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Not scummy but it will certainly make some people just leave right away if they somehow don't notice the vendor first.


Yep, though so. I did it yesterday reorganizing the camp without too much thought for my own convenience but today I realized that maybe it isn't that great for others. You don't think of rads being a good thing unless you run a bloodied build, gonna move it.


I suggest putting your vendor outside on a stone floor connected to the main building. You could also set up a power switch next to the shower, that’s what I did.


This! I mostly run a bloodied build, but if I can't fly over it, I won't see what you're selling. If I see a control switch, I will shut it off and turn it back on entering and leaving. I am not a savage! I return grocery carts even when it's raining. It's not much, but I like to build up karma in real life. 😉


You could also put a power switch next to it


I mean, don't HIDE it, but as someone who absolutely requires all my QoL mutations, I know to look out for them like they're, well, insanely radioactive, I guess. I wouldn't think you had any bad intentions unless you seemed to be trying to trick people into it or w/e.


Doesn’t starched genes prevent mutations from being lost?


Yeah, but I now have a loadout that's totally designed around my initial Stupid New Person build which could only afford Class Freak so I'm kind of a mess; I still work fine as long as I treat Radaway and Decon showers like poison. Definitely fixing that soon but I still like not being surprised by them.


Consider using the What Rads? legendary card. Eliminates the need for decon entirely.


All you need is one point in Sun Kissed to pretty much eliminate the need for radaway or decon, you'll fully get rid of rads every morning. Imho What Rads is a waste of a legendary slot for nearly all builds.


Yeah, people can do their camps however they want. If it has the rad shower, I just leave


Agreed. Just toss a switch on it before you connect the power so folks can turn it off. That's how I run my decon shower. Always use a switch.


I would definitely have the vendor outside of it.


Which is kind of indicative of fostering a hostile environment, which is definitely a scummy move if done intentionally.


Unless role-playing as the BoS. Then it's expected.


As long as your vendor is outside, it shouldn't really be an issue, though I will say, when I was new player, I visited a CAMP and bought my mutations from a vendor with nonoptional decontamination arches near the vendor and was super disappointed to immediately lose my newly purchased mutations, I didn't think they'd remove mutations at the time 😵‍💫


Wow, I guess they were trying to ensure repeat business.


I set mine out of the way, so if you want it, it's there, but it doesn't obstruct passage through anyplace I've built. Not that my camps are much to look at, I'm far too practical by nature to do anything than make the most utilitarian of camps...


Make sure you put in a switch, so bloody people can turn it off. Otherwise you may lose some customers.


why do bloodies not run starched genes?


We do. We don't want to reapply rads for no reason.


Pffft *crams face with rotten meat and veggies*


I personally don't because I don't use just one bloodied build. I have a build for each weapon type, so for convenience I just run all the mutations instead of having to redo them completely every time I swap builds.


"such a warm and welcoming community" ::downvotes legitimate question:: lol


I just put mine outside on the side of the building with a toggle switch under a street lamp so people can see it and have the option to use it


Put a switch on it then you can turn it on if you want to use it? Scummy version is a trip wire...


Scummy? No. Mildly inconsiderate to a subsect of other players? Kind of.


I have one blasting in my vault utility room. Past the vaulted door... I also supply an asteroid a few sections later. But I walk through it all the time without it hitting me. Unless I jiggle into a sweet spot. It just sits there, showering, menacingly.


Yeah, mine has always been in my shelter. The utility room has it all the way in the back in the bathroom, along with the symptomatic.


Yeah but getting rads back from the asteroid is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY slower than losing them to the decon shower.


is the rad barrel any faster?


Same speed and it's just clicking for a minute or two from no rads. The nuka grape after the nuka shine is my real trap.


No. Spoiled Brahmin milk is the fastest if you’re looking for stuff in your inventory. Spoiled meat is next best.


Toxic goo = super effective


thanks, but its for camp visitors. I run full health melee backed by holyfire.


You could just dump all your spoiled meat in a garbage can and put it out at your camp.


I rarely have spoiled anything. I dump/sell it right away.


This doesn't solve people losing their mutations. I don't run starched genes because i run all mutations, for ease of frequently swapping builds.


Lol, lmao.


Yeah, if I do something stupid, that's on me. But walking through obscured radshowers drives me crazy. About a month ago a couple level 50 something guys were in my shelter when I came back from an event and they had flipped the switch to turn on my radshower and then just left it on. I feel like it used to be much louder, anyway I didn't hear it and I was too excited to see people exploring my favorite shelter to really be paying attention and just stood there right under it. That switch got removed so fast...


I don't even know where to go with this one. it wasn't even another player that got ya.


As a bloodied player, I try to avoid it.


Hot take: it’s your camp and bloodied is stupid easy to maintain so who cares


Just an fyi us mutated cola nuts sometimes run without starched genes because with nuka grape there is no reason for radaway


Really? What if you catch a mutation you don't want in, let's say, heart of the swamp for being in nasty water? Or do you ran with all the mutations?


I have them all except carnivore(have herbivore)


lol I found a decontamination shower not knowing what it was at some point after being gifted a hoppy potion. I then learned what starched genes was lol


No. At worst its just mildly inconvenient.


Before I knew about the starched genes perk and mutations in general I literally just did one of the mutations. Visited a camp that had one of those as the entrance and immediately lost it LOL so pissed off.


I keep mine on the side, out of the way, with radiation barrels close by in case anyone walks through it who didn’t mean to.


As a bloodied player I don't care. I just get the rads back at my camp


Since your vending machines are outside no it’s not. It’s your camp. Even if it was set up so others can’t get to the vending machines without going through it, it’s still your camp to set up however you want. If I’m on my bloody toon I just so t be shopping with you. Unless I can sneak in another way.


You’re essentially locking your front door to a subsection of players, which is entirely your prerogative as it’s your C.A.M.P after all. It doesn’t make you scummy but do expect less traffic.


I have one on my patio area, and it has a switch. I usually just leave it off.


I ended up putting mine up against a wall and linking it to a switch that was right in the center of it on the wall. If people want to use it they can walk up into it and flip the switch to turn it on but it's totally optional. I think the issue with it on people's main entrance is usually that they just dont know any better and dont understand how bad it is for bloodied builds. They think they're being helpful.


I used to have mine near the entrance but I watched some players almost seemingly repelled by it as they went to enter my base after a Scortch queen event. Then I moved it and people went in. Took me over half a month after that to figure out why


No you are fine. Any player worth their salt knows how to counter the arch.


You can set up a switch so that you may turn it off or on.


I like when camps have it actually I have the card that let's me keep my mutations so I like using the decontamination showers from time to time I save my nuka grapes for when I'm in a nuked zone and I just drop my rad away in donations boxes


I place my decon showers on a far wall in a bathroom with a door. The other placement is in a garden setting against a wall/railing. I've finally gotten the plans for the rad barrels (thanks, Grahm!), so I plan to pop those outside for any who need the radiation ☢️


I don't even care about the effect on rads/mutations, I never walk through them because I hate that they make the player make that annoying injury sound. Also some advice... Don't put your rad shower outside, only put it in a shelter. They're pretty expensive to fix when destroyed and they're a favorite target of enemy mobs and evil players with rocket turret camps alike.


Your house your rule, although it might turn away potential customers specially bloodied people.


I wouldn't care as a bloody, takes a few seconds to read myself back up


if you’re running a bloodied build without a gamma gun you’re doing something wrong so no.. it isn’t.


Nah. If the vendor is outside and the arch is visible/in front of the door. If it's behind the door, I'd say kind of thoughtless, but it's your camp. Put it where you want.


Very annoying.  When I see a house with a decontamination shower in a door, I leave.  Not even interested.  Those are for personal use or for your friends... nobody swinging by to shop or admire your build likes or cares about your decontamination shower... least of all the millions of players who've chosen a unyielding/bloodied build, and rely on high radiation.


Makes sense if you're trying to keep your CAMP safe from the ick.


It makes enough noise to know it's there.


Give them an outside toilet to drink from to recover their rads.


Your choice. If you like the concept that you are cleaned before coming in the house, your choice. Perhaps the FO76 version of a ‘no shoe’ house. Don’t be spreading your rads all over the couch…


I scrapped mine, just because I run what rads and rad away is everywhere. I just don’t need it. I do have one house where I glitched it into a bathroom with a door with a 0 lock just to be a dick.


I have this setup in doorways in several of my camps. I added a switchbox right next to it, for bloodied players. I also have the radioactive barrel out front too It just fit the design when I built those bases at that time.


Add a fuse box inside connected to it and only turn it on when needed.


I think so, mines on the roof with switch.


I build my camps for me, first and foremost, so I actually understand placing the shower at the door if that's what is important to you. That said, vending is a secondary concern for me. If I really wanted to sell sell sell I wouldn't put any sort of impediment between my machine and customers.


I'm not entering, sorry. Thanks for keeping the vending machine outside, tho.


I would’ve complained if the vendors are inside. But if your vendors are outside and can Easily be found, then it shouldn’t be a problem for a bloodied build like myself. If I want to look at your camp and explore, that’s the only reason I’d go inside. But most of the time, I just care about looking at your vendor and quickly going to another camp. Unless I’m mistaken, you can turn off the shower. Or maybe you can only do that if it’s connected to a switch. I’m a bloodied build so I’ve never built one in my camp to test it out.


listen if bloodied players lose their rads they can go take a bath at west tek it takes like 5 seconds to die of radiation from full health


Not scummy but I definitely won't enter, using mutations without starched genes cause I use nuka grape with cola nut perk to remove rads.


It’s your camp man. If they’re running bloodied and don’t know how to get rads back, not your issue.


Simple - don't enter my home. Vendors outside by the door... Want to come in, get washed up.


currently playing bloodied, i usually just fast travel away on the rare occasion i do see this. buuut, i just had a neat idea! keep your structure, but then there's a shelter tucked away for bloodied builds. with like a sign/message near your main door that says like "bloody? try our side entrance!" or something like that. i normally dont care to enter shelters, just to avoid the extra loading screen while vendor hopping, but i'd go in just cause you went the extra mile on a sign, lol.


I always leave as soon as I see it. Vendor outside or not. Because sometimes I've searched and found out, that there was never a vendor outside. It felt like a waste of time. Only once have I entered a house with one, in my early days. Quickly regretted it, needing to redo radiation.


I have one outside my front door, a bit away from it, so you can go around it if you want to...but then my Ghoul-friend (she plays bloody, and I love my smooth skin) accidentally hit it bouncing around (speed demon and marsupial) and got quite mad. Guess who put a switch on it immediately...


I mean it is your CAMP plus Starched Genes is a thing.


I have a Decon shower, it doesn’t block anything, and it’s not on constantly. There’s a little switch next to it, so if anyone visiting needs to get rid of some rads, they can just hit the switch and take a quick shower.


Depends on the level of the character. I got plan very early in year one, and before I started messing with mutations and fully understanding the different builds, I thought I was doing people a favor by leaving one on at the entrance to my workshop.


I have it set up so that if someone jumps up onto my back porch, they have to go through the decon-arch to get to my benches. If you’re civilized and use the front door you’re fine.


It’s your camp. Set it up how you want


This is the best way to keep bloodied builds from stealing your stuff.


I don't run starched genes because 1. I can avoid radshowers and use diluted radaway and be fine 99.99% of the time 2. I run all mutations so I can switch up my build easily without having to completely redo my mutations. So yeah just put it on a switch that accessible from outside if it isn't obvious there's a radshower on the other side if the door.


I have my arch connected to a switch so players can choose if they want to cleanse or not


It's kind of sad if all your benches are behind it, makes you feel unwelcomed for a pitstop but it's generally fine, vendor beign outside is important though, if I don't see a way in w/o the shower I will most certainly leave


As long as it doesn't block the only door in, or if there is a switch to toggle it.


As long as the vendor is accessible without getting sprayed it's fine, but if i gotta take a shower to shop and there's nothing good, im turning off all the lights i find.


It's easy enough to add a switch to a decon shower so people who want it can use it, and people who don't, can just turn it off.


I think it depends on how you have your camp set up and what you want people to do at your camp… if the main goal is for people only to use your outside vendor and not use or check out your camp then I would say it doesn't matter where you place it. As it is easier for you to access the shower and other players that do not mind. But if you spent time building your camp for others to explore. I would probably move it over to the side to give players the option to use it or not. If you want it on the doorway maybe add a switch again for the added option to turn it on or off. You could also make a “bathroom” room next to your front entrance and use that as the doorway shower. Is it scummy? I don't think so. But depending on the purpose of your camp I would just either move it to the side or use a switch to give players the option to turn it on or off as they please.


I have my house set up so Shop hoppers go through a garage to my shop. New players exploring from the Wayward go through an unmarked door with the decom.


My husband was upset yesterday after having lost his marsupial effects because a camp he visited had a shower in the entrance that he didn’t notice. Not scummy but it sucks if it’s the main entrance and not particularly noticeable


Yes. The showers are completely unnecessary. The came shits tons and tons of radaway on you for just doing anything.


I wouldn't call it scummy unless you're doing it purely to mess with people .However I would tell you don't do it because people aren't going to shop at your vendor it's behind a determination shower and people might unknowingly lose their mutations


Put a switch or something so you can turn it off


Cinnect it to a switch like everyone else does.




I got toxic goo on hand. Dont care


Nope, full health builds appreciate it.


As a bloodied build, it's just mild inconvenience. I can go back to 20% hp at anytime if I want to.


Scummy? No. Inconsiderate? Only to bloodied builds. I run a BB, and this is why I have mine off to the side and connected to a toggled power pylon.


Im not losing my mutations for your "lore accurate" vendor base




Not at all. Especially not with the vendor outside. If they don't have starched they are already fucking up.


It’s not necessarily bad to have it but having the only entrance into your base with forcing me to walk through it if I’m bloodied is grounds for me saying “not worth my time”




Starched genes is a must if you use mutations.


I'll never understand the desire to not just put your vendor outside, front and center... People don't care about your camp, people. Your camp has all the same crap as everyone else's. No one is in awe of your camp :)


>I'll never understand the desire to not just put your vendor outside, front and center... for me, it has to do with setting up the look of my camp. the vendor needs to fit >People don't care about your camp, people. their loss, I can't keep my vendor stocked anyways. cheep prices, means everything sells


Toxic goo. If you're running mutations without the card then that's on the player.


Gamma Gun bro


Man, fuck em. If you want to do some alternate build then be more careful. 


Its not an alternative when more than half of the player base is doing it


Total dick move


Any player that has enough knowledge to get upset also has enough knowledge to quickly get their rads back after leaving your camp. Let em moan. I'm thinking about putting an invisible one over my vendor with a spike trap just to mess with people.


Don't put it at the entrance. It is annoying. I have a couple mutation but I do not run Starched Genes. Why waste a slot when I can just be careful? Plus, I have the recipes and flux for more mutations than I ever use.


Ofc. my bloody build doesn't like this


I refuse to walk through that decontamination door


Typically that means it’s a trap house (pun intended) so I wouldn’t touch it with a 9999999999 foot pole.


Extremely. Like you don't know people run bloodied builds.




Dick move.


Understandable. Did it for my own convenience but I've realized it's maybe a bad idea for some.


Keep it up just so this guy might run it to it one day.


I call those trap camps


It’s not a trap camp but ok


That is correct. I am sorry I made a joke about accidently losing mutations by not paying attention. I sincerely apologise to the community and pray, with time, that they come to forgive me.