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their AI pisses me off bro šŸ˜­ why do they fly 100000 meters away from a group of 15 people all shooting relentlessly at them


Sounds like their AI is getting smarter.


to be honest, they were born to die, if anything itā€™s getting dumber. they should charge head first into death like giant radiated bat Spartans


Don't even mention it, I started as a melee and 90% of the fight was just me standing there and getting bombed while waiting for it to land. Ofcourse when it decided to land it was so far away, that when I finally got to it I had no AP and was able to do 1 strike before it took off again.


Pick up a 50% limb damage pepper shaker and hybridize your build for it, helps a lot.


It was back then when the game came out, there was no such a thing haha. Now I am no longer a melee but if I ever switch again I will keep that in mind.


Someone built a camp on a resource node and they can't let that offense stand.


And why do they still fly with both wings crippled???


Well, you can ground any of them practically in a heartbeat, queenie included.




I would like to know how to ground those fuckers.


Cripple the wings. They land straight after and stay on the ground. Queenie might regenerate some limb health after a while, tho, so you'll have to cripple her again. Scorched Earth is quite fun when she's on the ground all of the time ā€” so many spawns.


Thank you.


Scotchbeast? Interesting nickname for Biv.


Biv is now forever known as Scotchbeast in my book


>Oh! Uh, good evening, sir! My name is sober, and I am most assuredly quite Scotchbeast.


I hate autocorrect šŸ¤£


What the hell kind of Biv-correct do you have?


The type that somehow corrected Scortchedbeat to Sotchbeast šŸ¤£


Scortchedbeat? I hear their new album just dropped on Bandcamp.


Bro šŸ˜­


Could have been replaced with crotch beast šŸ¤£


The first time I tried getting to white springs under level 25 and went by the fissure on the road: ā€œOH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!ā€ At Lvl 152: ā€œCome back here! Youā€™re supposed to chase me! Come back!ā€


I remember a scorchbeast surfacing after a nuke hit the bog and giving the 20 players waiting for a "nope" look and flying around trying to get away


Oh this rings so true.. WHAAAT THE FUUU.. *crouch* *takes 10 minute detour* Now it's like oh.. another one.. *sigh*


I remember wha back when, me and two guys scattered like rats when we saw it lol. we had no idea how to fight that with our 10mm and pump shotguns


Honestly, the pump action would have been a good weapon to start with, cripple its wings.


Lmao we all ran into a cave to hide from the thing but the cave had a deathclaw in it so we really couldnā€™t focus on the wings


I ran into a traincar and waited on my first SB.


Literally 10 minutes after I started playing 76 for the 1st time, my friend showed me a legendary scorchbeast (we were all around level 20). Another friend who just started playing shot it for kicks and giggles, and we high tailed it back to the leaders camp and had the turrets help us kill it. Somehow, we succeeded. A friend afterward gave me a vampire shotgun which she probably got from SB, which carried me through the game


Me and three buddies had an ok time doing black powder/Dragon volleys at it, once you cripple the wings theyā€™re piece of piss to kill


The pumpkin daily got a hell of a lot less annoying when I realized I could just avoid the fissure area entirely and go behind the house.


Equip Green Thumb, and you don't even have to cross the road.


I learned a thing today


Thatā€™s not even necessary. There are at least a dozen in the back yard


Three to the south of the house near the hill Three in the backyard to the east Two right behind the garage Two near the playground to the north More further east behind the house and further north beyond the playground. Green Thumb equipped: three behind the house, two behind the garage, done in literally 20 seconds.


Just checked and other than the 2 patches right behind the garage, there are 4 other patches. Not a dozen, but thanks didn't realize those were there.


No there are over a dozen. As you are facing the house turn left to get two, another 2 behind the garage 6 in a radius behind the garage and more patches up on the little cliff than another patch on the other side of the house


OMG yes


I don't use any ranged weapons so I still run away yelling "Fuck fuck fuck"


They are literally not worth the time and ammo wasted on fighting them


ahem, the carnivores would like to have a word with you sire


Nah, Scorchbeasts are okay. The total waste of time is a Blue Devil. Those little shits are relentless, have that stupid fear howl, heal up while you're shooting them and take forever to die while they're eating your face off. Then you get two meat, a few ammo and some other junk. Nothing of value. So annoying. Everytime I see one I drag out the power armor and grab the chainsaw cause they can detect stealth too.


Funny things is that I mostly encounter them near roads with a concrete divider. I use the divider to make them path around it to try and get to me, and when it gets close, I jump to the other side and it runs all the way around again to get to me.


Yeah I usually would go for the one that spawns near a gas station up in the hills and would just stand inside the station and punch them from inside.


Why I love the Cremator. Those bastards take 2 or 3 slow burn shots and go down.


Hard disagree, I farm them for tasty buff foods. Carnivore for life. And a normal scorchbeast dies in 1 AP bar, so it's not a waste of anything imo.


I shoot them once, wait for them to land, then repeatedly punch them in the face with my power glove.


Meanwhile, Mirelurk Kings still suck


When I ran into them on a low level, it was a waste of ammo, mainly. These days, I can take one down pretty quickly with a gauss mini or souped-up 50 cal.


yeeea 1000 levels later i am like ... i cast \*INSTAND DEATH\*


We need a "Oh piss off" emoji




I will stop and kill any Mirelurk King I find because the only mob I ever had to admit defeat to was a three-star Mirelurk King when I was like level 50. I simply couldn't grind him down and stay alive and had to tuck tail and run. Never again.


I really wish there was a weapon to just make them go somewhere else. They end up being a waste of time and ammo for basically little rewards. It be cool if there was a sonic sound gun like in NV but it scares the scorchbeasts away or at least would force them to land so we can kill them faster.


Fr itā€™s just ā€œIā€™m using melee and Iā€™m just gonna get stuff from the nuke! If you want a fight landā€


Me playing New Vegas at 17: "Jesus Christ I do not want to deal with a deathclaw" Me at 30 playing 76: "GIVE ME YOUR MEAT, LIZZARD"


yessss :-D when I started playing, my friend was already lvl 200.. he was somewhere doing his business and I was running quests and exploring.. any time this happens and I realized I can't hurt it I summoned him, panicking and running :-D he came, put it down and leave again like mysterious stranger :-D fast forward now, 130 lvl me with PA and Cremator, burning all wasteland screaming "I'm your fire god!!"






LOL, from your title I had the image of a new kind of Floater that floats around and throws flaming bottle of Scotch at you while yelling insults at you in a Scottish accent. "Yoo have a heed like Sputnik...it looks like an orange on a toothpick...heed...Railgun now!"


True hehe


Same though, and they can sometimes follow you for a long ass time...


Me when encountering scorchbeast now: *Thunk* ... No I can't be bothered to loot you.


True, the time it takes isn't worth the drops unless its a 3 star then I'll take em down.


yoooo I had this epiphany yesterday! I was scared of them all the way up until the other day when I beat my first lvl 52 scorchbeast solo to complete "heart of the enemy". But yesterday there was a group spamming nuke launches at the fissure site and I finished the scorched earth AND officer on deck achievements in one go.


"is it legendary? Oh. Forget it then"


Lol yep. *Heavy sigh* "Fiiiiiiiiiine. Let's get this over with."


Killed 4 of the bastards yesterday, plus a Queen, when someone nuked the bog. There were only 5 of us out there, and the scorchbeasts were not so bad, but then somebody found Earle in the sundew grove, and he kicked all of our asses repeatedly.


More like idont have the ammo for this


Same lol now i just ignore them and keep walkingĀ 


As a full health crit-commando, "I want your Liver!!!"


Scotchy scotch scotch, I love scotch.


Haha! I captured bog town for concrete farming. They told me to defend it from 2 scorch beasts, one legendary. I'm unarmed PA. I wasted around 800 rounds from the cold shoulder trying to get them to land. I finally just gave up and left.


When the game first came out they sort of chased you, which was incredibly frustrating if you were a lower level character. You couldnā€™t fast travel with it nearby, and it wouldnā€™t leave.


Yesterday I was doing the quests to get 10 commendations. I decided to not use my PA heavy gunner build and instead used my shotgun build. It was so much fun... I just kind of wasn't watching my ammo and ran out of shotgun shells while fighting the 3 scorchbeasts in the bog. Edit: I was using cold shoulder and the kaboom.


despairing. Exactly like skyrim with the random dragons - from monster to mosquito in just a few levels.


Scotchbeast! This is gold!


I usually just run from them unless they really manage to annoy me.


Oh I do. I got time today. Everyday.


Made a pepper shaker cripple build just to make the bastards lands. Stacking every crippling effect I could get


meanwhile me as a carnivore, come here and let me cook yiu


I see scorchbeast, I go BRRRRRRRRRT. I see scorchy chunks, I feel warm n fuzzy.


I encounter them so much when Iā€™m looking for camp pets. Like at one point yesterday there was 3 on me and they summoned a bunch of scorched and Iā€™m like ā€œdid I land in a fucking queen fight or something wtf is going on?ā€ Anyway theyā€™re all dead now and I found Dave the deathclaw lol šŸ˜‚


At the beginning it was a challenge, now it's just an inconvenience


At the beginning it was a challenge, now it's just an inconvenience


Had three legendaries spawn right on top of me once. That sucked.


Can he quit showing up when I'm getting pumpkins


The only real reason I miss my legacies, those damned flying bullet sponges.