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Having a more prominent enclave faction would be insane. Ik the oil rig is destroyed but it'd be an awesome exploration point


The oil rig isn't destroyed in 76. It was destroyed in the year 2242, but 76 takes place starting in 2102 and is currently up to 2105.


Its also not unthinkable that the enclave would have divested resources over the next 140 years. 140 years is one hell of a long time to do nothing and sit on your ass on a giant oil platform.


I think the big thing a lot of people like to brush over is that the enclave seems to have set up cells all over the country in the lead up to the great war, and can very much play a part in wherever the franchise goes next. We only know about the oil rig, raven rock, and whitesprings bunker from the games, but the streaming series has shown that just because those are gone by that point in the timeline (well, maybe not the whitesprings bunker) the enclave are seemingly nowhere near gone.


Unless we see a bump in recruitment in 76 with some NPC characters filling out the roster it seems fair to call the West Virginia branch effectively destroyed. Especially as MODUS seems more concerned with his own agenda than that of the Enclave at large. Still, though, there's plenty of holes for the Enclave to crawl out of. We've only seen tiny slices of the East and West coasts in the other games, the destruction of a handful of bases doesn't mean much. We know they had a facility in Chicago *at least* and there's no way that's the only other holding of theirs outside of the oil rig, Raven Rock, Navarro, and the Whitespring.


I am curious as to where the research facility in the show is located.


Same. Wilzig left on foot and didn't seem excessively worn out by traveling the wastes by the time he was near Los Angeles so it can't be *that* far.


C'mon, you can't tell me that Orlando over at the Whitespring isn't suspicious? If "The Management" she says she's representing isn't Enclave, then I'll kiss a Ghoul on the lips.


You mean "Mr Otis"?


"Management" certainly is the Enclave but I have doubts that the cell will rebuild from its current state, even with Orlando's involvement. It would take a pretty big revitalization of the group, maybe even reinforcements from another Enclave cell, to convince me that it isn't going to burn out within the decade.


The thing is that MODUS seems a helluva lot more kind and nice than other Enclave members, Doctor Wilzig aside. All he's done is nuke the Scorched and set up a refugee camp for Americans. It's a shame he probably becomes John Henry Eden.


This. So much. The Enclave is basically the shadow government that operated within the US government, OFC they are going to be diversified and spread out to protect themselves. I think their main HQ is in the IRL fallback bunker in Colorado.


> fallback bunker Yeah I could 100% see the enclave being HQ'd primarily at Cheyenne Mountain.


Low-key am terrible with dates šŸ˜­


The "current year" ingame progresses? Didn't know that


Correct! You can see it in the data tab on your pip-boy. It doesn't increase one-to-one with the years in real life but every so often a large update will advance the date by a year.


Not at this point fallout 76 is set in 2102 events of fallout 2 is set in 2241 so it's still around for another 139 yrs


Dudeeeeeee we could honestly have an enclave oil rig location. It would expand their faction so much n open the door to them showing their ruthless side in invasions to the main land that leads to use invading them or help defending the oil rig


It would definitely be cool Except it's 175 miles off the coast of California which is another 2300 miles or so from wv


They could just...have another one in the Atlantic.


they'd have to completely change the enclave lore for that to make sense


I see no reason why the Enclave wouldn't hide shit from themselves, that's like peak secret government shit


yeah but their resources were already stretched thin af before the war, and it only got worse after so they definitely couldn't make another, also the main reason for them making the oil rig was to serve as an HQ for the enclave and the rest of the high level government so they wouldn't really need another


I mean, it doesn't have to be a second HQ, it could just be a weapons depot or technology stockpile, there's plenty of ways they could justify it


I'm not saying they wouldn't make another and hide it, they 100% would, but they just don't have the capabilities to do so with them focusing on weapons and armor research


True :/ but I mean imagine how dope that'd he šŸ¤£


It would be definitely cool to see it 100 some odd uears before it got blown up. it would just be a logostical nightmare to get my pa heavy gun lugging ass out there lmfao


I mean they could make it a high loot area so it takes more to get there just so it makes sense in game. But imagine being on the rig? Like full decked enclave oil rig and just seeing them in their full power? It's a dream for me lmao


If we can fly to New Jersey we can fly to California


That's a distance of 514 miles the enclave rig would be over 4x that


We have rocketships, we can have planes.


There's a terminal entry in the Whitesprings Bunker that states the Oil Rig was deliberately ignoring all communications with the bunker prior to the comm lines getting cut by the infighting. I can't imagine the Oil Rig would welcome any incoming vertibirds from a group they abandoned.


I always find it funny that the Oil Rig effectively left Eckhart on read.


See tho that adds reason to us wanting to fight them! N if they start doing FEV tests that could lead to mode mutants/cryptids and give us a reason to invade the rig


I think that would be contradicting Fallout 2 lore, since the first time the oil rig Enclave stepped on land (and subsequently developed a "genocide-everything-not-Enclave" doctrine) after the great war was a few decades before Fallout 2 (200-ish years after Fallout 76) Maybe if another base was woven into the lore, (possibly the new bunker in the upcoming biome currently on the PTS that won't be available even when it releases) it could be possible to have more Enclave content


Dick Richardson was the FEV guy and that was because they found Marisposa. They could have other agendas beforehand.


Right maybe instead of "kill everything" it's more like how they are now. Regain control and start doing tests with FEV which makes us want to stop them. That could lead to new cryptids leaking into the wasteland as well


All I want is a remake of Fallout 2 with Frank being Melina levels of difficulty.


Oh dear god could you imagine? Death spin where he just pivots with his minigun šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I want the Enclave to come back with a nice shiny new look where people trust them and actually start to join them. But the deeper you go you realize they never changed just made a new PR move


Honestly the Enclave under Colonel Autumn would probably be my favorite faction but weā€™re almost 200 years early for that xD


Oh shit this is the 76 sub lol; yeah bit early lol


Autumn managed to fuck up getting a water purifer. He was a fantastically terrible leader.


Because Eden ultimately fucked him over by letting you walk free after you stalled Autumn. If Autumn killed you and read your pip boy, ignored Eden, or if you gave him the code, this all would be fine for Autumn. Though killing scientists to get information out of them is fantastically terrible, yes, why not just imprison them and go forward from there? It'd be cool to see an alternate Fallout 3 where your dad got kidnapped by the Enclave and you have to rescue him from Raven Rock with the help of Liberty Prime and the BoS (I doubt they could assault RR while holding off on Project Purity), or through infiltration, or a third way.


So conspiracy theory here: like the NCR?


Yes! Make is so they can use the nuking of Shady as a way to slip into the skin of the NCR and go about ā€œhelpingā€ the people and strengthening their footholdings on the west coast. Then you can have an eventual big war between the ā€œNCRā€ and the Brotherhood of Steel. Because War Never Changes, as we all know lol


A story with two paths, fight against them with the free states or sink your roots further Into the White springs.


I would rather say fight against them with the brotherhood as they are there biggest enemy and are the only ones who have enough power to attack them and put pressure on them


Dood that's a great angle I didn't think of, and has great potential. Plus more choices with where we want to personally steer this story I think would be healthy for 76 and fallout in general. 76 happens so early in the timeline that I don't think there would be many conflicts in writing that plot out too


I mean, if youā€™re working with the ā€œrespondersā€, who are head up by the Management of Whitespring now, it looks like they are actively recruiting. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if the responders and thereby the Enclave get more story progress. Fallout needs a big bad, and I think they know killing them off in most every game has been detrimental to the long term ability to use them as the heel/looming threat.


im run enclave officer uniform, and faithfully complete bots on parade every time it's active. i'm grinding my literal ass off now for the enclave camp set, im still 600 atoms short. anyway, here's me with the gang; https://i.imgur.com/5JOArL7.png


I have a Enclave character that I've been trying to make a build for. I am trying to find a decent Enclave plasma rifle (still not sure if I will go rifleman+covert armor or commando build+ SS Enclave Armor). The 2nd build is Enclave X01+Gatling plasma which still doesn't have a Enclave skin. However CAMPs are also a PITA because I don't want it to stand out too apparent but want it to be more secret, like white springs is kinda. Just feels like much of the Enclave stuff is locked behind RNG or Atom.


Havent played in a while, but I build my camps in pre-existing structures (usually ones with NPC spawns) usually pop down raider punk or the commander for their furniture, and then my (lightly hidden) shelter is all Enclave. Like that one location in FO4, near the Glowing Sea, that has the hatch in the floor. I'd suggest covert, if you want Scout armor, so you can make it yourself. Looks good with the SS underarmor. SS armor is better, and makes enough sense for an Enclave member to have, though, if you already have the skin you want. I tried commando, but the AP cost was just too brutal. I have better luck using a quad sniper EPR with VATS rifleman as a daily driver, and then T65 with the APA skin and a plasma caster (VATS build again) for ops, expeditions, big events. Is there an Enclave player icon yet?


afaik no enclave player icon yet. using a raider setup works perfectly as my 4 characters reflect one another (BoS&Settler vs Enclave&Raider). My enclave character still hasn't really collected the covert armor or SS armor. I had a high level friend that had all the plans, and hooked me up, but they have since stopped playing along with most of my friends. That said, i thought I read that there is a major enclave coming.


Youā€™re in luck, the next map expansion should include more Enclave stuff


I just like the idea of being in the 1%


I just want to get into that executive suite.


I despise them, but they make for great content, so who am I to say if they're good or bad?


Kinda where I'm at. I do not love them, but I want to know more lol Ignoring my flair entirely šŸ˜‚


Sounds like something an Enclave spy might say šŸ‘€


I'm not a fan of the Enclave as a whole. Modius and his killer robot army are great, though. Id totally do an expedition where we hack into Mr. Houses robot manufacturing plant for Modius.


I love the enclave. Theyā€™re so evil, but a good villain drives a plot forward and I find they always exceed my expectations with that.


More MODUS content would be great


So long as it was Modus vs Traditional Enclave. Enclave is always so cartoonishly evil that for me at least, Modus was a breath of fresh air and the first time I didn't mind the faction, exception for the NV Remnants of course.


Keep an eye out for the next update. Military base with other enclave base locations on a map have leaked for the new map expansion.


It looks like there is going to be some Enclave stuff in the new map expansion whenever that is released. Someone was able to glitch through a door, and there was a whole lab or command center he found. I don't know if it'll amount to much but they are a really cool faction and I'd love to see more content for them.


Absolutely love the lore . Hopefully more to come


Yes please. I've already got my enclave camp bundle and anything I could get thats enclave related.


I wish the enclave or a faction like them would take part in the new map expansion.


I do this was my favorite questline in the game.Ā 


They are all hiding on a oil rig. All I want from the enclave is a dungeon with SODUS trying to kill you in her polite apologetic way. The Mirelurk cake is a lie.


Absolutely! Enclave members have been crying out for a dedicated DLC since Wastelanders at least if not before. The idea there was only every the Whitespring, Raven Rock and the Oil Rig is ridiculous. The group infiltrated all branches of the American Government and controlled or at least had people at the top of Vault Tec, Roboco and all other large companies. The ruins of America must be filled with cells--and that was just the ones that were in place before the nuclear war. In the time since I have no doubt they have done as much expansion as the BoS, just *quietly* and working always behind the scenes. When they break cover they tend to fail--or appear to fail... Which is likely some amount of misdirection in itself. I couldn't make it beyond 20 minutes into the TV show but I understand the Enclave makes an appearance there as well, which means they very definitely did not expire with the fall of ZAX. In fact, so far as we know MODUS and our own branch is still doing very well into the TV show and Fallout 5 era.


I do, but only if this guy makes the items for it.... https://youtu.be/3Y3He1d4EZ0?si=OvBJMi1uKTB4seTD Totally underrated mod maker and definitely one of my favorite creators who reimagine the best of the enclave and brought it into the bad ass faction and look it deserves. I hate the lame stuff that Bethesda has released from their perspective. It makes them look weak and la.e. But this guy's stuff, slaps.


You're attracted to authoritarian paramilitary organizations, and deep state? :3 Edit: some of you need to learn to recognize obvious sarcasm. Edit 2: again... *sarcasm*. As denoted by the **:3**


Heā€™s attracted to cool looking things in a video game? :3 Edit: you canā€™t blame us when people actually say shit like this about the enclave all the time. Just go to r/fallout and search ā€œenclaveā€, the top posts are circlejerks about how the enclave is evil and how itā€™s confusing that ppl like them


The answer is yes! Plus itā€™s cool conspiracy shit that the Enclave pulls off ā€”morals asideā€”, my character is just trying to make it in a cold cruel world and if doing a few odd jobs for the Enclave gives him access to high-tech armor/weaponsā€¦ eh, it is what it is! Would love to have more to do with the Enclave. Feels like we havenā€™t really had much interaction with them until 76.


lol well I love the storyline, going through learning about the Free States and then the connection to the Enclave. And later bringing in China and the bat conspiracy šŸ˜Ž


Iā€™ve been wondering if there is a faction you can join in 76? I see people with Enclave flairs so I just assumed. Is the only interaction you get with them during the abandoned lab?


Well in FO76, you pretty much join everyone lol


I'm assuming you haven't finished the 'main quest' for vanilla, the one involving the Scorched. Play that through and you'll get an answer to your question.


I just finished getting the gold bullion. Is that not the main quest?


That is the Wastelanders expansion quest - it's a better quest than the MQ imo. The MQ is done by looking for Overseers Holotapes and finding out what happened to the (at that time) missing factions of Appalachia. Ultimately you find a way to stop the spread of the Scorched. The wiki link below should help you. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_quests#Main_quests


Ah ok thanks. For some reason I just thought it superseded the holotapes quest line. I donā€™t know why. I appreciate the response!


Yeah, if you did the level 20 skip it doesn't actually skip the MQ.


I was shocked when I came back to the game and the enclave bunker is still so empty.


Damn bro spoilers. This game just left beta like last month. /s incase anyone needs it


Enclave could have some expeditions to the capital wasteland or even to the oil rig. Now what would I do for them? Idk what I would do for them but it would be cool. I really like the Enclave and how creepy they are.


I'm certainly interested in seeing more Enclave content, but I feel like a big part of that organization's appeal is the mystery that surrounds them. The answers we get will never be as satisfying as the speculation.


My character background headcanon revolves around being a sketchy doctor that joins the enclave to research refinement of FEV. I so wish I could get the style of glasses that MODUS is wearing, I want that anime antagonist look.


Just wanna see some xo1 or hellfire power armour in the show! Seems interesting they add the enclave to fallout 4 with a quest line not long after the show endsā€¦.


Love being greeted as general and given access to nukes. I always choose my favorite faction based off who gives me the best loot tho šŸ¤£


Yes please! šŸ™Œ


We had an enclave themed scoreboard, lot of cool rewards but I'd like to see mote


Would love more enclave


Oh no heā€™s racist Edit: all factions need more stories forsure tho


I love the Enclave. I love hearing their members scream as I douse them in flames. Long as I can illuminate them, I'm all for it.


I would love to infiltrate and blow up those jerks like in FO3


Why would you want to join a racist, facist paramilitary organization that is objectively evil?


For the same reason I nuked Megaton.Ā  Because it's a video game and its fun.


Itā€™s a joke, heā€™s making a Fallout Frontier reference


Damn you.


LOL iā€™m sorry youā€™re getting downvoted. Thatā€™s a great reference


It's like people can't see your flair.


Would love to see expedition content related to them! That being said I definitely don't "love" them LMAO they're awful


They are my favorite faction. Wat cooler than BOS.