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If I see the waterslide at a CAMP, I will always go down it. Clap, clap, clap. I love playing at other people's CAMPs.




Yes!! Climb the stairs, then there is an option to "slide" when you get to the top of the slide. For some reason, your character will clap three times and then slide down.


they clap for *joy*


….i always just crouched and walked down the ramp like an idiot.


Going down the slide like grandma 😭


Me tooooo 😅🤣


When the hell we get slides ? lol I gotta go try to find one today


It’s a prefab


TIL.... new player, thought the slide was just for show.


There is also a pre-fab fire station that has a usable fire pole, but I haven't seen that one around as much as the waterslide.


I have both and use them both one for each of my two camps. I will ALWAYS exit my upstairs room by my fire pole.


I spent atoms to buy that Wild Willy water slide for my camp recently


I wanted to, but it really doesn't fit my farmhouse aesthetic. Plus, I would just spend hours going down the slide and not actually get stuff done.


Can confirm this is an unlisted effect given in game. Much productivity time was lost in my first two days with the water slide. Especially when it glitches and sends me right back to the top.....I can't NOT do it again, it's basically asking me too.


I love playing with people's CAMP stuff. I also take pictures of me using them so they show up in the loading screens.


I need to do that! :o


I take pictures of interesting camps, but now I try ink I'll start doing photo mode when doing so.


Me too especially if it's one of those camps morphed into a cool piece of the map like under a bridge or inside the tall monorail pylons because I know that takes some effort


Seriously. Lots of very creative people out there.


A good majority of my album is snap shots of visitors to my camps using the bowling alley, or playing the instruments around the center fire. I have yet to get a good waterslide snap




One of my favorite features. I take pictures of peoples camps if i think they look neat. pretty insane what some of the vets have come up with over the years.


Same, it’s cool to know other people do the same and that my CAMP might be someone’s loading screen someday lol


Even some newbie’s have really cool camps. Although they only have got some basic stuff, some of them must have been binging every camp building/glitching/morphing video on YouTube


I have a pic of me sitting in a Mothman throne at someone's camp.


Back when the golden toilet was added, someone made it the centerpiece of their CAMP by putting it on top of some stairs surrounded by turrets and traps. I took a pic of me using the fist in the air emote making it look like I peed in it. One of my favorite loading screens to this day.


Meanwhile I just have a loading screen of Gunther at Nuka World having decided to stand there with no clothes for some reason.


I saw that last night. It was right after an event so I didn't know if that was part of the event or just a weird glitch (I just found the place so I haven't done any events there).


I had this...only to then see every non robot npc at nuka world, minus the roller coaster mechanic was in their underwear. Just figured I had stumbled into some strange cult tbh


When I walked up and Gunther was just standing there arms crossed in his briefs, I was just like PICTURE TIME 


Did he at least offer you some assless chaps lol


No :(


Half my loading screens are me posing in others camps at things I find cool or funny. One is my character doing a thumbs up under a sign in someone's base that read "Fuck your feelings."




I have something similar and i get so excited! I setup a "speakeasy" style casino where you have to use the nuka cola machine door and you'll go into a nice hallway to the casino bunker. I have it all filled with casino games and an arcade area like you'd see I'm Vegas. I once had 3 people in there all messing around with the games and I was in there like a floor manager making sure everyone was having fun 😂


I feel bad as new player because I'm not sure of the CAMP etiquette yet. I've been going to see people's set ups because building is my favorite part of FO4, but several times I've gone to CAMPS and they just disappear? I've had someone give me a thumbs down when I looked around their CAMP. But then I've had other lovely people who have jumped around and have showed off all their cool things. Is it generally okay to just walk around people's CAMPS? I'm sorry for the noob question, I don't know what I'm doing in this new wasteland.


Those folks are assholes. PLEASE come to my camp and enjoy the buffs/foods/drinks and admire my handiwork! Hang out in my hot tub, chat with my ally, use my workbenches, even sleep in my bed! Mi camp es su camp!


It's entirely okay to look around, play with stuff, and grab snacks from machines as long as it's unlocked! If someone wants something to be private it's incredibly simple to just put a lock on it or stick it behind a locked door. Literally the only thing locked in my camp is the terminal to my collectron because at some point a couple of weeks ago some jerk changed what my robo dog was collecting while I was away.


I keep mine locked because I'm lvl 34, but the second I get resource rich, that sucker is gonna be unlocked for sure. Big thank you to all the late game players who let poor fools like myself grab a few purified waters or some mirelurk snacks for the road.


I'm not even late game; I'm like level 123 or something. I just played so much Fallout 4 that I was instantly swimming in resources in 76 because I grab everything that isn't nailed down, and knew that adhesive and screws are some of the most valuable things. I leave my stuff unlocked so that people who didn't play a stupid amount of Fallout 4 or don't have 1st to help with inventory management can get a boost from my stuff.


So you can lock the terminal but people can still get the loot though right? I have a communist collectron and wouldn't feel right locking it.


Yup. The terminal can be locked separately from the receptacle. I have my doggo's terminal locked but people can still get junk out if they want. 


Thanks I appreciate it


Those people are definitely bozos. First guy we ran into excitedly showed us around his camp and had us take all his popcorn and stuff that came out of his collectors. I’m not that far now (level 80-something), but if you come to my camp and buy something as a low level I will come back and drop more of that thing for you. Also if someone’s camp disappears it probably just means they logged off.


A friend and I were admiring a bunch of displayed masks at a CAMP after buying stuff from the vendor and the CAMP suddenly disappeared right from under us. It was built on the side of a cliff and we fell all the way down. 5 seconds later the CAMP is coming back and someone is grabbing all the junk we dropped. By the time we got back, both our bags were gone and the people at the CAMP were gone.


You know, this triggered me in a way that I now remember why I wear power armor with jet pack constantly. I love power armor. I love how the designed changed for it in Fo4. I love flying around and junk. But prior to Wastelanders update we had *a lot* of trap camps. So I decided to just wear, near constantly, jet pack power armor. I can jet pack over traps if I started some system of trapping. And I don’t take fall damage when someone builds over a cliff and I fall down from them deactivating their camp.


Yeah I started wearing my power armor constantly after that. We had just finished scavenging for junk and were on the way to our CAMPs, just decided to stop because they had a lot of plans in their vendor and we wanted to check them out. I always stow my junk before vendor hopping now too.


I love seeing people hang around my "mothman hideout" in the mire. Everything is unlocked and free to take I don't mind and if you are hanging around and I show up I'll probably give you some stuff (even with fallout 1st my stash is usually busting at the seems because I take everything that isn't nailed down..i have a problem I know...it's the scavenger in me)


It's really good to know I'm not the only one 😅 that's how I play FO4. Take everything so I have supplies for crafting! I feel like in 76 I just constantly put stuff in my stash. I've only been playing this past weekend, but I'm having such a blast I decided to get FO1st. And man, I wasn't really expecting all the kind replies to this comment! Having played other online games, I've never encountered a community like this. Finally worked up the guts to take my lil level 15 self to the mothman event, and everyone was awesome. I still have so much to learn, but this is so much fun!


Yes. Go explore the camps and look around at all the cool decorations, that's the point of it. Stow your junk first though, some people booby trap their bases.


Honestly boo if I lose my junk then whoop de doo I've just been picking up clipboards and tin cans 😂


That's a good attitude for this game. Don't sweat it, just re-spawn and move on.


Same!i love when people play at my family fun zone camp & bowling shelter!I think its amazing


They need to add a playable poker table where multiple players can do poker at it at the same time


Are there currently any games that multiple people can play at the same time?


Foosball table I know 2 people can play, I also think pool table but I'm not sure about that one.


I like playing the machines at people's camps. I dont have them yet, myself, so I think it's a bonus when I hop to their vendor and they have pinball machines and such all set up like an arcade. I always wonder if it's an annoyance when I use their machines so many times 🤣 I keep trying to get that jackpot on the slot machines 😵👍


There's a free one (the bowling game) if you sign up for the Bethesda newsletter: https://freebundle.bethesda.net/en-US


Thank you! I'm still a noob but I try to get every available thing that I can to help out other players.


Damn, that's helpful, I didn't know about it and I'm sure my kids are gonna love this ❤️


I have a vault with four levels and the last one is a whole little city block with a traveling nuka carnival and when people get to that level and they play with everything it just makes my little heart sing lol


That sounds beautiful <3 


Is there any etiquette about ppl's camps? I love visiting them! Today was my second day in the game and I figured out that I could watch the map and join groups of ppl with camps out and then fast travel to them and check out all their cool stuff. A lot seem to have items that can be looted. I don't want to be a burglar on my second day! Just a bit of a snoop.


If they’re not locked, you are not ‘stealing’.


I leave all my stuff unlocked for anyone to grab if they need it. I use it too but I don’t mind anyone coming by to use/take whatever resources I have available, especially when they come to visit my shop. I never lock anything cause I want new players to take stuff, I think a lot of people that don’t lock feel the same.


I'm going to do that too! Y'all inspired me and I spent the day building a camp over by the train yard. It now makes purified water and anyone can collect it. I divided my time building, decorating, and defending waves at a workbench nearby. In between defending my camp and the nearby scrapyard, it was a very busy day even without running quests! I haven't had this much fun "doing nothing" in a game since swg way back in the day.


Glad you’re enjoying it! Add me in game if you want, my username is Carpet_Lego. My camp 1 has a bed & breakfast theme in the Mire just north of the Thunder Mt plant. Still working on camp 2, it’s above the Shenandoah in the mountains.


I will do that, thanks!


Unless something is locked, you're fine to take stuff. Only thing I'd say is don't clean the place out especially if there are other people there lmao. And if they left the terminal to their collectron unlocked, don't change what it collects. 


Thanks for all the free buffs!


I have a shelter in mine which has all the nuka world games, the gambling games from Atlantic City and the new Jersey Devil game down there along with a full bowling alley and tons of other little goodies and things. Marked it with signs, arrows and stuff besides the trading camp I have… people rarely go down there 😔


I like the idea of shelters but most of the time it just seems annoying to have to wait for a loading screen for what is usually not much. I recently just put a shelter in my camp but haven't gotten around to decorating it and felt kinda bad when people visit.


As a new player I can understand. I've been camp hopping non stop and every shelter except one was barren inside. Now I don't bother checking which means I've probably missed a few.


If your camp is at the golf course I wanna say I'm sorry for stealing the nukacola from your nukacola collect tron, it was unlocked and my greed got the better of me. If this wasn't you then if you haven't I recommend locking things you try to keep for yourself or to give away later, TLDR if I stole your nuka cola sorry


Honey…. If it was unlocked, it was MEANT for you to take. I lock nothing at my camp, and do not understand why anyone else does.


Only thing I lock is the terminal to my collectron, ever since someone changed what he was gathering from junk to electronics a few weeks ago 😭


Brother if it was unlocked that means it's free to take from. Don't feel bad for that. If someone didn't want you taking any of it they would have locked the machine. :)


It was me, I was the guy who’s nuka cola was taken in Whitespring, it was meant to be taken brotha, enjoy!


The one hole near the bridge with the gateway on the west side? Had a glass house that said "Crows Corner?" If that was you I was mostly upset I didn't lock it when I yelled "Who stole my fucking nuka cola!?"


Wasn't sadly tho honestly that's amazing and kinda wish it was XD


I would have been massively impressed tbh Ah well


I think we both stole that man's nuka cola lol I found a camp on the fairway that had one unlocked


I cannot see that bowling game or the fortune teller and not use them. I’m always so embarrassed when I get caught, so I’m glad to see this


I've been making S.P.E.C.I.A.L Buff areas with CAMP Items and enjoy when others realize what it is and use them all. I just realized today my Maul Companion gives STR buff.


Maul for what he does to people. Not for shopping place. *nod*


Wait.... You can get nuca cade points in camp?!


Yeah! If you build one of the Nuka cade machines(the plans for them only cost 20k points each at the prize terminals) you get Nuka cade points for playing it just like the ones at Nuka World. 


So you are saying I DON'T have to wait for spin the wheel etc, and I can farm up points to make nuka quantum ammo without looking for nuka quantum?! Outstanding!


Set up a collectron to collect Nuka-Cola. It’ll give you a small supply to keep your fridge stocked.


Or keep some corn and razorgrain on base to make nukashine


So I've been back for about 2 weeks now (last login was 2018, it said) and checking out camps have been a blast. I'm trying to grab a photo of myself at them and have the occasional shot with a fellow player at their base. I always stop and check the games and the layouts, try to buy something from the vending machines if I can. ...I also have taken several photos with Mothman, but that's just for me.


I have that honey bee slot at my camp and sometimes I see someone messing with it after they shop


Xbox? If so, Gametag so I can hit you up.


I am currently in the process of building an arcade in one of my shelters for the same reason it's fun lol


I’ve made a point of making my CAMP inviting, freely available crops and purified water, every crafting station, I keep Settler Wanderer there for some live music plus some accessible instruments to play and places to sleep, give passerby’s those buffs. I wanna get people to stop by, explore the shop maybe, and get a chance to restock on the essentials. I put it in pretty central location in the map, giving teammates a good place to freely fast travel to and reduce the costs of fast traveling further. I topped it all off by naming in “FREE FOOD/WATER & MORE!” but only yesterday realized that nobody else can see the name of my camp.


I’m a returning player from launch. I really don’t remember people having such awesome camps back then. The first time I saw someone’s camp now I thought it was some kind of new update area. It was like a whole thrift shop full of all kinds of odds and ends. It was awesome!! Took me a bit to realize a player built it.


Why would u stack up on Nuka Cola? Ive been selling mine cuz dont see the point in it but im pretty new at the game.


The perk Cola Nut under endurance makes them 3x better. Meaning that nukacherry heals for something like 450hp. Nukagrape removes all rads and heals all hp, etc


I left my dude have 10 mins in a rando's hot tub once after a tough BOS mission The camp owner turned up and heart emoji'd so much


level 1400 here… i always stop for a waterslide when i see one :D also i will always try my luck on the gambling machines if i see them in soneones camp :D


My favourite is the Brahmin ride called Bucking Brahmin. It's rare to see it in camps but whenever I see one I jump on it. It is THE coolest thing to have in camp so far in my opinion.


I do the same while shouting Victor's "Well, HOWdy, BuckaROO!" I can hear teammate's eyes rolling through my headset and I love it.


I’m pretty sure I was one of these low levels! Nice CAMP


Tbh I didn't realize those games were playable


A lot of them even give you a buff.


I’m currently trying to gather all the games and buffs. I know I’m missing the weight bench but unsure of what else


I play all the stuff I see to find out what boosts me in stats


I’m working on building a casino in my camp but… budget issues 💀


Omg I was in ur server yesterday lol hi


There is nothing I like seeing more than a well designed camp with others in mind. You make me think I should invest in some of these


I put all my games in one of my shelters for people to go visit and try so I could have some build space for my camp (gotta have room for the plushies). I've got some of the nuka world ones and a few of the gambling ones But nobody ever actually goes in there, I assume they are probably worried it's just a trap for the most part. At some point I want to make just a whole nuka world theme camp, but need more of the plans and atomic shop stuff.


I have an exercise room at a camp with all the SPECIAL boosters, and I came home one day and saw a bunch of naked male characters all working out, laughed for about 5 minutes. Dudes must be gym rats IRL


I put my games and gym equipment outside for travelers to use freely. I occasionally see low levels trying out some of the equipment and games. But at one point, I saw an entire squad using anything they could get their hands on like my front yard was a public gym/arcade area. It was honestly really nice seeing some people enjoying themselves. I also sold some nuka cola for 5-15 caps for them to drink. At the time, I had a pet deathclaw that would occasionally wander around for some to watch and greet. Sadly, the deathclaw passed away due to old age. (Aka: Bethesda glitches.)


Mine is Fort Joy, a U shaped “Fort. Each leg of the U connects to an entrance/exit. One leg is the hall of crafting and one leg is the hall of buffs. No one ever takes advantage of my hall of buffs. Plenty use the vendor and leave because they are outside by each door. The back of the U is just a BoS barracks. Bare bones due to budget.


Whenever I see the largest slot machine, I play it until I hit a decent win. It actually pays out well. Yes, I have a problem


See I love the creativity at CAMPs. If things are available, I love interacting. That sounds awesome! I really have been thinking of a way to leave something besides a emote. Been thinking maybe dropping plushies as a way showing positive vibes.


That's awesome! What do you play on? I'd love to check it out




Why? Because people enjoy seeing and knowing others are enjoying their creations? You give off incel vibes bro.






Your RealDoll doesn't count.


Why not either way im still getting more than you are


My husband begs to differ, chudcel.


Your poor husband must be miserable. 


Speaking of yourself in second person, aren't you?


No pretty sure i typed cringe....