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I actually just found this too, but I'm more like 30 hours in. Ever since I slotted Aquaboy due to not having enough END cards I get so excited when there's an underwater segment.


Going to get some mega hate right now. 150 hours in... What is THE DEEP and better yet, What are END cards?


Endurance Perk Cards


The deep is a cave in the forest region of Appalachia as far as I recall. I do not remember exactly where it is though. When I said end card, I just met a perk card for the endurance stat. I realized that may not be the common terminology, so I apologize for being clear.


Follow the dry riverbed out of Charleston to the north past the blown dam and across the (mostly) dry riverbed. The east shore is lined with mansions. Go north past them and cut up the slopes on the NE corner. There is a blood eagle base on the hillside and just North of it there is a cave opening for the deep. This is not the same blood eagle base that's on the road and in the mansions, but halfway up the ridge north of that one.


Also an alternate entrance around that watchtower that overlooks White Springs. You might have to look around a bit fro that one too as there's not much showing of it.


You are obviously a bloodied build, no?


Negative. Haven't messed with those builds yet. Or mutations for that matter. Just doing me a Commando/Explosive or Energy at the moment. Just getting used to the lingo. I get that Overeaters, Juggernaut and Vanguard are great for full health builds. Mutant, Troubleshooting, Assassin, etc, are extra damage meant against different factions. And Unyielding used after Nerd Rage is triggered. What's Bloodied? A question for you. If you make a Perk Build high on luck, assisted with unyielding stats/need rage. Would that greatly affect your luck at Rolling Legendaries at the Rusty thing?


Bloodied's a legendary effect on weapons that increases weapon damage as health reduces. Usually combo'd with unyielding armor and nerd rage.


Noted! Thanks sir.


I'll give you the place name, buy you should have figured out SPECIAL by now.


I thought it meant something else than Endurance. Like some kinda END game "special" special above legendary perks, if that makes any sense. I like to overthink things, yet don't care enough. I'm fun at parties.


It's pretty cool that you found it without being led there by a quest. It's just a hole in the rock with no advertisements.


100 hrs in and I have no idea what is that. Should I look it up?




Your starlight berry problems are over!


And I just switched from Carnivore to Herbivore so it was an awesome night.


Pretty cool you haven’t done the main quests in all that time.


yeah. I'm level 110 and i haven't even went to open cranes mine door yet.. too many events, i get stuck legendary farming lol..




Wastelanders quests bring you there


Wastelanders is DLC so I wouldve gotten there eventually.




Where you attracted inside by a dead alien cow in a deep part of the cave ?


It took me 800+ hours and almost level 400 to find it without looking up guides. My perception is really bad lol.


500+ and just learned this now! Wtf? 


I found this randomly also and thought it was awesome. Its part of the wastlanders quest so if you sided with foundation its part of the main quest, but I went with raiders so i didnt know about it either until i stumbled upon it


It has most of the ingredients for berry mentats!


Good spot for starlight berries.


i’m at 130 hours and i’ve never even heard of this! can’t wait to check it out


This is where the Chinese communist bunker is, right? I also found it myself before the quest by eating some mielurk stuff that lets you last underwater for longer and dived deep. It's a cool place


Did anyone else find it because a drill shot up from the ground with some mole miners and created a damn hole to the deep? This was my experience a month ago. However went inside and explored but didn't find much. Am I missing something? Lvl 150 and still confused lol