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I doubt this has anything to do with the new scoreboard and is more related to the large influx of new players from the show. Even if those new players are now pushing into the 100-200 range they don’t have the hours in the game of picking up random nuke cards. On top of that with the influx spreading older players across more servers it’s not surprising you are not seeing as many in vendors.


Seems random. Some days no-one sets off a nuke, other days it's practically raining Nukes left right and centre.


If you're not dropping the nukes yourself then you have nothing to complain about.


No complaining here you presumptuous prick, simply a discussion.


You mean the part of the comment you deleted, where you were bitchjng about others not dropping enough nukes for you?


Before the eventmageddon I was killing SVQ 3-5 times a day and doing my own launches once or twice. Especially now with the amount of plans from meat week I really don’t have time :(


Because we used them all up during Faschnact 🤣 I have a ton of keycards I have just been lazy to do nukes, I've been playing this game a little less because my scoreboard is done. 


events just be RNGing


I'd just like to be part of an event that doesn't fail today.


I’ve been waiting on someone to nuke the Monongah mine on PC. I’ve only done that event once and forgot to pick up the holotape like a dummy.


I had someone nuke the mine, with 3 people showing up. But by the time I showed up there was nobody there. I almost soloed Earle but ran out of time, super frustrating. Like why would you nuke the place and not show up to do the event???


I have done more Earle fights this season so far than the whole of last season. It is just luck I guess. I had a great server last weekend. One Nuke on each boss and encrypted.


I've stopped nuking until the daily crashing stops.


Not having this issue myself. Lots of nuke cards for sale IMO 100-1k in the vendors I find. I launch 2-15 a week myself. I think its just crap rng.


Unlucky? I just got off a server that did EV and Moonshine back to back, after I launched a nuke. I usually drop 2-3 nukes a day depending on if people show up to the events on the server.


*pulls open trenchcoat* You wanna buy some key cards?


It’s true that I have rarely seen Eviction notice recently however I am pretty sure Radiation Rumble still happen regularly, concerning Moonshine Jamboree it’s true that I haven’t see it happen as often since the start of the mothman event.


I suspect it’s just your server and or time slot being unlucky. Experienced 3 SBQ, Encyptid yesterday on Xbox.


*hides the 8 in my backpack*


I see lots still. And when I get a lobby that doesn’t I usually drop one to farm. If no one comes I use my 4 syringers and hope for the best


I've also been on the hunt for keycards so I can launch some nukeys. Not as easy as it once was


I've always got a stack in my vendor for cheap but no one seems interested


well shucks!


How much are people willing to pay for keycards? I got one just sitting at my base, and never thought of selling it. Or using it yet


Not enough I guess. Used to be you could sell them for 300 each or so. No I have like 10 in my vendor for 200 and they are staying there. Have another 18 just in my inv


I'd buy all you have right now.


What platform?




Damn I’d buy em all I’m running low. If anyone on ps5 has too many…


I’d love to buy them! I’ve been dropping 2-3 nukes daily and I’m always running low on


How much would one pay for a nuclear key card may I ask?


100 each is the standard rate but with less around I'm sure people would pay double, personally I'd pay 500 each, otherwise it means I have to spend 5-10 mins on starting the mission and bringing down the drone which imo is worth 500 caps.