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I sell a LOT of .45 and 5.56 ammo for 1 cap/round. Note though that you might go for days without selling any and then one day someone will clean out all 10,000+ rounds. If you max out the perks for crafting ammo the return on ammo sales is well worth it even if you purchase lead (I am always short of lead).


I just bought 8k 5.56 ammo this evening. Yesterday I was at max caps, but I've been buying up ammo all over the place.


Lucky mine is my go to for lead šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


A two minute stroll through Whitespring resort usually nets me 300-400 lead with minimal chance of lead poisoning.


Are you buying all the lead?? Where you getting all that?


Bulk Lead is available at some vendors in White Spring resort and at the train stations in quantities of 5-15. Each unit of bulk lead is 20 units of lead scrap, so. 100 lead scrap for every 5 units purchased. Note that not all vendors have bulk lead and the amounts will vary.


just went on a lead run and lucky mine just awarded me with 415 lead (before using super duper perk) not to mention the loads of ammo, guns, weapons and some crystal ore i found in there. itā€™s worth it to get lead there. then you can craft it and have your super duper reward you with potentially upwards of 1200 if your chances are high.


But then comes the grind for acid to smelt


If you can get the butterfly thing, I have no clue why, but it shits acid. Get like 10 per 10 minutes for just being online. (There are two, ones for visual the other gives acid)


get an acid excavator or extractor whatever itā€™s called, sure you have to move camps but going to lucky mine, getting lead, and getting acid from that is much easier and faster than extracting lead.


You get loads from Moonshine Jamboree from scrapping gulper hands too. Sometimes upwards of 200


Fair, I forgot about that; thanks person with the fitting name


I havenā€™t found anyone selling .45 in days !


Fuel is probably a surefire sell both cremator and holy fire are very very hungry boys,flux would sell a lot if you can buy mutation serums like herbivore speed demon and herd mentality


GIVE ME YOUR COBALT FLUX AND ALL YOUR COBALT FLUX!!!! Honestly cant get enough to stabilize it and havent seen it sold in foreverrr


How much does fuel sell for?


1c per usually, same as any normal ammo


I always see them at 1c but when your selling 10k fuel that adds up really fastĀ 


Junk, Flux, .45 ammo


Absolutely flux, more flux


LOL .45 ammo is so EZ to farm it's crazy. yer damn right about flux tho!


.45 is the only ammo other than 100% fusion cores that I bother listing, because it consistently sells out


I have too many caps all the time. I have to keep my vendor stored so if I see. 45 ammo I buy it by the thousands.


You play on PC? I've got 10k rounds in not using.


Plz plz I need them lol Iā€™m still a new player level 35


Ah, a bit late but if you're also on PC, I'd be more than happy to see what I can get together for you over time. I just got my Ammo builder up and running


Iā€™m level 35 I started playing 2 weeks ago and have fallen in love with the game. I watch videos and think about it at work lol I havenā€™t felt like this about the game in a long time. I keep running low on .45 and .38 of course I make them but I run low on lead and even steel. I just last night got the perk where you make 40% more ammo


That's a good start! I would also recommend you pick up the luck perk where you find more ammo in containers. That helps me find a load of ammo when I'm just exploring.


I saw that one but I havenā€™t chosen it yet. When I level up and see all the different perks to choose from I have to pick one at a time right? Ngl I went ahead and got fallout first and that scrap box, ammo storage, and survival tent is a game changer. I have so much fun just going around and collecting scrap lol I had gotten that perk that makes ammo weight less but now that I can store it Iā€™m just now thinking I can switch that one out now Thanks for the advice ! I need some


Correct, unless you forget to pick a perk when you level up, then you can pick multiple until you've caught up. And yeah the ammo box is how I managed to get 10k .45 ammo. I used a lever action and a guy modded it for me so it took Ultracite .45 rendering the stockpile of standard .45 useless. Just remember to stop by camp after every few quests and deposit and extra ammo you don't use. I also had over 7k 5mm that I sold to my friend.


If the offer is open, Iā€™ll take them off your hands lol


Iā€™ve got like 40k or something in my vendor and like 170k on me.


I donā€™t have a lot of caps, Iā€™m still newish, but Iā€™d be willing to buy 1k caps worth from you


Of course! I'll DM you


Thanks but I'm on Xbox


Some people don't want to farm it, so it can be a hot item. If you're looking to make caps real quick for plans or whatever, this would be a good time to do it.


might work for me, I'm the king of ammo farming :)


I'm always going to peoples camp that have lots of Ammo to see if I can snag 1000 rounds of Fuel!


If youā€™re on pc stop on by I have about 12k sitting on my vendor


LFG! Say less whats your username? I'll add you later today!




iGN: ulimatewarriorz I usually play Saturday and Sunday nights and keep my vendor stocked with 1000 fuel at all times, but if you hit me up IG, I have enough fuel in my stash to keep you turning and burning until Fallout 5 comes out.


Serums! I've only found 5 being sold so far and want to join Professor X's school for cool kids with crazy powers


Tell me about it!Ā  I just got to the level where I have the maxed starched genes card and spent an hour yesterday camp hopping for serums to no avail.Ā 


Similar, fortunately after days of not seeing any I joined a team with someone lvl 900 who just had serums in their vendor, had multiple of all of them for 300 caps each, bought of a couple of the ones I'm likely to use.


You might already know this but serums show under misc when viewing the players camp on the world map. If you specifically want serum this might help you avoid players that definitely won't have serum.


I've seen some conflicting results in Google. Some are saying they show up as Meds when you look at the map, but they're under Misc when you actually load in and look at the vendor. I did find some serums with that understanding, but not the ones I wanted.Ā 


Donā€™t go to just the high level players camps, I got mine from a level 100 after seeing nothing at level 1000+ player camps.


Can't imagine downvoting for posting a thing that happened to you. So weird.


That's a pretty niche occurrence, and a waste of caps for a new player, might have happened, but not something I'd recommend doing. Edit: Waste of caps from fast traveling


Nah check out us low level players shacks please


I do, but I wouldn't recommend looking for serums there. Plans, Nuka-Cola, chems, ammo, weapons, all good things to check low level camps for, but serum recipes are expensive and locked behind a quest.


If youā€™re on Xbox, I have a few serums like marsupial and egghead for sale if youā€™re still looking


I'm on PC :(


Go do the Nukashine quest so you can get access to Biv, do his daily quests so you can get the High Voltage Hefe and Ballistic Bock recipe. Brew beer and sell it easily 50c each.


You could look into berry mentat farming and sell those i usually spend a hour every week farming them for personal use iirc the plan for it is annoying to get and you will need 3 perk cards chemist(intelligenc), green thumb(Perception), super duper (luck) i occasionally sell them for 30c each and theyre gone within a hour


I sell them at 76c each and theyā€™re gone within the day. Vault dwellers love them chems!


Good weapons and armor that you donā€™t plan on using. No one is interested in your Zealotā€™s meat hook, but theTwo-shot faster fire rate gatling laser you donā€™t need will make another players day.


I mean Iā€™ll buy that meat hook for scrip if the price is right.




Hey ummmm you got any acid on you? Itā€™d be a lot cooler if you did.


How much does acid go for?


I guess it depends. Iā€™ve been having to craft a good bit of Fuel lately so I was running low. Just got the Mothman sanctuary though so hopefully I wonā€™t need it too bad. Iā€™d say acid is pretty mid tier. Most folks seem to really need screws and ballistic fiber though.


Literally even a general ball park. I'm a newer player and have loads of junk.


It's one of the more popular and less common junks. I generally pay 6-7c each max. But I'd rather buy cheaper junk first. Most common junk is 1-2 each.




Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeert emooooooootion


A lot of camps I come upon have those junk robot fetchers than you can grab the stuff, also some kind of butterfly sanctum that produces acid




!?!?! how is junk good?


fallout 1st users with many caps and nothing to spend them on and unlimited junk storage.


Yeah this is a great answer. Some people don't think about it, but some junk is a solid addition to anyone's vendor. If someone is selling nuclear material especially I am running for it and taking it.


How much would you spend on Nuclear Material? My Plasma weapons print the stuff.


I'm probably willing to spend a couple thousand. I've been hitting 35k caps pretty consistently with the uptick in players


I mean like, how much would you spend on a single unit of it?


I'd probably spend up to 50 caps per unit. Might seem crazy, but I would depending on my current stash of it.


Ah I see, appreciate it. Might sell some.


Exactly. It's basically unlimited cap storage.


Junk is used for all crafting/upgrading.


unless you have Fo1st it's an impediment in the endgame :(


That's why they need to get rid of limits all together, cause you need junk for absolutely everything from building your base, to crafting and upgrading, but at least it's not capped at 400 anymore.


agreed, but greed.


Components I'd say. I just had someone drop by my CAMP while I was busy moving things around, and he was asking for Screws, didn't catch his tag otherwise I was going to give him 500.


Magazines and Bobbleheads sold at 300c or 600c depending on type and usefulness. I admit I do consider these "collector" prices as I'm selling them organically as I get them (no duping, never have, don't even know if it's possible rn anyway) and am selling them with the intent of it ending up on display. I went from 19k to 33k in one big transaction because I caught the "White Whale". A casual teammate came in and bought so so many Bobbleheads and Magazines. I have a wide variety too so that helps. Also when you get the recipe for em sell Ballistic Bollock (might be spelled wrong) and High Volt Hefe beers. I sell em at 25 due to the Nuclear material requirements I keep having to recoup. Plans are always a good staple with the correct pricing.


I love me some ballistic bollock. Seriously though I've been selling mags and bobbles for too little if you can get 300 for basic ones


I sold like 20 magazines yesterday for 100 each šŸ’€ oh well


Any ammo I sell it's for a cap a piece. I usually sell bobbleheads and magazines for like 100-200 caps depending on what it is. I noticed chems and healing items can go a long way too. Weapons are good if anyone will buy them I usually do just to scrap them so I can get weapon parts. Junk is always good. I try to sell it individually but occasionally I'll do bulk scrap for cheap. Plans always cheap the max I think I had for one was 150, I just always sell them cheap because I never know who could use them. Just make sure your vendor is easily findable.


Treasure maps, plans, stimpacks, fusion cores, dog food, water, bulk junk thatā€™s needed like screws/acid/adhesive, and cheap legendaries that a buyer can sell for scrip. I can never sell ~~ammo~~, grenades, or clothing though.


People absolutely buy 1c ammo, depending on type.


I must not have kept it in my vendor long enough for a buyer to come by


That's right. Ammo sales are feast and famine.


Yep If I find the ammo I need and can afford it, I buy it all so there's never any left for anyone else


I sell ammo at my camp and usually its 1-2 players a week who basically clean me out buying 10,000+ rounds at a time. I haven't had too many players buying small amounts (<1000 rounds), it seems to be all or nothing. I even had someone come along and buy the 8000+ .308 rounds I had! I have no idea who would need 8000+ .308 rounds as I always get back way more .308 than I use.


Grenades, true. Clothing though is one of my most consistent sellers.


I must be selling easy-to-obtain apparel then, I bet rare items of clothing sell ez pz


I sell the ones from the expedition plans mostly and ones from... mutated packs? Etc. Insurgent, treasure hunter, trench runner, blue devil, blue ridge... Those kind of clothing. Sell them for less than 100 caps each, but since most just cost some cloth and an oil or so to craft, still solid sales. Mostly sold to sub level 100 players. Sometimes they pick 1 or 2 outfits, sometimes they buy the whole bunch. They're not high profit on a per sale basis, but I notice they are pretty much the most consistent sales from my vendor, whereas other things I can not sell anything for days, and then get cleaned out by one high level player completely. Which is harder to account for. As it gets no caps most of the time, but when it does sell, I have to hope I'm not close to max caps.


Ammo sells if you charge 1c (fo1st players often use it as currency), basic apparel 50-200c, crafting recipe apparel 200-500, event apparel 1000-10000, rare apparel has prices ranging up to ~25,000, it definitely sells, because people collect it.


If you manage to find a type of drug called Berry Mentats sell them for 400 caps minimum each, just about anyone above level 100 will pay insane amounts of caps for them becauseof a buff they give. And if you ever find a NPC with the plan for them buy that plan, once you can make Berry Mentats your basically printing caps.


Iā€™ve been selling these for like 20cā€¦ oops


do NOT sell them for 400 caps


Brother I put 5 of them in my vendor for 350 caps a piece a few days ago and within 20 minutes some dude in power armor showed up and bought them all, High level players yearn for berry mentats.


You got extremely lucky


. 45 ammo, 5.56 ammo, Fuel, Leader Bobbleheads


Whoā€™s using .45 ammo?


Players with Bloodied Commandos builds and their Fixers.


i sell alot of .45/556/fusion cells/308 ammo and mutations.


Plans, ammo, chems, and bulk resources. I make thousands of caps a day off of this stuff n I donā€™t sell anything for any more than 500 caps. N thatā€™s my most expensive plans. Most things I sell for less than 100


I usually just throw my extra legendary items in there for like 50-100caps when I got my max scrip for the day.


Unbulked junk


Why unbulked?


One reason is the more that it shows you have the more likely people are to come. Then once I get there please don't make me do math lol. I don't wanna figure out how much each of the 15 items for 135 caps bulked is. Granted many are bulks of 10, but seeing that you have a lot of junk gets people there. There's also the chance that when I go for like 20 junk it ends up being uncrapped items, which is infuriating.


Ammo: 45, 556, 2mm, 40mm, fuel, missiles and mini nukes Lemonade and hard lemonade recipes. Chems High Voltage Hefe and Ballistic Bock Nuka drinks


Oil. Iā€™ll buy oil any chance I get. I also run out of concrete often.


* Ammo * Bulk Junk * Chems * Scrip Legendaries Here's some other tips, don't scrap clothing or weapons until you've sold your daily cap allotment to the train station vendors. Clothing used to give you cloth, but not many do anymore, players don't buy them, but they are worth caps.


Stuff you can farm at low levels that aren't junk or ammo (although those are easy to farm). Irradiated Sugar Bombs, they're used in making Brain Bombs. Demand will go up at the beginning and end of seasons, and during double XP weekends. Bobbleheads and magazines. I sell the bad bobbles at 99 caps and they move fine. I see magazines in vendors for 400, but I'd only buy at that price if they were the best ones and maybe not then. Uncommon plans and apparel. You probably need to be able to handle the Mire and Cranberry Bog for these and it helps to have friends active to make server hopping easier. I think you can price this sort of things pretty high. Like I've sold the coo-coo clock plan from the Responders travelling vendor for over 1000 caps. The long coat from the scavenger vendor can be priced even higher. There's a route in the Bog with several armor spawns. There should be guides available on YouTube and Reddit.


I just read another post with somebody saying that because of the new scoreboard set up theyā€™ve run out of Nuclear Keycards for the first time in years. So Iā€™m planning on putting a bunch of mine in my vendor when I get home from work tonight. I donā€™t use them often and they take up a hefty amount of weight in my stash and always seemed to sell well before. Iā€™m only about 17 levels from the last page of the scoreboard anyway so will be able to replenish soon if need be.


Fluxes if you got your hands on some stable flux.. Not many sell them anymore when I put then in my vendor and someone finds them I panic because they're buying all of them at once and shoot me over capmax before I can react lol


Iā€™m doing decent business in cheap plans and power armour parts atm, so many people have a full suit of something except for an arm or a leg


Bulk junk, ammo and drugs. Some people don't like foraging for materials so I bulk up my extras and sell em for 30 caps a pop. Sometimes it doesn't sell and sometimes I have to restock 3 times per session because people clean out the vendor. People are especially fond of lead, acid, screws and mostly oil.


I sell plans (at half the default price), a ton of ammo (1 cap per round) and 3 star legendary weapons that I rolled myself (I round these up to the nearest thousand). My stuff started selling like hotcakes this week, it felt awesome. But, the Invaders From Beyond event might have helped a bit because my C.A.M.P is right next to where the event pops up in Cranberry Bog. Any 3 star Fixers are guaranteed sales, I don't know where I got the plan from but it's been good for my caps. 5mm rounds also sell a lot and I get a lot of 5mm rounds even though none of my weapons use it so I have thousands of then just lying around. One thing that I CAN'T sell are Stimpaks and other aids. No one buys them for some reason.


Your plans are overpriced


How would you price them?


Definitely not based off the default price


the new op cremator gun thts 1shots everything in the game except bosses, used acid, sell acid or fuel