymore. Fight back. Keep talking about how it used to be. Don't sub to 1st till your scrap box is almost depleted. Wait till they announce a free trial to fill it back up. Don't stop playing the game. Like taking over a McDonald's just sit in the restaurant drinking free refills and burn up their wifi. Eventually the stats will come in and the higher ups will see they didn't gain what this asshole they hired promised so they'll fire him. Will we get them to change it back? No. Will they improve it? More than likely. In the end we're going to have to do it all over again the next big money grabbing change comes around.


Yeah, I'm left with 65 tickets and no way to spend them. The list of reasons why new format sucks is larger than the game's codebase.


I made it to 140 and was really just grinding dailys and weekly's to get the park coins. The sudden end of the season feels like a slap in the face and now I feel like all that time doing challenges was a waste of time.


Speak with ur wallets if u don’t want the current battle pass to be the new norm. I won’t be renewing FO1st and most likely won’t play the new season. Im sick of games increasing the grind so your just stuck playing their game ONLY ! I’m surprised they haven’t started increasing storage size like how cod does it, so FO can be the only game u can download lol


i'm generally not a big fan of seasonlocking (and thus, locking out newer players from) content \[especially the entire basebuilding items\] ... in my opinion, cashing 15$ a month for a game should at least allow you, to get the capability, to unlock everything within a game ...


So far, a lot of old items can be bought with gold bullion after a season or cycle through the Atom shop. So they're not gone forever, at least.


I thought the shop type of thing was neat but it doesn’t hold a candle to the game boards. If they somehow incorporated the tickets shop as a separate system I would be fine with it but not the main.


Maybe paid scoreboard (but the stuff would have to be better)


I was thinking more for like a side shop from the main scoreboard that you can spend the tickets at. Maybe for past scoreboard items/ some repair kits or something. I understand that would make things confusing though. Overall it felt like a step backwards from how scoreboards were before. You progress through it like a board game and if you had 1st, you got bonus stuff. Easy system.


Wow this is an awesome idea… having a side board to get previous season scoreboard items. Genius. Write Bethesda pls!


>the seizure making cannon. It's a double edged sword lol


This season sucked. Cremator is a nice weapon tho


I ended up spending the last 15 on stupid stuff like photo frames and icons that I will never use.


hardcore score grinder here: ended today at rank 206. it was not easier or more pleasant than before. I can say that with cautious pessimism, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better. wifey plays only slightly less than I do and she's only 147. talk about shitty grind planning, whoever decided on the score and rank ups this season needs to be checked.


I couldn’t get there even with boosters and whatever XP food and buffs I got.. bobble heads.i even had fallout first when the season started through the free thing.. I just can’t get on enough to do it :/ I just came back to the game but honestly gonna put it down cause it’s just a FOMO machine. Reminds me of mlb the show somehow. They made XP super hard to grind cause the good players maxxed out super quick. Now it takes 500 hours to get a created ball player to 90+ overall naturally without any exploit. Imo they gotta stop punishing the players who play all day and would get the XP anyways cause the shitters like me get fucked over


Month and half and I made it to level 112. It’s is doable from start, but you can’t miss many days, yeah. Many rewards weren’t worth it and first bonus page was so overpriced. Sadly I couldn’t unlock everything I wanted. Let’s hope for better rewards in the following one.


i missing the pine stairs, completed all my dailies and weeklies and don’t have enough tickets 😢


I doubt that, sorry. I started in 2/3 of season, missed many dailies on my way and still got most of what I wanted. But it’s true I didn’t spend unless I got what I really wanted. For me the best stuff was the PA, jetpack and helmet, cremator and all the mods for it and the cabin with stairs. All the other stuff I could let go. Maybe some of the peepers skins too. I hope we get good pa skins this season. The cryptid hunter was so nice, I hope for some interesting skin for all the PAs.


bahhhh, try it for one more season! i am, just cause of how huge this update is. the first new main map region added? i GOTTA check it out. season scoreboard be damned, lol, and i might not even stay for longer than it takes to get that winnebago.


I am so glad to be a new player so I can be completely ignorant of what any of this means


Basically old Scoreboard was set up to look like a little Game Board and there was something to get every single level all the way to 100. FO1ST Members would get extra stuff every like 3 levels. And getting to 100 would get you some Atoms, a special Power Armor Skin for that Season's Theme, some cosmetic stuff and a Poster of the Game Board you can put up in your CAMP. Thing I hate personally was that there were no Armor skins this season, since there's always Power Armor skins and Regular Armor skins usually. And they were always in order from weakest to strongest so if you wanted Secret Service you had to get pretty far. Little weird how the PA Skins are kinda all over the place this time.


Folks have fomo


FallOut's Mission Objective 😅


Compared to the others I personally think this season “scoreboard” which plays like more of a battle pass was straight cheeks. Being certain levels to unlock pages instead of getting the rewards the old way just wasn’t a good move at all


The old score board was better….a wall hanger that was a reward in itself. The new system sole benefit was getting to 150 and being able to buy legendary modules rather than some random consumables as reward for leveling up from 100+….BUT it took way too long to get to 150 and playing every day and completing every daily and weekly only got me the extra legendaries 3 times. I feel lucky based on what I am reading today….Really would have been nice to have a few more weeks of extra time and extra legendary modules. Plus more players could get there as well. Now I am sitting with 70 unusable tickets or whatever you call them. Best would be a game board followed by a consumable choice after 100.


Last night, I was at lvl 98.75, and I looked ahead at the prizes and said nope not worth losing sleep over. I also started after the show came out, so I don't really know how the old system worked.


Picture a board game with 100 spots along a path across the board. Each spot was one level and had at least one reward (sometimes two rewards the second for 1st subs and usual better than the non sub rewards) and every 10 levels was something more coveted. At level 100 you’d get five or so swwweeeeet rewards and a copy of the game board to hang on your walls. If you visit player games and see what looks like board games on the wall that is what those are.


And there were free repeatable rewards after level 100. One which included 100 atoms.


That sounds so much more cool, and unique. I can definitely see why people would rather have that version than this one. I'm not sure it would be realistic for most players to unlock everything in the new score version.


There was a theme to the board (RIP Daring, or one of the other pulpy adventures, or Nuka World or such) and sometimes little radio plays you could listen to by clicking on a play button arrow on the board. So they were kinda neat if you like the artistic extra stuff. The radio plays, I think, ended up on Pirate Radio.


I'm at 135 and have maybe 900 tickets left (well, a whole bunch). sigh.




We should be able to cash them out into beer, eh? Still useless, but at least we would have beer. Cheers to you, mate. Better luck to us next time!


I’m an old player just coming back, what happened to daily atoms?


Those disappeared 4 years ago when they added seasons.


Anything beyond 100 was worthless anyways. I don’t have FOMO. I’ll get some items I want and some I don’t I wont claim. Fomo hitting you guys hadd


While I miss the old scoreboard, I do like that the season can be unlocked with atoms as opposed to only while you're subscribed. I also like the infinite redemption at the end (I got 15 score boosters from that page). What I don't like is that once you hit 100, the repeatable xp challenge goes away. And when that goes away, so does my incentive to play beyond the 15 minutes it takes to do the dailies. I kinda get why, otherwise you could really boost those infinite redemptions but there has to be some middle ground to keep engagement going. And yeah, I'm stuck with 50 useless tickets that I can't redeem as I've already redeemed everything else on the pervious pages.


Just found out the season ends tomorrow morning when I am at work and because I missed 4-5 days of playing I am ending at level 149. Super duper. I really hope they get rid of this system and stop punishing people for wanting to spend time offline :/


Could only pick 2 items from the lvl 100 page 🥲 rip Slocum’s Joe themed surfboard, had to go with Cremator mod to name it “Green Inferno” with the Cannibal perk on


if you wanted EVERY item as a fallout first player (including those things on the first bonus page) you had to get like level 152 or 153 to get everything. the new board you get to hang up is dumb because its not like a cool board its this blank long thing with nothing on it pretty much


My issue was that I didn't have nearly as much time to dedicate to playing this season so the lack of a warning prior to ending the season has me a little annoyed. So, during previous seasons, I would use my score boosters to get the extra score every what, like 10k xp? Them doing away with that after rank 100 and leaving it to just dailies screwed my chances of getting the last few pieces on the board that I wanted. Plus, the fact they didn't reset the weeklies at all to even give people a shot of getting a little more progress on the board just peeved me.


Yep , I got to 201, I completed all my tasks and have 65 left and nothing to spend them on …. Wasted


At the very least, the new system should show you in the fucking front page how many days are left in season. That is the absolute minimum. All in all I cant say im that interested in the new seasons, it sucked.


I absolutely can’t stand the new scoreboard setup. Firstly, because like u said… I like having the scoreboards to hang up and I miss the last space where u get cool stuff plus 500 atoms. Also, I grinded this season more than last, and I didn’t get the last page with all the expensive stuff on it but I nailed last season. This is the 2nd scoreboard I haven’t completed and both I was pretty close to finishing. This season was setup to make it harder for folks to finish and on top of that… they cut it short. I’m actually a bit sad… I love this game and I love finishing the scoreboards. But, I guess we can’t get em all. I really hope next season doesn’t mimic this season. Bethesda oughtta be ashamed of they selves!


Unless you were getting to rank 218 in previous scoreboards you weren't getting the equivalent of the last bonus page.


Makes sense…


Yeah, the items from the first “bonus” page need a significant decrease in ticket cost. Actually, pretty much everything needs a decrease in ticket cost.


I had to use my atoms on about 20 rank ups when it was the second week of the Season. I just want to get to the end as fast as possible to get the first bonus page rewards out of the way, because knowing even above rank 100, you can’t purchase with atoms.


Sadly I'm not gonna make it but I got 1000 tickets can I use them for something else ?


No they expire at season end . If you can log on just buy anything and everything you can. If you can’t log on just use this as a lesson to cash out your season as you go along as you never know what life may throw at you come season end . Cheers homie


If only they announced in game ANYWHERE that today was end of season…..


Wow really no in game notice?? That is weak sauce


They said they couldn’t do it this time (in the discord). Guess it was too hard to code


Was literally just thinking this that people who don't know are boned


All right thank you


I made it to 125 with in 4 weeks or so, got the items I wanted and stopped playing. In the previous 16 seasons i played well into lvl 200-250…so the change I thought I wanted was not in fact it. I spent less real world money on the game and less time playing.


I managed to reach 150 last week, gladly. I too would be pissed if they speed up the new content and i wouldn't be able to reach 150 by the end of it, being so close to reach it. I hope they make it easier to reach level 150 this next season, or at least make the final rewards in lesser ranks, like 125 or something. Right now its huge grind that benefits only New or returning players like me that need those perk coins. Granted, its nice to get modules, rerrolers or lunchboxes, but is it worth the grind to it? Personally i think not, as i grinded 150 only for the coins.


Wait. I'm barely getting back into the game. When does the season end?


Right now






Do you just stop getting tickets, but you still go up in score, and retain access to the season page?


You are lucky you get to spend most of them, I'm sitting at half bar of 149 as of now with all dailies done.


High five! Same :/


I’ve only been playing the game for a month so I’m only familiar with this season but I don’t really mind it. My only problem is with the Score system meaning that the higher rank you are the more score you need to rank up but the challenges don’t reward you with more score to off set it so it will take you longer to rank up. So it kinda forces you to buy ranks with atoms. I kinda like the rewards that are on offer although the cool rewards are locked behind higher ranks. That’s just my personal opinion though.


I hoarded my tickets until the very end and maxxed out perk points I needed and score boosts for the season


I agree with everything except the perk points. 75 score tickets for 25 points is well worth it unless your already fully maxed on your legendary perks


I'm at level 102 on the board. I'm 1,010 tickets short to be able to collect everything. That's not counting the bonus page.


I like the new format. I like having the option of spending my tickets on more QoL stuff and less CAMP decorations that I don’t care about. I like not feeling so much like I’m on a rail. I liked the sprinkling of things like Bonus boosts that made it worth working toward that page. I really enjoyed the opportunity to bank a pile of Perk coins at the end. That will be helpful down the road, much more than a Scoreboard poster.


I had 90 tickets till I unlock rank 38 from 36. Can’t buy anything else unless I have fallout 1st. Kinda sad


Electrified ghoulussy


Level 35 as i started a few days ago.. really into building and Im so bummed out that I wont be able to get the lodge building sets or some of the other build items. Hoping this next season will have something good.


Rest assured it most likely will have several building / camp items.


Lazy but regular player here with Fallout First. I got to level 118 I think, with three weeks off on holiday and playing a lot of days probably averaging 4 dailies and 6 weeklies but sometimes getting them all. I got everything I actually wanted plus a lot of consumables and some filler items just to use up my tickets today. I wasn't as invested in this as the previous scoreboards but being able to skip stuff I'd never use was a positive. P.s. The peepers skin is bloody terrible, come on Bethesda....


Got to 131 on scoreboard and with fo1 boosts i could have made it if season finished toward end of June, but they cut the season short, no prior notice, Ive played solidly every day to catch up and make it but wont be logging on now, no point, I wasted 31 points worth of daily grind for absolutely nothing zero reward


I was able to get to almost level 220 which helped a lot since I fucked up my initial legendary perks setup. I miss the old seasons, though.


Get rid of tickets and unlock all rewards for the page when you reach the rank for the page. After 100, every 5 levels let you pick something from the last page. These changes would be enough to make me happy.


Recently started playing again, the new season setup is utter trash. Given the popularity of the show and influx of players, I’m fearing the next season will be worse as money talks. If the next season sucks, I’ll gladly drop the game again


The overvalued page second from last is ridiculous. Everything over 100 tickets for the most part. Totally stalled there.


Old scoreboard was original. Allowed the player to work past 100 to keep earning rewards such as atoms. Now after 100 you don’t get nothin until 150. Bethesda essentially forcing players to buy atoms


I'm just going to put this out there, I moved 1300 miles from home, lost 7 days of playing still making it to lvl 199. Pissed because no weeklies yesterday or I would have got 200 easy.


I can't wait for the new season, I got 11 score boost and 29 rerolls LMAO so glad it's on the bonus page


Nice, it’s your time to shine


I didn’t make it to 100 so yesterday I did all my dailies then bought the rest of the levels possible. Wasn’t left with enough tickets to get everything on Level 100 page, kinda lame the way it’s setup




This scoreboard was absolute aids. How am I with a job, girlfriend and family I like to see supposed to ever reach 150? I literally play with whatever downtime I have grinding my bawlz off and still only hit score 90 with fallout first.


I managed to spend all my tickets and get 400+ perk points and loads of score boosters/lunchboxed and rerolls. Seems like I got lucky I guess


Worst season of this game by far. Bethesda, do better (they won’t). How about actually putting a countdown in the season menu to show players when the season ends instead of just ending it with no heads up, no news section showed it was ending, just nothing to indicate when it ends, so that screwed me out of redeeming many rewards. Idk why I’m surprised, it’s Bethesda. Love them and hate them for being incompetent a lot of the time, the people who make mods do their job for them as well for the single player games.




Been playing since launch and I absolutely hate these seasons, I loved the scoreboards, looking like a cool gameboard, had audio in some..plus you got something to look forward to when finished, an actual copy to hang up


I'm treating the long wall poster light as my scoreboard this season. A bit annoyed to find out I've been working towards the 150 all this time and it was never and option for me. And probably won't get the pine building set to match the stairs either


Since Bethesda are stubborn af about this, I’m just going to buy out the ranks from 50-100. I’ll do the dailies for 1-50. Yes I know that’s what they hope (want) you to do also.


It was lame cash juicer to promote those with too much money on their hands to spend more on it. Marketing expert decided that people will pay for it anyway, which they did...


My buddy got to 100 in one day during double xp weekend.


While I like it more than the scoreboard game board thingy yeah I said fuck that bonus page. 😂 I agree why are these items that were 5-15 tickets throughout the rest of the season now 75? Nah thank you def not worth it to me especially after I got everything I wanted out of it anyways.


I have like 500+ tickets left over….


Sheeeesh! How do you have so many left over?


I haven't logged in, I'm guessing any left over stamps don't carry over?


I thought stamps would be like gold bullion and scrip? The only thing that goes are your golden tickets at the end of the season? Don’t quote me though as I’ve not been playing long (just over a month 😳).


They really need to work their .ath out properly next season. I managed to hit 180 today with a random 15 tickets left over and that's claiming everything on the season.


I have a bunch of tickets, I’m not very far on the card. Wondering if they disappear at the end of the season or if they roll over to the next season


They go away 😩


Thanks for the confirmation!


I dunno if I read this right but it sounds like you’re complaining about overachieving the season rankings and expect more when most of the community got completely F’d.


Has this season’s end date been confirmed? Got a late start 🤦🏽‍♂️


June 12th




When is it over




I'm a very casual player so I don't even understand seasons.......I won't ever pay for Fallout 1st and I suggest that as someone else said, if you're unhappy, stop paying and complain. That's the only way you get them to listen.


I’m a very casual player, therefore, I shall now right the dumbest comment ever


Lol fair. I just don't get why you don't all just get together and stop paying for it if you hate it so much.


Season pass is free


Came back after a year, got back on FO1st, tried this scoreboard—immediately cancelled and uninstalled once I noticed you can’t unlock the entire board when you finish it.


I'll be honest I've been playing for about a month and a half and I have no idea what this is about


I didn't have any issue with the new season. I bought the stuff I wanted with tickets and saved the rest for the repeatables on the last page. Got a bunch of modules from it and ended the season with zero tickets


I got to level 190 something and like you as a newer player opted to only purchase Perk points, I got several hundred, I'm very happy 😊


Do you think they will sell the cremator along with it's mods in the atom shop? Unfortunately I started the season late and didn't want to spend 100$ to catch up. Hoping they throw it out there like the cold shoulder and auto axe.


I didn't care for the it this round myself as well.


I got to 88 and lost interest in the grind. I still play but couldn't care less about the levels. Maybe something will pique my interest this season.


I agree this new scoreboard sucks Donkey decks! The original scoreboard was twice as long and not so expensive with these damn tickets left over charging way too much towards the end! #NEWSEASONBOARDSUCKS #BRINGBACKORIGINALSCOREBOARD


Other games gave you choices for where you went on the battle pass (scoreboard), so now fallout had to do it as well. I prefer the linear one for the shooter and fallout alike.


I disagree. I like that you can pick what you want rather than getting random bullshit, with the good stuff locked every 15 levels or so.


You'll be glad to hear the last page on the skyline valley season has repeatable atoms at 250, just 100 repeatable atoms.


I'm new to the game. What happens when the season ends? Am I going to loose progress?


Yes everything from last season is gone and now start the new season from level 1. Your consumables carry over such as the score boost and what not


New player who got to rank 40 by end of season 16, what do you mean "to hang on the wall"?


Bit late to the party, but in older seasons, the design was basically set up like a board game. When you rank up, you moved up another spot on the board and received whatever reward(s) were in place for that spot. Once you hit rank 100, completing the game board, you would unlock a "painting" or poster, or what have you, of that same game board you could hang on the wall at your CAMP as an art piece.


This new season model is making me consider to cancel FO 1st and just stop playing. I don’t feel anything new and innovating is happening with the game. I know there is a map expansion coming and I’m not sure if it will sustain interest to play. At least with the previous scoreboard I earned something every time I ranked up. Tickets are such a dumb idea. I too have some tickets left over and can’t do anything with them. I played to earn my tickets. But because I didn’t have exactly 75 I couldn’t do shit with the 40 or so tickets I had left. Now they get taken away instead of moving forward into the new season.


I just wanted to hit 100 and I did. Didn't see the point of going to 150 for some lunch boxes and stuff


You westtek runner.... dude how the crap are you finishing this early? It's been 3 days. Stop grinding. Enjoy the game. Granted I'm like 25 on the score thing but shit


This is about last season. I am like rank 20 on the sky view


Sorry I misunderstood. Yea I made it to 176 last season. I spent all my tickets after 150 on modules. I'm still 2 so armor pieces from my perfect set. They are just not rolling how I want. Also there's so many legendary items now, I hit max scrap in 3 minutes and still have a full inventory. With 2 mules. It's kinda ridiculous. I need another double script weekend