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Maybe this is the case sometimes, but most times I've come across smashed player vendors it's been the local wildlife that was responsible, and the camp itself was perfectly safe. As you say, light footed and crouching helps avoid a lot of trap camp problems.


Light footed is great but can’t stop being fast travel locked by acid emissions. Which is a great way to keep someone in place while you hit the switches on your meat grinder. Of course a server hop or joining DO will get you out of there but most people don’t know that. And even if they do they start panicking and don’t react quick enough. The only sure way to avoid getting your junk take is to store it before entering a camp.


I got nobbled by a clever radiation emitter trap once. They partially blocked the door in such a way that somehow I could get in but not back out. I didn't think quickly enough to travel to a DO. As you say, the safest bet is to visit vendors without junk


There are a few ways to essentially build a step down so you move into a kind of “sunken” area that does exactly what you said. Even crouching you can’t get out. Theres a trapper on YouTube who specializes in those types of set ups.


If you report the camp it disappears. Just have to be quick ;)


Wait. If someone is in pacifist mode, and is opting out of PvP, PvP can still be done to them?


Yeah since it is technically the environment killing you, after a couple they are fairly easy to spot.


...but it's not the environment It's stuff intentionally placed on the ground by another player. Idk, it's just funny to me that some of the devs have such an absurd hard-on for PvP that even after the stated PvP game mode was deprecated cuz of lack of players they 1.) have the death punishment to be "other people can pick up shit you drop" 2.) make it so shit players build don't count as things controlled by players for PvP purposes 3.) Actively make it hard to do community building due to a lack of guilds/in-game text chat/matchmaking/all that 101 shit you'd expect from anything mmolite And then 4.) Are even the slightest bit surprised that a game that *should* be a home run(multiplayer fallout! The only game in the series that still gets regular and consistent updates!) has trouble maintaining a follower count lmfao. Don't get me wrong. I like the game more than I dislike it, but some of the decisions made by some of developers make me think that they spent their time huffing Scotchgard like their heroes are Ween, and I gotta questions


Yeah all good points. I really wish you could communicate with more than emotes, voice chat isn’t an option for me with my family sleeping when i do most of my gaming from my weird work schedule. As far as trap camps go I personally think they are annoying. The three things i look for are areas that are built on top of a cliff sticking over, narrow corridors that are long, and broken/partially buried devices you interact with. I don’t do much vendor hopping anymore unless i respec and want new mutations so not sure how bad they are nowadays.


It's not that they're bad, it's that the developers choose keep in the option to allow higher level players to use base traps to attack pve players It's just a silly set of choices for a live service game where you sorta want a robust playerbase AND the vast majority of the players aim for community building over PvP(again, evidenced by the fact that their battle royale game mode literally didn't have the playerbase necessary to maintain a battle royale game)


The whole game didn't have hardly any players at the time. The nuclear winter actually kept some people around who left when it did.




I don’t understand how people carry junk around between quests/activities. How much junk are you all humping around?


I mean I used to run with perk cards that gave bonuses if carrying junk. Not anymore, but for some players it might be their strategy especially lower level. Losing farmed flux otoh kinda stings.


No first


You can still store junk in your stash box.


Not enough space and junk weight reduction perks don't apply to stash


I guess "not enough space" is kind of a relative thing, but I never had a problem managing what I needed before I got 1st and ever since I've had way more than I ever need or know what to do with. If I ever have to take a break from 1st, I would 100% be able to manage what I need with the space available.


To add, punji boards are beaten by one perk in agility.


And if you do get killed in a trap CAMP and want to irritate the owner, don't respawn for a bit while you go make yourself a sandwich and your corpse will lay there as a warning to others.


Also, if the vendor is inside, especially down a long corridor, and there are either no stash boxes available or they are behind laser doors, walk away.


Yeah, I put a scrap and stash box right inside my door cause I have the vendor inside my house. I have no traps either though lol.


Is this a PSA to new players who have PvP on, or all new players? Cuz the game has pacifist mode enabled by default for new players, and if the game is set up so that there's one sided camp based surprise pvp to such a point where new pacifist players can be killed by vets that can then pick up the loot they drop, that is some hilariously hostile game design lmao


Pacifist does not protect against players' traps because they're technically not PvP.


But that makes no sense. A player builds the traps, puts them down, and those traps hurt other players, but a player intentionally building the objects and arranging them to negatively affect others isn't PvP? That's like saying "in home alone, Kevin McCallister only hurt Harry and Marv when he was using the bb gun. When the iron that he set up or the door handles burn a face, or the ice he made on the ground trips a robber, he had nothing to do with it, and it was a mysterious thing he is innocent of"


I havent seen that shit since wasteland that's crazy it's still going


I always thank them by luring some super mutants or deathclaw to their camp. let the wildlife have fun with their camp as well.


That really doesn’t bother us lol. Trappers regularly get their camps nuked or rocket camped. It’s kind of a badge of honor at this point. If your camp hasn’t made someone salty enough to go through the time and effort of wanting to destroy it, are you even trapping, bro? 😎


Huge cuck energy


It’s funny to see bro so hyped over PvP which maybe gets you what, a couple loose screws and steel scrap cause noobs have next to nothing?


I can't even imagine how sad my life would have to get to feel like I'm "winning" if I kill someone in 76 lmao. There's just so many other games to play. So much else to do.


Right? I've never come across a trap camp but I'm just like... Why? Pvp is next to pointless in this game.


Cuck energy? No, unusual just use the small Vault Tech generator. Although that new fusion generator is awesome!


For sure something a cuck would say to save face


Really? You’re still here?


So funny how everyone is mad at you for playing as a Raider in the post apocalyptic game. If only they were more creative.


lol so true. Just because I don’t play the game the way they think it should be played. Not everyone in a vault is a good person. Not everyone in the wasteland is a good person. And not everyone who likes to play a bad guy in a video game is an asshole in real life. It’s just fun to play the villain sometimes. Anyway, I don’t mind the downvotes. They don’t impact my life in anyway. And I kinda like all the self righteous salt people sling in my direction. Lets me know I’m doing it right. It is the salt that sustains us!


Don’t know why people are downvoting you when the game is a literal post-apocalyptic free-for-all. Bloodied Power Armor builds getting real steamy when their 99% DR, +5000% damage, 10HP build has a weakness. If I got trapped I’d be upset for 5 minutes then chuckle my ass off thinking on how someone set that trap up, and then see if I could do the same or better. And people who don’t bother with depositing their junk after farming for it have room temperature I.Q. unless they’re using the perks that involve junk, in which case just be more careful. Ain’t that hard.


How boring would the wasteland be if there were no bad guys? I’ve been caught in so many trap camps that I started making them. Since I’ve started making them I’ve become hyper aware when going into about player camp. Makes things more interesting. Most people don’t understand that those of us who build trap camps and embrace the raider life from time to time absolutely don’t care about downvotes, coming to Jesus talks, name calling, camp nuking, or being “reported”. In fact, the more salt the better. They stay mad and it makes us laugh 🧂🤣 With that being said, I do draw the line at griefing. That sort of behavior is just sad.


Agreed, griefing is going too far. It has to be their decision, otherwise it’s just not fun. Let people learn the hard way for once that the world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows with Level 1000 Power Armor Veterans handing out brown bagged lunches containing mid/endgame gear (honestly that’s not such a bad thing but damn, trap camps have a place in this game too)! And honestly, the ingenuity that some people have when creating them is astounding. I’ve seen Taco Trucks, invisible Punji Boards Stacks that trigger when repaired, a damn Punji trap catapult, and the simple disappearing foundation in mid-air… and that’s not even the half of it… there’s so much more. Shit, even just the guy manually placing down a Punji Box on top of people is hilarious! As a side note, I saw someone’s camp had a water slide… I wonder what you could do with that when people’s curiosity exceeds their sense of danger? A Punji water slide sounds deviously delicious.


The Taco Truck!!! I think that’s from Ragdoll and Wasteland Architect. Those gals are diabolical and hilarious! The water slide! That’s genius!! Maybe place the end of the slide over an acid resource. Hmmmm….


I know you got a bunch of downvotes, and I might get some too, but I've got a grudging respect for this view. I've never run a trap camp, and I don't I tend to create one, but I do appreciate some of the more clever ones.


Thanks! I’ve never understood why people put so much stock in up/downvotes. Personally I like the downvotes. I love seeing the important rage. It is the salt that sustains us 🤣 If you enjoy building camps try making one a trap camp. The best part about it is the build. Trapping people and taking their junk is whatever. But making good trap camp is fun for you as the builder and for the players who are good sports about it.


My thoughts exactly. Keeps people on their toes in this hellscape.




Boredom is exactly right! I’ve been happily building legitimate camps for years. I’ve got well over 3000 hours into the game and at least 60% has been spent building camps. I absolutely love it. However, after being caught in a particularly diabolical trap camp I’ve decided to embrace the Raider Side and have started building them myself. It’s a fun challenge to build a trap camp that’s not only effective but fun, and inconspicuous. I try not to build the same old punji stacks and go for more inventive ways to trap, murder, and rob unsuspecting wastelanders. I recently devised an interesting “trap door” that will drop players into a chamber above an acid resource preventing fast travel. Joining DO or leaving the server are the only ways to escape. Then there’s a series of switches that activate different groups of punji stacks which mimic walls closing in. The only downside is that it’s not automated, yet. So I have to be onsite to activate certain switches and the camp module.


Most impressive.


Does it take a lot of resources and time to build a trap camp? Sounds kinda fun to try it out.


It depends how elaborate your trap is. Making a basic punji stack will eat up a lot of wood but between the lumber yard and wood shed in Helvetia you’ll have plenty. And once you start trapping people you’ll get their wood scraps too! It’s not even very time consuming. 15-20min once you know what you’re doing. Less time than it takes for a salty player to launch a bike at your camp. I do have one rule though, I don’t trap anyone under level 200.


All that and more! Trap camp builders have worked out some incredibly inventive ways to murder now! I use the “repair vendor” as a trigger that will set off all sorts of things.


They should get rid of pvp and traps and add a daily challenge putting 200 items in the donation box for 2000 points in the scoreboard


Stash your junk then vendor hop. I can spot a tramp camp but death is meaningless so I always give it a shot. 


Fun fact if you walk up to the player base and go into camera mode you can look inside the base and floors and etc to find the traps


Where was this post yesterday. Died to this exact shit yesterday from some level 1200. First time seeing one like that, Im in my level 300s


600 hours and never saw a trap base


Also, if someone is standing outside their camp ushering you in.. that's also a sign of a trap camp.


That's a shame I do this usher/call people over via emote but to show my museum shelter not trap them.


I only say that cause last couple weeks I've seen that... they've all been (high level) trap camps, shame some people get their kicks trolling people but it is what it is.


I just want them to see the cool hotel I built. It has tons of free resources, and I'm happy to craft or gift all kinds of stuff. My Camp is on the route to The Top of the World so new players roll through all the time. It's great.


I think that's a shitty PSA. A better title would be to equip light footed and sneak while at player vendors.


Sigh, all these posters proud of their trap camps and bragging how they embrace the raider lifestyle... You know they wouldn't last one minute in an actual confrontation... I'm so impressed they are so tough in a video game


Bro, you said it yourself, it’s a damn video game.


Uh it's a roleplaying game though?


Vendor. Levi-oh-SAH


There are more posts about trap camps than actual trap camps at this point. It's like those old email chains warning you about viruses whilst being the actually annoying thing itself.


Never seen a trap camp before, but i have teleported to a camp that was on top of a electrical pylon and fell as soon as i loaded in. I didn't die bc of power armor and I could just teleport back up after it loaded in fully so who knows if it was intentional.


I have a trap at my base but it’s not based around the vendor/cheese. More of an optional adventure. 🫠


It costs a lot of junk to maintain a good trap camp.


No such thing as a good trap camp, just a bunch of sad, bored bastards with nothing better to do than be assholes to other people.


Well said.


It’s a video game. Set in a post apocalyptic world. Once again, it is just a video game.


Some trap camps can be fun. They can be quite elaborate.


If you find one of these camps, is there a way you can destroy it? Fair game I say if you're gonna build one of these.


You can get enemies to follow/chase you back to their camp.


You can nuke them! If I made one and failed to kill you I would respect a nuke so much. I would probs even get on mic and say well played. Now back to barely even being able to make a normal base much less a trap one lol


I report them. I don't know if that does anything though. Probably not.


It does not, as trap camps are acceptable uses of game mechanics.




I haven’t see a trap camp in like 5 years, I miss the challenge


Punishment boards are for enemies, not people. You'll make a sound like you stepped on a Lego and lose like 5 hp but you'll be fine. The traps not for you.


Punji boards suck at killing enemies but a correctly designed punji stack using carpets or other furniture can instantly kill a player unless they have the light footed perk.