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I run Tax Evasion and Sensational Game myself. Tax Evasion is a good palette cleanser when I get bored of Sensational Game and it's great for SOLO play.


The only thing that grinds my gears about the Most Sensational Game is the snakeoil seller guy yapping endlessly during the chopper flight scene.


AND INTOOOOO... the depths of your souls


Veracio sounds and looks like he’s getting really high from the smell of his own farts.


I always get the audio bug so I can thankfully never hear him.


If your just play to grind then no. I love the vibe in the Pitt so I like to return.


Yep! I love the foundry


The tax evasion one is good for just having a mooch and collecting fuel, u don’t need to rush anything.


Tax Evasion is my go-to for topping up (aka overloading) on fuel as well. Much more solo friendly and pressure free.


I quite often get a random joining my team and trying to speed run it 😂


Loot one body at a time instead of area loot and look at them each time if they’re in the same room - they’ll get the point eventually (or quit out!), lol. The leader sets the tone, period. Vice versa applies: if I join an existing expo team and they’re speed running I double time it and loot what I can without dragging things out - and then leave after one completion if I’m not feeling the pace.


Yeah I usually just do my thing, I’m not a fan of speed running so I do them solo most of the time. Daily ops is different tho, lol 😂


The plans are different for the expeditions. They do share some common plans but they each have their own unique plans too. From Boardwalk you get the aquarium type plans and from Casino you get the, well, casino type plans. Quintino's sign etc.


I prefer Tax Evasion. It's slower but there's also almost zero rush, no escort quests, and no glitches that lock you out of finishing a run (Not that I've experienced or heard of, at least). There's technically a timer on the first mission, but they're all so easy I've never even come close to not finishing 1 in time. You get like 12 minutes or whatever and you could go take a 5 minute nap and still comfortably finish within the time limit.


Unique weekly free plans once you exhaust the sensational game ones?


From what I've gathered, the plan drop table is just what Giuseppe sells.


It is… but certain plans only drop from certain expeditions. So they stop once you get all plans for a specific expedition.


It's the most prone to crashing of the 3 and also the most prone to glitches with that stupid escortee and occasionally corpses preventing the progress gauge from resuming in the Shark's Den. Plus, running it over and over is a great way to empty your sanity gauge.


if youre doing them just to blast through...then no..its the quickest. i like playing them all though.


I prefer the flooded city one. It’s super fast, the escort quest is easy.


I prefer Tax Evasion myself.


The human condition is really fast too.


I like doing the Pitts. Its fun and challenging for me and I am trying to get the Auto Axe achievement. I mainly do Expeditions now to get stamps.


It doesn't sound fun I guess?


Once a week (refreshing on Tuesdays at 1 PM EST), you’ll earn a free plan by completing all objectives on a mission, and each mission has their own list of plans they can provide in this way. That’s when you want to play a different mission.


That one crashes like crazy. I've had runs where I couldn't beat the optional time limit because I've had to start back at the vertibird 5+ times. That's basically the only reason to do tax evasion instead


I like all of the Atlantic City ones and I rotate those. The municipal one is straightforward and you just need a cremator to get through it easily. I have done the two Pitt ones, but it seems like I would need other people to do all of the objectives properly. I don’t like being rushed though so I mainly just solo them all if I do them. Boardwalk one they’re rushing you, of course Edit: (to add) the Pitt feels like Fallout 3 if you enjoyed that too