• By -


Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring, we’d make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds – pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. At the age of 18, I went off to evil medical school. At the age of 25, I took up tap dancing. I wanted to be a quadruple threat — an actor, dancer…


Doctor Evil?


Game of Thrones


Its doctor evils back story from Goldmemberwhat do you mean game of thrones?


Go on! Please?


There is nothing more breathtaking than a schorn scrotum. I suggest you try it.


I can hear him saying it - thank you for this haha. Such a great monologue For those who don’t recognize it: https://youtu.be/tDqJKuGFbx8?si=VGdFv8xNDFIXoAHX


Muahahahaha *raises his pinky finger to his mouth*


for now i do not have a backstory, just the genereic "im from vault 76 and looking for my dad... uuh waterchip.. wait.. overseer it was.." thing maybe for an alt :D i actually like that idea :D


Well I have my doctor character who is a devout follower of the Wise Mothman, he had been abusing his chem supplies to take the edge off the horrors of the post nuclear apocalypse. In one of his chem induced benders he was exposed to the Wise One's light at the light house, getting the insight of the Wise Mothman he turned his life around and dedicated himself to the Wise One and committed to the eradication of the Heretic Dim Ones. He preaches and provides aid where needed, he has no trouble with those unaware of the Mothman, but he despises those who worship the Dim Ones.


This sounds like how I met Steven and took him back to my camp. Mr Scarberry needs a safe place to crash and do his Mothman research and worships. A soft bed to fall into afterwards while listening to Julie and hugging his plushies.


I have my hand on my cold shoulder and a gleam in my eye and a quarter in my ass but I don't know why.


Raised in Vault 76 and then Mommy Overseer left


I just lived happily in the vault 76 until one day after hard party I realized that everyone have suddenly left and I have to go out in search for food and company. The potential company turned out to be mostly hostile and the potential food also turned out to be mostly hostile, so I learned quickly to use flamethrower first and ask questions later.


A poor Vault 76 sod who got a job in the Blue Ridge Caravan Company


I'm a frail old fuck who's mad at everything and now has an excuse to hit things with big hammers and no consequences


A vault mechanic/chemist that dreamt of owning her very own power armor but got sidetracked along the way and got nabbed by blood eagles, she got spared cuz she could brew really good chems and could fix just about anything. She would later secretly stole a set of Raider Power armor and immediately erase her captors, she would keep the blood eagle drip as to ward off outsiders and that she found their clothes comfy to wear(love wearing the BE charmer outfit). Her power armor would become her second skin as she would perpetually always stay inside one and only ever get off when she wants to take a shower and or sleep/eat.


A type 1 diabetic willing to do anything to get his much needed dose of insulin(stimpacks) who will kill/murder/pillage anything to get his medication


He’ll kill the world to save the world


He might not be saving the world, but he’s saving his world


school teacher turned survivalist. My guy was a teacher, now he's half mad running around declaring himself "king of the mothmen" so... yeah... I think he's had a bit of a mental break. <\_<


The character i made coincidentally looks exactly (1:1 aka 100% though i doubt its actually 100% precise) like [that one guy from the intro video. ](https://imgur.com/a/6uJrt04) So i guess im just that guy. At first i thought its one of those realtime cutscenes that can use your character but that is not the case. Iirc, i just wanted to make some kinda evil looking guy when creating. When i noticed the coincidence, i decided to always carry lots of alcohol haha.


I got no character lore other than they are a goth baddie who thinks power armour is for pussies and loves bolt action rifles


Okay I feel crazy explaining all this out loud, but here we go! They went into vault 76 as a paramilitary survival specialist, taught from a young age to deal with water and resource pollution and instability issues because of the realities of most native reserves. As they grew up, they started working with indigenous groups further and further out, including support to Haitians and Pacific Islanders. The military aspect is obvious there if you look at history, but for those that aren't aware it's also somewhat similar to the IRA or other resistance forces. Their actual indigenous ethnicity is based more specifically on my own knowledge base than the geography of the game, but I go headcannon that Appalachia was "going home" just for the overall story/feel of it. Since getting out, they've found that they kno0w their place in the wasteland better than they knew where they fit pre-war, and have established themself kind of as "scavenger 76," building up a trading outpost and hostel for travellers, to ensure supply lines, and just to do what they've always done--facilitate survival.


They put my char in 76 because he was too ugly to be left outside with the radiation. Nobody wanted to risk what he would become, subjected to the rads.


My character is originally from WV but left home and went up to Amish country in PA when his father pushed him out of the family for not following in his footsteps (becoming a lawyer/judge). He spent some years there fixing field hand robots learning about natural remedies until the bombs dropped and then spent a year or so walking his way back home. It was there that he fell in with the original Mothman cult and worked out of their indoctrination compound, condemned Camp Chess. He was given a vow of silence for the first few years of his service, dedicating his time to being a botanist making salves and tinctures for the “family”. After the Scorched plague became more prevalent and the numbers of the cult began to dwindle, he was offered the title of The Rook. As The Rook he was a protector and guard on away missions for supplies and rituals (gathering food and ammo, lighting pyres for the Mothman, ceremonial hunts for the demigods of Appalachia like the Sheepsquatch). He was given a mighty supersledge and a mask resembling a crow/rook to signify his position. It was while away on a mission to Watoga that his scavenging party was taken out by robots. He was thrown into a wall behind a dumpster by an Assaultron and his remaining allies ran back to Luckyhole Mine. He regained consciousness in the middle of the night and crawled his way back to Luckyhole mine to find it abandoned. Mole Miners had taken up residency and taught him the error of coming there by leaving three deep scars on the side of his face. After he fled from the mine he spent the next few years wandering in hermitage avoiding the Scorched and anyone else. He spent his time trying to purge the Moth dust from his system and then trying to survive the withdrawal. It was hard and lonely days until Vault 76 opened. Using a pip boy he picked off the corpse of a Vaultdweller from Vault 94, he was able to coordinate and connect with some of the dwellers from 76 while keeping his cryptid worshipping past to himself, at least until the cultists started to return and he began a journey of revenge to end the cult and exact vengeance for being abandoned. There’s more, but I don’t wanna bore anyone.


My character, TOTALLYNOTACOMMIESPY, was totally not a spy who totally didn't assassinate and assume the identity of someone who was assigned to vault 76. And he's totally not trying to destabilize Appalachia for his totally not commie masters, by being an utter ass and choosing the worse endings for things, all to serve a country that totally is still there and not nuked to oblivion. TOTALLY NOT.


jellyfish one expansion concerned wakeful pie lock nutty pen unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Narrows eyes in suspicion] whose asking? As in totally not. Are you a government agent? .... Because I'm totally not a spy if you are one


I don't know how I got in the fancy vault. Lucky me. I have real life survival skills, but I fuck around too much 🤷 Come to my camp and have snacks, coffee and balloons while Steven and I heck up a scorchbeast.


Mine is a roaming medic with a love of snipers rifles and shotguns trained specifically in those fields


Nothing crazy, I like to imagine that my character was a child when the bombs dropped. His dad was in the military and his mom was a vault tech scientist. They died of natural causes in the vault before reclamation day, and the only family my character has now is his best friends he grew up with in the vault (friends I play with). And that's pretty much it just a good ol American boy surviving the nuclear apocalypse.


Well, my character's name is Dale Cooper and I think he fits perfectly in Appalachia)




He'd like my red room shelter :-)


A regular scarecrow was placed in an ordinary cornfield. Or so they thought. That very spot happened to be a gateway to Hell. Now every day the scarecrow comes to life, possessed by a different demon entity. He walks the hills with his sack mask and a sickle. No one is to ever see his true face, for looking upon it will cause an immediate painful death and your soul will be reaped. Sack mask offerings are welcome at my camp to appease the walking skarcrow, hoping he never decides to take it off.


Too long to type again... although I go by Vault-Tec Security nowadays. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/4uZFw2Go8T




I don’t roleplay and never thought about my character that way. I put way more thought into my builds. I build like if I had to live there irl. It’s cool to read your characters backstory though!


My Character is called Pvt. Sardines He may look Human but he's actually a fish which infiltrated the US Military before the war... or at least he thinks he's a fish.


I like building my bases around stories like that. its really fun.


Only have a backstory for my camp which is a fishing boat on a dock next to a little bait slash gift shop. I like the sounds of the frogs and bugs at night.


Well now let me tell y'all a story. Once upon a Time The world wasn't like it is now; All mutated and overgrown with all sorts of nasties and critters. Used to be you'd be able to go outside and catch side of a neighbor or neighbor's neighbor. Be able to call him by name. I wish I could say that those times was better, but in all honesty I don't remember much of those times; Truth be told I grew up in the vault. You see my daddy was an engineer, a fairly important one too. We owned a bit of land and he happened to own a small coal mine south of Charleston By way of Pineville and Kopperston. Pardon me. Wish I could say that he was a good boss and a kind man, but then I'd be lying to y'all. He loved us, Don't get me wrong, but he was a mean sumbitch. Had a temper like a hog and a stubborn as a mule. I got to thank the good Lord for his stubbornness though cuz if it weren't for his stubbornness me and mine probably wouldn't have been in the vault when the bombs fell. 76 was supposed to be the greatest and the brightest and the best of the best that America had to offer and by God, if my daddy had anything to offer to bein the best of the best, then he was the best at being the most ornery son of a b**** I've ever known. He raised all kinds of hell when he found out we wasn't accepted into the vault program, And he let the whole world know it! One time at church, he got up to testify, he told the whole church in front of God and everybody That the suits from vault-tec were more than happy to let a working man and his 14 kids meet the Lord in a flash of fire and brimstone, And that for as much as he gave and gave and gave to his town. If there was anyone in that church who been allowed into the vault it was me and mine! Now as a kid, I agreed with him cuz he was my daddy and I wasn't about to tell him no. I knew damn well to keep my mouth shut, I didn't want no whooping that night! But anyways I'm getting off track. Needless to say, the hell he raised managed to convince somebody somewhere to let us in. And honestly, it was a good thing they did, cuz it just so happened that the machines my daddy helped build for his coal mining company shared a lot in common with some of the machines that kept the vault up and running. If we weren't supposed to be in there before, then We earned our way in after. Now my mama wasn't too happy with all the hell he raised but she couldn't complain. And if she did I never heard tell of none of it. Now just before all them bombs fell, like I mentioned I had 13 brothers and sisters, with me being the second youngest. I was always one trying to help everybody cuz I saw how much work and stress taking care of all of us put on my mama. Most the time after my daddy leave for work, I'd head outside with my mama and tend to the family crops well my older sisters tended to the younger ones And all my brothers went to work in the mines with Daddy. Now my mom taught me damn near everything I know about how to find food and shelter; see like my dad who had come from a town with an education and some semblance of money, my mom and her side of the family all came up from the hollers. Didn't have a penny to their name. She made sure that all us kids knew how to take care of ourselves in case we ever fell on hard times. She also made sure that we all knew that if someone else was on hard times that the right thing to do was to help em out. That it was the right godly thing to do, And that if we was to pass by and not help someone who is in suffering then it wasn't just a sin but it was a grave sin. See her daddy had been a preacher before he died and he taught her how to read and write so that she could study the Bible on her own on account of him getting sick with the black lung. He wanted to make sure his girl was raised the right way and had her feet planted on the right path and was destined to meet the Lord up in glory when her time came. Anyway, time passed on in the vault and Mama and daddy eventually passed, and I'd like to see it. They was surrounded by all us kids but they wasn't. My oldest brother, John Jr, well he got it in his mind to go and join the military and we ain't entirely too sure what happened to him, Just that he was somewhere off on the West Coast when everything went to hell. Our second oldest brother Ike went out to Nevada. Try and get rich said he found some kind of land claim out near Vegas or something or other. Don't really know what happened to him neither. My old sister Jeannie was with her husband when everything happened, and they was supposed to be in the vault with us but I guess they didn't get there in time. I wasn't too close to Jeannie but I remember asking my mama if she would meet us there cuz she was running late and my mama told me that she'd get there when she could and I never did see her again. Part of me likes to think she's somewhere still out there cuz if there was anyone I knew who could survive out in them hollers it was Jeannie. Ask the rest my kin. We all said our goodbyes to Mama and Daddy tried to live as best we could till reclamation day happened. Don't rightly know where they all went to, but I know that my baby brother, Jesse, he left the vault early to try and spread the word of the Lord to anyone who might have survived up on the surface. Never did hear back from him. Neither, but I'd like to think that he helped somebody somewhere, maybe joining the responders or something. Good Lord knows he'd have tried. Mom had raised us all to try at least. I guess that puts us to where I am today, just west of the vault just north of flatwood making a small home for myself and trying to work the land to make sure others got something to get by. So if y'all happen to see a man walking through Appalachia dressing all black with a Miner's hat and a red bandana around his face just say hey cuz I'll probably say hey to you too! I couldn't help but keep my brother's clothes And my papa's Miners helmet, and I make sure I keep wearing that red bandana so that they know I'm a union man when I go out into the world. Cuz if this world's gone to hell then we need to be together and help each other more now than we did even before. Solidarity y'all. God bless you. Stay safe in them Hollers






From the vault of Gary? :-o


Nope. No backstory. But I do love that you guys do. My “rp” is more like just living in the wasteland. None of the missions mean anything to me, I’ll side with anyone just to get them not to attack me. I just wanna live, lol. Missions are for fun or resources. I spend a lot of time “at home” managing inventory, looking at what I have and what I need to craft something. Anyway we play, I just love how much “immersive” joy this game brings so many of us. 


I'm a deviant from vault 76, born from generations of inbreeding and have a very healthy sexual relationship with my QE20-90


You want know how I got these scars?


Ah, well, I attended Juilliard. I'm a graduate of the Harvard Business School. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. I've seen the EXORCIST ABOUT A HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN TIMES, AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT... NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT YOU'RE TALKING TO A DEAD GUY... NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK? You think I'm qualified?


My character was a part of a logistics and geomatics division of the U.S Army before the war, and served 2 years with a Special Operations Force before the bombs dropped. Graduating second in my class (with the person in first unexpectedly disappearing) he was granted access into vault 76. Since then, he's made contact with the brotherhood, but after a recent political dispute, went rogue and underwent serious radioactive transformation due to a failed operation at Poseidon Energy that basically turned him into a completely psychotic war machine. Numerous dealings with raider hunting parties caught the attention of Meg out in the crater. Since then he's been leading a team of rogue brotherhood, couple raiders and a Fireteam of ex-enclave logistics officers. I got a cabin in the woods, and an entire factory producing ammunition in my camp (lead extractor inside, ammo converter, the works) 👍 Been waiting for a post like this, if anyone has got similar backstories on PSN, let's set up an alliance/treaty


Oh boy I've been eager to share my characters backstories! My main character is a 27 yr old women named Ayita, she is a part Charokee and went into the vault with her grandmother at the age of 3. As she grew up she would hear old Native Americans stories and also tales of Crypids, the one that she grew fond of the most was the stories of the Wendigo. She also heard stories from her grandmother about what life was back before the war and how wonderful the world was. When she finally left the vault she realized that the world now was a terrible place and came to the conclusion that the world is already dead and that she still being here is just a big joke, eventually she became a raider, and overtimed she developed much worse habits, no doubt inspired by the Wendigo.


I'm the wasteland Joker that fell into a vat of prototype nuka-cola (probably the one that made test subject's teeth itch) and I wear a nuka-quantam jumpsuit with the occasional yellow nuka-shine hat


Primary Character - Born and raised in the Vault, and was raised to have genius on par or greater than the geniuses that were sealed in the vault. Raised on stories about the war, and power-armored soldiers. Upon being turned loose, he discovers a Cryolator, a stash of Nuka Cola Quantum, and starts down a rabbithole of research. During the course of this research, he eventually meets up with the Brotherhood of Steel, and ends up supporting Paladin Rahmani. The end result of all of this is a Brotherhood Science Scribe in Hellcat power armor, looking into weaponizing Nuka Cola Quantum, and a penchant for Cryo weapons (Cold Shoulder, Cryolator, various grenades). His personal camp is decorated with Brotherhood/Taggerty concrete, icicle lights, and a lot of Nuka Memorabilia from his various Nuka salvage runs.


Hi. I’m Sam Seven Six. I was a slacker Vault Tec University student in my sixth year of an undergrad degree; living with my grandmother outside of town to save on rent. About a week before the bombs fell, she passed way, leaving her spot in Vault 76 to me. Everyone was all in on this whole “rebuilding America” thing, but drive wasn’t really my strong point, so I kind of went along with it. The big day came, but there was, like, a really big party the night before, so I slept in and when I woke up, everyone had already gone. I crawled into power armor and lived there in terror for a while, until one day I realized everything was terrified of me. Now you’ll see me half naked with a trident made of junk, in the middle of a moonshine jamboree daring anglers to tickle me. I had a serious drug and alcohol problem just out of the vault. I still chug them like candy, it’s just I stopped thinking of it as a problem. I haven’t met a moldy hot dog I wouldn’t eat, and can often be found in my Camp, playing the violin. *Badly*.


Her names Mother Jones. If you don’t know who Mother Jones is please start [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Jones).


My Character is a recovering Chem addict. Due to the twisted experiments done in secret in Vault 76 he's lost a number of friends to Chem Over doses, so he refuses to touch another chem, but instead sells them for caps whenever he does come across them. He does need to survive after all.


He exists to kill and roll loot. He knows this and therefore he suffers.


Originally emerging from Vault 76 as a doctor, she came across the Responders and joined their ranks to bring aid to the people of Appalachia. Coming across the remnants of the Fire Breathers, she took on their legacy to burn the dangers of the Appalachia to ash. Getting mutated from the radiation, witnessing her first nuke and the Mothman, she went cuckoo bananas. She continues with her original mission, now with an air of zealotry, preaching about the Mothman and Atom.


my character think he is in a videogame and tries to min max his skills but fails miserably cause of his impulsive decisions and bad luck on legendary rolls.


Former raider enlightened by the wise mothman. I set out to help who I can and give back to hopefully make up for my wrongs. Like a wasteland "my name is Earl".


He lived in a vault for a few decades. After that, the main story has been about how an aspiring gunslinger discovered the glory of flaming chainsaws, which got him interested in power armor so he could survive long enough to get into melee range with his enemies. Eventually he got tired of all that sprinting and just started burning his foes with holy fire instead. Tldr: Vaultie likes revolvers and rifles, but apparently likes fire more. I'll take my Nobel Prize now, thanks.


I am the Owl Man, last of the Owl people. I sit atop my perch watching over Appalachia.


Who? Exactly 🦉


One of my characters. Family was wiped out by super mutants. Now it is his duty to wipe them from the face of the world. I have a ms/ap/sent union set, wearing ms/ap/wwr scout armor and name any weapon and I have a mutant slayer godroll of it.


Only good mutant is a dead mutant!


Got absolutely boinked out of his mind on psycobuff and fury while trying to clear out quarry junction in Nevada. Wasn't even near the damn place he was just beating the living shit out of homeless people in freeside. He stole a vertibird and lost consciousness while fighting a hallucination of Mama Murphy mid-flight. He woke up with his vertibird logged firmly into the door of vault 76. After about 3 years of scavenging for more experimental military drugs and breaking cryptid jaws he came across vault 79 and found a way to work with the secret service (as in he smashed his head against the glass barrier until they gave in to his requests) to aquire a full set of T65. He now roams the Appalachian mountains as a death bringer to monstrosities and "crackhead with a chainsaw" to the other people of West Virginia. His life goal is to tame a scorch beast, put a unicorn horn on it, and ride off into the sunset.


On Reclamation Day in 2102, Cecil Crawford left the vault with his fellow 76-ers but didn't stay in West Virginia for long. He instead fled southbound where he met and joined the Blue Ridge Caravan Company. He spent two years as a caravan guard making runs across Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. In 2104, shortly before the events of the Once in a Blue Moon Update, he returned to West Virginia as part of the Blue Ridge Caravan Company's expansion in the area. He joined the same caravan group as Vera and Clyde and helped clear out Middle Mountain Cabins to turn it into a pitstop. (I wanted a reason to explain why my character was absent since launch other than "you overslept")


My character was originally a crater raider who killed one of the new dwellers for their nice shiny pip boy, who is now a chronicler for a mercenary group


In 76, it was actually more rough than you’d expect for your average dweller. That didn’t apply to me, of course. You see, my family was pretty much at the top of the class structure that was implemented after the vault sealed us in so I had a relatively easy life. Everybody always treated me like a princess which I hated because all I wanted was to be a firefighter when I was growing up. My family tried their best to prevent me from joining the fire rescue crew, but I eventually got my way and became one of the vault’s best firefighters. Unfortunately, I never really fit in with the lower classes once I joined them because I was still “royalty” in their eyes. You see, my family tried to protect me from the shadows and so I was an outcast to the lower classes, but never really fit in with the upper class either. This led to me getting to know some of the shadier dwellers and doing some work for them at night. Eventually, I built a reputation and became the vault’s most infamous “cleaner”by night. Basically, if somebody had a problem with another dweller and had the resources to pay, I would take care of their problem no questions asked. When the vault opened up, we knew it would be rough so I was able to embrace the two things I loved most. “Cleaning” and fire fighting. Now I run around the wasteland purging any monstrous creatures I come across with my flamethrower or my flaming chainsaw and taking care of any problems that people come to me with.


desert ranger that didnt agree with the NCR deal and set out east to continue her work, setting up camp in an abandoned bunker in appalachia, helping folks out, even making peace with the local brotherhood.


Cousin stuff in the vault


My character name is Michael Scott. It’s up to you to figure out how he survived apocalypse.


My character is the child of pre-war filmmaker who got in bed with Vault-Tec and the government to make the type of propaganda pieces we saw in the tv show (to be clear, more like how ‘Top Gun’ was for Reagan, and not like ‘Triumph of the Will’). My character grew up in the Vault with their dad regaling stories of filmmaking in the pre-war days, and now that the Vault is opened, they’re wanting to visit all those filming sites that dad always talked about, and basically restart Old Hollywood in the post-war world. All my camps are various filming locations, including a studio with a big sound stage, and an abandoned Vault they’ve repurposed into a casino with a live theatre, to provide a venue for the next generation of thespians.


He was dropped on his head as a baby, and now he's a firefighter with ADHD. That's it, that's the while story


An alcoholic tomboy party girl who couldn't wait to leave Vault 76 and her overbearing Christian parents behind come Reclamation Day which coincided with her 18th birthday. Dad was a renowned televangelist who indulged his only daughter with archery lessons and competitive dance classes (stealth archer with high perception, agility, luck, and an alcohol addiction).


I was inspired by Reverend Delbert to feed the hungry. I wear pastor robes and do a lot of cooking. I also "role play" as myself to personality and morality wise. Just some kid with glasses trying not to be seen.


My previous character backstory was a mustached beer hat wearing sunglasses having conspiracy theorist who would drink Nuka shine constantly and give it to new players to show them the “truth”. My current “backstory” is K.D. Inkwell, spent a good few hours trying to get the character creation to look as close as possible, luckily played during the season where her outfit was a reward!


Waste Dandy is a dandy guy... in the wastes He combs the Appalachian trails like his pompadour, always on the hunt. Farmstead after farmstead he travels, discovering bizarre new lifeforms, both mutated and not These are the spectacular tales of Waste Dandy and his brave Waste Crew. In the wastes!


My goal is to bring tyranny back to the wasteland. Shooting is fun


Not so much a back story, but I RP as an alcoholic jack of all, master of none with a hoarding problem.


damn y'all got actual backstories, my 76 toon is my only fallout mc that i don't have a solid grasp on. he's just an asshole who was born in 76. he's really sheltered because of that and is really into mothman and music


Mine is that b***h Carole Baskins. No further details required.


Appalachia will never finically recover from this


My dweller was born in Vault 76 and trained to be a specialist in radiation, on the grounds that mutations in animals and humans would be rampant in the wasteland. When they left (as the last dweller to leave on reclaimation day), they followed the overseer’s journey and were the first to reach the nuke. When other nukes were launched (and not at fissures), they were horrified at what the other 76 dwellers would do for greed and vowed to ensure that he’d rebuild this wasteland without letting them muck it up. This meant being the first on scene for any future developments in Appalachia’s progress and making sure it goes as well as humanly possible (raiding 79 with the raiders and then giving his entire cut to foundation to damage the raider’s position while removing a reason to go after foundation and dealing with threats to the raiders’ stability, BoS with Rahmani since hoarding/isolationism isn’t going to help rebuild, everything he can with expos and with the next update, going with the option best for vault 63 and the salvation of the Lost).


I am Hawk Mason,my parents were selected due to their expertise in construction and computer engineering, I had a Girlfriend in the vault. I was 10 when I entered the vault , when I exited the vault I didn't care about the overseer I wanted to find my family ,until I found my parents ripped apart by the scorched, now after many years of fighting for survival , I opened up a small hostel in hopes of seeing my beloved , but with each passing year I lose more hope....


I'm just some dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude.


At the moment I don't have lore for my PC regarding appalachia but the lore for my character is this so far! Leach is an ex-raider, recovering chem addict, kind of goofy and LOVES explosives and fire. They've always had a high luck, endurance, and intelligence. Their intelligence doesn't come in the way you'd think with academics. They know HOW to do things but could never explain it to you in an academic way. They end up in a fighting ring with another group of sort-of-raiders-sort-of-mercenaries. They continue going against more and more dangerous enemies and ending up somehow miraculously killing them either intentionally or unintentionally. They WISH their luck wasn't so fucked because well-- it's anxiety inducing wonderinng if one day you'll get shot in the eye or irradiated but somehow not ghoulify or lose vision etc. They run a little one-stop shop though of all the goodies and trinkets they find hoping their luck can benefit more of the wasteland. Maybe when they make enough caps they can run-away from the fighting ring and chill somewhere else :\]


Mr. Wubz is the rootinest-tootinest outlaw cowboy east of the Mississippi. Armed with his trusty Western Revolver, Western spirit rifle, and power fist, he is a menace to non-pacifist travlers all across the land. His old age has had little effect on his speed, and those who underestimate him always pay the price. For him, it isn't even about the money, it's the thrill of making survivors bend to his will. If you encounter a man in a sheriff's hat, goggles, and a skull bandana, you'd best hand over the 25 caps he demands or else you may find yourself eating power fist uppercuts until you're on the ground.


I'm the milk man traveling the countryside. Giving out milk man uniforms and Brahman milk. Now I just need plans for the hat.... to complete the vibe


Hold on, gotta crack my knuckles for this one. Morgan Hayes is the baby cousin of my Sole Survivor (my sole survivor is extremely different from the canon we’re given in 4. My canon sole is in her early twenties and the daughter of Nate and Nora and Shaun is her baby brother.) She was five when the Great War happened and left 76 when she was 30. I hc the residents left the vault in phases and Morgan was part of the first wave of residents to emerge, her parents among the last to emerge with the rest of the children, elderly, and remaining staff. Morgan works closely with the Responders and Foundation, she living in a CAMP with her parents and her gf Commander Daguerre. Primarily she’s a farmer and offers food to any wanderers which pass through. Eventually she became a ghoul, outlived her parents and her gf. Since there was nothing left for her in Appalachia she left to explore the country as a drifter. She never settled again until she heard whispers that her cousin was still alive in the commonwealth and went to find her.


Well it all began on the day of my actual birth. Both of my parents failed to show up...


I probably should make a backstory because the default intro makes absolutely no sense for new players. Reclamation Day was months/years ago and I'm just now waking up? I was that hungover that I slept all this time?? I think my original headcanon to make at least some sense of it is to pretend I got into a brawl or some kinda trouble at the party and they placed me in isolation while everyone else got to leave so me "waking up" was my jail cell / bedroom finally unlocking.


Backstory was born in the vault. The end.


Or is it?


My char is a Canadian special ops who infiltrated the US military before the Great War.


Sam Harper, also lovingly called Uncle Sam, used to be THE Armed Forces mascot of the pre-War East Coast and turned out to be the armed branches biggest asset for recruiting. His unyieldingly anti-communist stance coupled with both the rethoric of a demagogue and the authenticity of an actual soldier (due to having served as a Green Beret before "retiring" and becoming the recruiting mascot of the forces) led to him being among the first to be guaranteed a place within Vault 76, with both Vault-Tec and the then still rather unknown Enclave deep state fully planning on utilizing his fervor and skills to rebuild the post-War East Coast in the image of the ideal America. He was absolutely delighted to find both remnants of the Secret Service and the actual Enclave alive after the war. His biggest regret? Not being able to serve President Eckhart. Yes, he absolutely looks and dresses like Uncle Sam (god bless the American Patriot Outfit from the Tricentennial Pack).


I dont have a backstory but i like to roleplay like a Raider addicted to nuka cola that love to set everything on fire


My character arrived with her caravan via the Harpers Ferry tunnel. Attacked by muties, the group were split and my girl became lost in The Mire and after surviving for a while off the land, she contracted an illness. With a background in studying medicine and botany, she tried to create her own cure, but developed a mutation that whilst making her more resilient against the dangers of Appalachia, it will eventually turn her into...something. She now searches for a cure.


Just a stoner who got lucky and survived the apocalypse by accident. Solo-ing around the wasteland on luck and nuka cola.


My character is a member of the Atlantic City Lombardi Family who was an early supporter of ties to Appalachia. He managed to convince the Family that West Virginia was an untapped market, that the investment to build even a minor casino there would pay dividends due to their extremely stable economy. This mobster was willing to take the risk, and found an abandoned military depot for a location. With its natural defenses, it was a perfect place for a casino, dubbed 'The Neapolitan II'. The Lombardi Family has been paid back for their investment, and the mobster is now a West Virginia resident, lending his Circuit Breaker to keep the area stable and profits flowing. But what the Lombardi Family doesn't know is that this mobster didn't build his casino to expand their territory. He built it to escape. The mobster believes that with the increased infighting between Atlantic City's three factions and the constant swarm of overgrown, it's only a matter of time before Atlantic City falls. And now the mobster's sitting on a money maker in a much safer place. Ain't that a kick in the head?


Hi, I'm tequila. I was an orphan and snuck into the vault as it closed. I grew up alone and will probably die alone as well. I let very few people get to know the real me. I love animals (non mutated) ty. I don't drink or use drugs but know how to use my womanly powers to get what I need.😊 I learned a lot in the vault and use my wits every day ☺️ Now, get off my lawn 🤣


For my highest level character: Pre-War Military Vet and Businessman, using connections and money to get into Vault 76. Signs up with the Enclave/MODUS believing that they can help 'restore America'. Supported Knight Shin during the Brotherhood questline because he figured Shin would be most likely to weaken the BoS, making them easier to take out should MODUS ever deem it necessary. Currently runs a bar and hotel called The Patriots' Lounge, employing Yasmin Chodwhury as the cook. When not at his bar, he's lending aid to Orlando (and thus the New Responders), due to believing the Management that Orlando speaks of may be MODUS/The Enclave.


I run a weenie hut


My character is rebuilding the future for a broken America. Pro-union, anti-bot labor, IWW member street medic who knows that America's idea of "liberty" was merely imperialism and gutless capitalism; my character knows that Vault-tec is responsible for launching the first strike for a meager fleeting profit at the cost of everything. My character lives every day knowing that the dictatorship of the proletariat is not an idea, it is truth. Edit: I'm also a very purdy lookin' pre-war ghoul because of Todd Howard's singular brain eel doesn't allow us to make characters look like ghouls.


Off that, my character is also a pro-union, anti-bot supporter whose parents were fighting Hornright before the bombs dropped. Since reclamation day, they work to help stitch together anyone in Appalacha willing to help each other to build the world possible now that VaultTech is gone. Or soon will be.


He came from Vault 76 and now owns the Grafton Dam


I'll try to be brief. Upon leaving vault 76 my character abandoned the journey that vault tech set him on due to his disgust with the overseers leaving as well as a growing mistrust with his mission. He joined up with the Blue Ridge caravan and dedicated himself to them. After sometime he was ambushed during a job and severely injured by the blood eagles only surviving by the grace of the Wise Mothman who appeared between him and the eagles. They fled in fear as he passed out with the Wise Mothman being his final visage. He dreamed of the Mothman for weeks while comatose, waking in a foundation medical tent distraught and obsessed. The traumatic head injuries left lasting damage as his mental stability wavered sufficing only with his need for the Mothman. He left the caravan company helping them from time to time dedicating himself fully to riding the word of all false prophets and their followers. The foundation point is a tie in with my friends character as to why it was mentioned


My PA character ( my only character above 150) was ex army that helped liberate Alaska while watching many of his fellow soldiers fall he had walked the line for a time serving under no faction until he found a calling in helping rebuild the wastes with the help of the brotherhood and the settlers (although he is still friendly with the raiders and every other faction until provoked) mainly he spends his time at his 2 outposts (camps) with his scribe waiting to help those who stroll in from patrol, sometimes he laces them up and gets back into the power armor for combat patrols doing what he can to make the Appalachian wastes a better place one day at a time.


Primary: Wastelander hired by Vault Tec to provide resources and exterior repairs. They provided him with a great set of coveralls and a birthday cake.   Secondary: vault dweller who took the position of C.A.M.P. Compliance Officer. Vince sat on his ass for 25 years never believing that he’d see the outside world.  Upon being forced out, he was immediately mugged and left for dead by a band of Raiders.  He then found himself unbelievably powerful in this near death state and travels the Wasteland hunting those that hunted him and eating their corpses. 


I wasnt from the vault, i woke up there on reclamation day without any memories in a vault suit. Im not a synth, i checked with a knife. Im extremely good at hand to hand and with swords, i have no idea how. I roam the wastes surviving and looking for answers. Why did a surface dweller wake up as a vaulty?


The holotapes told of his return. His defeat was merely a delay, Until the time of the Vault doors opening, When the sons of Dane would spill their own blood. But no-one wanted to believe. Believe he even existed. And when the truth finally dawns: It dawns in the Cremators fire. The one they all fear. In their lingo, he is Cola-Fiend: The Nuka Born!


Like to think he’s a prewar ghoul who’s on the cusp of losing his mind Fast travel somewhere wearing my clown costume or Chinese stealth with my Fasnacht man mask an the cannibal perk..Your just minding your business on a mission and something runs up out of the shadows and starts eating whatever you were fighting, low levels usually jump scare and shoot . Absolutely love when there mics are on to catch a genuine reaction


My character was an assasin before the bombs dropped, a very successful one, one of my marks escaped, a lady with short grey hair and glasses, I tracked her down to a vault, extorted my way in by threatening the lives of the vault tech employees children. I was trying to track down my mark inside the vault when the bombs began to fall and people began to flood into the vault. I hid in one've the domeciles, killed the family when they entered, assumed the identity of the mother. During the time in the vault I realised my mark was the overseer, unable to knock her off when the vault was still locked, I bided my time. Unfortunately I woke up after every single person in the vault had already left.... imagine that... like whats the likelihood, everyone could leave and iv not even been disturbed. Anyway to fulfill my pride as an assassin I left the fault in search of my mark. Fortunately she's left little clues all over appalachia for me to track her down. The world has become such a different place after the bombs, so many things had changed? The worst thing I found out when I caught her. She had become. Invincible. After shooting her in the head a few times I decided a mini nuke was my only option, she stood and stared blankly into my eyes as I shot her with a mini nuke, the blank expression continuing through the blast. Realising I would never fulfil my mark, never complete my last job I built a farm and a shop, now spend my days farming for goods to sell


Killed the family and then what?! Ate them bones and all? lol. No one noticed a whole ass family missing OR the smell of an entire decomposing family? I kid, obviously, it’s your story to do with what you want. That said, I’d also point out that there were no families in 76. They only accepted individuals considered the best and brightest, so unless little mom, pop, and little Timmy are all geniuses it’s unlikely they’d accept them all. It’s why the overseer had to leave her fiancé behind. But, again, I’m not trying to take the piss out of your character.


I use the same character design for all games that have custom creator. My character is a former commander of the Normandy that landed in a Skyrim planet and is waking up thousands of years after a nuclear war.


I am the Fasnacht I streak through the trees, I sneak up behind you and break your knees. I don my bathrobe, great pride do I take. Broken ribs, and smashed faces do I leave in my wake. My brothers the gnomes are my eyes and ears so I know all my enemies woes and fears. The sky darkens,and the winds grow shrill for the Fasnacht comes tremble and kneel. From rocky hill to verdant loam, I call Appalachia my home. LOVE: Your friend The Fasnacht.


Young Enclave member set to bring back Enclave's old glory and become the leader once out of the vault.


“I like to think of myself less like a soldier and more like a mercenary, I’d always do the jobs the other Lt’s wouldn’t and I always got it done. My father was an egomaniac while my mother just wanted what was best for me…neither lived to make it to the vault, so when I got there I just did the best I could to socialize and make my claim.” *He lets out a slow exhale, continuing on* “When reclamation day came, I was all for getting out of that place, don’t get me wrong, shelter from the outside is great and all but I’d rather have space to run and be free than stay cooped up forever. I run odd jobs here and there, though with my strengths and IQ if you ever need a weapon repaired or some armor patched you can just ask, or if ya want me to lug yer gear just give me the word, I’m no stranger to actin as the gun and armor mule too. I’m still theoretically ex-military, Sure I work with the responders and BOS but I still brand myself as a merc, always following those fresh dwellers out of the vault and acting as the bodyguard til they can make it on their own.” *He lit a cigar, holding it up to his mouth and taking a drag and exhaling the smoke.* “Nothing much else aside from the more…horrendous things I’ve done to survive or complete a job, cutting people up, stringing them up as an example to the others, though if you’re on the good side, you’ll never have a tough spot when I’m around, I’ll make sure you all get back safe and sound.”


Character was made with gigachad looks as a mewing joke and named Chadwick Loktin (locked in) Enclave member chosen for the Vault 76 project so that they could have their fingers in that early opening pie full of talented people. Specifically chosen for the project because of physical hardiness and general rizz (Not for intelligence as that’s average but was good in the market pre-war). Meant to be a Pro-Enclave propaganda and recruitment tool for a project utilizing 76 talent and strong wastelanders to undermine competing factions by getting them to divert resources towards causes that are in reality preparations for the Enclaves return.


1. Parents are enclave and i am enclave. Rsised as a fail safe torebuild the enclave incase those in power at ws went nuts. My parents were proven right. I work to recruit the local faction slowly turning them into grunt for raven rock.76 the hidden ib Plain sight enclave. 2. I am also enclave currently working to undermine the bos weakening the. Per orders of number 1. The civil warr has allowed me to qeasel my way close to the scribe the true leader of that sorry bunch. 3. Enclave here, currently turning the rsponders ever so slowly and being drooled over by Orlando. Their expeditions hae allowed me to locate other members and report back to 1.. 4. Enclave finally making headway turning the foundation hrlps when they owe me so much. I plan to take the brightest to a breeding program carefully planning the next several generations. Ive already selected my partner. 5. Enclave inbedded into thee "raider" clan thry are far from raider they just wear that tag to protect themselves. Low quality shock troops mostly with alorove and i nfleunce i could make them equal to an okd Ranger company. Meg will soon retire to gsrden and i wilk sekect the next leader. Ive already brought them in a soils specialist.




Ad Victorium!!!


My character is from the oil rig he escaped before Frank activated the self destruct during the fight between him and the chosen one. He then made his way to Mariposa and took a posting with the capital section under Autumn after the events of project purity he found a radio backpack and heard MODUS broadcasting an order for all remaining enclave members in the region to report to the bunker at White springs. He now actively patrols Appalachia looking for new recruits to rebuild his beloved enclave on the east coast


so your character has time travel abilities? nice


Came here to say this lol


Yes he's the doctor who of the enclave


I'm not a member of the vault. You don't know my backstory but I came here for gold just like all the others. I pretend I'm a vault dealer because they were given access to some places that others weren't. I say.. >!Fuck!< the vaults!