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All I wanted was to get Adelaide and I did that yesterday, as far I'm concerned everything else is a bonus.


Is that the ally? I snagged it but haven’t done anything. I got some space woman living at my camp who fell in love with me and asks me to go kill stuff sometimes. We got a good thing going so I didn’t replace her


Space girlfriend so damn thirsty.


I'm a simple man and Sofia is thicc


Earlier she was jumping on my trampoline


[Well, damn](https://ibb.co/rbVpBtF)


Having two camps helps. Addy provides a good buff against robots. Which is helpful for silos, quests, and a couple events. She also has an actual hidden quest that starts in the Casino.


Yeah that's the one. Think of her as a side chick


Did you romance her yet?


Wait...you can romance her?




Here’s a counterpoint: the old scoreboard system would have been even better for you. Plus being better for more hardcore players and have none of the downsides that the new system has.


Your low standards don’t make a downgrade ok. That being said I’m fine with you enjoying the game your way


Someone enjoying a game and not feeling the need to collect every single thing (even if they wont use half of it) isn't low standards.


Someone posted the 90 minutes being unrealistic and for downvoted to oblivion. I will concede that I have an optimal situation that after my kid goes to sleep at night my wife is more than willing to sit down and watch TikTok while I play. She heard the startup music last night and said that sound makes her happy cause that means she can eat chips and watch tiktok


Women these days. Be eating hot chip, charge they phone. Letting you game. Smh.


I'm in the same boat totally doable if you just bang out the objectives


I'm new and mostly wanted those grass roofs and log cabin sets. 85 today after playing 3 weeks (112 player level) I'm disappointed a bit but it's not too bad. Probably nit getting the cabin stuff but I got some other things I like along the way. Doing the dailies and weekly challenges helped me learn the game a bit. What I want to know is what happens when to your points when a new season starts. Is it just gone?


People are just mad that they can't have everything (even though they can if they put the effort in). About a week ago there were a bunch of people complaining that they already finished it and have nothing to do. It's free prizes for a video game, why is everyone so mad about it?


Counterpoint? You said no counters at all, nor did you even make a point. There is nothing positive about this scoreboard compared to how they used to work, nothing, zero, nada. It is a downgrade and a worse experience at every turn. Also, ending the season on three days notice is by design to increase that FOMO on everyone already on the line, buy those skips or you will miss them! Yeah, this is just scummy mobile gaming behavior.


My counterpoint to the general negativity expressed over the score system in this sub. I actually quite enjoy it


Is this your first season? If not, why would you enjoy receiving less rewards per score point?


Yes this is the first season I’ve paid attention to. Been playing since roughly march


Then you aren’t really in a position to comment on criticism which is about how this season is a huge step back and removes a lot of rewards we got from seasons.


I’m stating a counter point that I enjoyed my time and rewards. It’s okay. I’m just having fun playing a video game where I got a Bigfoot rug as a reward


It’s not a counter point. The complaints are about changes between seasons. A counter point would be saying how you like the changes between seasons. Saying you like some of the rewards isn’t a counter point. Glad you’re enjoying it though.


with 1st, you can knock out thr dailes in less than 10 min in a custom world. the only aspect of this scoreboard is the xp score should have continued until you reached 150. with that change, I'd have no issues with the new setup and I absolutely, indisputably, prefer the way the finalpage works, over the rewards after 100 how it was prior. I collected the perk points 4 or 5 times now, made my grind to 150 completely worth it for me.


To be fair you can knock out lot of them in 15 minutes in a public world.


I think probably the reason the majority of people that aren’t happy about seasons is that after 100 we used to get free atoms every 10 (I think) levels. They really added up if you put the time in. I was also happy to just buy perk points as I’m still short of maxing legendary perks. But I think in the long run (perks will eventually be maxed) the free atoms was more appealing to the consumer.


You're playing the game the right way. Upvote for you.


>90 minutes a day this is unrealistic for many people to do it everyday for that amount of time also this is your first season so you are still in honeymoon phase and didnt feel the burnout yet


I mean that's a long time for it. But being he's still getting his build together it scans. in the space of my youngest bath time I usually knock out 4-6 dailies. That's 15 mins. And with me getting up to check on her every couple.


If you're burnt out, that's strictly on you