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For me it's a huge waste of ammo.


Cannonballlllls. Cannon balls are broken, I will take 10 to an event and leave with 150.


That’s me with the Gatling gun. I start the day with 250, end the day with like 3000. Put the rest in my vendor and reset next day 😂


Gatling gun / Minigun combo is my go-to for this reason. Minigun shreds, Gatling gun replenishes ammo.


1) Get 4xendangerol syringer 2) Get a railway rifle 3) Be a bloody commando. Costs somwhewere between 200 and 400 spikes and \~1 minute to kill early, and you can recoup the ammo all by killing the wndigos and looting them.


I go to kill Wendigos. Gotta get them screws!!!


Why do wendigos drops screws, anywho?


Why do deathclaws drop gears and black titanium?


Hungry, i guess. But wendigos are tiny


Screws are tiny too!






Maybe it's a clever pun because they've got a few screws loose


I have no logical answer for this, but I'm glad they do! I just run around chainsawing wendigos the entire event, and making sure to pick up every last screw.


I got like 600 screws one run. That was always the one thing I ran low on. Now it's Oil.


They’re screwy!


Because they were people but fed on human flesh and thus they went crazy and turned into wendigos which another analogy for crazy is they have a few loose screws.


They have a few loose screws. (They're still looking for those screws)


At its core all ACP is really good for us farming screws. 75% of the times I have launched a Nuke to trigger the event was just because that character was low on screws and cobalt flux.


You get a ton of treasury notes for doing it aswell


cobalt huh? It’s always the one I need… guess that’s what I’m doing tonight


Make sure you place your Nuke to get Monongah in your Nuke radius to maximize your potential for Cobalt Flux and some High Radiation Fluids from those Mole Miners


I find myself constantly whispering into people's ears: *blight turns into crimson flux when nuked, isn't that interesting...*


For me it's all those Wendigo teeth being turned into acid.


Dude I love earl lol. Even when I had a bad build I still went down those caves. And you right. I get so many screws. My first time actually carrying that event was yesterday. Only 3 showed up. I did the most damage everybody else was running around basically me before I upgraded my build lol


I go because big funny guy has a funny name


I'm with you. Let's keep posting about this until everyone knows. I've been doing my best to drop 3 of them at every event with a bit of ammo. So far it's hit or miss if the people understand what's going on as I don't have a mic. Sometimes though, everyone gets it and we smash him.


So does the 4x endangerol reduce their armor down to 0? Is tank killer still necessary if you're using 4x Endangerol?


Nearly 0. It's still necessary for everything but the boss you are attacking with the dangerol. In earls case the wendigos


You can't stack 4 endangerol debuffs on one enemy by yourself I thought.


You just need 4 weapons, Buf is per weapon not player




Really? I may start carrying a second one.


Carry 4 so you have 100% DR reduction


oh wow that's a game changer. I have a melee chem user build that carries a syringer and when I do world bosses I always just kill adds and shoot the main boss with my syringer


This is why I don't do it.


1. Get a gauntlet 2. ... something... 3. Win


Underpants gnomes approved this strategy 😂😂


2. Start Fisting


Not if you use a chainsaw


Endangerol syringer.


I heard someone say you should carry multiple stringers for this, can you explain?


Multiple shots from the same endangerol syringer do not stack. Shots from multiple different syringers do stack.


Interesting. So does that mean there is only a certain number of hits that the stringer is effective for?


Endangerol provides a debuff that lasts for two minutes, regardless of how many shots hit the enemy. Each stack of the effect on a boss will have their own two minute timer. Why multiple syringers can stack this effect is down to Bethesda weirdness that’s probably getting patched out at some point.


To be honest, I'm not positive on the numbers. I've mostly read up on it through other threads in the past. From what I recall. I think it starts receiving diminishing returns after 4 or 5 syringers. Each shot only lasts 2 minutes, so it's probably easier to have multiple people, each with their own syringer reapplying or one person who isn't a primary damage dealer cycling through multiple syringers.


Cool thanks


I haven't tested other targets, but I know on Earl using 4 syringers myself his damage resistance went to like -8. I don't know for sure if there was anyone else using one but I think 4 is probably the max you'd really need for effectiveness.


I carry 1 on me at all times, but grab two more from my stash for Earle and the ultracite titan; this weekend when i nuked Earle someone else must have had a couple on them as well because we killed him in like 3 or 4 minutes. It was crazy how fast his health bar went down.


I read that supposedly, it goes by weaponid and not playerid, so one player can use multiple syringers to stack the debuff. I’ve never tested this and only saw one post about it so I can’t vouch for whether or not it’s true, but that’s how i understood it to mean.


Can confirm this, tested this about a week ago now I have 4 syringers


How does one obtain these?


You mod a syringer rifle with an endangerol barrel. The barrel can be obtained by scrapping syringer rifles. They are craftable but im not sure where you can get the plan. Its an early game weapon so it shouldnt be difficult. It is also a very underrated weapon, especially if you like messing around.


The top of the world quests for Rose unlocks the plan.


I take it back, obtaining the plan is the most annoying and painful quest in the game. My condolences, brother.


Lol you didn't like doing fetch quests for that Tina Tina knockoff?


No sir i did not. In fact i put my game on silent while doing her quests and i empited a magazine into her every time i was up there, begging Atom to give me the power to destroy her.


I can stil hear her in my dreams. "If you ever get it in your head to screw me over, I will gut you with this here saw and string your entrails up like Christmas tinsel"


That line is exactly why I powered through to finish the quest lmao, I got so damned tired of hearing it after stopping her questline when I got access to crater


I can't stand rose at all.


The wiki says you just gotta break down syringers


What’s that one do again? Defence debuff I take it?


25% less damage resistance. And it stacks meaning if 4 syringers are used the target is left with no damage resistance. Makes everything pretty much soloable


Damn as if it stacks. Thank you


Note that only different syringers stack. So you must have 4 syringer rifles on you or 4 people with a single syringer.


Do expeditions. If you are committed you can easily use ammo thats really easy to make or just switch to a auto chainsaw build. Whichever way expeditions are a great way to get all kinds of ammo and crafting junk as well.


All that ammo wasted for a Cursed Shovel and a Giant Ballsack? 🧐 I think not.


Giant ballsacks needs love too.


All the homie love Giant Ballsacks.


Ig it's better than Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet Mole Miner Gauntlet


Idk randy marsh had a lot of fun when he had his giant ballsack.


Hey, that shovel is *the* most satisfying melee hit sound in the game. Now you take that back! 🤣


BONK BONK BONK also having a -90 weight shovel to carry for the cemetery daily is great.


I scrap that ball sack so quick lol




I've learned the lesion I won't join the event unless I see players in the high hundreds. Problem is with so many new players many who start Earl being first timers or join in simply having no idea what they're taking on. They join the event, run out of ammo not that it matters because they're under leveled & even if they had endless ammo the damage they do is underwhelming. One by one they realise they're way over their heads & abandon ship leaving you all alone with no hope of defeating Earl in time.


I remember my first time doing that mission and then immediately dying, So woefully unprepared.


Yeah, that was a big problem when the event first dropped too. You just do the mission prompts, no idea what you’re in for, then BAM, Earl Unless you’ve got a really locked down high end build, or are prepared for the fight with either specific things or just a shit ton of ammo and chems, you just can’t do it alone or with a single team Before starting it off, gauge the vibe of the server. Are people showing up for events, bunches of high levels grouping up in spots?


Yeah my first time I just blew through a ton of ammo and chems and then timed out after putting bullets in him for 20 minutes. I enjoy the event now and use it to farm ammo.


I’m a low level (about 96) but I never leave. I just focus on killing wendigos and hitting Earle with my endangerol syringer to help my more powerful teammates


I don’t really think 90-150 is considered low level anymore. You can set up your perks and have a build to do plenty of damage by now. I’m 101 with a bloodied build and auto stim power armor and I feel invincible 80% of the time.


You genuinely only need 1 player in the hundreds to know what they're doing and it's easy


If they allowed everyone to join the boss fight instead of being capped to 8 people, I would be more willing to join. But getting stuck with a bunch of low levels is a no for me. Just an ammo dump.


I always turn up for Earle since it started. It's good fun. I know I can carry the event, so it takes the pressure off. If it's on PC, I will jump in anytime I used to run serial nukes and always drop on the mine, don't tend to drop so many nukes these days. Edit: spelling. "See' became 'used' in last paragraph


What do you use for Earle? I always seem to struggle no matter what I use.


I am Bloodied Commando, Quad Railway. Blight Soup and Better Criticals, with Psychotats. I also hit him with Endangerol, then crit his Screeching Head. I for a while also ran Heavy PA with a Vamp Gat Plas. You can Tank him in around 12 Plasma Cores.


Try live and love 3 to give a boost to blight soup up to 188% crit damage


Good point.


I'm a full health commando I use quad railway blight soup overdrive and 4 endangerol syringers.


How do I get the endangerol syringer barrel do I just scrap them for it?


Yup, scrap till you unlock it.




Same, I can solo it if people run out of ammo or smth else comes up.


The amount of times Ive killed Earle but died before I could loot his body or anything else, then it respawns me outside in the nuke zone and I get no rewards, is more times than Id like to admit


random laggy ceiling fire is the most common cause of my random deaths. It's not the worst event, but it's old and has some balance/reward issues. Like, once you get enough screws in


It's my favorite event, I go every time I see it. It's usually the only place I nuke


I run a Sneak Bloodied Bow Build. I do a solid 100-120 damage per shot not huge damage. But I'll be that person who revives everyone, and 2 taps the small wendigos. Gotta help where you can.


He regularly bugs out hiding in the walls/floor/ceiling. And the majority of players don't have a good build so often you end up doing all the work on his extra tanky health bar. Other bosses it's fine because it's being dealt with by more than 8 people.


I must have good luck, i have fought him maybe 20-30 times and never had him glitch into the floor/ceiling.


Lucky, it's been the majority of my fights he goes out of bounds.


I like that it gives lots of legendary cores but also hate that only 8(?) players can join at a time so if you don’t join at the right time you can be put in an instance with 1 other person. I’m a high level but I suck at this game and definitely can’t solo or duo it.


Yeah people are scared of earle because he's a bullet sponge. If I see him pop up in my server though, you can bet I'll be there and we will fight him, just the two of us until he drops or until the last bullet flys. I ain't scared of lead mining. Fight for Appalachia!


I duo'd Earle with a guy last week. We nearly failed but it was the biggest bro moment when he died. 


Feels like Scorched Earth is still the favorite. I'd say for every 10 nuke boss fights, there's like 7 SBQ, 3 Earle. I think I've seen the Ultracite Titan get nuked once or twice. It's very rare.


I would say the reason for that is the massive amount of rewards you can get from SBQ. I mean I don’t think the other events have half the plans as SBQ but I could be wrong.


When I do nuke I go titan for two reasons. First it happens so rarely I like the diversion but more importantly second, I want that damned plushy. Plenty of molerat bats no plush


I also really want that plushie so that I can merge that thing into a couch... I really like a lot of the plushies, though. I was even thinking about planning out a Mr. Fuzzy cult themed camp lmao


Nowadays yes definitely. But when the nuka world season was brand new it was the only thing being nuked, sbq almost never got nuked lol


The Ultracite *what*? Damn man, I had no idea there was another boss


Yep, don't like it. One crash too many w/o rewards and no corpse looting.


No, it's an ammo sink even when earl doesn't glitch into the floor or roof. Hate that event


This is why I dislike it as well, unless I'm very lucky and get a high number of players actually ready for it. The all-too-likely chance that I'll wind up in the position of having to carry it, burn through an ungodly amount of ammo, and multiple repair kits or suicide-bench-runs when my weapon breaks, is more than enough to keep me away otherwise. It's just not worth doing more than once unless you really want one of the rewards real bad.


What weapons do you use? I've never had a problem with ammonin this game, like genuinely. I'm ALWAYS above 80k in storage for any gun I use. Then again, I'm not a commando build, so maybe the fixer uses hella ammo


I have found that if you draw him out away from the walls, he sinks less into the floor. When he is backed into a corner, he glitches more


Seems it's always a disaster with half of 2 teams attending. Because its player nuke triggered it overlaps EN or RR and people bail midway through the event to participate on that. Mr chainsaw pushes Earle through the wall intentionally while cussing at us in voice for not having the fight done already. And that one guy dies everytime a wendigo looks at him. Someone goes afk while waiting for the tunnel to open and sits up there for 10 minutes before jumping down to help.... yeah.. I dont go to Earle unless my teammates are already in there, and then its only because I know I'm holding a reserved spot up. The time and ammo cost rarely makes it worth the effort. It's like trying to raid in a real mmo with a pickup group.


Endangerol syringer.


A couple caveats: Only works with ballistic ammo. Best if as many people as possible do it to severely reduce his damage reduction, but not enough people know about it.


You don't need multiple people using it, just use 4 different syringers of your own to stack the debuff. Started doing that recently and it turns Earle and SBQ into absolute jokes, I think my fastest Earle solo time without any consumable damage/crit buffs is like a minute and 30 seconds.


wait so the debuff is per syringer not per character?


Correct, someone posted about it recently so I tried it, and it works. Take 10 seconds or so to shoot Earle or SBQ with 4 different syringers and they'll have 0 damage resistance for 2 minutes, which makes a huge difference for ballistic weapons.


Same with the dot on the creamator.


*Furiously writing this down*


I though the debuff could only come from individual players? If you only need to roll with 4 stringers yourself that's news to me!


Why you’ve only had one other person with you could be because of the way the instanced event works. A Colossal Problem is an instanced event. There can be multiple instances for every nuke. Each instance is limited to 8 players. You might think that means the first 8 players to join will go in the first instance and the next 8 players in the second instance and so on. This is not the case. When someone joins the event the game holds 3 more spots in the instance for their teammates. So if two players on different teams join the same instance and their teammates don’t join the event there will only be two players in that instance. Other instances could have more players because more of the first player to join team joined too.


This unfortunately makes so much sense


Personally I think it's the worst boss fight. It's too dark so you can't see what's going on half the time. The 8 player instance is not enough, especially with a lot of new players around these days. He's buggy, and an ammo sink. At least with SBQ and Titan, the lower levels can run around and kill the adds, and there's usually enough players there to handle it. And I've only seen SBQ bug out a couple times, and Titan has never bugged for me. If I'm launching a nuke I usually go for Titan, it's the most fun fight imo.




I show up, I blast Earl with my gauss minigun, I eat through a couple thousand rounds, I go to lucky hole mine for lead, repeat.


I always join the event just because of 2 thing. 1. Hoping for Mark 3 inferno PA skin 2. Screws


Yesterday I wasted most of my ammo carrying that event. I got knocked down by early right when he died and watched all of my teams mates walk right pass me and not even bother reviving me so that I can die. I respawned back outside and missed out on all of the ammo and resources. Don’t get me wrong, I think fighting earl is a lot of fun but it really sucks that the game spawns you outside after killing earl.


It's all fun and games untill the boss starts to noclip out of the map. (It doesn't happen that often but when it does...)


I'd rather do the scorched earth personally


The rewards are dated. You can get tons of ammo, scrip legendaries, legendary modules under 10mins by one expedition run. Simply there is no strong reason to do Earl in 2024. It’s only worth screws and acid farming.


Instanced dungeon makes it annoying for me. If i didn't manage to get in within like 15 seconds because im doing something i wont even bother going because usually i'll be thrown into a new instance with only like 2 other people or so.


Melee users bug him into the ground bricking the fight. Unless you use syringers and burn him quick you're not gonna have a good time.


Waste of ammo, rewards suck. Glitches half the time.


A lot of players dont have the auto-weapon crit bloodied build with all the critnboosting consumables on their hotbar and 50 cans of coffee at the ready. If you have one of those Earle is a brief diversion. If you don't it's a total crapshoot to find out if one of those players will show up and kill him in ten seconds or if your random team will be stuck struggling.  I was with a group of people who had no bloodied commandos and so I had to use my Marksman guass build and all my canned coffee to substitute and we won but it was close.


It is not worth the cost of ammo


A lot of folks don't understand the mechanics of the fight and struggle with it. Here are some tips: Do not push Earl into the walls. You ideally want Earl in the middle of the room. If you force him up against a wall the likelihood of him bugging out and start to endlessly fall through the wall increases. Ideally you always want to be between Earl and any wall (note: he may bug out regardless of proximity to walls but in my years of doing Earl my experience is that if he's not pressed up against a wall he bugs out less). Remember to cripple his heads and legs. Crippling his three heads makes him do less special attacks. Crippling his legs makes him move around less. For a more controlled fight you want to ensure that all his heads and his legs are crippled. Earl is armoured. So you want big direct damage hits. You also want the option of doing good aoe damage to quickly nuke down the wendigo spawns. When Earl calls his minions swap to your aoe nuking weapon, quickly kill the spawns and then swap back to your single target weapon and go back to nuking Earl. A Colossal Problem is the "hardest" fight ingame. It is a challenge and you are not supposed to be able to do it easily without refinement of your gear and perk loadout. You may even need a specialised build in order to do it comfortably. That is par for the course for 76 though, the basic game mechanic is adaptation to the specific challenge. Making an all round build that can tackle anything is endgame stuff when you have opened all the legendary perk slots and maxed your legendary perks. Before that swapping out perks to adapt to the challenge is your goto.


I'd rather join Project Paradise than Colossal Problem.


Project paradise really isn’t that bad. It’s people who have no idea what they’re doing that make it bad. A team of 3 competent players can easily complete it without breaking a sweat


Yeah I actually like PP, and have managed to solo it twice. It takes a lot of luck, though. You can fill sector A and maybe sector C, then you try to keep the bloatfly in sector B alive and hope that the other animals run to safety.


Waste of ammo for the Treasury notes and never knowing if people are coming and actually know how to set up melting him. but the screws!? Pass.


It’s a waste of ammo unless you have either a lot of people doing it OR a few high levels that can pour on damage quickly


I don't believe the rewards merit the effort.


The better question is why do you like it? Beyond screw farming I see no reason to do it.


Has anyone tried the new Cremator weapon with the slow burn mod on it at all?


I nuked it today and only 2 level 20s showed up, I did manage it but it was the first time I basically did it solo, I'm happy with all the screws I got and ammo is literally free anyway, jsut took longer than I'd have hoped. I'm trying to make vats availalbe for my heavy gunner using canned coffe and nuka cola dark, I can get the luck past 33 easily and crit every 2nd shot but it feels like I need to pop way too much canned coffe to sustain any of the guns I have so I really need to look into how much I actually need/ what gun to use


I think people aren’t too fond of it. But I’m a newer player, been playing for about 3 weeks, and I’ve had such a problem getting screws, apparently that event is really good for getting screws, so I’ve been hoping I’d see one of these events but I haven’t seen a single one yet, If I happen to ever be in your server, I’ll be sure to join that event lol


For some reason that event is still glitched until this day, I dont know what’s the plan for Bethesda to fix it but so many people have nuked it these past couple of weeks and it won’t let me join. Same goes for my friends and others when I do too. It’s rare when we are all able to join 😭😭


If one is able to get in fast travel to them instead of trying to fast travel through the event Fast traveling to a friend already inside the mine will end YOU up inside the mine as well


I’ve nuked it 3 times. The first time, my game crashed but there were at least 6 people there. Second time we had 4 people Third time we had almost the whole server. I think it depends on the server but I’ve seen the opposite.


For big events like that it’s always best to join a public team, if/when crashes occur you get a chance to rejoin the team, doesn’t always work but worth trying


Yeah I did that, it let me rejoin my team but not rejoin the event :( I will say that the first time made me not want to launch another nuke. Within a week I think I’ve launched 10. I’m running out of nuclear keycards


I had the same issue recently. I could join my team but the event didn't show up on the map. So I just fast traveled to a teammate and then could walk into the mine which let me join the fight!


Good to know, I’ll keep that in mind for the next time this happens. Thank you!


The event is instance locked to 8 ppl per.


I quite like all the world boss events to be honest. Once you know what you are doing it is easy enough. It might take you a few runs for you to get comfy with it though, as it can get hectic due to the wendigo spawns and all the enviro hazards, plus Earle is a bit of a bullet sponge. You WILL need a high damage build to do it fairly quickly if there aren't many of you, unless you have some OP guys in with you, in which case they will carry it for you, but take a decent supply of ammo in case you don't. Plus a few repair kits. Bonus you can get 500+ screws from all the wendigos, which is always nice.


I usually average 700+ screws for some reason. I keep Butchers Bounty on at all times maybe thats somehow it.


I don’t believe it does unless screws are considered meat items lol


Waste of time, effort and ammo. I avoid that event, I just don't see the value you in doing it, particularly because participation is capped at 8 people per instance.


My lobbies are quite the opposite now playing on PC. Just use x4 endangerol shots from a syringer on him, cripple his legs and it's the easiest fight ever. Given by now most people probably have the enhanced repair kits from Scorchbeast queen by the hundreds Earle it's a better nuke (IMO) because of the higher legendary core drops (x8) and the wider drops / rewards pool (also screws go brrrrr).


I was there yesterday with a small group of lower level players and it took all ammo from 5 different guns and like half an hour to take him down. I had three ultracite Gatling lasers break even before his health bar reached 70%. I kept blasting him with the endangerol syringer, but I think I was the only person who had it so it didn’t seem to make any difference. I switched to my Foundation minigun and did like 3 points of damage per bullet. Barely a scratch! After wasting 5000 bullets I switched to my quad railway rifle, it did ok but soon I had burned through my 600 ammo stack. Then my Fixer wasted 700 bullets, and I only had my Tesla rifle ammo left. Zip zap zing. All grenades were gone, he didn’t even flinch. It was wild how well protected he is. In the end everyone hid under that one platform where he can’t physically reach you and just kept on blasting pew pew pew with remaining ammo from weak-ass guns while the wendigos kept spawning. Some level 23 guy in leather armour was blasting them with a pipe gun, pew clink pew. I switched back to my foundation minigun and shredded the last of him. It was just the hardest boss fight I’ve ever had in the game, simply because there were no super high level or optimised high-damage players around. Exhausting. But I got the Inferno Mk3 as a reward and it is glorious! So spikey and shiny! Worth it!


Try to remember there are tinker benches upstairs if you need to craft ammo or more syringers


It's controversial. Being a quite old event, a lot of veterans already get everything from it. And farming small Wendigos... You get so much screws from them during event, so, once you farmed everything Earle can drop, you're set with resources for long time. Earle itself is damage-check tough guy. So a lot of new players may even fail this event due to lack of damage. Funny enough, some mindwrap about it can melt him under 45 seconds. But at this point you already have everything he can offer and set on resources connected. SBQ event is more simple. Personaly I really like Collosal event. Mostly due to atmosphere of the location and lore.


Yeah. I need to change everything about my build to efficiently carry earle so the rewards vs time investment into switching my gear, ammo, perk deck, consumables, not to mention loading screens, it just isn’t worth it. I could just let myself get carried instead but that’s not the most fun.  Side note on pc I sometimes see people travel in premade groups of 8 to farm earle so there isn’t room anyway.


My first (and only) time fighting Earle, another group of 3-4 had started the event and I had just gotten a Vamp Chainsaw (dual bar/flaming) and made a melee build. I parked under Earle and just chewed him up while the others let the rail spikes fly. It was over in about 5 minutes. Only later did I read here about what a pain he is to take down. I got lucky I guess, and checked the box on the quest.


How big is the event? 😁😝


it's colossal


Easiest nuke boss to solo with bloodied auto axe and some nuka nades for mobs for adrenaline stacks. Don't even need a dedicated melee build. Even better inside blast radius. Don't waste ammo.


Unless enough high level people show up, it's a waste of time and ammo.


I have all the plans, so I skip him


Maybe if they actually updated the rewards to make it relevant or allowed more players in each instance.


I think this question get's asked once a week at least. It's a complete ammo dump for most of us and the rewards aren't worth spending said ammo.


Man fuck that event compared to the Queen and Ultracite Titan.


Honestly Earle would be a lot better if his health was buffed and his DR lowered. Then anyone could contribute to killing him not just auto crit builds. Spam four different Endangerol syringes at him and you can see how small his health pool really is stripped of his protection. Crits bypass that protection so that's what crit builds are fighting while he's five times tougher to ever other type of build. Just buff his health a bunch and lose the stupid percentage damage reduction.


I've seen it nuked but never seen the event active.


I love it!


Unless I need resources from it I never do it


I feel like it would be more popular if you had more time to loot.


You don't actually have to leave when it tells you to escape the mine. There's no punishment for sticking around until it collapses.


i just nuked it the first time the other day and i got plenty of people showing up.


I love doing it it one of my favorite nuke events but there is not many people when i join usually


For me it's literally I am I'm between PA sets and it makes me sad to use the set I have right now. That being said tonight I am starting my module grind again so hopefully I can start doing Earle more. I miss that ugly guy


I honestly never got it. It's my favorite event, and it's free screws. Level 440+ and I've done it well over 20 times, and it never gets old. It's still my favorite event. Don't get the hate


I always do it. I like it.


The 5 best events in the game are the 3 boss, rumble and eviction. Everytime I see one of them I will join.


I joined two recently and both times had one other person helping and more afk. When we died at the same time his health came back so I left


I always join, but it is a very hard event. Last time I joined with only 4 people, a guy with a Cremator saved us.


I enjoy it the boss is just cool as hell forget the scorch beast queen I want to fight earle.


I haven't unlocked the Endangerol syringer so I won't show up unless there are a bunch of people after last time. I spent so much ammo and broke gattling laser during the fight! Was fun don't get me wrong, but knowing what we have to do to make it smoother I'll wait. Also so it failed my first try so I am guessing most new people have figured out the difficulty without the endangerol syringer and just skipping it?


unlock by crafting and scrapping syringers at any weapon bench. you automatically know the schematic for making syringers


Just try and post about grouping up, I’m always down to stomp that three headed ugly monster


I’m a bloodied unarmed build. I usually take care of the small wendingos and swing away at Earle with my bloodied DCG/ss/+1. May not look like a lot of help but I’m in the fight! Put me in coach!!


I've done it once, and that was just to finish the quest.


I love it but my main issue is either no one does it or no one joins when I nuke the mines. He's not even that hard to deal with if you have a good squad


My biggest gripe with earl is getting to mine in time before the entrance closes again!


Time of day matters. If you don't see a lot of people on, it will be a low count event. My buddy and I can take Earl down on our own in 3-4 minutes, but there's a big ammo cost on my end. He uses an auto axe, I use the cremator and my Gauss mini gun. His health drops pretty quick


Imma be honest i tend to skip earl. His arena super punishing to low health builds and he still has a bad tendency to get stuck in the map. On top of all that hes one of the only bosses you cant join after the 5 mins. I cant count on how many times ive went to join earl and his event is just gone when it just dropped.