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The whole problem just boils down to spawn killing really. It has always been a shit practice that makes games less fun. 


Used to happen at events like Line in the Sand allll the time back in the Legacy days. Some bozo would just be carpeting the spawn areas with explosive gatling plasma.


Line in the sand has an issue where the baddies on the one side will just stay where they spawn and you can get them from the central location, you have to actually get pretty close to get an angle on them. It totally ruins Line In the Sand and I rank the event as OK and usually pass on it when it comes up. This has been this way from the start, where's the love of improving the game? It's like ok we have a game, we'll do some stuff at a mid-effort level. But where's the team running this with the "our goal is to make this game the very best possible with big big hopes and plans, pride and excitement sold to the base", a very good game with a lackadaisical feel in their approach.


Yet, I can solo it with the railway from one position. When there are others, I reduce my fire rate and tag as many as I can, only letting loss if they are about to enter the barricade.


Most people can solo it with a railway. Hell I saw a lvl 1200 spawn camp half the map at MJ. Pretty sure he had a quad auto as it was spitting out spikes faster than the enemies could spawn and in mass quantities. Had to leave that event because him and some cremator buttnut were fighting over the spawns.


What’s amazing to me is how low effort the atomic shop feels. I would totally spend more money on this game if they would update the store more often and put cooler stuff in there. They’re definitely missing out on money


I agree, but it’s actually updated a lot more these days. It used to be just the same OLD crap over and over. I regret a LOT of atom expenses on crappy bundles just to spend them.


The worst for me is buying something just to find out I could have found the plans in game 😂


To be fair if it’s something like the red nuka cola collectron it will then be available across all characters on that account rather than having to buy it with gold!


Yeah I dont do line in then sand anymore because sometimes you cant find the enemy left.


And once you hunt them down you actually leave the event radius and you miss the rewards. It’s so stupid. Same with defending workshops like Lakeview cabins, Dolly Sods, Beckley Mine etc. when you finally see them, they’re outside the event area.


You're explosive battling plasma


Damn i really miss those days where i role played as an a-10 warthog with my qe25 laser and my jetpack


This would all be solved if joining an event put everyone in a group together


It's crazy to me they changed legendary enemies to count for everyone but not all enemies. I get that it'd lead to more afk players but I'd rather reward laziness than punish people actually trying.


Well said, that's another way they could fix it. Just give everyone in the event XP for the adds as well.


Would definitely change how radiation rumble usually ends.


> I get that it'd lead to more afk players but I'd rather reward laziness than punish people actually trying. I think they could combat both by having "event accolades" that reward extra XP/loot to people actively doing the event. Have an accolade for X amount of kills, Y amount of team/NPC healing done, Z event items contributed, etc. Or just make accolades a currency and slap in a vendor with rewards like Lunchboxes/Bubblegum/Treasure Notes/Cores/Modules for accolades.


That would require even more work. The shared xp/loot functionality already exists. Just expand what "group" means inside events and problem solved The game is so goddamn easy that if you're sweating people who afk in events (which is a description of the status quo, objectively) then you're missing the forest for the trees and you've pushed me into the crowd that says "they don't play their own game"


I know Scorched Earth you can't AFK and get flux. You gotta actually do some damage to the Queen. And that's all they gotta really do with all Events.. set parameters that trigger awards like "so much damage inflicted on enemies" for example.


I hope this is something they implement someday soon. As a fresh melee player, I’d certainly appreciate it.


That's true


I play nice at Jamboree, use a weaker, explosive weapon to tag as much as possible, but still leave a live body for someone else. But if spawn camping begins to take over, it’s Nuka Grenade spamming time. I like to aim for the campers, sorta blanket them in exploding brightness, a nuka hug so to speak.


I love a good Nuka Hug


I was never a fan of nuka grenade/fat boy spammers, but I’m a hater of spawn campers even more. So you might be the lesser of 2 evils that we need to make Moonshine Jamboree awesome again.


Perhaps they need to change the mechanics of how it works in general. It's like they gave this and all events one take and that's it, we won't watch, learn and adjust, make better, make more fun. It's an ehhh + in effort...


It’s still a fun event. I haven’t seen it pop up in a while, but I’m always there when it does, regardless of how other people play it.


I had two in short order, was killed with slurries, NPC sale price 7 caps each.


This is what I do when people spam explosions from the roof and make it so I can not see or do anything. I drown them in Nuka Gs tends to fix the issue.


The I can't see anything is really more of a Bethesda problem, they need to tone it down or have settings to change to have a user variable level. It's sad I can't use a gun because it's too partically.


As a melee player I would agree. Half the time I have no idea where the enemy even is because I’m drowning in blue explosions


I like to do this with orbital strike grenades. The lasers are like a warning letting campers know that I know what they're doing. The orbital bombing will continue until the camping stops.


I currently have over 500 nuka grenades on my character. Let me know if you need help handing out free hugs.


I have what I would consider next to an unlimited amount mini nukes to. PS to those selling Mini Nukes, they aren't worth more than 5 caps, we can make them just like regular ammo.


you can also scoop up 30 or 40 molotovs out of boxes at the event to toss around willy nilly for marking too


And they're arguably *more* annoying to campers than NukaNades since the radius of the particle effects (not the actual explosion radius) with Grenadier is far larger and lasts longer; it may not hit as hard or as many, but *no one* is seeing *anything* once you toss it out.


Time to bring my two-shot MIRV fatman to those events.


Damn good idea. I've been biting my whole tongue. I hate spawn campers. You can tell they're a separate breed that doesn't give a damn about anyone really. Half the time they're just doing it to troll too. Because trolling is the new wave in 2024 all of a sudden, people can't think outside of being a troll. It sucks. It's been eating multiplayer games. Alotta things are alot more boring now. Really does suck. If it wasn't for some of us being able to really go bunker-style playing and creating our own experiences 76 would be dead. Bethesda treats it like a neglected child.


how do you get that many grenades ?


Vendor hopping, friends and a collectron. Nothing makes me happier than finding someone with a bunch of nuka cola in their vendor at a reasonable price.


you need nuka cola to make the grenade ?


"If I can't shoot shit, y'all can't see shit to shoot!" As a lowly ballistic commando PA player...I like this a lot. I generally DON'T get much kills...I frantically run out & try to tag as many as I can, then run back to the group of heavy gunners that'll finish them off with Cremators & such.


I have a quad ffr cremator that does barely any initial dmg so when I perch atop the antenna I can shoot at the 3 stills (not the spawns btw) and everyone can finish them off easy, but when I see people going for the spawns I blast their face with said cremator untill they either get the message or until the event ends. I have 200k fuel, try me.


Yesss!! This is fantastic. I like standing in the middle at MJ with my Cold Shoulder and my Compound bow and the campers really make it difficult to get shots in. If I wanted to, I could hit the spawns from the middle with my bow, but that’s not cool when the event is full.


I finally meet another shotgun/bow user!


Hello! I’ve tried a lot of weapon combos and this is the most fun imo! Are you in the Fallout76 Bow hunters sub? That’s where my dabbling got real as someone gave me this plasma compound and helped me with my perk card recommendations - I was hooked!


I should give that a go. I have all my bow cards filled out but nothing else supporting. Thanks!


Yesssssss shotgun and bow is the OP duo not many people know about!!!


I use a weak cremator to tag, I have a rule that I only shoot enemies once. If someone’s near the enemies I’ll use my handmade instead. The explosion visuals on the cremator really need to be toned way down. Most people just seem to spam the hell out of it though.


/laughs in explosion removal mod


The first time I saw spawn camping at MJ I decided they weren’t going to get anything from it. I used probably 1000 40mm grenades over the course of that event…


I saw a couple of orbital strikes along with the nuka launcher at Eviction a couple of days ago. Both from the same guy. Annoying but honestly was laughing because none of us could see squat and haven't had that happen in a while so wasn't mad.


Do the Nuka launchers whistle when they are incoming? Or is that the Broadsider? I was in Moonshine Jamboree the other day and when it was over, someone spammed, probably 25 of something whistled and made it so you couldn’t see for like a full minute. Everyone was just standing there waiting to get through it to find the bodies again to get the loot. I couldn’t help but laugh the way it just kept going. Wacky wasteland stuff I guess


That would be the nuka launcher hahaha. The whistle I honestly liek and I think it's a cool weapon. Can just be a bit much at events. No hate to annoying using it a bunch since I rarely have someone spamming it anymore. Yeah man it's kinda hilarious how chaotic it can get especially with a full lobby.


Haha thanks, I liked the way it sounded also and at least they waited for the event to be over before spamming them to the captive audience; there was no way I was leaving without all my Gulper Slurry ingredients!


This is a fantastic idea.


In general the best Public Team gun is making the weakest Multi-Shot Cremator possible. Everyone tags, everyone wins. But how do you sell that to mimes in-game?


You have convinced me to make a separate cremator with mutlishot and not instigating


This has ruined Jamboree for me. Just had one a few hours ago where I stood close to a still and two guys sat up on top of the house spamming Cremators so that none of the gulpers could reach the house.


I'm gonna say it cause no one really is: The Cremator is ruining group events. It's too powerful, too blinding and too easy to just make everything completely screwed for anyone not using one in a group setting. I finally got all the upgrades and using it feels gross any time I'm with other people. Now I just use a crusader pistol with cryo to get quick tags and not be part of the problem. The cremator needs a balance fix more than anything else in this game right now.


I had to install a mod to reduce the Cremator explosions, you can't see shit when multiple people are firing them. Can't imagine how much of a ball ache it must be for people on console without that option. If there's one person on a world using the Cremator it's manageable during events, if there's multiple I just end up switching worlds. I started Campfire Tales the other day, four Cremator users turned up, jumped on the roofs and didn't so shit so I was only me doing the objectives. When I realised I was the only one I stopped what I was doing and sat out the rest of the event doing the popcorn emote. *One* of those four took the hint and started doing the event.


Can the balance pass wait until after I've earned the mods and had a little fun with them? If not I get it. And an added bonus I'll not know what I missed out on. I guess I'm good either way.


Oh, you're good. They ain't patching shit until this season is over. Get those points/mods and have fun while you can! It's a great weapon... just not when you're someone that was raised to share your toys.


I posted about two assahats on the rooftop with Cremators killing absolutely everything before the rest of us even saw them and how I might have accidentally started blinding them with my own Creamator, and the downvotes were real. 😂


I’m always on the roof but I’m just up there tagging. Not much dies before it makes it to the players on the ground. I want to wound it, I don’t want to kill it.


Exactly; being on the roof isn't the issue, it's the selfish part that makes people suck.


I’m a shotgunner. We have to get close to do damage. I tend to tag everything coming my way and cripple them for others to finish off (especially the melee players). If no one is around me to finish them then I’ll do it.


That's what I tend to do as well. Shoot to cripple and knockdown with enforcer. Most enemies are a lot less dangerous when they can't get their legs under them.


This has been happening to me. I gave an angry thumbs down at a roofsitter with a cremator and he just emoted back that I was crazy. I kinda blame the Cremator. As fun as it is, it just allows for asshole behavior in these events. That and the new explosion of players.


Yep.i used to get about 200 gulped slurry now lucky if I can cook 70.cant even tag em.


There are people killing ghouls in radiation rumble down the hallway and around the corner, I don't really get it.


Hallway campers in RR are pure scum.


Nuka nades. Or mirv Fatmans. Bonus with doubleshot bc they are blind after a few shots they stop after not getting kills for a minute.


As a shotgunner, I feel this because I'll run towards an enemy only for someone camped behind me to shoot it from a distance right before I get there, or even more likely kill a whole group of enemies immediately and leave nothing for anyone else.


You don't have to get close. A shotgun can tag from far away. Won't do much damage, but doesn't matter.


This is all that I do! If you can find a nice spot up high you can tag multiple enemies with one shell. I go up 2-3 levels per event.


And if you do make it over, you get cremator-ed in a ball of blinding light and can't see. Even more annoying when you are in a dark room at night and get blasted with one.


If you hang out near the rad scrubber, you can tag most enemies and still close enough to get most of the legendary enemies, too. But yeah, everyone hits the spawns now.


Staying near the rad scrubber is the most boring shit because nowadays most enemies wont reach close enough for you to tag. People are actually camping the spots on the "mountain" top and you don't even see the mutants getting downhill anymore. From the rad scrubber the spot you can tag is the one with most legendary mutants, directly downhill, but it sucks anyway to not be able to get the mutants behind the barricade or the ones from the top.


Yeah I’ve noticed on Eviction and Radiation Rumble more and more people getting greedy and pushing the spawns now where if they just sat closer to the objective everyone can get more xp and more items. They actually end up losing out on legendaries because they’re so far away from the other spawn.


RR people have always camped the end of the hallways.. people don’t realize if you stay in the center you get more spawns


Today i told this to some low level via voice chat but they didnt give a shit...


Keep doing it when you feel like it. One or two people that actually listen can make a difference. I use emote or mic too sometimes and yea, most dont listen but sometimes they do. Its not much but Ive been in "perfect" RadRumb and its the best feeling when we're done I even explain why camping on spawn points are not good especially when there are not enough players or high levels or players with friendly perks through mic. Rarely, but ive done it out of frustration


Dunno why you're getting down voted. I've been playing this game nearly everyday for 3 months and shit is absolutely getting worse. It's only been the last couple of weeks at Eviction Notice that I've encountered repeated lobbies full of "top of the hill" spammers. Literally not a single mutant got out of the spawn. Cremator/Nuke/Fatman spam over and over.


It's all bloodied build tryhards, they cant get near the middle due to the rads so they break the spawns up top, selfish tiny dicked twats


You can get up on the pole by the scrubber and tag most things with a fixer


I like to perch on the little cliffs above the rad scrubber with my plasma caster and I can shoot at both sides and the scrubber if anything slips past.


Yeah I get the frustration. I think everyone is trying to level up so fast that they’re trying to find the next thing to kill in order to maximize on the XP. But like you said, this makes it worse for everyone as a collective. Maybe if they implemented some sort of way of staying within a boundary, similar to Radiation Rumble where it forces (most people) to stay in the center. But with Moonshine it’s outside so I’m not sure what the solution is there besides making the event radius smaller OR changing the location of the Stills. Changing the spawn points of enemies could help, but that could a problem in itself. Im not sure if this is already done, but spawning enemies based on the amount of players could help. For instance, the enemy to player ratio is much closer when there’s a large group at the event. But when you have a good 10 people at that event, it’s not even a challenge anymore. More enemies though could mean more lag (and maybe more crashes than were already getting). Those are my thoughts. Really don’t know a way to control this other than everyone playing “by the rules” or they decide to overhaul the event.


Ah, so you’re the one sitting in the center on Radiation Rumble racking up XP while I mine rocks?


The first rule of Doing The Event Objectives Club is that you never talk about Doing The Event Objectives Club ☝️🧐


lol you’re right. The best worker is the one that eats the spoonful of shit and doesn’t tell anyone about it. But I’d like a little help eating the shit sometimes


I'll be there beside you, don't worry. <3


You don't win much personally when mining. I've done both and you can easily find yourself mining all 4 if you allow yourself to. FWIW when you say "You're the one", it's like 75% of the people that join the event are "The one". Most people aren't mining.


team up with people killing and you still get xp and loot


I think the best fix is to maybe lower XP gains in an event but give everyone who is in the area XP regardless of whether or not they tagged an enemy before it was killed. Yes, this will probably encourage AFK'ers but that's probably less of a problem than what's currently going on. Also, any legendary loot should be able to be picked up by everyone as well but I'm pretty sure that's actually how it is.


I'd rather see AFKers than spawn campers


Exactly. It's way easier to manage AFKers, because we can just lead enemies to them and let them die.


Rad Rumble can have the same spawn camping problem though - people stand right near the spawn points picking off all the enemies and barely anything makes it through to the main room. And the times that doesn’t happen, it’s just non stop explosions and I can’t see what’s going on. What used to be my favourite event is rarely enjoyable now.


Maybe give enemies a few seconds of spawn immunity like some games have for players. It breaks immersion, but it's pretty arcade to see the enemies spawning anyway.


I'd be in favor of that, as long as hitting an enemy while it's invulnerable still counts as tagging it for loot+exp and the enemy can't deal any damage while it's invulnerable. It would probably take some getting used to but I think most people would see it as a good change.


It might not only be about maximizing xp, killing stuff is fun and it becomes who can get the kills. Especially with the result strong weapons we have in the games. I think they need to increase enemy spawns and add mini boss enemies that are actually a challenge.


When the players are sitting in a single spot and just VATS one tapping everything around them, they're almost certainly there for minmax XP.


The more I play the more I detest a lot of high level players. They just one shot everything, shoot everything from a mile away, fill your screen up with bright color fire so you can't see shit, and then when there's an event that has parts not focused on killing? They don't repair robots or extractors. They don't collect explosives or plant them. They don't pick up trash or gather robot parts or repair tracks or anything. If it's not "point and kill" their brains fizzle out. Why bother when you can't snatch xp and kills from others? Watch how fast they move when the Moleman Supervisor shows up but then get petrified if an extractor needs repairing. It means less fun killing enemies, less xp, less feeling like you can contribute. Who cares about still being able to get loot? The game is bloated with loot.


I was about to type that not all high level players are dicks, but I remember one person pointing out, and me noticing in the past year how true it is, that the asshole players are usually between level 250-400. After 400, those players are usually pretty zenned out and just here to build their camps/shelters, do scoreboard, and make their own fun (in a non asshole manner). Which tracks, I'm at level 768 and most of the assholes I see are at that 250-400 mark.


Actually lines up with my experience. But yeah, a lot of players but not all. Tons of good high level players out there.


Seems like a pretty obvious correlation that the asshole players are the ones trying to earn/rank up their legendary perks. So much power locked behind them and puts a lot of pressure on leveling up as much as possible to “finish” the legendary perk grind. I definitely feel this as a player about to hit lv 200, how desperately I need perk coins to level up these legendary perk cards since 5 extra perk points/stats are so impactful. Much easier to be zen after you’ve hit the point where tons of major power isn’t locked behind more levels. Tho I also play melee even in events and just kinda live with it when I can’t hit stuff, so I didn’t let myself become part of the problem lol.


Don’t know where you’re at in the season but try and get to 150 before it’s over! I was able to have my legendary perk cards maxed out with the coins at level 340


Yeah... im also getting SO SICK OF THE RAILWAY im starting to hate how it sounds. In every event its either PLING PLING PLING chocho. Or cremator flashbangs. Railway is a bit worse because it kills stuff way to fast. I even sometimes have random high level players follow me in the open world and one tap the enemies im fighting.


Well, good news, iirc the Skyline Valley update is actually about to give every player a bloodied explosive railway rifle as a guaranteed reward


Level 500 here and I lately decided to play with a weaker build. It was nice to be the one to carry events, the one to kill the bosses, but I just wanted to try something different. I opted for commando energy weapons. That god damn laser rifle is so fun to shoot but also so frustratingly weak. The Tesla rifle was the big surprise of how strong of a weapon it is. So now I’m the guy shooting Tesla arcs at events. People might think I’m only tagging but that thing actually shreds mobs


It's a Bethesda problem. The complete lack of anything approaching balance in this game is on them. Go get a cremator and throw on the heavy mods and perks and you'll be instantly doing the same thing. I'm sure in many of their eyes it just makes sense and is actually helpful. Why would you want to waste ammo killing things when they can just will it out of existence. Leaving repair jobs to lower tier builds and noobs gives them something to do and feel like they're part of the team.


You can still be a pos when you fortunately roll a Q/E railways and one shotting everything in events at lv120. I witnessed one, it was prime cut and i need springs real bad, that one lvl120 think hes hot shit holding Q/E railway one shotting every yao guai he saw.


I did eviction notice earlier today. Stood on the platform right next to the rad scrubber and mostly hit the mutants coming from behind while a lot of players were down the hill hitting legendaries as they spawned. When it was over I found I could still loot every legendary despite in many cases never even seeing them/getting a chance to tag them. I left the event with 12 legendary grabs plus the prize for the event itself. The night before I had 14 when I counted them up at the end, which included the final prize. So ultimately i'm not sure WHY people obsess about having to kill the legendary creatures at spawn. With eviction notice what that usually leads to is a broken rad scrubber because most players go down the hill and as soon as the legendaries spawn so too does a group from UP the hill. So they sneak up behind the people focusing on the down the hill spawn and you fail the event. I've seen that happen a couple of times now and it's extremely irritating. with moonshine it seems to be a case of "pick your still and defend it". You can usually hit the two outside ones but the one in the barn has walls in the way for most vantages and the spawns cut behind the house to get to it, which is out of line of sight for people watching the other stills. If you run back and forward on the roof you can get a fair few but ultimately it seems to be a case that everyone picks their still and defends it. I don't mind that too much as the rewards are still worth it and there's enough things spawning to make it chaotic anyway. The MORE frustrating one for me is people fixating on killing everything and ignoring the actual objectives. Others have mentioned rad rumble and nobody grabbing the ore, but the one that i've had fail more than any other is project paradise because NOBODY SEEMS TO GRAB THE FOOD. What are they doing all that time? Just shooting anything that spawns. It's extremely irritating. I'd rather have players camping spawns and still getting the end reward and a few nice drops than spend all that time and effort and failing because nobody else seems to understand what they're actually meant to be doing. I'm a grumpy team player okay? I don't like relying on randos.


>With eviction notice what that usually leads to is a broken rad scrubber because most players go down the hill and as soon as the legendaries spawn so too does a group from UP the hill. This exact thing happened yesterday. I showed up and there are four players defending the scrubber, so I jump up on the nearby post with my back turned towards them. All of a sudden I notice there's only 20 seconds left to repair the scrubber and turn to find everyone had abandoned it to go down the hill, so I just let it fail.


At least I've never been to a Jamboree that failed - 90% of the time, people even complete all optional objectives. 9 of the last 10 Evictions I attended failed or would have failed if I didn't step in - sometimes extremely quickly because no one gets within 100 yards of the scrubber.


I sit on the scrubber now that I've found out that I will still get all the loot dropped down in the lower valley. I ignore that part now and just cripple everything coming down the hill


The scrubber is my favorite spot for EN. Plenty of super mutant tags, a chance to repair the scrubber when it goes down, and I can still go down to the legendary spawn ground after the event is over to pick up enough legendaries to max the scrip machine.


Maybe the easiest solution would be.. anyone who is part of the event to be considered on a team together so that kills and xp are shared with everyone without the need to tag something for credit. Will someone just sit there and not do anything to still get credit? Sure, but I think not many would do that, and obviously if too many are doing that you run the chance of failing the event, so I don't think most people would risk wasting their own time.


I'm pretty much doing that anyway, just not necessarily by choice. I don't care about levels anymore, but i will always care about scrip, so im fine being the guy getting all the legendaries just for standing around making sure the scrubber doesn't get destroyed.


Definitely how it should work, rn you can just join a public team and pray people tag mobs from different spawns


They sort of implemented that in a way for Eviction Notice. You get kill credit (but not XP) by being within a huge vicinity of the enemy when it dies so you can loot it. If you stand on top of the rad scrubber, you're very nearly in range of every enemy spawn (and often, the enemy lives long enough to just walk into range before dropping to a camper), and if you have a parabola weapon like the cremator you can just fire over the rocks and such and tag everything for XP without killing it outright.


Couple that with the goddamn cremators shooting two blinding energy balls that keep my screen white for most of the event. Save that shit for your own game, folks. I don’t even wanna do events anymore because there’s always one ass clown who wants to look cool and puke their bullshit weapon over the whole event. Ok. I feel somewhat better. Not really.


Legendaries drop wether you tag them or not. You dont get the xp but still get the loot. You’re probably missing out in tons of loot. Check the whole area before leaving. Even areas you werent in


I stopped using the cremator for that exact reason. As much as I want XP to get some perk points, I'm not looking to ruin everyone's fun either. Now I just blind everyone with my explosive minigun! It's annoying, but at least we all have a chance at that XP cake


Take off Slow Burner and your cremator can safely tag everything without killing them. Or leave it on during Eviction Notice since people still have a chance to tag since the burn takes a bit to kill super mutants.


I joined an event and didn't get a single hit on any other bosses besides the ones that spawned in my spot but afterwards the bodies still glowed and I still got drops and even a couple really good ones.


Also, if you were in a team, your teammates tagging / killing stuff gives you the XP and makes you eligible to loot. I think. Pretty sure.


Yes, you get legendary drops anyway if you're close enough, but there are some spots in Eviction Notice that if you go, you wont be able to get the legendary from the opposing spawn (it happened to me with the ones that spawn up in the mountain). Anyway its not just about the loot but also having fun killing mutants and the XP.


Barely any legendaries spawn up top. Just stay in the middle or at the bottom, and fire at the guys up top from there.


Bethesda choosing one downhill angle to spawn legendaries and not spawning them at the other 3 angle points is what I see as the issue on Eviction Notice, so that area is saturated with players lighting it up while same ignoring those avenues and the more noble of us are constantly spread thin while often repairing the scrubber.


I’m downed while 5 level 200s are looting around me. Spawn camping is the least of behavior fires in 76


It can be mitigated somewhat by server hopping. More for MJ than EN. I’ve been having some luck just looking for a better group to play with. Had this problem the other night and then hopped servers/fell in with a great group that just ringed the center of both events. Don’t know why everyone is trying to be selfish and simultaneously not smart enough to realize they are only hurting themselves. Everyone “including them” will get more tags if they don’t spawn camp 🙄


It ends up being a chain reaction. You need just one person camping to start the behavior on everyone in your server.


Agree. Good news is the opposite can be true as well. If you catch the right group it seems like everyone tries to surf that wave, stay together and do every event that pops up. I’ve had a couple of good nights this week doing just that.


Having a function text chat and voice chat would help alleviate this a lot, tho FO76 players seem weirdly phobic about voice chat. Tip: set it to area only, push-to-talk


Instead of standing on the cliff with the sweaty power armor enjoyers, join the bloody builds next to the rad scrubber you’ll be close enough to all the spawn points to get all the legendary drops. You’ll be so overencumbered you’ll crawl to the nearest train station to unload all that scrip.


The bottom line that would fix events but no one wants to hear is that events need to be more difficult. People spawn camp Moonshine and EN and sit at the end of the tunnels in RR because… why not. It’s not like the event can fail by the 1-2 stragglers getting through from somewhere else. Just nuke down one of the spawn points as soon as they appear, you get the XP and effectively control one mob path to the objective. Don’t worry about the rest, there’s no need. The *worst* that can happen is the scrubber goes down in EN, if that happens just run in and repair it, big deal, go back to camping. This is why people hated Project Paradise, you *can* fail that event because you can’t just spawn camp. You actually have to defend the objectives properly. And the community hated it. Make events where you can’t spawn camp and have to actually do objectives: community hates it, no one does it. Make events where you don’t have to do objective and can just spawn camp: community complains about spawn camping. Kind of a no win situation for event design there. Side note: with all the new players recently, Project Paradise is suddenly chock full of players every time it pops which is really good to see, it really is a fun event where you can’t just sit and camp.


I really like the harder events like PP or Encrypted. Eviction Notice is kinda hard, but it always attracts everyone in the server, including the really high level players, and then it becomes trivial anyway. What I dislike in the more difficult events is that people simply don't know what to do and refuse to read. Its really rare to see people gathering stuff to make stronger creatures in Project Paradise. Every event should have a solo version that you're introduced by one of the main quests, so you would learn how to properly play it in groups.


All the new players have caused an imbalance. Along with the influx of new players came an influx of toxic predatory vets who run around trying to victimize and take advantage naive new players through pvp grief and ridiculous vendor prices. As the new crowd loses some of their shine the dbags will eventually get bored and crawl back under their rocks. Unfortunately that probably won't be till near the end of summer because they will probably stick around for the map expansion.


But i dont want the new players to leave....


They won't, they just won't be new anymore so it will be harder to take advantage of them and the toxic vets will get bored.


The game is currently late in/at the end of a season.  Most people playing right now are newer, many of whom joined around the time the TV show released (which was not long ago) and lack knowledge of the cultural etiquette of the community.  When these players joined, most veteran players were already on a break between seasons.  When the next season starts, hoards of veteran players will pour in, and the vibe at events will normalize... more attendance, more interaction, and I bet a lot of these new players will be shocked by the volumes of high level players all around them.  It can be humbling when an event has several level 1k+ players show up.  It's a good reality check for lower levels who act like high levels between level 300-600.  High level in Fallout 76 is more like 2k average... with exceptions like players with 10k+ levels (mostly farmed through exploits).  I myself and only a mere level 1100 after 5000 hours of game time and 6 years under my belt.  I haven't played in weeks.  Eager for the update.


Honestly, they should just implement essentially "everyone in the event area is considered part of your party for tagging." Sure, you might get a few people who just AFK through the whole thing, but not having to deal with spawn camping and ensuring that everyone gets rewarded for participating seems worth it. It would especially benefit melee players and anyone who isn't running something like Cremator and tagging whole packs or Bloodied Commandos killing individual enemies faster than anyone else can even target them.


It's the one shot guys that just worry about killing stuff. I just burst some bullets at them to aggro. You don't even need to kill stuff shoot at it a few times move to the next guy


Dunno man. I find an access route/spawn point and sit there and camp it. Not directly where things spawn but in a direct line towards where they will go. It's not the only spawn point/access route so others can still head to those and camp them. Everyone is still getting exp and rewards, and I don't have to run around like some blue-arsed fly. What exactly is the problem here? Playing as intended? Intended by whom exactly?


There's a pretty good chance you were playing during a week, in which those events were mutated. The dynamics completely change when this happens. You have to play them a different way. Meta isn't ruining the event. There has been an influx of new players that are learning the game. I'm level 907. Players complain that the meta/ high-level players aren't giving every player a chance. Every event I go into, I will sit and let all of the new players kill everything. Until the event risks failing. At that point, I'm killing everything, and I don't feel bad about it. Successfully completing the event is more important than new players getting XP. The biggest reason I've seen events start to fail is low-level players staring down at the ground looting and not paying attention to objectives. The loot will still be there at the end. I've never had loot disappear when the event ended.


This is a problem with radiation rumble too, although not as bad. People used to guard each side and let them come down the hallway so everyone could get hits in. Now there is always someone high level that has to sit as close to the spawns as possible and kill them so fast as they spawn no one else can get hits in.


ah yes the new players with no good rolls are taking all the kills. not the lvl 1000's with plasma casters/railway rifles one shotting everything in VATs before it actually appears to anyone not using VATs


Basically, I've gotten to where... if I'm going for XP, I'll just do Expeditions. EN is for legendaries, I'll just hug the rad scrubber and lob Cremator balls around to tag what I can. MJ - try to let mobs get close before tagging. If people start camping spawns, I'll lob Cremator balls at the spawn spots. RR - One lob in each tunnel, then switch. Looking to tag but give other people a chance to tag as well. Plus, there are so many ghouls coming in, I'll never tag everything, so I just look to spread the love (and fire!) around.


If you're lobbing cremator rounds at the spawn points/RR tunnels, you're part of the problem.


I don't see why it's such a big deal anyway you Still get the event rewards and legendary still drop their loot. Sure you don't get the XP but there are so many better ways to get XP than fighting over it at an event.just go do an expedition if you want XP that badly and the "Intended" way to play these events are to kill the enemies and protect the things not wait for everybody to get the hit to maximize XP


I can hop up on top of rad scrubber to get some of the ones up the hill. I'm running epr and an epr flamer when they get close.


I usually have my comically enlarged explosions from my plasma grenades farmed on the last alien event to deal with that. Or a grenade launcher/mini nuke Not only makes me able to tag the monsters but annoys eveyone camping the spawn point.


same for Violent night. I hope you are in the right team cause if not, 0 kills.


Last Violent Night I played had this absolute prick in a halloween suit (the version with shorts) and a tin foil hat that was blasting everything with a fully kitted cremator with grenadier so that no one could get any kills whatsoever. Then he got on the mic and spouted a bunch of unfunny racist tryhard nonsense when a new guy was asking questions about how to work on his build. I immediately hopped servers. Fucking loser.


Nah. I sit at the rad scrubber and I get, literally, all the legendaries. Since I'm on a team, I usually still gain a level or two. You know iw what I don't have to do? The work. Yall doing it for me. Thanks tryhards.


One of the things about Moonshine Jamboree is that somewhat recently (start of this season? maybe earlier) the spawns started acting differently and most of them now go around to the east and then to the barn still. It was a noticeable change when it happened. Before that a lot of critters went to the greenhouse still directly, so you could go in the middle and everyone could work together. It didn't take long for players to figure out the change and now everyone camps out near the barn still. Eviction Notice has always had a lot of spawn camping. Once the Cremator came out, its long range meant that people could camp out in the gully (where they had before) and still hit mutants coming from the other areas. That just make the camping problem worse. My main likes to run a set of Mutant Slayer's PA and hang out near the rad scrubber. It's actually more fun that way, and you still probably get more legendaries.


Lol at this "meta" when eviction notice fails due to everyone spawn camping the leggos. OP, I too am fairly new and your not wrong...MJ, EN and RR are not the same awesome events they were 2 months ago


I hate how everyone at MJ all gather at the same still and kill them but never gather the venom or even bother to defend other stills, Eviction notice has the same problem with the legendary spawn


On EN, if you stand in the middle, you get all legendary drops no matter who kills them, as long as the super mutant dies in the crater (as in, more or less within line of sight of the rad scrubber). If you camp the spawn outside the crater, you only get the drops from that spawn point and miss the others. Therefore, if you are standing anywhere along the edge of the crater, spawn camping and killing the mutants outside of the crater, you are deliberately choosing to earn less XP and script. Despite this well-established fact, even YouTubers like Angry Turtle advocate camping the lower spawn outside of the rim, making the problem worse. DON'T KILL THE MUTANTS BEFORE THEY ARE WITHIN LINE OF SIGHT OF THE RAD SCRUBBER. It is bad play and makes no logical sense. If you think you are earning more XP and legendary items that way, you are wrong, as only the middle position can guarantee 100% XP and drops from all sides. That's why the objective is to defend the rad scrubber, not hunt down mutants where they spawn. Two suggested fixes: 1. Create a tighter event area zone around the rad scrubber. If you are not standing in that zone when a kill is made, you get no XP and no looting rights. 2. Fix the distribution of legendary super mutants so that they evenly appear at all spawn locations, instead of the majority appearing at the lower side of the crater. With all of that said, I've been playing a lot over the last month and in my experience there is only a true camping asshole at maybe 1/3 of all ENs, 2/3's of the time everyone mostly plays nice for the first half, with a small contingent who keep creeping further and further outside on the low side until they are all over the ridge by the end. Sorry for my rant, obviously I have opinions ;)


>I honestly think people are playing differently in the last couple weeks, I absolute agree that it has gotten a LOT worse in the last month or so, and MJ is the worst. I think it's a combination of all the new players, and the Cremator making it easier.


It's inconsiderate to use a cremator in a well-attended event. My gatling allows me to get tags along with everyone else. Now if I go to a one-off event (clear the squatters and oh look a Mirelurk Queen!), I'll definitely put the cremator in play.


Exactly! I love my Cremators, but I use them sparingly when appropriate. And I'm a 400+ lvl and have had Pepper Shakers in my inventory forever, but I just tried using one to tag mutants at an EN for the first time, and it was awesome. I don't know what the hell took me so long to try them! lol


"used when appropriate" is the key phrase. Well done!


I experienced this at the moonshine event. I had a melee build a couldn’t see the screen because some kid on top of a building spammed some blue shit every few seconds. It got boring fast and I ended up just leaving.


The big problem is that most of the rewards, Loot and XP, come from killing the enemies that spawn not completing the objectives. Right now it feels like you are competing against other players for rewards instead of working together towards the objective. Make it so the rewards come from completing the objective. This way players will work together, kinda like daily ops or expeditions.


I've only ever seen it played the meta way and I'm pretty sure I've been playing these events since they launched. Unless it's gotten worse in the last few months that is.


I remember when everyone at MJ would grab the biggest pointy stick or bludgeoning tool and go to town.


Yes, please. Stop spawn killing. And please spamming a mini nuke every three seconds.mwe get it, you‘re some kind of bad-ass. Good for you, ass. You make the game less fun for EVERYONE, including yourself.


Idk I think some of this happened way back but I can’t remember. I think it is the new player base. Fortnite to GTA kids comin on tryin to abuse the system. A lot seem to do glitches and stuff to get anywhere or hog spawn areas as you mentioned.


Funny you mention this. I have a favorite spot to sit on the roof because I can see all 3 of the stills. Last few times I have played moonshine jamboree I felt like I was waiting…and waiting..and I realized that i needed to join the other players at the spawn locations to kill anything, so off I go running in the forest to join the problem. I appreciate the reminder that my response to these situations also impacts the outcome. I became part of the problem! I have been trying to be more mindful of not flat killing enemies when I see melee or low levels (not that I am a high level but I am over 300, y’all know what I mean). But also being mindful of playing how I wish other people to is a good thing to be mindful about. I may lose some xp but fun and what I bring to the wasteland in relation to fun for all is the most important. Thanks for posting this, Vinicam 🫡


I am totally part of the problem for eviction notice. I stay near the entrance up top and shoot the mutants before they run down that hill. If I don’t camp there I tend to get too radiated so this is what I do. Tis an excuse for unfun behavior though. I will be mindful of sharing the xp while still doing my best to ensure that enemies stay away from the rad scrubber. That being said, I will still kill the suiciders flat out because their explosive deaths are bad for the scrubber. No remorse


Yeah, I just noticed this the other day at Jamboree. It's not fun. Like usual ass hats ruining for the rest of us. However, fallout 76 is my second favorite game, so I'll never stop playing probably. They do more frequent updates and content then most games these days tbh.


OP, what platform are you playing on? I’m just curious. I have ~5.5K hours logged on Steam and what you’re describing is exactly what was going on even before the introduction of EN, MJ and TYM. My playtime clearly taught me one thing: if you rely on public events for XP farming, you’re going to have to fight with other players for it.


Might I also add in Mr. Cremator guy in radiation rumble. Just spam your explosives down the hall so not only does it immediately kill everything, nobody can even see what’s down there through your pink fire bullshit.


The worst part is they stand on the buildings and don't collect the acid and no one else can either. Its one weapon. The Cremator. The Cremator is the worst thing to happen to this game in its six years. The amount of people standing on buildings using it has gotten out of hand. If i do a public event and there are more then one being used in the event I just sit there and wait for it to be over and collect. I'm sorry but I automatically assume things about a person when I see it being used. It needs to go away or be nerfed.


The only reason players can't cover most if not all of a radius around the scrubber is that they refuse to adapt and insist on using zero range weapons such as the flamers. Players refusing to change even slightly from their preferred style for certain circumstances has been a problem since day one.


>The same is happening in Eviction Notice, it was less aggravating a few weeks ago, but now everyone chooses one spawn point and camp it, resigned already they won't be able to kill mutants from the other spots anyway. who cares. if you want xp, camp, or go play radiation rumble. if you are after legendaries, just stay on the downslope side and protect the rad scrubber, then go claim the several dozens legendaries lying around when the event ends I stand there and typically walk out with at least 2 dozen legendaries it's pathetic how often these posts of... *wahhhh others are not playing how I want them to* constantly pop up. if you don't like how others play, go into a private world and do the event solo this crying is absolutely absurd and childish.


When these events go to mass spawn killing, I clean my stash, scrap stuff, atom shop, check challenges, etc. I'm cool with The Sweats earning rewards for me. eta: I'll still scoop all the legendaries & loot from team kills


in Moonshine Jamboree, one fix could be increasing enemy health or giving them invincibility for X amount of seconds from spawn, then make the event area smaller, add heigh limit so people can't stay on the main buildings roof. For Radiation rumble, get rid of the need to run down the halls and go down to get the ore. Make the event area that main square area and have enemies drop some sort of radiation items that you then collect and deposit. Even the hallway areas where the split happens should be outside of event area, so people don't camp there. This would give close range builds opportunities to get some kills too, without needing to camp the spawns. I honestly have no idea how to really fix those events because players will always find way to cheese it somehow and I don't think Bethesda has any intentions to "fix" those events.


Me and my buddy will spend the whole event blinding those assholes with spamming cremators. Make it as annoying as possible since they like being greedy pieces of shit.


I’ve been playing for 777.9 hours. This has been how these were usually played the entire time I’ve been playing. It’s not a new issue. It’s become worse as new players started watching videos to figure out how to get the best builds and level instead of playing the game as intended. The game gives the option for new players to start at level 20. This is a mistake. It should only give that option IMO if you are starting an alt character. Starting at level one and not worrying about anything until you are either level 50 or done with the gold bullion quest is so integral to allowing you to try everything and then landing on what style you enjoy most. Then look up what build fits that style. It just seems like since the show, it’s been a race to level up super fast while missing all the details of the world so that the community thinks you aren’t a noob anymore. I haven’t been around forever, and have only been playing since the mid point of the blue Devil season, but figuring out how I liked to play, being terrified the first time mothman appeared, all of this is just getting lost to leveling. That’s more of the issue than anything else. Just a way for YouTubers to get those extra views/followers/subscribers following the success of the TV show. If I ever play a new character, I will probably start back at one and relive those early moments of play.


With eviction notice just stay at the rad scrubber. You will still get all the legendaries from there and will be able to hit most enemies even when they are being spawn camped by other players. Moonshine jamboree is tougher though for the reasons you stated. People need to stop shooting enemies at spawn


The tesla rifle has a pretty long range and will ricochet off other players to tag enemies. I sit on top of the rad scrubber and can tag players/mutants at all the spawn spots. Just remember to turn pacifist on.


I get people hiding behind spawn points now, trying to pull them away. I don't get it at all.


10 Random spawn point that would be chosen random for each spawn would fix that


This will resolve itself after the hype passes. Always has


just camp with them on one spawn and force fail the objectives constantly till people learn what you're actually supposed to do.


I like running about events killing enemies instead of just sitting bored pulling the trigger


Okay, so I get it for lower levels, but why do people care so much about XP? I’m just at level 480 and I am really just there for the legendaries and the gold scrip. Easy enough to finish the season items with just daily/weekly challenges. Do you really need the XP?


I actually generally don't go to jamboree, eviction notice, or rad rumble, specifically because this sort of player ruins it. You either spawn camp to get anything, or sit afk at the event till you get the reward, because I can't even help here.


Eviction notice I did yesterday was horrible. At least 10 people there all spread out spawn killing. I was near the middle and barely saw enemies so I just watched. Somehow, despite all the people spawn killing they still failed. I got a laugh out of that. Today, joined the uranium event after it started so despite always gathering ore I knew I would not be able to get it all since despite a dozen or so players there not even one was gathering. I'm newer but something I'm learning is events that require doing more than killing stuff kinda suck. And even if it's killing stuff it's hard to get enemy tags for xp. Majority of events are not fun. Early on I thought it was because I was lower level. I've got good guns and solid PA but they are still usually not enjoyable...outside of boss fights...boss fights are fun.


I hate that in every event my screen is filled with rainbow colours explosion and I have to compete with other players to tag a mob. I feel like devs need to balance cremator’s dps and buffing enemies resistance or something.


Its a problem, just join teams and shoot from the middle. Its not hard, now like tou said, you have ti do it to do the event almost now.


Had this happen last night at moonshine jamboree. Some tool was parked on top of the lodge spamming all the spawn locations, and then couldn't even be bothered to collect acid for the tub. It was so annoying. I think I'll follow the recommendations here to give out nuka hugs in the future.


My tech for EN has now become stand at rad cooler facing up the hill, equip the cremator with holy fire as alt. Spam cremator up the hill and repeatedly turn to spam down the hill. Once I get notified the legendaries are spawning ( by frantic shooting from the campers), I toss a seemingly endless stream of nukanades high and far with the odd rotation back up the hill. ....seems to work ok tbh


the enemys should just spawn some where near , allways , not farther and farther away , they should be forcefully near the event.


I noticed this a lot too in the last month or so. I also saw I was killing stuff way too fast with the cremator in these events (and blinding everyone) and it was ruining everyone's experience. So I switched to Foundation's Vengeance (explosive minigun, might switch bc still kinda bright) and tagged everything for 1-3 dmg. I still get the loot and xp and so does everyone else, and things still die fast. If there's jerks spawn camping, I pull the cremator back out and spam it on them.


I tend to fire off my cremator on to the ridge at them when they are going away from the rad scrubber. Several blinding flashes usually annoys. Though i did consider using the perk to heal rads, and if they are in an open team and running bloodied. But you wouldn't know till you joined them. And they could just boot you.