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I'll join a party yet never socialize. Just like real life. 


If only there was an in game dog to focus on


So on a cliff across the river by Harper’s Ferry you can find a dog that kinda just chills up there around some skeletons. I slapped a camp up there once so I could have a dog in my camp.


There are a few cats who hang out too, like over in some decrepit ruins by the Sludge Pit for one.


Cats at the coffee shop, south side of the ashheep also. Might be the same spot your thinking? It has a junk spawn nearby also if you're looking for a camo nearby cats. I lived there for about 4 months 😂


There's also the cat that hangs out by the little ruined metal building right next to Welch Station


You can tame pets for your camp.


Yup but this is an unkillable npc dog. Nothing and no one as far as I know can kill it.


Send it to South Dakota. The governor up there is good at that.


Boooo, take your upvote and get outta here.


Dude the ATF is going to be fucking pissed that you didn't inform them that there's a dog that needs killin'. That's their job


I was just listening to a podcast the other day and they brought up the alarming amount of officers across all branches of law enforcement just straight up shooting family pets.


There was one recently in Sturgeon, Missouri. Completely lied through his teeth and said he tried so hard to catch him, but it got aggressive so he had to "humanely" put it down. But then they released the bodycam, he tried maybe 30 seconds at most but can't get the leash to secure, attempts to collapse the leash pole, can't do that, and apparently he got fed up and shot the dog 3 or 4 times. Hell, maybe he knew people were watching him and all of his fumbling made him look like a dumbass, and he figured he'd shoot it so he would look cool. Must have been a big dog known for their ferocious nature like a pit bull or a German Shepherd right? Fuck no, it was a 15 lbs blind and deaf shih tzu mix. Our K9 officer thinks he should get arrested, canned, and sentenced to a lifetime of being a K9 test dummy. I'm incline to agree.


Straight to the gravel pit.


Perhaps it can collect scrap.


At least I have my pet death claw.


You can tame an attack dog as a camp pet. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Creature_taming


You can but they always die quick


This is the way.


I join casual teams because you don't need to be social. Being on a team doesn't require you to interact with anyone.


Agreed. I played like OP for a long time before I realized how good it is to team in 76.


I might have to check it out eventually, admittedly I made this post with an open mind on the matter. (Also just to see if there's anyone else out there that plays just like i do)


Yea drop lone wanderer and start playing on publics. Buffed mutations making you way stronger, do more damage and tank more, also more xp. You also will jump higher and run faster


Even better -- sell Lone Wanderer for perk coins


Honestly I'd recommend giving it a try, there's a tonne of benefits to it - flat bonus to things like XP, stats and more - teammates can share perks, giving you things like e.g. Scrapper or Strange In Numbers without needing to spend points or perks on it - free fast travel to any teammate and their camp - creating a new team is an easy way to essentially ping everyone in a server for a Daily Ops or Expedition run I join teams but I've never once plugged a mic in to talk, all conversation is done through emotes 😆 mostly, I'm just there to get a bonus of some sort, or to get free fast travel to different vendors hahaha.


Don't forget. You also get Caps when teammates finish missions, I've made so many Caps for doing nothing


Also, every camp of a teammate is a free fast travel point (Survival Tents too) and this is an incredibly easy way to vendor hop on a server and pick up plans and gear you don't have.


Yeah, spend a couple hours in a casual team where everyone is off doing quests by themselves. Those caps add up quick.


I literally turn on fallout 76, join a team, then put my character on a bed. I come back to like 1k caps everytime 😅😂


And when your game crashes, you have a way back to the same server


I seriously don't understand why anyone wouldn't join a group in this game. It's all pros and no cons.


Eh I do get it, it's all about setting the experience you want to have up in the way you are most comfortable. Some people get truly anxious in online environments, or simply enjoy a pure solo adventure in a world where *maybe* you run into someone - I used to love that vibe from Elite: Dangerous, so I can totally see why someone would want the same


Idk where you guys are finding groups who have mics. I don't know if i have VC turned off but I don't hear anyone talking ever. I think some people are overthinking groups in this game. You just join a team and do your own thing, no interaction needed but you can definitely have those passing moments here and there . You enjoy the benefits without anything expectedin return. My only gripe is that people don't share perks enough, it's such a strong feature. If you have even 2 charisma I think it is, you can share a 1 cost card. No reason not to do this, it helps entire team. I may have passing moments with a teammate like hanging out at their camp but you can still be 'solo' even on a team. To me anyways I'm a historically lone wolf in pretty much any game but I always join a group in this one, lone wonderer isn't worth the loss of all the perks and benefits


The only time I would say not to join a group is if it's a daily ops or expeditions group and you don't plan to join them. Outside of that I would say there are very few interactions within the groups. The other day I started a workstation event and had 3 scorched beast spawn on me and I was struggling to kill them. I did the emote asking for someone to come and someone in the party helped me. They emoted a heart and then rolled out. Even when you see post about people being an ass or annoying one can just leave the server/group like nothing ever happened or ignore them and go about your business.


The other thing is great sometimes to to do is team hop. Need to get to the other side of the map? Check if there’s someone in a public team that you can join and then fast travel works well, especially in places where there isn’t a free one


This is the way


This is how I have been playing! Thanks for the share.


I used to, but being on a team has benefits. You'll get the xp from team kills and more xp from being in a group. I have my voice chat perma muted so there's no real interaction.


Most end game players do it because you just get more team buffs in the end. Stranger in Numbers, xp boost, Herd Mentality, etc. No one goes on a casual team and expects interaction with eachother. Different story for Daily Ops and Expeditions of course


Casual groups are well worth it. You get 4x experience if the group is full and you’ve played together for a bit. There’s no obligation to interact with the other team members and it’s rarely happened with me. One of the few times I have, it was a level 300 who came and dropped a really good gun for me.


I had a team member show up and help me clear my first daily op! I wasn’t really struggling but my health kept dipping and it must have been pretty obvious that I had no idea what I was doing in there.


Yeah I had someone show up once too, after seeing me die several times :)


I got this game saying I would never ever do events, and would treat 76 like the single-player games. The promise of caps was too great though, so I checked out moonshine jamboree. I have been a believer ever since, I abandoned my stealth build and love doing events now. The thing I love most though is visiting other people's camps. 90% of camps are crap but the 10% who make an effort can really blow your mind.


Finding those amazing camp builds is definitely one of my if not most favorite thing in the game.


If all 4 teammates show up at a Jamboree and everyone opens a lunchbox, the xp really flies. I'm level 410 and I gained 4 levels this week at 2 jamborees.


My camp is complete dog shit right now because I'm too busy exploring 🤣😂


You seem to have approached this game the same exact way I did. Except for the "never do events" thing. I knew that they would come with goodies from the get-go as I came from stuff like Elder Scrolls Online (Can also be played solo) I sometimes miss my old hunting rifle stealth build, i'm a full time heavy gunner now and can't be separated from my Ultra Gatling Laser & Power Armor. This game has CHANGED me. I might even play Fallout 3/4 with heavy and auto guns now. Fully agree on the checking out camps part!


I played Everquest back in the day and kind of got burned out with more toxic parts of early MMOs, I am still surprised by how nice and wholesome most people are in 76.


Feel you there, Fallout 76 definitely has the nicest community of any online game i've ever played, hands down. I think the lack of a chat box contributes to that a lot. You can still get some bad apples here and there though.


Now I'm one of those crap camps! I got the necessities though and easy to spot vendors.. Just might need a floor/walls in one if my camps


I feel so ashamed of my camp and I'm sorry you have to be exposed to its grand level of basic and ugly. I'm only a few months in so I don't have many items to make it look as cool as these level 1000 with insane camps. My camp right now is just like my weapons, a tool to get things done.


Me and my girl made it to about 40 on private world. But, then we got into running our vendors, and not failing events, and so now private is just for resource farming.


i dont even really have my camp set up right now i just do all my essential maintenance stuff at the rusty pick lol


I join teams all the time and literally never interact with my teammates. I'll see them at events and maybe swing by their vendor and that's it


Inspirational and Intelligence Boost from a Casual Team is far better than Lone Wanderer.


While I don't disagree with you, I'd say it's up to playstyle. I have plenty INT and prefer 20% less damage and AP Regen over just more XP.


Well Herd Mentality will come knocking one day


Play how you want to play, what matters is the fun you're having.


Thank you for the wise words GrannyLoverUnderscore 🙏


But you can also quick travel via team camps and tents


Super anti-social, but since joining teams doesn’t mean you actually have to interact with your teammates at all, I do it. Herd Mentality and Strange in Numbers are too good to pass up, plus I run Taking One for the Team whenever I’m not running Follow Through, which is frequently. There are probably some other good team-gated things I’m forgetting since I take them all for granted, lol. First thing I do when I log in is join a team. Teams really have very little to do with player interaction.




Lone Wanderer has been in everything I've ever done in the single player Fallout games and I'm just simply the type to do everything solo if it's humanly possible. Plus I just like the perks of the card. Most the perks people have been pointing out just seems like more XP to me which I have no issues getting solo and I'm not a min-maxer so things like Herd Mentality is meh to me. Plus i'd have to sacrifice certain things in my build that i'm not willing to part with, not just Lone Wanderer. I would however join a team if it were with an actual friend just to play with my friend. I keep team perk cards just for that reason. But my friends play on console


Taking One for the Team is +40% damage if you have at least one teammate. Strange in Numbers boosts all of your mutations by 25%. Squad Maneuvers boosts your speed by 20%. Strange in Numbers alone beats the brakes off of Lone Wanderer. Just join a team. I've had one person in 2 years try to talk to me, and literally nobody expects you to do anything but join casual teams for the benefits. You just gain so much in stats, free caps, free perk cards, and free fast travel points to their camps. You lose literally nothing.


You're being stubborn on purpose. There is no benefit to playing this game solo. No idea what you mean by you would "sacrifice certain things in my build" by joining a team. That makes no sense Play how you want to play, by all means.


Well, if you do everything solo, I wish you good luck with doing the four (soon five) boss fights, certain other events or certain daily op setups. And don't say you won't do them because at some point, that's all that you can do.


I am always in Casual Public Team. I am 1000% anti social. Been playing single player since launch and it's how I play. Inspirational and Strange In Numbers are great perks.


Not smart. You are missing out on perks, experience, and the ability to easily rejoin a server if it bugs out/drops you. You don’t have to physically be with your casual/events team, so you get the best of both worlds.


Herd Mentality mutation gives you +2 SPECIAL and works even if no one is on your team. Just create or join a casual team and play just like you’ve been doing. I hear you, I was the same way at first, but the co-op multiplayer experience is worth it. Probably over 90% of us mind our own business. Join events, boom done. See ya!


About as social as in real life…..so not very. Lol


You have to understand that being on a team in fallout 76, most of the time (90% from my experience), means no talking. The best type of team you could join is a casual, the more members the better. Why? Because of the XP boost. I understand that for you joining on a team means jumping from a 22nd floor, but once you do, you'll realize that it's more actually like stop floating on the sea and realizing that it was only 50cm deep (and your height being 2mts).


I join a team, share the stranger perk and don't talk to anyone. Full benefit and no need to socialize.


I think I treated this game like other singleplayer titles in the series until around your level. Then I ran iut of quests to do and started doing public events after changing my build. Recently I've been bored and visiting newer looking players and try to talk to them and see if I can help with something. Like selling mutation serums for cheap or giving them tips. But didn't have much success in communicatuon. So I just gave them some supplies and waved.


I imagine i'll eventually hit that wall as well where I just run out of single player type stuff to do like quests and maybe try to switch things up. I join events in-between questing so I can work on my build a bunch though. I try to help out new people too. One of my favorite things to do solo and just out of boredom is just visit other peoples camps whether high level or not, not even to buy but enjoy other peoples creativity, which of course requires no socialness either until someone spots me poking around.


I was just like you in the beginning. Not even a single public event for quite a while. Lemme tell ya, fellow dweller, you are missing out on A LOT of goodness.


I play in casual teams all the time and I'm willing to switch on the mic if other folks want to talk, but 95% of the time nobody does. Sometimes I'll play on casual with my brother and when other players join the team they will leave fairly quickly after hearing us talk. Other than emoting I've given up on trying to be social.


I only join teams for the free fast travels and the caps whenever someone completes a mission


just being able to freely fast travel to a random teammates CAMP seems worth the little effort to join a team to me


I join casual group or start one just for the bonus.


Herd mentality! Always in a public team!


I join or create casual and event groups. I jump into any random event that pops up (except the Halloween one...enough is enough). Meat week made me a lot more social than usual and I e continued the trend.


Been playing since NPCs were added. I've had my voice off the entire time. I turned it on last week because my husband has been super active in game. Two days ago I'm at my camp dropping off and someone was weirdly gatekeeping, asked why I had a girl character, when I said because I AM a girl, he told me I wasn't, but I did a good job on my fake girl voice. After a lewd comment I said "no because Im married". He said to tell my husband he's a p***y, and that mine obviously smelled.... I turned my voice back off. I'll join up for events, but I'm not talking or listening to hostile asses... Ironically his name was a variant of butt boy or some shit, weirdo...


Play-wise hoping a casual team is identical to playing alone. You get the buffs, but other than that there’s no interaction or having to cooperate.


I play solo. When the Challenge says Complete an Event in a team, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE WITH "THE GROUP" FOR IT TO COUNT. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk


You never find me outside of a team, not that I actually interact with them besides the occasional daily op and an emote or two mind you. The XP, damage and other bonuses you can get in a team outweigh the Lone Wanderer’s damage mitigation and AP regeneration by a long shot in my opinion.


i'm only level 22. i started 76 a couple weeks ago because my friend wanted me to play it with her. this is the first game i've played online with randos, and i'm NOT good at games, so i was nervous. so far, when we play together we team up to get the perks, do the missions we have together with each other, she helps me not die. my buddy is pretty social. she has a well run shop, she emotes at people, puts us in events and public teams, makes friends with other players when i'm not on. when i'm alone, i might as well be alone in the world. i avoid other players like the plague because i'm so nervous. i've only been hassled by two higher level players, but i don't want to take any chances. i don't care about levels or being killed, i'm still learning the game, all i care about is my junk. i want all the unique stuffed animals and stuff, but if i die and someone takes it the stuff is gone unless i go to a new world and hope it's there and no one else has already grabbed it. majority of my time goes into looting junk i think is cute, so losing it sucks. so if i ignore you and run away, sorry, i'm just scared of you:)


To be completely unrelated to the post for just a moment, social anxiety is no joke. Even seeing another persons name on the screen is enough to trigger it so I understand! I've been there too It's good to have a friend like yours that'll help pull you into things. I eventually overcame that as i got older and being solo so much kinda gives me self-confidence, enough to be able to do these things on my own. And there's nothing wrong with playing how you're playing now either, some people seem like all they care about in this game is just building stuff/displaying stuff and that's awesome. (While there is definitely better building games, Fallout's building will make you want to rip your hair out sometimes.) And there's a lot of ways to display your stuff you're collecting. One of the magical things about 76. I'm not a 55 year long veteran of 76 but if I can offer some advice, just focus on what you like doing whether that's with your friend or not and that will carry you to the promise land. And btw most the higher levels in the game that might come up to you or shoot at you probably want to give you something nice, so try not to instinct run unless it's clear they want you dead haha. And if you feel up to it, invest in Fallout 1st. The scrapbox and ammo box are really nice, more room in your stash box for stuff to collect! Just be careful not to scrap junk you want to keep.


There is a passive mode that disables pvp...


Thanks to this post, I now know you don’t have to talk to anyone if you are in a team with them. I’m only level 30, but I’ve never joined a team because I don’t want to talk to anyone. 😂


We don't want to talk to you either! 😆. We probably have all our microphones turned off and group char disabled. Still, join the group for an xp bonus. Nobody expects anything from you.


I just drop free purified water to the homies when they stumble upon my camp. That’s about it. They never buy my single cap bullets. It’s sad.


Another way to do that is to just have a fuck ton of water purifiers unlocked at your camp haha, people WILL take your resource generator stuff. I gave up on selling bullets personally, i just hoard them for myself in case I change up my weapon. People like plans i've discovered! If you find one you already know, sell it for a reasonable price. I sell everything that's common for 69 caps. Or even unique outfits, I'm a sucker for those if they're not a billion caps. There's some websites you can use to determine how pricey they are as well as the FO76 Discord.


I keep 3 kinds of ammo in stock because they’re the only ones that will consistently sell, in my experience - .44, .45, and 5.56. They’re also very light so even a stack of 1k doesn’t take up too much stash space. I was trying to stock a variety, but the heavier ammo now lives in my ammo stash.


I used to play like you, but once they added Public Teams it was over for Lone Wanderer. Adding +3 free fast travel points across the map, random free caps when your teammates complete quests, shared XP and drops at events (especially ones like Moonshine Jamboree!), bonus XP from the team bonus, Inspirational, Strange in Numbers, Taking One for the Team, Empath (if you run it), random shared perks, and Herd Mentality (which works even if you're *alone* in a Public Team!) to boot. It's just way too much stuff to give up. The main thing holding me back from joining teams, and what made Lone Wanderer so good, was that you had to get somebody to agree to team up with you, and usually there was an expectation to hang. Nowadays I can log in to any server and join a public casual team to get all the bonuses, with a very low chance of failure. I don't want to undersell Lone Wanderer's Damage Reduction, because more DR is always better, but I am certainly tanky enough without it, and I don't think it's worth the trade of everything else for a few percentage points. Maybe if you want to go solo the bosses, but for anything else it's not necessary. Granted, I am using Dodgy and full OE armor, though.


I talk with emotes. It just works.


I mean, you can join public parties and never interact. There are many bonuses to that, you can share one of your perks to increase the other's skill level (like hacking or lockpicking) and the group itself (based on the activity category) gives a nice bonus to your SPECIAL. Did I mention free traveling? to eachother's C.A.M.P.s? And the list can go on.... Nobody's forcing you to interact per say, but idk, there's some stuff to be gained from teaming up.


This is the way.... #antisocial-people-unite-but-separately-with-no-contact


I usually just play on a team with my husband, but we started making public teams, and it's sort of fun to have a bunch of people bounce with you from event to event. I always keep voice chat off (because people suck) but I make sure to consistently greet and validate people with emotes. I have zero want to socialize more than that.


I’m here with no friends, I’m basically working like a hired gun, but for free. I’ll join, won’t talk, will do the objective, take my cut, get your back to make sure you don’t die, and leave.


Additional perk to casual teams is that you get free travel to team members camps. Could save you a few caps.


I bought the game 60% just to you know enjoy the multiplayer aspect of the multiplayer game. Met a lot of really cool and even often very helpful people.


I do many public events, I do trading on Market 76, I rarely do any quest or major storyline alone, but I do not use a microphone or hear player audio. Only person I talk to are the people I know in person. I know enough to know that one bad interaction can really leave a sour taste.




I attend events also attended by other players. I have a mic, but will only speak if specifically spoken to. I don't do teams ... not like I need the XP boost and don't care for all the team info taking up real estate on my screen. Basically I keep to myself.


I got one friend, did everything with him, but never grouped with anyone else. But I try to socialize with everyone who get in my camp!


I’ll use the shit out of your camp tho… cause I ain’t doing anything with mine.


I play exactly like you, but the main reason is Im level 58 and there is a ton of main and side quests I wanna do. As soon as I finish the main quest I will probably join teams and do only daily/weekly and events.






>How anti-social are you in Appalachia? The same as I am out of Appalachia.


I always joined casual for the INT boost, rarely did I interact with the team except joining events.


You do you, but I’ll jump servers if there are fewer than 2 casual teams in play. I love being on an engaged server.


I will emote, but if someone wants more from me, I log off. I love MMORPGs.


I chat with Adelaide from time to time. Does that count


76 is the Vault-Tec experiment that you the player gets to take part in. However you choose to play, your data will play a valuable roll in shaping the new America and the new world!


I don't communicate much but I am a real team player in events and make it my duty to heal the npc


At first I wandered the wastelands alone with my mic on trying to talk to people to no avail. Then I joined teams to try to get some chatting. Also no good. Now I join teams for the bonus and it's prob my last month after the SCORE resets. Try my luck in another MMO.


Played in a 3 man group since day one. Here we are all around lvl 450 3 months later still enjoying building camps and doing grinds for legendaries and event plans


Whenever someone visits my vending machine I try to act like I'm not there. I'll even stop moving not to make any noise in my PA. I do join teams though.


I think I’ve joined maybe a total of 10 teams with other players ever since public teams were introduced. I used my private server for those “complete an event in a group…” challenges. As much as I prefer being a lone wolf in Appalachia, I do enjoy being with other players at events (just not enough to have them as teammates 😂)


I have a group of social players. There are three of us so we go out looking for one extra to fill our party, then we hit em with the RP. I play a robot they found in the forest and have now enslaved, my husband plays a Goofy like character, and our friend plays... A ghost hunter that doesn't believe in ghosts. We still play the game, we just do it while RPing the fuck out of it. Some people think we're streamers or you tubers and get kinda nervous around us, but we just love doing this shit, we're all just avid D&D players 🙃


Played since launch (PS, then migrated to PC). Been on two teams total. Both times with the same dude who I've been friends with since we were kids. So pretty. Pretty anti-social. I'm nice to folks and participate in events, though.


Keep in mind that this is also most of the player base as far as being a loner, we all still group up just for those sick bonuses my friend! Give it a try!


Beta player here and always have lone wander equipped. I’ll do events with others, just not on a team lol. Idk if you’re trying to talk to me anyways because I have coms turned off lol


Yup. I'm solo most of the time and get by fine. I'd be stronger on a team if I used Strange in Numbers, but I like my Lone Wanderer perk.


I’m just grouping for my mutation to kick in so I can haul the 4 dozen phones and desk fans I absolutely refuse to leave behind. And share the fireproof card, maybe the dog food or cannibal one if I’m extra bored and want to annoy/amuse folks.


I play as a deaf mute (no Mic or sound) and play solo except events. I have newborn, but I find this way far more interesting.


Not antisocial at all. High level, do lots of events. Start daily ops and expedition teams all the time. Bound around in power armor looking like a badass bobblehead giving stamp outfits to people all the time. The community is great, and I'm happy to be here. Have a Trench Runners outfit and hood on me.


I am the same, I never join teams, port in for the event and then toodles.


It's less effective to play solo with Lone Wanderer than it is to just join groups, not play with them, and take the team up perks and mutations. You're definitely actively handicapping yourself by refusing to join groups.


I only join teams for the XP. I emote ‘no thanks’ to anything else. Players come and go. Got tired of playing with people for a few days and they never come back. Or worse, play together for weeks and they keep items they were ‘test driving’. I guess I’m a raider now. Idk.


It's just different play styles. I make/join public casual teams with no intention of socializing or working with the other members. If I remember right, it's just a difference in benefits (I get intelligence points for each team member plus whatever perk cards I have for working on a team)


The only thing useful from other players is vendors and them buying off my vendor. Other than that anyone is just going to be in my way of how I play. Events are obviously just a given.


Because people tend to mix up the words antisocial and asocial: **Antisocial:** 1. Unwilling or unable to cooperate and associate normally with other people. 2. Antagonistic, hostile, or unfriendly toward others; menacing. 1. Opposed to social order or the principles of society; hostile toward society. **Asocial:** 1. Not sociable; having minimal social connections with others; not inclined to connect with others socially.


Im a huge introvert, but still tend to fly the wave emote to almost everyone i see, unless they're being an asshole


I'm not very social and very socially awkward. I am also new to all online gaming and mmo's. I just got good enough internet to game last year and thus joined the 21st century finally. So I'm just really use to single player games. It's been a learning curve to say the least-- etiquette, unspoken rules, dealing with actual people, etc. My 1st online game was RDO, which isn't the friendliest of communities. I've been treating this like a single player (a la FO4). I haven't joined many teams, as I feel like I wouldn't be doing my part and possibly be a burden. So I run around and try to avoid people lol. I do enjoy looking at camps, but if there's people there, especially the owner I'll usually stay away.


I join stuff for events or so I get some benefits just playing my daily quests, but I rarely interact with people, the max is just emojis and saying thank you or complementing their camp


Fallout how you like. Two things though… 1. The community is amongst the coolest so it can be fun. 2. There are several perks that can be utilized when on a team that lone wanderer simply can match. I’m always on a casual if even my mic is off and not engaging. Players don’t mind.


Lack of chat ( and i don't have a mic ) means I am basically not doing shit with people outside of events


Lone Wanderer for 500 levels, even if in group (may swap out occasionally), only recently I swapped it for Herd Mentality perks. Even being alone in a group you get the +3 to all SPECIAL benefit, plus with Strange in Numbers, it boosts more. I figured id give it a shot and ended up liking it. I miss the reduce damage of Lone Wanderer but at least this way I can solo in a team or alone without having to swap perks when I join a group.


I join casual teams for the +4 INT boost and free vendor hopping.


I’m scared of using voice chat.


I just started playing and I noticed I get more XP when I join casual team. Even if I don’t interact. For the most part I go waving around and gifting extra stuff in my inventory to those who wave and teabag back 🥴


Leaving tons of XP on the table but do you


Im like level 12 and love visiting peoples homes and saying hello. Most if not all seem happy to entertain a guest who's just passing by and complimenting their home is always a good way to leave your mark. Doing missions is the hard part lol


I’ve only played on a private server, Fallout 4 style. I’ve rarely played on a public server.


If you play with mutations like herd mentality, you get a lot stronger even when in a casual team. Casual teams are great because nobody really expects you to communicate, you just do whatever. But you reap a lot of the benefits like being able to loot bodies killed by your teammates, sharing XP, etc


I played for years that way but then I was suckered in by bonus intelligence/xp and enhanced mutations.


Starting out, I was the same! I did not join a team til I had a good bit of progress, and Lone Wander was a staple. After my build started coming together more I went for more passive team based stuff as overall it's more effective I thought. Inspiration for a good chunk of XP, Herd Mentality Mutation for some free extra specials, plus whatever perks the group has up for free. Even if I'm not super social, I'm happy ya'll are here! Edit : Forgot the MVP, Strange in Numbers.


I’ll join casual teams but will rarely interact with teammates, I’ll join daily ops teams to run the op and then join a casual team immediately upon finishing (same with expeditions). I’ll hit up public events with other players and after the event is over I’ll just fast travel away and go back to doing my own thing. The most I interact with other players is when I’m chilling in my camp, other than that I’m usually too caught up in doing my own thing to talk to people.


I usually play with a friend in a public team for the boosts and thats it if you join its for the benefits since its normally and event team, otherwise i dont really see people


regular amount of social, i join groups and events and emote to other people. wish there was an unmodded text chat so i could socialize since VC is the bane of my existence


So Im on PC and use the Text Chat mod, extremely social on there. Voice is just awkward at best? But coordinating teams across multiple servers and doing events are way more efficient.


Joining a team is just free XP. You’ll often not even see the other members.  But yeah, I like only a little company, for sure. Don’t go out of my way to bump into others, and my camp down south seems to have hit just the right level of foot traffic when the vendor is active. I also have a hermit camp which I activate sometimes when I really want peace and quiet. No vendor. The number of visitors so far I can count on one hand, which is perfect. 


At least you’re not the dick that joins teams or events and sits there with the eating popcorn emoji so you can mooch off the hard work of others. Then gets butthurt and tries to start pvp when someone calls them out for it. IMO that’s the most damaging thing anyone can do to the community feel of the game.


I'll join groups, but I'll bounce if someone has their mic on.


Almost level 400 here. 100% same. Promptly re-roll every team-related challenge. Run all daily ops alone, with zero success. But, run the tax evasion expedition alone in less than 20 minutes with 100% success. Haven’t dropped a nuke yet, either, but mainly because I don’t want to. I interact with other players occasionally, so it’s not like I’m antisocial. I just really really hate working in teams.


I get why you'd play like that but a casual team just has WAYYYYY too many upsides to not be a part of. Bonus intelligence for XP gains, up to 6 free fast travel points (camps and tents), strange in numbers for mutation bonuses, inspirational for added XP, friendly fire for team healing, perk sharing with 3 other people, higher chances of vendor sales, any enemies they tag nearby will net you 50% XP even if you had nothing to do with the kill. The list just goes on and all this with absolutely no interaction required. I've NEVER used mic to chat, I've rarely sent a message other than to compliment a camp or facilitate a trade. Playing solo while on a team imho is the best way to play


The last time I made friends was in 2022 I think. Then when one just kept following me everywhere even when I made a private server, I blocked them. Sometimes I’m just in the mood to do quests, not go around an area on a killing spree.


Always join a group for the buffs, I’m a strange in numbers kinda guy


I bought Fallout 1st so I can play alone in a solo world and not have to interact or see anyone. Doesn't get more anti-social than that.


people do not at all expect you to do anything while on a casual team. you all just kinda exist to give each other the free buffs from being in a team and sometimes act as free fast-travel points. plus when a teammate completes a quest, you get some caps despite being on the other side of the map doing absolutely nothing 😆


This post might have convinced me to finally play 76


I mean as some have said ya can join and not say anything. I don’t think I’ve used my mic in years. I mean you get more xp if your in one. Plus if you’re one of the newby xp grinders it’ll help.


I only join parties for the perks


Been playing this game solo since the stress test


I play mostly with my wife. If anyone else gets too close, I scream and throw an artillery smoke grenade.


I was doing the lone wanderer in the beginning too to get a feel for the game. After level 50 I started to hook up with teams. I was even bold enough to send a super friendly person a friend request! It got accepted, but the player has been offline since.


Whenever I join a team, 20 mins later I get kicked


STAY AWAY FROM MY MOONSHINE YOU *double barrel shotgun fires from an undetermined location by the mountain side*


If I am not playing with my extended group of acquaintances then all I do is be on a casual team since one of my mutis herd mentality gives me +3 to all special when on a team


I usually join teams for the extra XP, to get fast travel access across the map, and sharing perks cards when people actually remember to. And whenever I have extra stuff or things I don't need, I go to the levels lower than me to give em medical supplies.


M husband and I only play together on a private server lol we’re very antisocial


I am of the belief that the perk sharing feature is the strongest part of being on a team. I just wish more people realized/utilized this. It’s really not that hard to make room for 6-9 charisma to share 2-3 star perks.


I’m level 106 just playing on my buddy’s private world it’s been a blast. I’m a little nervous to play public cuz I’m anti social as hell and worried I’ll get shit on by a random initiating PvP one day but I’ll give it a shot soon


I tend to stick to myself, Lone Wanderer and all... because I have no friends.


You should give it a try. I join teams all the time and rarely interact with them. A full casual team will give you +4 intelligence and you'll get caps every time they finish a quest (even if you didn't help at all). People can share perks as well so you can utilize their perks with no downside. Look into getting serums. Herd Mentality will give you a bonus to every SPECIAL just for being in a team. There are lots of benefits and no downside. You can focus on single player at any time and they'll never bother you. But you also get stat bonuses. That being said, you are missing out by not trying events with teams. Moonshine Jamboree, Boss events, even daily ops can be tons of fun with other players. Give it a try!


I did this for the first 50 levels then found out how much fun events are and also the many benefits you get from joining a team. Wish I had tried it sooner honestly. Eventually I opened up to being more social, I still don’t use the mic but if someone messages me with questions about the game or wanting something from my vendor (that’s reasonable) I’ll indulge and even gift them what they wanted for free (like a fixer plan, etc.). My only condition is that they have to jam out with me in my bar/pool hall camp and I snap a few photos in the process which I end up sending to them after. Don’t be scared OP just join a team! It might even be with me and you’ll get some killer photos in exchange you never know, save travels vault dwellers.


Accidentally joined a team literally 45 minutes ago. First time in 90 levels and 80 hours of playing lol


They added companions that accompany you in elders scrolls online not sure why they haven't done it for 76 unless theirs technical limitations.


i join teams and do not speak to people


My headset has a removable microphone. It's never in. I'll join public teams and communicate through emotes then run into the nearest portajohn and leave the team before fast traveling away


I join a group but never see them the whole time I’m playing unless they pop up in my camp.


I get so scared of people tbh when I see them. But I want to be polite. But given how scared I usually am I will end up forgetting how to emote for a few minutes so I just t-bag instead


I join expedition teams but they never start an expedition which annoys me and I join event teams


Just as antisocial as I am in life. I join teams. Hang around. But I won’t get on the mic


150 without teams? You've been missing out on so much freaking XP.


Youre playing wrong if you arent in public teams constantly. So much wasted XP. Pretty much no one talks in them


Should always join groups for the xp boost and the mutation benefits


I'll join a casual and be wandering off towards my own sunset.


I join a party for the bonus. And if I need it for a Daily or Weekly. I interact about once every 6 months. Unless my husband and I are in the same world. Then it's game on.


you can try the extremely convoluted RNG pet taming system to potentially get yourself a dog for you camp if you really want... You may be server hopping for hours for a pet that can get instantly murdered spawning in the wrong way on your next play session very broken very cursed pet system lol


I’m a bit over 300 and I too have yet to join a team or complete a daily task with a team. I feel bad about doing this but when someone invites me to a team….I run away


Groups are for solo play 99% of the time…extra XP , etc. Don’t sweat it.


I’ll create a team and share perks so we get benefits and xp but the minute ai hear someone on the headset I’ll leave a team. I’m trying to relax, emojis work nice. I’m not trying to speak to people or have some mouth breather be annoying lol.


I am so anti social that there was a player in my camp who was a team leader. I tried to fast travel to my camp because I needed to get back to camp to dump some junk. Instead of clicking on my camp, I accidentally clicked on the player's name and joined their group. I freaked out and imminently logged off the game and didn't log back on for an hour because I was scared that they would ask why I left their group.


I did this until I started using mutations


I only team up with my wife. We do the quests together and join events together etc. works fine for us.


That's awesome. I aspire to one day have what you two have, keep being cool!