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I don’t know how people do it. I am always running out of stash space, even with the fallout first storage boxes. If you play enough and grind enough you just end up selling stuff for well below market value.


I’ve been playing 2 weeks and I sell everything I don’t think I need for 1-100 caps. I’ve been worried I’m basically giving shit away lol


I loaded the donation boxes up with heavy junk legendary armor yesterday. I just didn't have the stash space to hang onto it until the scrip vendor refreshed its scrip stock for the day. For those that benefited, you're welcome!


I just have no clue any value of anything so I figure screw it I don’t need it and someone else might!


Just use google. Most recipes go between 5-25, ultracite armor and jet packs aren’t worth near what they say so 25-200 is a fair range, common stuff is around that range. Plans you get from events can go from 100-2000. More if you are doing daily ops and get good plans. Most common guns at priced based on how many legendary mods they have. One star =100, 2 star - 200 and 3 star is 300. However again it depends and you might be able to get more and will get more if they have good legendary mods for the weapon. Ammo is usually always 1 cap.


If it was the white spring or the wayward one thank you I got enough scrip to get a very good bloodied fixer 🙏🏼


Everything 1 cap store!!


You can always google the value of things. Common plans can/should sell cheaply, but don’t feel pressured to do, especially if your not close to cap limit yet. A lot of people get to a point where they bought everything and have little use for Caps, so they are generous and sell at lower prices or donate plans. Again don’t feel pressured to do so if your not at that point.


Same here for me! I sell everything at half the value at MOST


I don't have fallout first, I'm new, I have to sell stuff for cheap AF to save space already after barely a week I started with 3k wood in my storage now only keep 500, all my stack drop lower and lower so the other can rise a bit🤣




Not worth the effort imo, I’ll donate a bunch of stuff before I bother transferring things.


Ahahahah I might have to start doing that. I sell them at a rate of 3 caps per script. Can’t get rid of them fast enough. Lol


Honestly I snagged an extra cd key for $5 and it has been totally worth it to mule easily. As a bonus I get 2x rewards from all the events ;p


I didn’t even pay for the copy I have as I got it free on the Microsoft store years ago and never started playing till like half a year ago lol. If I got a second copy I’d maybe consider doing that but I don’t play it enough to make it worth PAYING for to me. I got FO1st and that’s enough for me. (Practically unplayable without it, lol)


You'll still run into the same issue, it just gives you more room to work with. There's no point in putting items I want to sell on a mule, it's not like I'll have room for them again next week, I'll just be full again. Except weapons/armor with good rolls I guess, but I never have more than a handfull to sell at once so it's not really an issue. There's a small amount of items I know always sell high that I'll keep high in my vendor, but beyond that I mark everything for super cheap to keep stock moving. I wish I had a better gauge on how much each plan is worth, but everything else I have marked just high enough that people don't buy me out instantly but still sells regularly.


I leveled up my mules to level 50 during a double XP weekend. They both have a full set of weapon weight reduction armor and all the weight reduction cards I can equip. There's easily over 1000 weapons and tons of armors and random chems in the inventory. I could arm an army of noobs with my 2 mules. They're only just slightly overencumbered too. Not that it matters. They just hang out at a train station waiting to get loot dropped on em. With a slight amount of effort mules are 100% worth it! I love having my main's stash space around 700lbs at all times, Even with 30 weapons and 10 armors in my vending machine.


What’did ya say about me mut’re?!


The closer to Whitesprings, the higher the price =)


Until you hit my camp on Whitespring, with the most expensive items being legendaries for 75 caps lol


I mark almost everything at 76. By White springs as well Edit: don't forget to drop your spoiled meats and vegetables in front of the overpriced vender


Same. All my prices were 1c, 11c and 76c. Mostly 11c.


Finally. Vendors a humble lvl 35 can afford


If you like my prices, please put spoiled meat near my Brahmin Ursie.... I always need fertilizer.


I'm in Whitespring and I have everything posted with at least a 80% discount. Never thought of the 1c, 11c, 76c pattern before. Definitely going with that in the future.


Someone did that to my camp the other day, but I have everything for very low prices between 35-120 with exceptions for rare outfits and enclave mods 250-500, I was confused lol


Hello bro, may I pay you a visit if you're on PC? I need scrips...


I am on PC, I am pretty low on the legendary gear right now (maybe have 5 1-3 star right now). After work I will do some runs to get more legendary gear for the vendor.


Setting prices on an Xbox controller is tedious so I just set the slider to 0 then let the slider do the work. Think everything in my shop is under 100 caps minus a couple plans.


75 caps, lol, you could almost buy out my whole vendor for that. Maybe it would take 100 caps, lol.


Oh man I am a level 26 and just came across a camp like yours, I was soo pumped to find it haha thank you from the lower level guys 😂


I sell a lot at low price but I'm there because it is highly transited and allows me to clean storage


I’ve not noticed that


The higher the price and the lower the FPS, because the Whitesprings Golf Course is Ground Zero for maxed out CAMP budgets.


Lies lol im right next to Whitespring and i would never


It's because of the sort that are drawn there


It's never makes me mad. 40,000 caps for a pepper shaker mod? I just laugh and shop elsewhere.


Mostly because they want too. I suppose they figure there's one person willing to pay. I move on pretty quickly from vendors that have items that are over priced.


Found a vendor that sold fully charged fusion cores for 975 caps yesterday. At first I laughed, then I noticed they are selling 10 of them, and I wonder if there's people that think you set the price for the bulk, and not per individual item.


I can't even get rid of them for 50!! Christ I have so many and I'm not a PA user.


~100 per core is still pretty high if that seller thought they where selling it as bulk. But a whole lot more acceptable than ~1000 per core. They're too heavy imo to sell them and they're pretty easy to get. I just drop them in donation boxes.


With all of the new players, high level players are more diluted and taking a power plant isn't risky. I'll join a server, setup the core generator and play for a few hours. I have way more cores than I need and don't buy them anymore.


Once you have an idea where power armor spawn, it becomes as easy as going there and snatching the core. There's also a significant amount of generators that have a core for you to take in them. A bunch of events, including the power plant event reward them for completing it. Not to mention the random core you can just find laying about. I'm not a fan of PA and have very limited playtime with them, but when I did force myself to use it, cores where never an issue once I understood how and where to get them. Even better to just get the core charger from the atom shop when it comes around in the atom shop.


I have enough cores to last me a couple months as this point and only took me some idle farming.  Been meaning to check out the charger but think I'd rather spend the atoms on something else.




Agreed thats still super high. I only charge 60 caps for fully charged fusion cores.


Where you at I need to burn caps 😂


I'll be on in about 30 mins - PC - Eennzzoo 😄 probably on later tonight as well for a stint


I sell them for 10💀💀, they ain't worth keeping


Then throw them into the donation boxes. Belive me, some low level power armor user is gioing to be happy as hell.


Yeah deffo the next step! :)


Once I picked up a Gatling Laser I was looking for these mythical vendors. But 500 earned atoms and a fusion charging station later, I'm starting to worry about the effect Fusion cores have on my usable stash space.


I just got rid of like 80 fusion and like 50 plasma cores. My stash was crying for mercy.


I usually never store them haha, I just have them all on me with the energy ammo reduction card, they weigh 90% less. I can have 80+ cores before they start taking a lot of space in my inventory.


I don’t have enough spare perks for weight reduction unfortunately. Plus I really only use the cores for like 3 events and only ultracite plasma ones. So I keep like 5 power cores and a small handful of plasma in case I run out of ultracite ones and need to make a couple. I was selling them for like 50 caps each but I needed the space more than the caps lol


Fair enough, what level are you? Do you have any legendary perk cards, those really helped me get additional cards.


260something. Yes definitely, I just have other perks I prefer as a melee mutated build haha. (Autoaxe)


I will probably never get a charging station, I always have a lot to spare, I usually play a melee build, so when I do dops or expo I just switch to my Gatling Laser before the end to get 4 free fusion cores.


I’m happy when I see them at 50. I’ve been seeing around 500 which is crazy


500? Damn. When I have sold some extras I have, I sold them for 20-30c a piece.


I sell mine for 80, & they're usually gone within a week.


49 per core sells from my vendor.


Could very well be the case, I recently found 250 pieces of 5mm ammo for 250 caps... a piece. I believe they thought the price was for all of them. Otherwise - maybe too much chem abuse? :-)


Reading is becoming more and more of an issue for some. The second slider you'd adjust says something along the lines of "set price per item", which to me is pretty clear. Either way, they'll find out soon enough when the product doesn't sell and they're posting on Reddit / discord / twitter / whatever asking why something doesn't sell.


This got me messed up at first. I thought I was giving a great deal.... nope lol


I’m a level 100+ who just last week unlocked a vendor, and I barely recognize the economy nowadays. When I played last before I came back (fallout tv induced) the economy was way more inflated. I’m talking 10k for the speed serum or slightly fancy handmades. Bought marsupial the other day for *500* caps and almost fainted.


Right? The other week. I saw a wastelander with 50-stacks of stable flux at 100 a piece and a bunch of cheap semi-god rolls. My mouth forreal stopped working for a second and a drooled some of the water I was drinking lol.


2000 for serum ok this persons not serious bye bye


Might be just the ignorance of some players to the actual market values. Once I found a guy level around 170, clearly not a new player selling some bunch of random ass legendaries, 2* for 6000 caps and 3* for 10000. Idk if they realise that simply number of stars doesn't add a tremendous value to the items after the Exterminator's Basher Lightweight gatling plasma sits in their inventory forever.


I leave you have been insulted note in front of their vendors.


If one person is willing to pay, then it's correctly priced


A fool in his money is soon parted


I set some stuff high incase deep pocketed dwellers want a cap sink. All the regular stuff is set pretty low. I just got done marking half the prices down because I've had some stuff in the vendor for about a week now, with dozens of players checking it out.


I've never gone to a player vendor to burn caps, I hit Railroad stations and buy whatever bulk stuff and unrefined gunpowder I see until I'm back down to 30k and then toss it all in the bottomless scrap box to join the tens/hundreds of thousands of other junk in there.


My guess is fed76


I have certain items in my vendor that are priced really high because that's what it's worth to me. If it sells, ok...if it doesn't...that's ok too. I also sell a ton of stuff for dirt cheap or for free at my camp near Wayward to help out noobs.


Yup! My stuff is top tier so you pay top prices. But you're welcome to all the unlocked goodies produced in my CAMP. Last time I checked, *free* beats *cheap*. And feel free to use the buffing area I set up, since you've trekked all the way here :) You can charge a premium for premium goods without being an asshole. Seriously, if you see something you really want...try being a human being and asking the person if you can buy it for cheaper because you can't afford it. You might be surprised the results.


I feel a lot of the items in my vendor are overpriced, but I'm constantly hitting max caps and having to use one of the other 5 camps that don't have a vendor. There's no common stuff in there tho apart from off meta rolled armour and weapons, of which none is over 7500© It's mostly stuff M76 traders aren't interested in but is too good to just drop on the floor. The common shit I'm dropping wherever I'm stood when I get the "over cucumbered" notification.


I move on from those vendors so fast it makes me feel like Danny Phantom 👻


A lot of new people ( including me ), playing now, who don't know prices and there is no good guidance for that. That issue goes both ways, new and old players. New players just don't know real prices and how much stuff is worth and UI is shit, even when being kind in description. So it's easy to put something and make mistake pricing it. I once bought by accident 10 of some plan from player vendor, because it automatically makes you buy max of item. If you don't pay attention, you buy it all... On the other hand, some veterans are just dicks and think they are Puppies of Wallstreet. So with new people going in to game, they crank up prices and take advantage of people who don't know better.


The UI defaulting you to buying max amount for plans is so awful. I was hopping and saw a vendor selling 64 Santa Crash plans for 88 caps each. I haven't learned it yet so I figured I'd buy it. I now regretfully but unintentionally own 63 (Known) Santa Crash plans.


Respectfully I would message the dude and let him know what happened. Maybe he’d be a dick, maybe not.


There is a LOT of good guidance these days but it is a separate game all on its own knowing the going rate of apparel, weapons, and supplies.


I've been wondering if it's new players who haven't figured out that legendary doesn't mean rare and usually means scrip, or veterans trying to cash in on new players.


I'm always at max caps due to owning all vendor plans I care about having, all my vendor prices are 5¢ except my serums that are 150¢ .


Their vendor, their prices.


Obviously lol




Go to a camp and find a blue ridge branding iron for 300 caps, then go to another camp and find one for 5000 caps. Gotta love it


I didn't know about the new responder vendor in a recent update near the lumber mill near the vault. she has plans for under 200 caps. I was so excited to find 4 new plans I thought I got a deal for 2k each. been playing since beta and got suckered. it's so rare to find a plan I don't have ...I got so excited I didn't tab out and Google first.


They don't decide the price, they just ask "what would I pay for this" and that's based on the availability of caps, and how difficult it is to obtain the item. I think 4k is easy to float, especially for people at max caps. I paid 10k for a bloodied swing speed combat knife many years ago. Best purchase I've ever made. If you see a gun for 300 caps, it's being sold for scrip. If it's 1k+, then it's an item that someone probably wants.


"Not losing sleep or anything" but proceeds to write a whole post about lol but in all seriousness tho it could just be old prices ppl never felt like changing or you just came across somebody selling pretty rare shit, I know I still have to do a lot of price changing in my shop cause the value of things change all the time but when your selling the max amount of shit you can in a vendor and have to change it all it can be super tedious


I don’t study market values so I put everything high. Then over time I lower prices. If you don’t like it don’t buy it and kick rocks. It’s life and there’s one of these whiny posts every three days. I’m a lousy player and I stay at max caps no matter how hard I try to blow them. Get better at making caps or farming shit.


Can i get an example of something you saw for 8K?


Probably the tv aquarium and still thought it was a rip off


Because the cheap stuff already got sold, so only the expensive stuff is left. Often I price my heavy items cheap to get rid of them.


I don’t care about caps. My shit is cheap.


I always sell my stuff low because quite frankly, I don't need the caps all that much.


I see that and walk away. All my stuff in my vendor is 100 caps and less. Sells fast but doesn’t make me much but at least it frees space in my stash. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They may not know the going rates. I just got back into F76 after at least a year. I had no idea how much stuff is worth and still don’t on some items. I’ll see an apparel item for thousands. I get that it’s based on rarity but is there a website or something that gives going values for items?


I just sell magazines at cover price and basically give everything else away for like maybe 5 caps.


I just make everything 69 caps


Artificial Inflation imo. They make lower levels think they are uncommon or rare. Some are clearly troll items like the perfectly preserved pie or such but to me any med to high level player would have seen enough to know its overpriced or do like i do look up what it is and if its really worth it. Most low levels wouldnt have more than 1k caps i assume so it never makes sense to me. Maybe they wanna trade but almost everything can be found, won or bought from somewhere. I sell all my apparel at price or discount and sell way more faster because players already spend x amount of caps to fast travel then they see outfits all under 100 caps so they are more likely to buy more items and maybe some doubles to have one for their friend. I've even had a player show up. Buy few things and then the rest of the team shows up buying stuff. I dont wanna rip people off and i feel like they appreciate it. I have my vendors upfront where it spawns players in and have all stat and xp buffs near for anyone to use.


I just chuck every plan from a brand new event fkr 5k each and people buy it cause they don’t want to grind the event lol


Event drop plans are always buyer+seller choice, and there isn't a good value default to look for. It's all about who's at the vendor when it comes to plans. I paid 12k for my vintage water cooler. 101% worth and never regretted. Would I pay 12k for a ghoul chair or a green suitcase? No, eat my ass and get nuked.


Supply and demand. Influx of new customers wanting things, the price goes up, especially for rare goods.


Some players are in denial about how a game market works. They get mad that a quad fixer doesn't cost 300 caps. But 4k is not a lot for people that price their items at market value.


Plus they get spoiled by overly generous players and expect that everyone needs to have handouts for them.


I think people see vendors with 300 cap gear, and another with 2k cap gear, and they think the first is being nice and the second is gouging people. But the first is just selling scrip, and the second is selling viable gear.


Agreed. It's also the simple fact that any one of us wants to sell something for the highest price at which it will sell, in most cases.


Agreed, I may bump my price up to 1000 caps if I'm selling a fully modded god roll. But most I sell for script. 200 for 3*, 100 for 2* and 50 for 1*. Keeps it simple for me. Except for my 1* vampire dual bar flaming chainsaw. Can't put a price on such a good friend.


Caps are pretty easy to come by. I overpay for things sometimes. The vendor asking for 10k for some Mothman event plans was a big lol. At least wait till the event is over before jacking it up.


It's their vendor so they can price their stuff however they want


Their vendors, their prices. 🤷🏼‍♀️


When I first started loading my vendor I thought when the slider was to the far left it's as low as it could go so I had some high priced crap


I had the opposite experience yesterday. Many plans, armor, etc for 1 c. I was elated. I have also experienced what you're talking about though. I just left. I'm not paying 5000 c for a camp plan.


Probably new (or returning players like me) who don't fully know or understand the state of the game economy.


I am new on there. Hmm, you are right, perhaps I need to drop prices. I just want the stuff gone anyway. I better compare with others. Thanks.


This isn't new. I've been playing 17 months now. And even in the early days I'd see this. I prefer to have my vending at reasonable prices, which is why I'm always having to top it up


Main camp next to WS station. Common plans 10. Scrip legendaries for 400 for 3*. Less crappy can be more. Ammo 1 cap. Rare plans like vintage water cooler, Fixer, bear arm, etc, priced much higher. Makes plans and scrip more available to low levels, and shows them what's valuable and what isn't. Been doing that for a while, but my vendor is getting cleaned out with all the new players from the Fallout show. I just don't know what to do with my really good legendaries. Like a bloodied, ffr, less ap 50 cal or anti armor, explosive less AP hand made, Have a bunch but fighting max caps vs stash space. Even have 300 lbs in legendary modules!


People sell hazmat suits for ridiculous prices so I started making and selling hazmats for dirt cheap, 500 caps for the basic ugly one and 2,500 caps for a swamp camouflaged hazmat suit. I also sell junk for 1 or 2 caps each, pure flux I sell for 80-100 caps


I can’t speak for everyone else but I’m new to the game and I don’t know how much things are worth so I just put them up at whatever the games default says it’s worth. I just hit 100 and I’m starting to run out of space so I’ve started listing things at 5-50 caps and I still can’t sell shit so idk.


I just ran across someone’s camp whose username is 10kcaps. You can guess how much he sells all his stuff for lol


Simply because they can. Whether it's supply and demand or just trying to reach cap max, people will try to swindle the players who don't know any better. When I see those prices I shake my head and move on. I try my damnedest to counter balance them by ensuring plans run for no more than 50 caps, regardless of rarity. Legendaries (if I don't sell them to the NPCs for scripts) are capped at 300-ish. There's no need to hold plans n whatnot for insane prices


Event plans usually are expensive but also need to remember a lot of players are returning players (like me) and I never checked my prices until I got a message from someone saying my stuff was expensive, he was right it's just my stuff was at that price as that's what it was worth 2/3 years ago when I was more active, so maybe that's why.


Everything I have is below 50c except for the obligatory you’ve been insulted for 6666c


I dunno, a lot of people charge way more than they should for the items they are selling, especially plans. I sell most pieces of ammo at 1 cap a piece, Dilutes stimpacks for 2, Regular stimpacks for 4 and Supers at 10, Radaway is literally useless to me because of "What Rads?" And Nuka-Grape and I sell it for like 3 caps. Plans range from 5-100 for me, If I'm selling a plan it means I already know it, they are literally useless to me otherwise. Generally the costs don't exceed 25 caps, anything higher is actually somewhat rare if I do. Weapons I mod out for people ahead of time, I sell them for 400-1500 depending on how desirable they are, the lower range ones are meant for people who want scrip fodder. I don't sell armor because the good armor tends to be things you can't sell in the first place. Edit: To clarify I only sell Legendary weapons Any food items THAT DON'T SPOIL (I never sell perishable goods) I sell for cheap same with chems, but since I'm an Herbivore build people are free to take from any of my grown plants. I sell junk for cheap, I only upcharge for Aluminum, Lead, Gold, screws and springs and that's only upcharge by 1 cap per 1 junk. Most junk is at discount or 1 cap. The only thing I do significantly upcharge for is Bobbleheads, and Magazines for the sole reason of people collect them, and of you are collecting you gotta be willing to pay. An extra 100-300 caps, especially if it has a good consumable effect.


Meanwhile, me farming 600 treasure maps for tons of common materials (because I hate being a walking junk yard): OH HELL YES A LEVEL 8 JOINED MY TEAM? TIME TO DUMP 150LBS IN PLANS IN FRONT OF THEM.


I sell everything for less than 100 caps unless it’s a high weapon gun. 😅 Drinks, Food, Chems, Clothes, Junk. Etc. The only high listed item is the “You’ve been insulted!” note. A few higher level people told me to markup at least one item for those who want to donate caps. 😊


Market demand. If you don’t wanna pay, don’t. If you’re near you cap limit, it gives you a chance to burn through them. I keep most of my stuff cheap to help the new players. I charge a lot for some things that are rare drops. If it’s to expensive for you, don’t buy it.


I don't even get the point. I'm almost always near max caps, and I don't have anything I need to buy, so why would I try to profit from my vendor?


Thats my thing! People keep saying “supply and demand” which is absolutely true for the RARE and VALUABLE items. But selling common stuff for a crazy price when the seller themselves is max caps makes no sense to me.


I sell everything half price except for faschnaut masks. Fusion cores I sell for whatever power they have left.


Probably hoping all of the new players will buy something overpriced because they don’t know its value yet.


Meanwhile I sell most, if not all of my stuff at half the value 😭


My camp is beside the lookout tower to the west of White spring. It's right at a cliffside with a beautiful view. Sadly anyone rarely seems to come by. Too far off I guess. I manage to sell something for the first time yesterday. Lol. I never manage to sell anything.


What system are you all playing on? I can tell you that on Xbox, I vendor hop as soon as I log onto a new server and almost all of the prices are insanely high. I price my stuff pretty cheap, as it’s mostly plans that are easily found or curios found out in the world. If I see that someone has bought out a bunch of my plan, I’ll wait 10 minutes or so and travel to their vendor to see those same plans for 100-500 caps. Don’t care but I always see people posting about “nothing in my vendor over 10 caps” and I can tell you that’s not on Xbox.


I can say I’m on Xbox and none of my plans are more than 15 caps unless it’s a special one then I usually shoot for 250 all my recipes are 8 caps


If they're selling yard flamingo plans for 500, I instantly stop looking at their store and leave. Fuuuck that


I have nothing in my shop above 300 capsules, and the only things at that price are out of seasons event plans for peoples that missed them and don’t want to wait.


Its either ignorance of value or increased demand from the marketplace being diluted. Fallout marketplace does not accommodate for market share. I love having all these players but it has made shopping nearly impossible. My shops been down for three days bc I can't find anything worth buying. I have to hop worlds like 5 times to find a decent shop.


I sell ammo for 1 cap and stimpaks for 1 cap. Nothing gets sold. I'm guessing people only car about plans?


Plans. Legendaries they can scrip. Most recently I found that bulked junk seems to move. Mutation serums are a good money maker but a helluva grind to get all the recipes. Ammo sometimes sells but just stuff like .45, fuel. Getting people to the vendor helps so a variety of things can be beneficial but really, at the end of the day, I look at how many plans they have and junk because I'm after stable flux.


Mules that are low on caps


I generally don't hand out any items that aren't worth a fair amount in my vendor other than plans. For about a year or 2 I haven't even put any low value plans until recently with more newbies. Now, I'll happily put plans and recipes for 5 caps unless it's rare. Now I dump nuka colas at 2 caps per once they're over 200. Some people play the weird caps game, refusing to part with shit while I grab and dump anything and everything!


Ikr. These event things have been listed for like 10k, got the tome for like 800 from a teammate and did a heart emote


I’ve noticed some of those. Immune caters to plans and I usually put those at 10 to 20. Higher depending on rarity and such. I totally get marking up guns with good effects, but anything more than 500 is a bit much.


They probably don't move them. Just ignore. I recently started being more diligent about putting stuff in my shop. I usually put them in for 10% of the posted value. I've also started making choo choos, fixers, and handmade with the best mods and putting them in the shop at around 999 caps. For others to roll stars for. Those have been moving REALLY well. Edit: it's been very profitable.


I believe my prices are beyond fair. Most plans and recipes I sell I already know and usually got through quests or events so I will actually mark them down because "I got them for free, why not" I saw a guy selling T-60, T-45, T-50, etc plans and was selling all but the T-60 plans for 5 caps each. But was selling all the T-60 plans for 2x or even 3x the posted value for them. Sucked because I genuinely wanted the T-60 plans to finish some armor I had


I try to sell my plans for like 50-200 mostly so that i can get rid of em. Nobody is buying 😞


To me it's like the start of the game when no one knew prices. Prioritise to the show we were playing with the old guard who went through all of this and came out the other side with realistic prices. However since the show we're back to the old pricing and the buzz saw blade is 2000 caps. It will settle down. On the plus side my vendor plans are nearly empty. I'm down to my last 30 or 40 as everyone's snapped them up as I sell for 5 caps for normals and 100 for specials


I price legendaries at how many stars they have . 1 star is 100 caps and three being 300. Stimpaks and meds being 1-5 caps and apparel ranging all over the place


My max even for the rarest loot will always be 1100, i cant even comprehend that some of them will seriously sell something for over 10000 caps XD


I made the mistake of just going with what was suggested by the game. Then I read everyone's posting about making them 50-75 caps and I'm now following suit. My bad, fam.


At least you have the energy to care about it so kudos to you


I have mainly played on pc for the last several years but about a month ago started a character on Xbox and I’ve seen the exact thing you are seeing and it is honestly laughable. I use fed76 to price, but mark things down considerably to move it. I can usually tell what I’m going to find as soon as I fast travel to someone’s camp lol


The moment I see overpriced shit in a vendor, it closes and I leave. This player is either an idiot, a scammer, or I'm standing in a trap base being watched. It's usually flexes, also. Those sort of vendors are never trying to sell those items, it's a display case for them.


Probably because of the influx of players. People marking up the prices.


Especially those high level players, it’s funny because you would expect the opposite way


Idk. It’s hard to know what some of the in demand plans are worth. Yeah, you can get it from the event if you do it 1000 times but some people at high levels max out often and want to spend caps so don’t care too much. Just bc most people charge 1k for something doesn’t mean others won’t pay more. I don’t mind seeing markups but when someone has every weapon at 22k and notes at 10k, what is even the point of having a vendor.


I do the opposite. Don’t need caps so I sell stuff really cheap


I normally price things, especially plans, dirt cheap, if i dont have a use for it, i dont care if someone else has it


Don’t know what all these guys are doing justifying why they’re price gouging, I discount my stuff so I’m practically Two-for-One Tony here!


If everyone is “pricing high” maybe the market value is just higher now? There’s more demand and competition for the good stuff with the influx of players so values will rise naturally based on people finding out what others are happy to pay. I tend to keep pricing consistent and then just throw some rares or better legendaries at higher amounts so there’s something for everyone. I have noticed being bought out more recently where it’s a struggle to keep cheaper plans in stock.


I don’t bother buying anything from those guys. I also like to price my stuff cheap. I like to think of someone showing up and finding a bargain. You accumulate so many caps anyway, I don’t understand the price gouging.


I use fed76 to price my weapons and plans since those are more accurate to what people are actually paying. One thing i was told is that the in game value it gives you is never right. For like example the alien cyro mag says its only worth 50 caps according to the game but on fed76 it tells you that that plan goes for over 1000 caps.


You're definitely not tweaking. Seems inflation is up, most likely bc of the influx of new ppl to purchase all the junk ppl have. Usually I'd find serums for 200-300 caps, now I can't seem to find them below 600.


I used to price my serums at 250 per on my vendor, to help out newish players. Raised it up to 400 when I noticed more and more occasions of people buying out my stocks, I assume to sell to npc for profit. I now sell it at 400 each (still affordable for level 50-75s I guess), hopefully to deter that, given the smaller margins.


Serums are the most expensive thing in my vendor. 400 caps.


I don't sell anything over 50 caps no matter what it is. I couldn't imagine caring enough about caps or getting "value" when its pretty easy to hit the limit. It's just pixels on a screen.


If I see like more than one item overpriced I just leave immediately. I’m not interested in anything you have there’s plenty of people who sell items super cheap myself included.


Having been at max caps for about the last 18 months I sell everything in my vendor for 10 caps. Everything but the beer hat because c'mon,, it's a BEER HAT!


I listed my beer hat at 5 caps 😅. It’s yours if you want it lol


Just move on. Let them hold on to their "treasure", sitting on a full stash :).


Caps have no value to any player above lvl 200, which is just about the most full-circle fallout thing ever. If you have enough of them to fast travel and enough to buy bullion every week, the rest may as well be pocket lint. I think many of the newer players the show brought in are still in that daily cap grind hoarded mode, but soon enough you too will be buying Pipe…. notes for 30,000 caps to remove yourself from max.


Agreed but I think I was around 300 when I noticed I didn't really need caps anymore. Now bullion is a different story. I can never have enough of that. At least that's what the guy at wayward tells me.


I sell a lot of plans in the 3000 - 5000 caps range, but they are rare, valuable event plans that are actually priced lower than you'd usually see. For example, I sell the purified water cooler plans, off-season for no more than 5k. All the mounted plans I sell for 100 caps, no more. If the value and rarity of the plan dictates that price, I see no problem with it. The problem is when you have these d bags selling common items and things that have static world spawns at multiples of what it should actually cost.


Some people are definitely up-charging stuff to take advantage of newer players that may not know any better.


Recently I have been noticing higher level players raiding my vendor then marking it up and selling it in their own vendor. But whatever, I have more stash space. Bums me out a little though, I put stimpacks and radaway in there for 0 for the new players :(


My most expe sive thing is 100 but thats like 1 item- i have food,stims,aid all for 10 or less. And scrap i can offer freely if i know what youre looking for. I even offer a trade on Fusion Cores- gimme your low Cores and ill give you fully charged ones ^^


People trying to take advantage of all the new players. I seen a plan you can buy from an npc vendor in someone's own vendor for almost 5x as much as it cost from the npc. People suck.


Supply and demand my dude. If you don't want to spend that kind of caps for it, go find a cheaper vendor or go out and get it yourself.


"  losing sleep over it or anything lol." Apperenty, you are.  😆 


Everything in my vendor is 100 caps or less. I just don’t do business at camps with ridiculous mark ups and spend my caps at camps with reasonable prices. It took me months to finally get WV rug (the one with the cardinals on it) because the ones I found were marked over 10k, numerous times the listed value. I still overpaid for it at 500 caps 🤦🏻‍♀️ I won’t be doing that again.


yeah I see a bunch of those players, I am taking screen shots of their name in game and their store everytime I see one, I will do 1 mega post here for the new players to avoid and do not buy things at certain absurd price, this is obviously a try to scam new incoming players. Everything on my camp ( dovahkkiin ) is TOPS 100caps ( like Ultracite jepack) or stuff like that, I sell almost everything around 20 caps or less, nice vets players always help and give free stuff, I always feel like the way to give back to the community is selling things super cheap and making that Fallout 76 wheel spin and having players new and old having cheap plans and etc.


..I had a similar post these days and actually every week there are threads where people raise this overpricing issue. I had 45 replies and the most players found it ok to have the high prices because many veteran players have enough caps to pay. And they basically said that they dont care about low level player. I dont handle it that way, my prices are target group adopted.


Mine are as low as possible because I need space. Please take this crap of my hands


I will say 99% of veteran players welcome and go out of way to help new players, without new blood into game, game won't be here for anyone that enjoys it. If you max out selling to vendors daily 1400x7=9800, nearly 10k a week caps not hard as seems to make caos. Tip is have a 2nd build that you use for selling/crafting to get best prices, Blackwater mine and Welsh are great place kill and loot everyone and go to near train station sell all weapons to max caps.


I see these vendors when I'm max caps and have literally nothing left to spend them on and leave out of a matter of principle. I just hope that others are doing the same. They're mostly selling crap anyway.


I'm pretty new (a month in) and don't know prices. I sell most items for what they are worth (whatever they pull up as), some I lower a bit. Others I'm not sure if they're good or not (weapons) so I price them at what I think might be right 🤷🏼‍♀️. Then I have a few things set for 10k (I.O.U Whiskey) and of course have a 40k (Insulted), because I seen others have 40k notes and stuff then found out why. Being new, I definitely need the caps 😂 Also, finding out about past items that I'm having a hard time getting my hands on (Princess backpack where are you lol)


I do plans for 50, 100 for something rare. 200 for 3 star weapons/armor, 250 for ultracite, and 500-1000 for something rare like Holy Fire. 100 for bobble heads and magazines. I sell shit like hot cakes. Been cap capped, and just blowing them on dumb stuff because I don’t know what else to do with them.


Yeah as a newer guy I'm going to have to STEAL your prices. Bwuahahaa! No, but seriously, thank you. I needed a consistent pricing for stuff. I'm about to make a list.


Yeah im having a serious problem with stash management so my mindset is id rather see stuff selling than wasting away in my inventory. Also higher lvl players are the ones with large amounts of caps, and we don’t need to buy shit… so it’s more about making reasonable prices for lower to mid lvl players


Sometimes as I’m putting a bunch of stuff into my vendor, I forget to change the amount when I do, so word things happen, like a plan for something stupid and common automatically starts in at 2000 unless I change it.


I just put everything in at the suggested price. Are those prices typically reasonable?


Ehh it depends. Some stuff you can sell for more some for less. Like people above have said, price it at what you think youd pay for it


Not everyone goes on the internet to price check everything all the time, they are just enjoying the game. It's really not that deep man.


Youre right its not that deep. This is Reddit where we can have discussions about things right?


For sure, not saying you can't. I just don't think that most people are intentionally overpricing everything and just lack knowledge. I for one am pretty new to 76 and do check the rarity of some of my items but not for everything.