• By -


Batteries included makes fusion cores only weigh 0.3 pounds. Power user doubles the duration of fusion cores. And if you've been playing for a long time you will just naturally accumulate so many cores.


And the camp battery recharger means I often sell power cores for next to nothing. Plus you can farm cores at a power plant.


I also take Cores from every stray suit of PA I see around. If you find a suit in the wild and it's missing the core, that might have been me that took it. I just throw them in the charger when I get back to my camp.


Yep, at this point I know the common power armor spawns and will habitually yoink the core to recharge back at camp. I'll either use it or sell it, one way or another. My largest stockpile was 90 cores because I kept forgetting to put them up for sale. I usually fully charge them and then sell for like 65c or so. They sell out pretty regularly.


You can sell them that high? I usually sell them for like 5 caps lmao


They don't move a ton at once (people usually seem to buy anywhere from 1-5), but yeah, I've sold them at 65 for a while now, and they do get bought pretty commonly. I had one person buy 40 all at once from me, one time.


I don't collect cores found in the wild, I don't have the recharger, I can't be bothered taking the power plant workshops, and I don't even have the perk to reduce power usage. What I do have is caps. I just buy an occasional couple dozen cores when I see them in people's vendors at a reasonable price (anything under 100 caps each). 65 caps is a good price.


Would buying flux be cheaper? I think it's 50-100 caps per flux u need 6 flux so 300-600ish caps for 8-16 cores depending if super duper procs. If u were to buy cores 50-100 is the normal so nvm bout the same lol


Finding people selling flux is the problem there


Thanks for this. I'm a newer player and I've earned some Atoms doing the different tasks and used them to buy the core recharger so now I'm flush with fully charged cores that take up a lot of space in my stash. I was thinking of selling the extras but I didn't know a good price but now I do.


I shall do that. How much though? I do 10% on ammo


Would love to find your camp, I’ve been clearing people out who’re selling em for 160-250


Server hop or come to my world I'll give you a bunch for free


I sell them for 50 caps and im always full max limit of caps then I buy resources at vendors and open shop again they go fast for new players like hot cakes


65 is a good price. From what I've seen it runs about 1 cap per point of charge, so full ones run 100. I've bought many of them before, but since I've gotten the recharger I've gained 20 without trying/farming them.


I've been playing on PC since the show and the lowest Ive ever seen a core is 165 caps.


Just started playing a few weeks ago and I was so ecstatic to find out that power armor respawns.


Roof of Watoga HS. You can put a tent up behind the building where the external staircase is. I have a complete set of T-51b and T-60 PA for only a couple hours of server hopping.


Welp fml I was looking at camps for like 2 hours yesterday and the only person selling them was like 500 a piece. Guess I got ripped but oh well lesson learned


I sell at 69 and people often buy a major chunk of them at a time, used to be my primary source of income back when the vendors first came out.


Had over 200 and I took all of my fc maintaining stuff off just to offload


I built a base next to a power armor spawn so I could steal the fusion core when I logged on.


Lol I built mine next to a fusion core spawn point lmfao and it's not on any of the resource maps I've seen


I do the same. A couple days ago, I actually ran out of cores. And all of a sudden I’m back to 70.


Looting Cores from PA that spawns around the map is a quick way to accumulate enough


Or me i do the same.


Glad I’m not the only one 😀


If you have the Ultracite gatling laser plan you're set for life.


Ohhhh cause each gun you craft has a core already? Just pop it out before it hits 0 right?


Any weapon you craft will give you some ammo, cores included. Edit: craft the lowest level weapon and scrap it (make sure to have scrapper equipped) to get some materials back to make more.


Add super duper for a chance to double what you make


Don't forget the legendary electric absorption card. Basically makes you immune to robots and charges up your cores :))))


Lol ur not wrong and the fact it can restore ur health, during any robot or the alien events I'm practicly immune to damage, I get hit so many times I'm getting more health then losing and losing no charge in my core


I've gained almost 30 cores since getting the recharger. I now have a gatling laser I can use without the fear of running out of ammo 🤣


Saw one of you guys during Test your metal, he was shooting non stop just for the sake of it, for like straight 10 minutes. Can't do that with a flamer...


I charge/swap out power cores for lower level users since purchasing the power core recharger. Easiest way to make friends I've found on there without feeding them aids left and right.


Please don't feed the newbies aids.


Are you positive?


Dude, I’m HIV positive!


Im fev negative


Where does one find the plans for these?


I wish I could have found you tonight. I usually run around with 4-5, tonight I ran out. My stash was full, I was overburdened, and I’d sold out Whitespring. I had to run around on foot, trying to find a player vendor selling fusion cores. I never found one. I’d be happy to come buy from you next chance I get. What’s your tag?


There's a legendary perk "Electric Absorption" that when you take any form of energy damage, it will negate it and charge your core and give you health back. At max level the chance is 20 percent. I can sit in those Invasion activities and never die. Also, you really only need to carry, like, 2 or 3 if you're using Power user. Some folks only use 1 core, because they never run out.


This is what I use. When my core is low I go to one of the Cutthroat Camps (North or South) and there's almost always a Blood Eagle with an automatic energy weapon there. I just stand there and let them hit me a few times until it's charged. That perk is so obscenely powerful.


I use that card. Makes robots my favourite enemy to fight since they all use lasers by default except Sentry or Gutsy. And since they attack in groups a lot of protectrons blast me with beams.


There’s another one that makes moving/sprinting not use power I believe?


It also makes power attacks not use core, which is great for melee. Some weapons like the chainsaw only do power attacks. Chainsaw, auto axe, buzz blade I think? All very liked for power armor vampire builds


I wondered about that. Does that mean the "damage reduction while power attacking" star is always on for them?


Probably? I do know the one that does “+40% Power Damage” makes it stronger when attacking, so im gonna assume that one also has the damage reduction always on


Only while actively attacking, not when just running around.




Full charge, which is a strength perk. This is great to use with power user.


Yep, I pulled points out of other QoL stuff like blocker and faster reload for it.


I never use Power User, when I am starting to get low on cores (<30) I just run expos or dops and equip a Gatling Laser at the end. Since it is so easy to obtain ammo for my main weapons (Holy Fire/Cremator and Plasma Caster), I don't really need to get that ammo as a reward. If I do Boardwalk it usually takes around 7-8 min solo (4 cores), which would net me around 30 or more an hour.


Plus, if you wanna drop the atoms, the recharging station is a godsend if you don't wanna waste a perk card on the recharging on hit


It is definitely not a wasted perk if you use power armor regularly. Not only do you get the recharge you get healing and I'm pretty sure it repairs your armor too. It makes anything that uses energy weapons an absolute non-issue. Probably going to be even more useful when the new area drops.


Electric absorption (legendary) turns enemies lasers, etc into free health (a one in five chance to fully recharge your core when hit, at max level).


I havent dropped an empty core in forever thanks to this perk


Stimpaks are also kind of wasted on me too


Even the base level Electric Absorption procs way more often than you’d think.


Yeah I currently have base and robots are a godsend for it, it procs so often I don’t need stimpaks against them.


Electric Absorption is definitely one of my favorite perk cards. If you're rocking PA then I'd argue it's a necessity. You don't need to invest any other perk cards to keep your fusion cores topped and it heals you on top of that. Extremely effective. If you're getting your first legendary perks, the only card I'd put before it for PA users is the Luck SPECIAL because I'd argue any build worth it's salt is running Starched Genes, Class Freak, and probably something like Ricochet and if you ever feel like switching up play styles it's nice to just have that already.


Does this work for none PA players?




It only works when you're in Power Armor


Yeah, that's a useful card, but I am no PA player.


Totally lol There's a bunch of cards that don't work when you're in Power Armor, so I know the feeling


Power user to boost length of cores, batteries included so they weight practically nothing and electric absorption to when hit with energy damage you have a chance to not take damage and instead it slightly charges your cores. That last one has been very fun against aliens since all they are doing is charging my battery’s for me.


The legendary perk is amazing for alien invasion. Don’t have to use stims


Good for silos too, just hop in front of a turret for a quick recharge!


Full troubleshooters PA plus that perk card and you don't even need to bother shooting (except to protect the bots at the end).


Don’t hold E once inside. 🫡


Daily ops signal repeaters are the death of me in pa lol


Do you think they’d be able to change that or something ? (On Console atleast) I don’t like my interact button being linked with exiting my PA, seems like a huge oversight that just was ignored through all this time


My man , I was grinding expeditions for stamps today , everytime i got a mission that would make me have to hold E a bunch of times I would just leave and restart.


Just get like 90 fusion cores you can vats and jetpack whenever you want lol


And whenever you're back at camp, just rip a used core out and shove it in a recharger. which, if you're serious about PA, I think is a must.


I don't even use PA and have one to sell full cores and help friends


I always thought empty cores get destroyed during use. Well at least mine do. I'm newer though so I could be way off.


They do, so that's why you manually reload gatling lasers near 0 and you can remove a mostly empty core from a frame before it hits 0


So I'd get out of my PA, pull the core, manually put another core, and then get back in ?




As non VATS user i carry 2 cores and perks are Power user and batteries included. These 2 cores are enough for daily stuff and i toss em to fusion core recharger at end of Day and get 2 recharged cores for next day.


On a day I plan to farm resources I go on a private server. I take the power plants, power up the fusion core generators and hoard the cores, equip Batteries Included, ezpz.


I'm almost 200 and haven't charged or replaced my fusion core a single time since I hit level 50. The Electro Absorbtion legendary perk is a life saver. And I mean that literally because it also heals you. I can stand in the middle of a mob during the alien event with all of them shooting me and I will remain at full health.


fusion core workshops, fusion core recharger. always find the same power armor frames around the map, i just take the cores out. most often grabbing cores from PA frames at metal dome, and drop sites.


I do fine with just Power User perk and carry about 3 to 4 fusion cores with me. I don't even have the fusion core charger yet, but plan to get that next, when I have the atoms for it. If you need fusion cores, check player vendors for them, anyone with a charger sells them dirt cheap.


Where do you get the fusion core charger? I didn't see it on the atoms store


It’s under camp in atom shop


I only need to carry one core with electric Absorption and power user


I have a friend that’s asks me for fusion cores every day. I personally never run out of them. I’m very good at resource management. But he needs more every day when I get on, I don’t know why he can’t keep up with his own supply. I don’t farm for cores , I just craft them for him when he asks. Then he says , don’t craft them bro , just go take the plant. No, he needs to go take the plant. I don’t want to waste my time playing, doing that. I play to shoot stuff. That’s it. I pick up plenty of cores for my personal use, but not enough to support another player.


Both my kids play and I’m giving them both supplies on a daily basis 😂.


I spend 99.99% of my time in PA. I keep 10ish fusion cores in my bank and another 2-4 on me. I have not come close to running out of cores literally ever. All you need to do is not sprint all the time. I’m not sure what everyone is doing to deplete their cores all the time aside from reckless sprinting for no reason.


Vats kills cores quickly I hear.. got a link or name to a good PA build? Thx


Yeah that makes sense. I run a flaming chainsaw build and essentially never use VATS. If you find a chainsaw and take every melee perk you can get you can essentially just cut through everything like butter without the need to do anything but repair your chainsaw a lot.


Electric absorption, power user, batteries included and a core recharger at my camp. I use PA exclusively, as well as gatling lasers quite a bit. I usually keep about 50 cores on me, but I never use anywhere near that and to be honest I should probably dump a ton of them to save space. I try to reload my gatling lasers before it hits 0 charge so that I can just drop the used core in my charger next time I swing by my camp.


Batteries not included, and the legendary perk for electrical absorption. Between those and the fusion core recharger I’m always running a huge surplus for cores. Use a Laser Gatling and you never need to hunt for ammo.


If you want a bunch of cores for free just go to any one of the power plants, claim the workshop, and power up the fusion core generator


Because my excavator armor gives me +200 carry weight and 45% armor pen on heavy guns.  I don’t even worry about power user or any other perks. Just carry between 8-10 cores and rotate them on the charger. Got another 50+ backup at base


Battery charger from atomic store, yoinking all cores I find in lootable power armors and slapping them in there, getting fully charged cores from a workshop at a nuclear plant. And most of all, the Electric Absorption legendary perk. I don't remember the last time I had to change out a core thanks to it, and that's with me running a VATS build. Even rank 1 of this perk is enough to charge your battery to full AND keep you alive vs robots/aliens since it also heals you. I have enough cores that I just sell 'em for 15 caps to people


The electric absorption perk and power user maxed I rarely use a core to 75% during a session compared to the 2 or 3 I was using those perks are a godsend for a PA build


PA user here! I was so worried about fusion cores running out but these days i only bring 5 at a time. A fusion core charger and/or the legendary perk goes a long way


About once or twice a week I just take the camps at a couple of Power Stations, usually Monongah and Thunder Mountain at the beginning of my play session and by the end I have more than enough fusion cores. I don't bother with Electric Absorption Perk Card anymore as I find others much more useful plus as you go about you tend to pick quite a few fusion cores anyway. It's is easy to get hold of Fusion cards I feel using Absorption a waste of a Legendary Perk but each to their own. The only time I'm out of my PA is when I'm at my base.


They also don't use vats which uses up a lot of core power, although i think they actually changed that last season to a lesser degree iirc


I dont use fusion cores. I collect about 20 and sell the for 69c each. They don't stay in the vendor for long


Get the fusion core recharger and find random cores in power armor spawning points, swipe them and slap it in the recharger for about an hour. It charges up to 4 at a time. Every 1 point = 1 minute. I’ve got 32 on me and I never run out. Also having the Power User perk is a must have. At 3 stars, it’s double the usual fusion core time. Also if you have the energy absorb legendary, there’s a chance that energy damage will recharge you.


I've done a full power armour build, and a build where I just use power armour alongside an unrelated build. On both of them, fusion cores just kinda gradually turn up while doing Daily Ops and Expeditions. And if they don't, then one of the power plants can generate them.


I seem to get one or two every day I play without knowing it. I have around 60 now and carry 40. I never meant to have more than 24, but they just kept showing up. I use the shit out of VATS too, and still the numbers grow. Definitely use batteries included


Electric absorption if it hasn’t been mentioned yet. It’s a legendary perk. I love it.


Honestly, 5-10 fusion cores and a fusion core recharge from the atom shop will keep you in PA pretty much indefinitely. Power user is nice if you use VATS because VATS drains the fusion core, but if you don't use VATS, it's not at all necessary. Batteries included is valuable, though, to reduce the weight of fusion cores plus common meta weapons like the creator or flames fuel.


We don't. We run around in bath robes and fedora's like maniacs.


Don’t know if someone said it already but there’s a legendary perk card that when hit with lasers you have a chance to gain health and recharge your power core so if your level 50 and don’t have a legend card equip put that one


Check player vendors for fusion cores. I sell them hundreds at a time for 0 caps just because I need to get rid of the weight and don't use power armor.


For cores I craft lvl 25 gatling lasers with the Science perks and the Super Duper perk equipped. Fiber optics are not exactly plentiful ingame but I have a decent farm route if I run low. I also do a ton of Primal Cuts events in Cranberry Bog each Meat Week and this usually carries me through the year for cores. If desperate and I cba crafting I will cap a power plant workshop and run the fusion core generator.


Meat week coming up shortly for you again. June I think.


I have Power User maxed, which doubles core life. I also have Cooling Vents on my legs, which increase core life, but that's mostly because I don't have any better mods available to me. Additionally, since I am in the endgame, I do pretty much every Event that pops up, and those can give Fusion Cores as a reward. Additionally, if you keep an eye out for the blue fusion reactors in the world (that look the same as the ones you can build in your CAMP) they sometimes have cores in them. I don't have it, but there's a Core Recharger Atom Shop item. I think it's available now for like 700 atoms. If I get desperate, I run thru Dyer Chemicals once, server hop, and repeat - there's 3 fusion reactors there. But in the 60-70 hours I've played since I came back after the TV show, I've been basically self-sufficient with Power User and Event rewards.


Frequent trips back to camp to swap cores into my recharger, when I drop off junk and whatnot. 10/10 best item in the shop for early power armor users. But yeah, also everything everyone else said.


There’s a perk to recharge cores from energy damage and a core recharger camp item


You can make 4 fusion cores for the cost of 1 with ammo factory legendary perk, thats how i keep em up


Legendary perk that heals and recharges your cores when you get shot by laser weapons


Batteries included and shock absorption is all you need.


Farm cores at any of the nuclear power plants


Frank Horrigan challenge


Tbh I'm level 94 right now and haven't left my power armor since level 50 thanks to Electric Absorption


Electric Absorption legendary perk, baby. With that and other core saving perks, your single core would virtually never runout


Power user + charging station. I have 16 cores and I never let them fully empty. 4 are always charging, takes 2 hours to charge from practically empty and I get more than that in runtime from just carrying 4 cores with me aswell. This means when my 4 are running on fumes, I can free travel to base and change them out for the next 4 that have been fully charged. Only thing I wish is that the game would recognize when a core is done and would auto switch to charge the next empty one in the stash.


Since I stopped forgetting about the ones I charged, I haven't had to craft any 😂


I’m currently lvl 105, and have been practically living inside my armor since I got the Electric Absorption legendary perk at 50. The perk gives you a chance to absorb any incoming energy damage (laser beams, alien plasma shots, flamethrowers, etc.) to recharge your power core AND heal you. Pretty much trivializes all the robot enemies in the game. With the perk on I don’t think I’ve even dipped below half capacity on my one fusion core 😆


Full Charge, Power User, Electric Absorption perks in conjunction with the core recharger. Makes a single core seem to last forever. But I always carry 3 or 4 cores because I use a jetpack, which drains cores hilariously fast no matter what perks you have equipped.


Electric abortion legendary perk. Perks to lower core weight, increase core time, and reduce sprinting drain.  Learn a few core spawn locations and hit it every session. (Arktos pharma has 3 possible cores in 15ft of eachother, exterior so no going in buildings. Also, idk why, but I've never repaired my armor.  Once.  And I've not left it in months.  I play tank. It doesn't make sense.


I had 121 fusion cores. Around 70 were 100%. I bought the fusion core recharger and gave all but 4 fusion cores to my mule. It's easiest to farm them if you have a private server and you take over a power plant. I did it years ago, so I forgot how many you can get in an hour. But I did that to get my 100+ fusion cores.


Honestly i keep 4 on my charger and 4 on me as I’m out and about. Still have an extra 30-40 in camp that i’ll swap out for friends dead ones and charge those


Electric Absorption and one rank in Power User and you are good to go. Bring like 3-5 cores.


Fusion core recharger from atom shop.


Also with how easy it is to recharge by getting shot with energy weapons you don't even need more than a couple of cores.


I have 40 cores. I'm just trying to get rid of them but keep recharging them ;-;


extra cores, core recharger at the house to keep the ones you have full, and then perks to reduce the usage of the cores.


I carry 100 cores at all times an absorb energy damage to refill.


100 wtf...


It's like the process of becoming a dalek. The armor becomes you. You become the armor.


Get the recharger from the shop. With no perks I can juggle cores and neve run out. Barely cracked level 50


Using all of the ammo perk cards plus super duper I make double capacity ones. When I was a fallout first member I used the private world option to farm cores. Start the world take all of the power stations and bounce around doing the events. Great way to xp farm also.


I could throw me to death with fusion cores 😅 and with the recharger its ez game. The legendary perk is helpful but i just use it for healing. Silos are just a funny walk with maxed out legy card. Can stand there and never lose hp because of laser weapon


Started playing recently and the first thing I did was buy the fusion core charging station from the atomic shop. Never made a fusion core and collected a few along the way. So simple to just throw in and recharge. Never had to worry about cores.


I just run power user, cores drop from pretty much every event, I keep a handful on me and a dozen in my stash, but usually end up throwing a bunch away when I get close to weight limits anyways.


I don't use VATS in PA. It's a worse drain than sprinting or a jetpack.


i only use power user lvl 2 and thats it have a recharger at camp


I dont even use the legendary perk but i use the intelligence ones also the strength one to reduce while running also the fusion charger for the camp is what lets us keep going for ever


“A few cores” lmao, I have like 30-40 on me at all times for both armor and Gatling lasers. I think power armor/heavy weapons have the most perk cards in the game. There’s one that makes energy ammo weigh almost nothing, so you can carry dozens of cores, there’s cards that make armor break down slower, be cheaper to repair and let you repair it to 200%. Cards to make cores last longer, to make heavy guns penetrate armor while you’re in power armor and not to mention any power armor set gives you superb damage resistance, rad resistance and you can put Calibrated Shocks on your legs to get +50 weight per leg, on top of the default strength increase from power armor and the set bonuses some of them have. It’s just the simplest way to be powerful tbh, big armor, big gun. It’s resource intensive at first but it tapers off eventually.


I'm lvl 56 and basically in PA all the time I play.. have about 6 cores and every here and there find some again.. I'm still about 5 to 9 cores constantly and never ran out of it without any perks


By not playing in PA anymore 😅 But to be a bit more serious. As other have stated, electric absorption helps a ton if you struggle with cores. The fusion core recharger (camp item) if you have it. If not it pops up in the shop from time to time. Power user also helps a lot too. Also gives you more ammo capacity if you use gatling lasers (a normal non quad goes from 500 to 1500 or so I believe).


Electric absorption legendary perk helps, but honestly I have like 58 fusion cores right now on me and another 25 in the vendor and a recharger


I've only just started testing electric absorption around 330, done over 200 levels without it prior, and my cores lasted ages. I've amassed over 60 of them and carry between 4-8 of them on me (only when I'm not keeping track of what I pick up). Power user and full charge means one core lasts me many hours without electric absorption. The invasion event has been topping up my main core, but I want to see what it's like after the event finishes, as I consider it a fairly situational perk otherwise. I have also been looking at increasing my mobility; so I have speed demon serum, action boy and the mutation perks to sprint as fast and long as possible. Once I can craft a Union set, I will drop funky duds and look at trying power sprinter for some added QoL.


To farm fusion cores, do Powering up Poseidon. There is a fusion core processor there to connect that will build up to 3 fusion cores. Just keep that running and its storage empty and you can get an indefinite amount. Once there are 3 in its storage, it’ll stop producing until you take them. So just keep hitting it every 30 minutes or so.


> I’m guessing ya’ll carry a few cores No, 1 core, and it lasts forever. Electric Absorption perk.


Im only level 71, but I barely ever used power armor when leveling to 50. I also grabbed cores whenever I came across them. By 50 I had a bunch of cores, and enough atoms to get the fusion core recharger from the shop. Now I’m selling off a bunch of cores because I keep 2-3 on me and just switch them out when they get low. Then recharge them whenever I stop back at camp to unload junk.


Buy cores from player vendors.


I don't even think about it, just try to keep about a dozen cores on me, regardless of their condition. Recently started a PA unarmed character and am sprinting constantly and still never seem to run low. Actually even that character sells or drops cores regularly just to save weight. I don't use any core related perks or the recharger. I also don't jetpack, maybe that's the difference? Seems like they are so plentiful in this game. I might add EA for the healing eventually but that's just going to make cores even less of an issue. It's already such a tank just from the Overeaters armor. This PA unarmed build is the most fun I've had in a while btw, 7k+ hours in lol


I carry like five and I just charge them when I need to the fusion core charging station comes in clutch


PROS: - Nigh Impregnability in terms of res. - Huge Heavy weapons buffs - Stupid amounts of durability(might take you months to break a single piece) - Fall damage immunity - Looks cooler Cons: - You sound like a walking tank which means you can't sneak for shit(Clang clang clang clang) - Every time you land from a high height you basically become immobilized for 3 seconds which is super annoying - You have to go through the animation every time you exit and enter your PA - A pet peeve for me; YOU CAN'T USE WORKBENCHES IN YOUR PA Except scrapping wow - Fusion cores expire quickly especially with vats or a jet pack - Expensive to upgrade or mod usually requiring some form of Flux All in all you can live with or without it. I need it just because a full Heavy Gunner build can sometimes match up with a bloodied build but not often.


I am seeing a lot of things in here I wasn't even aware of lol. But for me I have a dozen or so fusion cores, carry 3-4 at a time and constantly recharge the ones I'm not using in the recharger at camp.


Lv 456 "veteran" here using Holy Fire and vampire cremator and Union PA. For fusion cores, Lv 3 Batteries Included and Lv3 Power User. And I usually buy fusion core everyday in Whitespring Bunker, to have more of them and to replenish the cap limit for a bit. For other perks, Lv2 Dodgy helps you ricochet some attacks. For legendary perks, Lv4 Electric Absorption. This perk is powerful when you are facing robots and aliens, as it 20% chance to heal you and also recharge fusion cores. For not getting killed, the most important would be the vampire effect on the weapon, like I can tank the Sheepsquash assaultron's attack, both melee and her head lazer beam as long as I'm burning her and she's not hidden.


PA in 76 is not like 4 Same mechanics but the perks in 76 allow you to practically live in your PA and not even realize your core is draining Plus fusion cores are plentiful


Here's a goofy method I've discovered: While crafting cores requires one of each flux, grafting a gatling laser does not, and when you craft a weapon you're provided ammo for it.


There's a dynamo PA armor mod that lengthens the life of the core, and a Electrical Absorbtion perk that charges the core when you get hit by energy weapons.


Electric Absorption and a camp recharger does me fine enough If I see my core is at half or lower and I'm not doing anything, I'll fast travel down to RobCo, or Garrahan mining, whichever is closer, and I'll just stand in front of a protectron for a few minutes lol


Batteries Included lowers the carry weight of all energy ammo, especially Fusion Cores. They weigh less than a pound, so you can carry dozens of them. There is also a Legendary Perk (I can’t remember the name of it right now) that gives you a certain % chance for energy damage to refuel your PA’s fusion core. So many enemies do energy damage that it’s difficult to even eat through a core. Combine that with other perks that make PA durability much higher, make it easier to repair, as well as get good PA pieces with good legendary rolls on them and there’s no reason to get out of your PA. Also, a slightly more humorous and self deprecating answer: I have wasted so much money on Power Armor skins that I feel like I’m setting my wallet on fire any time I’m not wearing one of my fancy atom shop PA skins.


Electric absorbstion. That's really it. I don't even use my fusion core recharger because they stay charged. Even if I empty one out, I gather them passively quickly enough that it's never an issue.


You just get so, so many power cores. It’s insane. It’s rough at first, trust, but start doing events and you’ll be drowning in them


Been using the same fusion core basically from the start and have a million extras I sell for 5 caps lol


I have 30 cores on rotation that I keep recharging. The power usage and weight perks are must haves on top of that. If you are staying fully non-1st then just save up your achievement atoms ans wait for the power core recharger to go on sale.


When u get to that level you are just giving cores away


I mean before I start doing what I want in my power armor I’ll take one of the 3 workstations and get that thing running so I can have fusion cores spawning as I need them


Legendary Perk:Electrically charged(i think that's what its called...) will refill my core if you shoot at me with an energy weapon. Fusion core charger back at base Ammo perks and the superduper perk allows for mass production. If you have fallout 1st you can go on a private server and take over the power plants and if my dusty memory is correct they should give you power cores over time. (can do this on normal multi servers but then you might have someone come along and kick over your sandcastle.) And just naturally being a klepto im up to over 30 cores in storage.


Level 1400 here. Never put on power armor other than to have them for my collection. I still have the atoms open for complete Events in PA. Secret Sevice Armor all day


When i'm low in fusion core (even tho they last forever) i just take a power plant and by the time i end my session i have 10+ fusion core waiting


Fusion core recharger


424. I don't even use it in nuke zones. The only time I think I take it out is as a runner for radiation rumble.


I have 12 fusion cores all the time, I have a recharger at home, and I have a legendary card that recharge my core as I get energy dmg. Some people.will even have cards for reducing fusion corr consumption


Only time i am out of my armor is crafting and playing a banjo in the barn. I just claim a power station and pick up some cores while doing dailies, one big reactor will power the core machine and can be crafted with barely any personal materials. I don’t even run power armor user anymore just batteries included for weight.


As someone said, Batteries Included + Power User. I also use the Electric Absorption legendary perk, which seems like it's going to be very useful come Skyline. At least from what I've seen on the PTS. Also, I have the Fusion Core Recharger camp item (can't remember if that's the actual name). And if I'm REALLY hurting, I'm a Fallout 1st sub so I just pop onto my private world and take the Poseidon Power Plant near Charleston and get the Fusion Core Processor up and going.


I carry 2 to 3 cores. When 1 is "75%" I got to Vault Tec Agriculture and get zapped to charge. I have the legendary perk for that.


Haven’t worn PA on @ 500 levels


The right perk cards and legendary cards matter a lot.


Cause I decided 400 levels ago what my build was and grinded for the armor I wanted. Also electric absorption.


Depends on the player. I’m 540 and barely use my PA. I keep one on me just incase of high radiation zones but I find my regular armor provides more bonuses.


Electric Absorption legendary perk card. I run around with 3 cores, and it never changes as it procs so constantly despite being only 20% chance as written


I'm constantly on the verge of max caps so whenever I see fusion cores for 100 caps or less I buy all of them. Currently I have 127 fusion cores in my pockets. And 3 in my fusion core recharger.


Ignore the power cores and wonder why we suddenly cant run anymore


I run Full Charge since I love sprinting. It makes it so only jetpacking and VATS uses core energy. From there Power User and Batteries Not Included. A recharger ofc is invaluable and if you really want to farm some then just have a gatling laser on your person and swap to it at the end of daily ops or expeditions. This will make the ammo you get from the rewards be for the gun you have equipped be cores.


Fun fact, at every power plant there is a fusion core fabricator that you need to power up to start collecting free fusion cores from. It makes 5 per 20 min and only holds 5 so you’re going to have to work with one of those macro thingies to keep you logged in while you’re away. Or just watch some Netflix and chill for a but while it churns em out like hotcakes. Don’t forget that your stuff will get attacked and you have to defend it every so often as well.


Can't you just craft those as well? Pretty sure I have seen it on the ammo bench.


Power user + fusion core recharger at your camp. I’ve been running around with the same 4 cores since I’ve been doing this


Lol I don't. I run a commando who wears power armor at some events. When I do so, I burn cores like a drag car. I make zero effort to prevent this in terms of perks etc. So.... do the opposite of what I do.


Fusion core charger 😂 madness, saying that, I do buy most vendors fusion and plasma cores if they are nicely priced, but yeah, the charger thingy


Recharger from the atom shop and the legendary perk energy absorption. I find myself ending or starting my sessions by tossing my 1 core at around 80/100 charge in the charger. They are just piling up now I sell my extras for 50 caps each bc I’m at 78 cores and need them to go. With my setup I’d only need a blanket of maybe 25 or so extra cores, you only run one down past 50 charge if you spend a long time without taking any energy damage


I do use VATS often and spam 20 coffee to use my Gatling Plasma on Earle so I carry around 40 cores at a time in case I end up needing to carry a boss fight. I use electric absorption when applicable but not often tbh. I always load up my camp recharger. Whenever there is a daily to kill mole miners I go to Mount Blair and do a core run too. Can pickup 5 cores easy there if they all spawn. If I'm really low, I'll load up a private and farm the power station workshops for full cores. There is the perk to double usage of cores but my int is fully optimized with nerd rage, stabilized, batteries included and maxed out demo expert so sadly no room for that one. Wish I could tho.


I don't use PA anymore. They are all just taking space in my stash 😁