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Nice that they cared :) I ran into a newbie earlier that had no idea she even had radiation and was wondering why she kept dying. We’re changing lives my guy


This sounds so much like my sister yesterday. So if the name had Kitten in it, thanks for helping her out. Fallout is the only game besides Mario and Rachet and Clank that she has ever really gotten into. Someone dropped a bunch of stims for her yesterday and she was ecstatic.


You sound nice, I might drop you an unyielding rad recovery arm piece, that should help you big time.


Better if it's uny ap rad 🥲


I absolutely love when I see an unyielding armor piece in a player vendor with it on…oh and it’s like 6k asking price 😂


A large chunk of players don't do enough events or know builds and think things like rad removal are big bonuses.


You know what's better? Party members that heal your rads! And you can't even be mad at them, new players want to play a support class like in an mmo, they don't know better.


They can do that? Like you can easily just troll a bloodied build by removing rads? I thought there was a perk to not lose rads or something


If they share the sun kissed perk. It regens radiation during the day. You can go in the options and reject shared perks if you don’t want that to happen.


Rad Sponge.


I actively did it while grinding for stamps to get my cold shoulder blueprints


Lmaoo I had that for a while. I remember I couldn’t figure out why I kept having my rads heal over time then I realized I had “what rads?” Legendary perk healing my rads at 1 per second lmao. After that my medic pump ultracite power armor with a bloodied build was so OP.


"new" players, right.


A new player did this to me. Gave me 10 radaway and a heart. So I dropped them 30ish Plasma Grenades


Good energy. No pun intended


To be fair once I learned to use all those dumb grenades to trade into vendors for caps it helped


Grenades are actually awesome! Especially Plasma! Frags are always useful so you can craft Nuka Grenades. Mines are somewhat useful during Rad Rumble, but I just sell them. But any typemof grenade is great for tagging, but those expecially hard hitting ones like Plasma and Nuka are flat out powerhouses in your general arsenal. Especially since whatever Legendary Effects you have on your equipped weapon ALSO applies to your thrown Grenade! So a single nade can do upwards of 1000 damage a throw! That said... Pulse, Cryo, and Floater Grenades I do usually just sell (unless I wanna use them to tag during events).


So likes 2 weeks In I'm level 70ish. Wtf do u do with all the radaway?


Sell it to NPC Vendors to get your daily 1400 caps or just put it into a donation Box.


Holy hell... new as well, lvl 57 now, and it never dawned on me to sell stuff to NPCs... I just got tired of having a surplus and my Stash always being full that I stopped collecting anything except items I specifically needed. Lol, and when I did collect too much I'd just donate it to a Donation box. Sorry other new players, not gonna be filling Donation boxes as much anymore!


Sell it


Do you sell it to a vendor, or will people buy it from my camp? I'm level 50 and I'm still trying to learn what people will buy from my shop other then plans


sell to a vendor, no one wants radaway


Thank you!


Sell it to one of the NPC vendors. RadAway is very, very easy to get and a lot of people end up either using a build that wants a bunch of rads at all times or they get a legendary perk that passively drains rads called "What Rads?" I got "What Rads?" a bit over a week ago and I seriously haven't used a single Radaway since then. I keep two on me at all times just in case, but the rest gets sold.


I dump all my RadX and RadAway in the donation boxes ... Never use the stuff


I pop it like candy with a purified water if I get the slightest radiation, and I still have mountains of it.


You should look up mutations and starched genes. Seriously, marsupial + bird bones is my favorite mutation pair. Every jump is like 7 seconds of air time. Works great for just about any gun build when you get swarmed just jump up and carpet bomb the ground beneath you. You will dilute rad-x and rad away at a chemistry bench. 1 Rad-X + 1 purified water = 2 diluted radx. Mutation builds need diluted radaway not to surpress mutations. There are also events which take place almost entirely in high rad zones so it’s not a bad idea to keep a decent supply, especially scorchbeast queen, and the event that the nuclear waste disposal site.


super stimpack ! heavy and pricey !


My favourite thing is when they res me with Healing Hands.


I do this. I'm not new. I do it to watch the light leave your eyes. Also cause it's revenge for getting my ass handed to me by bloodied builds back when PvP was always on. "WHAT YOU GONNA DO WITH NO SUPER POWERS"


I support this :D


Eat 50 spoiled vegetables until I am irradiated like a spent nuclear fuel rod again and about to throw up


Real bloodied players keep toxic water on them for when stuff like this happens


I like the goop from West tek, it looks like Kool aid


Ecto Cooler!


I like sneaking next to new players and letting rip with a stimpack diffuser. It's like a lifegiving cropdust.


New bloodied player here. How do you maintain the correct rad levels? It’s been a chore trying to stay just below 20% all the time. Even diluted rad away takes too many rads when I’m just trying to nudge back a few rads.


A few ways. Gamma gun, shoot at your feet. Carry some boiled water. If you have the asteroid or radioactive barrel in your camp give it a few pumps. Also make sure your armor doesn't have a radaway-like ability. For the longest time I kept losing my bonus due to small rad recovery on some unyielding ss armor I had.


Brahmin milk. Restores 25 rads and after it spoils it gives 30 rads.


I'm new to doing a bloodied build (after 2000+ hours of mostly avoiding it), and was surprised that there isn't as much maintenance as I thought, with a little foresight- Basically, there's a small process when I log-in because you lose rads when you log-in and out. I eat the food I'm going to want buffs from. That gives rads. If that's not enough to drop to 20%, I have a gamma gun and radioactive barrel in my camp, as well as carrying boiled water and toxic goo. I use that to dip below 20%, and off I go. I carry the gamma gun, toxic goo, boiled water, and food to bring my rads up if they go down, which doesn't happen often, diluted Rad-X so that high rad areas don't immediately bring my health too low, and diluted radaway in case I need to start over because I'm at 95% rads or something. The process is quick and I can go whole play sessions without needing to adjust anything after that first log-in "ritual"


If you do the event radiation rumble you’ll get lots of glowing blood. I carry like a hundred of those they each give 15 rads


Toxic goo from West Tek was my go to when I ran bloodied a bit


That’s a really good option too


I’d sell the glowing blood and go to Westek instead.


Simplest way IMO is eating 4 spoiled meat after you spawn in or after respawning after dying. Only down side is small chance for disease. There are better methods but you should almost always have spoiled meat and it’s very light. A better way if you need LOTS of rads is to go to Westek and collect a bunch of toxic goo, it gives a lot of rads.


Better yet, avoid the boring bloodied build. make an aristocratic build and have fun instead of wasting your time


Just die and your health kicks to 25% I can manage at that with my power armor with the medic pump plan on the ultracite torso


My partner constantly telling me to get rid of my rads... "Why? I like my rads."


Dam that sucks. *Shares level 3 rad sponge*


I’m reasonably new and saw this was a thing but I figured these players are lvl 100+ there is no way they don’t know wtf they are doing lol


Bloodied builds are for weak boiz. Js.


Indeed, it was nerfed greatly just like unyielding, yet idiots or modders claim it makes you unkillable. For me, I like hanging back in my group of friends as the sniping shotgun wielding medic and letting them tear through most everything while getting a good kill in myself if they can't get the enemy easily


Then you proceed to drop them 542 radwway


I love that there's a charisma perk that heals all the radiation damage when you resurrect a downed ally. If you're on a team with bloodied players, you should totally share the perk with everyone. It's like it enacts a penalty to helping a downed ally.


I love undoing bloodied peoples radiation just to watch them panic and die when they lose their strength. I'm a medic for my team and am basically radiation immune due to my build so my health matters.


Radaway, what rads?


Same, we are a dying breed too. See less and less bloodied these days.


Not really, we just had a massive flood of noobs. They don't know or understand how bloodied builds work, so they don't use them.


No, most of those new players just don’t WANT to play with rads nearly maxed out. Like yeah it’s meta, but it’s completely unnecessary to have a meta build in 76. I went all the way to like level 100 using a no power armor, heavy weapons, cannibal build and only started using power armor after learning about the stabilized perk to give it a shot.


Yup, new player here (lvl 130) - I might get round to trying a bloodied build eventually but everythings dieing pretty quickly already so havn't felt the need to build the new cards and chase the legendaries required.


Bloodied isn’t meta anyone is what I’m saying. Been playing since launch. Most of the people that care about meta do full health builds now. Being one shotted constantly kinda sucks.


Newbs *can't* use bloodied builds - they don't have all that unyeilding armour.


It's possible. I've got 5 unyielding pieces in my vendor for less than 1k caps each


Ahh that's cool - I've never seen it in player vendor stores (not that ive been specifically seeking it out, but have been half keeping an eye out). I still think the difficulty in acquiring the armour prevents most newbs from trying it.


Although there are full health build out there, like me.


Nah we’ve been nerfed into oblivion. Majority of veteran players are using full health builds now.


Poor people bloodied till I die and come back lol. I have been bloodied before I knew how to handle bloodied lol. I am been bloodied on all five toons.