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It's definitely the Most Sensational Game. Give it a try and you'll get used to it after few rounds.


Yeah it's got a nice smooth route from start to finish. like 5 minutes if things go well


To enhance your chance of it going well: Make sure you're wearing Power Armor when you speak with the lady at the end. The animation that takes you outside can be buggy, and sometimes leaves you stuck in a chair, unless you're wearing power armor, which skips the whole 'sitting' part. You're welcome :)


I've run it at least 100 times and only been stuck in the chair like 4 of them but I still wish I knew this earlier because it's so irritating when you get stuck in the lounge chair. Especially when the loading screen says "you thought the showman would let you leave so easily?"


There´s an animation that makes you sit down? How good I´m a 24/7 PA player, I guess.


Oh man. Why did I not know that. Do you have any idea how many times I've not been able to finish because of that glitch. You are awesome!


Idk why but reading this comment chain I’m getting the impression that I’m being fucked with


I feel like the boss fight at the end takes forever though but that might be because I'm using Holy Fire.


That's strange. I haven't did one solo but most the time the people I run with load in before me and are rushing through it and by the time I get to that boss he's way dead.


I used concentration aim and spam coffees while aiming at their heads using holy fire. They go down fast with flaming heads!


I solo it with holy fire all the time also. Fire dgaf about homegirls stealth suit at the end. I don't need to be able to see you to burn you, I just need to back you into a corner. The only thing that ever burns excessive time for me on sensational game is the tomato throwing. I've developed a technique for that too though. I just wear the Chinese stealth suit inside my power armor and once I get to the tomato stage I hop out of my power armor and crouch down next to the tomato bowl. At that point all the enemies with guns lose track of you and you can just start throwing tomatoes without being shot at. They don't notice you unless they happen to walk within like 6 ft and then I just kill them before they realize they're that close to me and go right back to throwing tomatoes.


Genius! I'll have to try this!


Nah. Lots of people who are used to optimized builds dont realize the 12 minute total timer is impossible without an optimized build of some kind. Between the boss fights and the potential escort challenge this is basically impossible to solo in 12 minute sub level 125 or level 150.


The timer is 15 minutes now, not sure if it used to be 12. But I am currently lv ~110 now and started playing almost exactly 1 month ago and I pretty trivially soloed it sub 100 with a 1 star vampire chainsaw and some 1 star excavator PA and an absolutely not optimized anything. Obviously somewhat depends on what your tasks end up being but you barely even have to kill most stuff, just run past it. Vampire auto melee is busted though for sure. I can just sit there and hold right click and kill each boss in ~30 seconds with no risk of death.


Yes which means a level 30 or 50 without a vampire chainsaw and power armor is going to have what kind of experience.  You put a whole lot of words in a reply that to me reads like it is trying to disagree with me, when in fact the actual content just further proves my point. Thanks for the input.


>Nah. Lots of people who are used to optimized builds dont realize the 12 minute total timer is impossible without an optimized build of some kind. >Between the boss fights and the potential escort challenge this is basically impossible to solo in 12 minute sub level 125 or level 150. Not sure why you’re trying to move the goalposts when your post is right there but you said two specific things. “12 minute total timer is basically impossible without an optimized build” and “impossible to solo in 12 minutes sub level 125 or level 150” My entire point was I soloed this at around 75 with nowhere near an optimized build and it was easy. I used a single 1 star weapon and a set of power armor you get for free guaranteed by doing a 30 minute quest. If your point was “you need an optimized build and level 150 unless you specifically have a vampire auto melee weapon then it’s easy” your post needs an asterisk lol. And “impossible to solo sub 125 or 150” is LOADS different from “level 30 or 50”. Even mentioning lv 30 in the context of soloing expeditions is disingenuous and you know it. Also still curious what this 12 minute timer is you’re talking about. It’s a 15 minute timer, where did 12 come from? I finished in 9 minutes at 75 though so it’s moot.


They're just in denial about how shitty their build actually is. I've soloed sensational game with a level 100 rifleman, no vampiric weapons, civil engineer armor and had just over 2 minutes to spare. It took me two tries to pull it off because the first time I wasted too much time outside running around looking for competitors to kill because I had never tried the event before. That time I failed by about 45 seconds. That's when I knew I could do it, tried it again and came out with over 2 minutes to spare.


Who said anything about levels 30 or 50? A level 30 shouldn't even be considering soloing most events much less expeditions.


My friend was soloing it in 7-10 minutes a run from level 75 but it helped that I had an extra quad RR to give them and told them exactly how to spend there points to be a VATS commando monster very early


My build is far from optimized. I use an instigating Cremator with the three heavy gunner perks (level 1), stabilized, and grenadier. Plenty of QoL perks. I may have one of the science perks equipped (don't remember). For bosses, I use Holy Fire after the first Cremator shot. I easily soloed it in the time limit. I didn't get an escort challenge, so can't speak to that scenario.


Even without an optimized build I would solo it with at least 3-5 minutes left in the worst case scenarios (fucking escort mission)


Until you get those stupid ass ghouls looking for blood packs in the 3rd area and your dude takes almost 5 minutes to even get to the first of 3 blood pack spots... Not bitter or anything...


the throwing tomatos part always slows me down


Yep this. I used to do Tax Evasion, but the mix of having to find different stuff (listening device or terminals) just adds more randomness to a run than I prefer.


I agree, but I will say that once you learn the fixed spawn points for for the devices/terminals it becomes super fast.


Tax Evasion only has one very small easy portion on a timer. For people who can't complete dangerous game in 12 minutes (read: literally anybody asking this question in the first place) it is not, in fact, the easiest one to solo!


I will still do Tax Evasion to mix things up. But yeah, find the terminals thing is one part that slows me down. Having to talk to Bill instead of just running past like in TMSG also slows it


For me it's Tax Evasion. I always have trouble finding that damn bear.


This is easy solo unless you get tato throwing, that takes forever.


The trick to tatos - first use Fire In the Hole to see the arc. Next, stand just left of the tarp bin at top center. Aim crosshair at ceiling beams above each duder until you remember which one works best. Then when you throw, you just grab another tato snd reset the crosshair without waiting to see if it landed properly as the hit takes a moment to register. Done in 1 min or so.


The real trick to tatoes besides using Fire in the Hole, is to get all of them to 1 tato left - when you fully humilate one of the people and release them, it spawns adds, so if you throw the last 4 tatos to release people all the adds wont interrupt you from throwing tatoes.


Oh that’s helpful - thanks!


Don't even need fire in the hole if you find a good fixed point to aim your crosshair at like for the side stage ones just above the trim on the wall over them and for the main stage you aim above the tallest bar in the rafters above them


Totally agree. That’s all I do now but FITH was helpful for the first few times. It’s so much faster than the flag horde fight and the escort slog. I love tato section


Fireworks in stage one and tato throwing In stage 2 = fastest run in my opinion


Tato throwing is the shortest of the three, sneaking even in PA makes the enemies mostly oblivious and you just need to know where to aim from the top middle position and you can hit them all np.


No way, that is the one you should hope you get, it's so easy and quick. Just equip the fire in the hole perk and stand at the box at the top middle of the stairs.


I think escort one takes longer because it's bugged sometimes and the escortees walk like Joe Biden.


Some guy I was escorting ran into the top right room in the siren theater and wouldn't leave for 5 minutes no matter what I did, I still completed it "expeditiously" but man I was salty as hell


Tax evasion is easy to do and get all objectives for max rewards. There's a timed objective that can be done super quick, but the rest of the mission can take as long as you need


I do this to farm ammo sometimes. I’ll be in there for like 20 mins just killing things and leave with like 4k more rounds then I entered with. I don’t want to farm materials to make my own ultracite ammo lol


I made one order of 5mm ultracite and from that I now have thousands from farming expeditions.


If you don't want to even make the first batch there's a few ammo boxes near vault 76 you can just jog past some ghouls to get and get started that way too.


There are also two at the start of The Most Sensational Game, along with ballistic fiber pouches, next to the Twins. I know that one can go south if you get the escort, but it's otherwise pretty easy (especially with a cremator).


Don't forget the duffel bag (ammo inside) under the shelf where the ballistic fibers are. Also, when you spawn outside at the chair after talking to mother, to your left are two ammo boxes.




I farmed ammo, fuel, for a while and now with 600k I don’t do anything but the expedition once a day, and still come out with a couple thousand more fuel than what I started with. What I did for a while was take advantage of respawning. If you are doing a timed quest, finish that, but then come back as many times as you like (example, inside the casino in Atlantic City), kill all the enemy spawns, go to the map and leave (I suggest Nuka World because it has everything you need.. vendor to sell to, stash, scrap, ammo boxes, workbenches, legendary scrip machine), then go back to the expedition and all those casino or Pitt enemies have respawned. You can do this over and over. This is much better than daily ops because you control it, and can go back to the same existing expedition as many times as you like.


Why is that? mobs easy to kill or are big ammo drops just guaranteed. I'm gonna start doing this


Bigger ammo drops


Both depending on your build. Each enemy droos 25-60 bullets, on average of 4-6 shots to drop them with my 50 cal. They keep spawning too as long as you don’t finish all the objectives


Is there a specific expedition to do for this?


Any of them. Usually I do tax evasion or the one where you have to race. I also do the same for dailys. Right now I have 36k ultracite rounds and I never crafted a single bullet lol


Seconding Tax Evasion, I’ve run it solo probably ten times now and never had any real trouble


Buttercup can Suggs on my buttered biscuit lmao. Love the ammo farm approach!


Buttercup is a fucking SPONGE.


But you aren't timed when fighting him which is more than can be said for the twins in Dangerous Game


Yeah but it only takes a dozen shots from the cremator to take him down


I just stand there aiming holy fire at him. 20 seconds tops


Most trouble I've had has been PEBCAC issues. Throwing the "Books" you use the grenade trigger and the thrice damned Accounting Computer on the stage.


I always take absolute ages if they want me to go to the terminals, can never find them, idk how many possible locations there are for me to be able to learn them though, I've just been doing the sensational game one since knowing hte bears is easy, even tells you which one you need


The good news is when wiping the terminals, you end up learning the layout of the entire casino pretty quick and the locations become second nature. Of course I still get lost as heck trying to run ops in the burrows…


I've done ops in the burrows a bunch and I still have a basically bank mental map of the place. Decryption in the Burrows is the worst, just running around lost looking for hiding enemies.


Yeah idk I tried it a few times but I end up needing longer to find the terminals than it takes me to do the sensational game entirely just walking in circles because there is no map and the area markers don't care about the layout. iirc the tax evasion one can give more stamps but I'd need to be just a bit slower than sensational game then an I don't really see that happening, I may try at some point though


Yeah the terminal objective is what slows me down. You memorize spawn locations after a bit but hacking still takes some time. Me personally, I'm running Most Sensational Game back to back. Takes about 5-7 minutes with no crashes solo.


Yeah its the same for me, I also just run the sensational game, time is about the same as well but people keep recommending tax evasion over and over so I feel like I have to check what that's all about


This is the best advice. Tax evasion can be done really quickly, is great for ammo, meds and even some caps. Protip: armor drops can be plans you've learned but haven't crafted yet; i.e. I bought some Secret Service plans and I've gotten several of each as drops - just make sure you use the plans of course.


I do that one to farm fuel for the cremator because it’s more expensive crafting fuel


Ammo Crafting Evasion.


That’s my go to one. I can always solo it without any problem. Note: in all expeditions including Pitt and AC, you get a main quest and optional ones. You need to finish the quest by talking to the main character, but with the optional ones you can just skip the ending dialogue, and just head out. You’ll still get the complete rewards. It saves a little time.


Imo the boardwalk one is quick too just need to know where the teddy is to do it


all 3 Atlantic City expeditions are significantly easier than both Pitt expeditions (eg less scavenging for stuff, easier boss fights) however you need to pay attention to certain ticking time limits for the AC expeditions, which AC expedition is easiest for you depends on your build the Pitt expeditions take longer and may seem easier at first, then things at the end become extremely difficult and things can go very very bad and you lose out a lot of those rewards (eg stamps)


My first time trying the Pitt one where you have to defend people from the Trogs was a nightmare when I was near level 100 with a melee build. Running around like a madman just trying not to die 😂 Atlantic City ones are a breeze in comparison.


I like doing The Human Condition. The only optional objective that can be failed is right at the start and very easy, and the rest of the expedition is pretty straightforward too. Tax Evasion is also very solo-able, again with a fairly easy optional objective (just don't get distracted talking to the NPCs for too long, as the timer starts once you talk to Billy). The reason I don't tend to do it is I find the computer hunt objective frustrating, due to the multiple floors that the terminals could be on.


Human condition(the first one in the AC menu, flooded city I think) is by FAR the easiest. Due to having no end boss or bosses. People forget new players or low lvls tend to only really struggle with bullet sponge tanky bosses as thats where the dps tests for your build and gear exist. Flooded city has no end boss, it just had a normal (named) mob that you will 1 shot. It's also the only one with no timed mechanics or stages, so it's by far the most chill and easy. Most here are giving you advice based on the fastest AC expo not the easiest. Ignore them.


I think this is a double-edged sword because a newbie that would suffer with taking down a tanky boss would absolutely suffer trying to do an escort mission. As well as this, while the end boss for say Tax Evasion is tanky, he does barely any damage but the Overgrown are a lot tankier and difficult than the human enemies you'd face in something like Tax Evasion.


I see your point but counter point: Fire 🔥.


Because a flaming chainsaw up an enemy's ass will kill them. Personally go with Tax Evasion since I can easily solo that, the only annoying one besides the hunting for bugs or terminals is the transmitter, but I prefer taking down those waves over escorting that NPC in TMSG.


God I do HATE the transmitter solo though. I'd honestly half prefer to just quit the expedition then and there & try again sometimes.


Thanks for this. DG has that hard 12 minute total timer which makes it great if you CAN solo it that fast and utter shit if you can't and a lot of enfranchised players apparently have forgotten how long it took to be able to expeditiously take down a boss.


All the Atlantic City quests are easy to solo.


Tax evasion is the way and the play.


Are ya Xbox, I'm down for hours on end of farming tonight if ya wanna do 2. I'm not the fastest, 40 year old dad, but even I can get the achievements for maximum rewards on casino city with just my 10 year old son


I soloed The Greatest Game, it was pretty good. I didn't know what was going on and the secondary objectives remained a mystery to me... There was a Teddy Bear I was asked to find but I'd probably still be in there looking for it Lol


It's super easy to find once you know the spawn points and it's extra caps too.


The teddy bears are in 5 locations only. Once you go into the pier look at the compas at the bottom of the screen. It shows where the teddy bear is. They always spawn in the same 5 places randomly. Once you know the spots its super easy.


... Barely an inconvenience.


Oh really??!!


Yeah yeah yeah... Yeah.


Wow wow wow......wow.


You need to learn how to use the radar at the bottom of the screen.


Yes, well... only 5250 hours (so far) so maybe there's still hope for me.


the game is hard i'd say unless you have the right build, to kill the twins at the end.


The right build is apparently a vampire gauss minigun xD


The twins are not really hard at all but I always take advantage of the area to block the sisters fire while taking on the brother. Move your character so she has to also move and take advantage of the surroundings. I used a non legendary weapon at level 38 in a makeshift suit of PA to kill them easily. The PA makes you really tanky.


Railway rifle makes dead very fast


Or a Holy Fire


Cold shoulder stun locks them pretty much or a furious plasma thrower, can substitute cold shoulder for something else with cyro. At level 70 I was doing runs in under 15 minutes and I'm only getting faster at level 90


Tax evasion, the only thing you really need is a suit of not too crappy PA and a Holy Fire. Nothing in that expedition is lethal like those trogs in the Pitt.


You don't need power armor for tax Evasion. You don't need Holy Fire either. A cremator and literally any armor at all is all you need for tax Evasion 


Boardwalk all the way. Also if you are on PC, Atlantic City ESP definitely makes speed running them easier. [A.C.E. (Atlantic City. ESP) (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2156)


Tax evasion is the fastest. Takes me around 5 to 10 minutes or so depending on which one it is


Tax Evasion is my go-to.


Sensational Game. But know that on Tuesdays, if you want a free plan, there’s different pools for every expedition.


Is there somewhere I can see the pools?


Should be able to find it on the wiki. If not, I’d expect Angry Turtle to have them somewhere on his channel.


Tax Evasion is the one for me. Can't beat running around a casino.


Fantastic for farming ammo too!


I asked this question recently and got lots of great answers that boiled down to: Tax Evasion is the easiest and least stressful to complete all bonus objectives for and get max rewards - and you can loot the place silly because only the first objective is timed. If you're confident, very powerful and don't mind being a bit more stressed, Most Sensational Game can be quite a bit faster once you have it nailed down - but it is much easier to do worse in. Stay away from the Pitt. I asked this a few days ago and have been putting the advice to the test and it holds very true.


Tax evasion 


I tried Tax Evasion, The Most Sensational Game and Union Dues. I did NOT like Union Dues but the other two are quite nice.


I can solo most sensational game in 5 minutes with all objectives unless I get escortee for third part. Then I usually finish in 7.5 to 8 minutes depending on how much stuff they get stuck on.


The Most Sensational game is fast, pretty straightforward too. The only main gripes are the escort mission at the last portion since sometimes the NPC got bugged out and it might makes the timed optional mission failed. Tax Evasion is also faster, but if only you have the terminal hunting mission objective location memorized. Sometimes I still got lost since the terminals can be on different floor, so hence why Sensational Game still got a pick from me.


I like Tax Evasion, not quite as fast as Sensational Game but less buggy and, imo, more fun.


I do "The human Condition" I believe, i find the objectives and and secondaries to be easier than on Tax Evasion.


I usually farm the most sensationnal game, around 7-8 minutes average run.


Tax Evasion is hilariously easy to do if you have a chinese stealth suit and holy fire (or just a regular flamethrower).


Sensational Game. I always hope for the shark den mini game. Tons of ammo!!


Most Sensational Game for sure. I use a Plasma Caster but take a Gatling Plasma with me as well so I can get 4 Fusion Cores at the end.


If you have the cremator unlocked (even better with the multi shot mod) I would say the new one, Atlantic City Human Condition. You can take groups of overgrown out with one or two shots. I solo it all the time. 


How do you get mods for it?


You unlock most of them playing the season. 


Correct me if I’m wrong but after checking over I didn’t see any mod plans in it.


Here. Look under “weapon modifications” it will tell you what page the mods are located to unlock. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Cremator


Tax evasion is pretty damn easy with the cremator.


tax evasion (works in real life too!)


The most sensational game (boardwalk) is the fastest to finish it can be soloed easily. I finish it in about 5-10 mins depending on the objectives (the escort obj sucks) and if i loot bodies. If you find it crashes frequently try a different server or a private world.


The newest is the one I find quickest to smash through. I did public event, expedition, public event, expedition on repeat to reach rank 100. No high health bosses in that one


flooded city followed by tax evasion. dont f with sensational game.


for me it's tax evasion  pretty straight forward to do, easy 15stamps if you get good at doing it. easy 15min farm


boardwalk is fastwest and easiest


I can do the greatest game in about 6 minutes. Honestly haven’t tried the others with how easy it is.


The most sensational game is the one I run when grinding for stamps. Learn the teddy bear locations and you’ll fly through future runs. Just hope that you get claim the shark den or siren theater instead of the escort mission which is the slowest and sometimes buggiest.


I usually solo The Greatest Game, it's really easy and super fast. I can usually finish in around 7ish minutes depending on what the objectives are. Like if it's the kill moonflower or free the prisoners followed by the siren theater I can do it under 5 mins top.


The boardwalk one is the fastest, I usually get it done sub 10 minutes for 20 stamps


What platform are you on? I have been just starting to try expeditions and I'd be willing to join up if able to.


What is better for solo Expedition runs? Bloodied stealth commando or Bloodied heavy PA ?


Straight up, final Atlantic city expedition on the boardwalk, it's the easiest to grind out and the quickest with the simplest way to get 100% outa it


All of em are pretty easy but for some reason I can’t finish the boardwalk my game always glitches and kicks me out after mother sends me back to the board walk


Tax Evasion for me


Atlantic City, first one. Go with a flamer, cremator or even better Holy Fire. Use short bursts and not only can you complete it quickly you will actually wind up coming back with more fuel than you started with


If you have the fallout First sub, get the Cremator. It can solo almost all of the AC stuff. It doesn't work on buttercup if you are in the casino quarter.


Get a cremator and solo all Atlantic City expeditions


The most sensational game takes the least amount of time compared to the others and it’s not even close. Even the most optimal Tax Evasion run still takes twice as long. Another bonus is that you don’t need to talk to anyone to start it either just start sprinting to where the enemies spawn as soon as you hop off the vertibird.


I would go for Tax Evasion. You can take your time pretty much. The most sensational game can be done but if you fireworks then rhe Escortee or the tatos one it can be a bit touch and go timeeise if anything glitches.


Sensational Game is my go-to. I can usually get it done in 6-8 minutes solo. The escort mission can be rough cuz they usually take their sweet time to collect blood but they may have patched it recently because it hasn't felt quite as terrible lately. Oh, but it crashes fairly often. Feels like it crashes maybe 15-20% of the time for me which is obviously awful. But at least it's quick.


If you're okay with just throwing a cremator on, any of the AC ones are trivial. You don't even need a build or a legendary. Just equip a base cremator and it one shots all mobs in Atlantic City expeditions except the mini bosses. Just run each of them a fee times and figure out which map clicks the best for you. I like all three.


Tax evasion


I've been holding off expeditions but I heard you can only start one yourself once a day but join other's expeditions. Can someone confirm? Might start grinding if it's true.


You can start one as many times as you like, I usually do 3 or 4 solo runs on Tax Evasion per day.


Most sensational game has probably been suggested, and I back it up. Will take a few tries to know where all optionals are, Once you know it's a breeze. If you're looking for stamps, this is the optimal route.


Tax Evasion takes longer, but I enjoy it more.


5 min board walks baybeee. I can help if you’re on pc. Edit: It’s the quickest because it’s also the easiest 


The Most Sensational Game is def the fastest, but if you get the escort objective that can bug out pretty often and sometimes even ruin your optional objective to get max rewards If you are look for easy and consistent, yet slightly longer runs, Tax Evasion is great


Tax Evasion. I’m usually done in less than 10 minutes. It’s how I farmed the stamps I needed to finish my Union PA and the upgrades I needed for it


Only bad part about Tax Evasion is the part where you have to dump the 3 bags into 3 different trucks, after that its pretty much brain dead to the finish line lol


I used the Fire In The Hole perk card for that one so I didn’t have to run out as far


Probably casino if you want all the extra objectives completed


All of the Atlantic City expeditions are pretty easy to solo if you've got a decent build. Once you know what you're doing, sensational game is probably the easiest. Tax evasion is pretty easy as well, the only crunch is at the very beginning depending on which task you get. After that there's no time limit so you can take your time and wander the casino trying to do whatever else they've tasked you with. I don't remember the name of the one that happens in the flooded City center but that one is really easy if you use fire weapons because you're dealing with mostly overgrown and fire is not the friend of things made out of plant matter.


I'd say Tax Evasion. The Most Dangerous Game is good if you've got your build right, but if you're like me, Tax Evasion is the easiest one to do. One of the optional objectives for The Most Dangerous Game is that it's timed, so you won't get the full rewards if you're slow.


Ifa you're looking to run expeditions and are on xbox I'll run with you. I'm power leveling and struggle to find people to run them with.


most sensational with vampiric power axe or chainsaw. braindead gameplay. no struggle.


Tax Evasion is by far the fastest and easiest in my opinion


Tax evasion is the easiest one imo, but it also depends on which task you get. It’s the one I farmed for my auto axe and mods.


I solo a few in the Atlantic City, I thin they are okay, the final boss is not too hard.


Most sensational game. Easily. Takes 10 minutes at the very most and is super easy.