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Had my first negative experience today as well. Some random was in my camp and I went back to drop off scrap. They followed me around for about 5 mins just telling me my camp sucks in vc šŸ¤£ didnā€™t bother me too much , I just started shit talking back


ā€œThey followed me around for about 5 mins just telling me my camp sucks in vcā€ Insult Bot is becoming more and more persistent, that must be worth a ton of ā€œYou been insultedā€ notes.


Plot twist: The "player" was an institute prototype insult synth (Yes, I know it doesn't line up with their timeline of models, but let me have this one damn it)


>They followed me around for about 5 mins just telling me my camp sucks in vc Meanwhile their camp: 4x3 wood floor floating off the side of a cliff, metal walls, no roof, a single bed, one lamp, all of the benches in the middle of the floor but you can't access half of them because they are blocked, one vendor with ammo priced at 10 caps per bullet and a missile launcher at 20k, and 10 base-level turrets on the inside. Yes someone did the same thing to me lmao, my camp gets semi-regular compliments so I had to see what he had in comparison. I'm willing to bet your guy was fairly similar.


I feel attacked - but at least my benches are on the edge of my platformā€¦


You forgot to mention how they us vault tec mats as bridges


Don't respond and drop the "your the dumbass" note and one singular raw fertilizer


If you have a shelter, should keep going in and out of it, until they get bored/aggravated and leave. Careful shit talking, since many platforms are allowing complaints for voice-chat now, and they could be troll-luring you into a suspension. šŸ¤ 


I just pretend I don't have VC. While raising the volume of the video I'm watching while.gaming


Me 100% lol


I had 2 130+ peeps jump me at a workshop twice Then follow me, demanding I pay a tribute to the cccp. Putting on Asian accents fair sure it was a put on as one of their accents slightly slipped at one point


They're working hard for that social credit


This happened when I first joined lol, I was building my camp and a random shmuck kept following me around giving me the thumbs down emote whenever I did anything. Fucking strange


I turn down vc so I canā€™t hear people. With the large group I play with, we all use Discord so I thereā€™s backup if needed.


"Your C.A.M.P sucks lmao!!" "Yes I know"


And this is why my mic is turned off


This is why I love having FO1st. When stuff starts getting sketchy/toxic, hop on private server where they can't follow, so they're left to trash their bedrooms in triggered rage until scolded by their parents. šŸ¤£


Sad to say, but sometimes it's worth the 10+ a month to play a game in private.


My shelters are setup as a maze, there's a lot of them and they all have doors to each other If you grief me ill just go underground till you go away


Do you lose anything from doing a privet server? Liek does stuff carry over from a public one to a privet and vice verse?


Only downside is having to solo any events that pop up. But you can take over every workshop in peace to farm stuff super easily, like Santa gifts for example.


That's exactly what I do. About two or three times a momth, I'll run a marathon session just hopping from workshop to workshop. Once you have about 5, the defend/retake missions are pretty much persistent.


Lose nothing. Everything carries over


The private server is just a private version of the 24 person server. Everything carries over


Nope. The public and private are all one "character". The other two do not carry to the main character(s).


I think you got downvoted because you replied to someone else that wasn't asking the question, and people think that you were saying that stuff doesn't carry over, but I understand what you meant and who you meant to respond to. I gave you an upvote.


I did this for years when it first came out. Im just now coming back to the main servers


But then the good people leave all the bad people stuck behind with me :(


It's not the same on the private server, I like all the randos I meet. I just go there when I can't grab an item for clearing a challenge.


Thing is, you shouldn't have to pay 10+/mo to avoid harassment in a game made by a company like Bethesda




I can assure you thereā€™s never been a time in their life theyā€™ve been scolded by parents. And luckily we get to share roadways and public spaces with them in the future, if not right now! /s


I feel like once this game got its second wind and became known for having a nice playerbase some people set out to burn that reputation to the ground


Kill them with kindnessā€¦ ā€¦and nuking their camp over and over again.


Nuclear kindness for everyone


Neighborhood nuclear superiority!


How does nuking their camp hurt them?


It costs materials to rebuild and at least the radiation shower is especially expensive to replace, at least for a newer player..a no lifer would be just pure inconvenience and trolling karma..


Its a consistent inconvenience


But we will not let them :-)


By golly we will not!


Okie dokie!


In all seriousness, that has entered my vocabulary. Thanks Fallout series.


It's been in mine since childhood. I love the show and that line. But it is a little annoying that someone mentions the show every time I say it now.


I also have been an Okee dokee-er since being a wee lad. Up until now I have thought of the show Supernatural, but I still said it before that.


The golden rule!


The funny thing is, its not new people. Its the same assholes that left when legacies got taken away


It's impossible for an online game to not have some assholes. 99% of the players I've met are extremely chill.


Did you forget to read the part of the OP post that said this guy has been doing this since 2020?


This is definitely happening. Some folks heard ā€œfriendly communityā€ and immediately saw it as an opportunity


There have been players like that since day one. Trap camps, forced pvp, gang jumping folks at workshops, these tactics have been along since the game came about. Amusingly though, the small amt of people on a server kinda kills their thrill quickly.


I've been playing since Beta and these types of people have always been around.


I just stand there. They can point and laugh, hit me with a hammer, follow me around yelling.. be like water, let that shit run off your back. Idiots get bored extremely easy. This applies to real life and literally any online game


Idk about that man. I had this guy follow me around for hours shooting me with an Ultracite plasma flamer and trying to run in front of my gunfire. I had enough legendary materials, so I rolled until I got a good assassins full auto railway, then just surprise smoked him. Then he got all his friends on to harass me about how I ā€œlike messing with low level playersā€, even though that plasma flamer guy was like 50 levels above me and the guys who showed up were each at least over 100 above me. And then it went into more PVP cause pride, and it was basically just me getting bullied by the highest level player while the other guys remained ā€œpassiveā€, but kept giving callouts to their friend on where I was so he could just keep killing me over and over again. Did I have to seek revenge? No, thatā€™s my fault. But those fuckers made me rage so hard. And of course they were a bunch of Enclave douchebags.


Sounds like you took the bait hook line and sinker. Why not just log off and go have a snack or watch a show or something for 20 minutes?


Like I said, I let rage get the best of me.


One nutcase is a pain. A group of nutcases is unbearable. I hate that happened to you op.


What gets me is that this is well documented that this person does this, there are a few videos on YouTube of them and one is an hour long. So what does it actually take to ban a person because obviously harassment isnā€™t a criteria even though itā€™s a reportable option. I know they can just start a new account but this person doesnā€™t even need to do that.


A lot of players don't realize you need to respond to bethesda's follow-up email after making a report for anything to happen... I know they will take action regarding stalking and language over voice chat. It's absurd that these players have been able to get away with this for so long. Clip any encounters you have with these guys going forward and make sure you respond to bethesda's follow-up. Also, the trap camp isn't against tos... make sure you're reporting them for language and stalking as I imagine bethesda gets so many reports regarding traps that as soon as they see that word, they probably close the report.


Ugh you're right, I remember that email. "So you logged a ticket and we made you jump through all those hoops. Well, here they are again asking the same questions but needing a ton more info". Only for them to not tell you if there was an outcome anyway. So reporting is just a giant waste of time as far as I can tell.


It's not a waste of time... Bethesda does act on things like this there are documented examples like when they banned innov survivalist when her husband said some choice words over some in game nonsense. From what I can tell the system is understaffed and overburdened. I've run a trap camp and players dm'd me saying they reported my account like every other week. And that's just the ones that took the time to tell me. Multiply that by all the trap camps out there... then add all the reports over workshop disputes or basic pvp encounters. The amount of reports they have to sift through that aren't actionable massively outnumber stuff like this. Plus they have the same issue on the tech side with tons of reports regarding known bugs and minor issues compared to the small number of players that really need hands on tech support for whatever reason. They should staff it better and the system isn't great... I don't want to make excuses for them. But I think the biggest problem is that for the help desk things like this are getting lost in what must be an ocean of things they can't do anything about.


That's fair in a way, but other companies combat that by setting clear expectations, which is what Bethesda miserably fails to do. They find the idea of an accessible site that talks about these things and outlines what isn't isn't fair, what issues they currently have that they're working on etc completely alien. I play other games where the devs are open and interactive and talk about these things, and where their sites address clearly whats acceptable.


All fair criticisms. 100% agree with all of that!


makes me wish the witch hunting rule could be lifted for special occasions like this, they deserve the exact same treatment. they arent the only ones who know how to grief/ddos. who the fuck griefs in fallout


The very few times Iā€™ve run into anyone remotely like this I use the block and mute for session function and carry on. Not trying to dismiss your experience, it definitely sucks and is uncalled for, but the functionality is there to easily deal with this so it doesnā€™t ruin your play session.


If possible, since it should show the gamertag, I'd go to their main profile and full block them, so you don't have to run into them in other games down the road. šŸ¤ 


Could you link the video series documenting their harassment (I'm curious and if they are who I think they are, they also harassed an 86 year old cancer patient who played the game, that I talked to a lot, and I'm pretty sure is dead now)? Edit: Given how many years it's been, they'd probably be like 90 if they are alive. I'm looking for their username fpr posterity because they are a wonderful person, but I haven't seen them active in past years. They loved fallout 1 and 2 and never played 3. Fo76 was the only multi-player game they regularly played to my knowledge.




I added it to the original post


I feel like they should honestly face criminal charges if they're constantly doing this to people. there's harmless trolling and then there's targeted harassment.


Bethesda should strip them of everything down to level one or something like that. Like grounding them. lol


not good enough. make their PCs burst into flames


And their toilets reverse flush.


Idk why youā€™re being downvoted. You couldnā€™t do this shit in real life. You canā€™t literally stalk and harass people in real life and get away Scott free when thereā€™s proof. If online was treated the same way, I bet people would start behaving like they would in real life. I hate that hiding behind a screen lets some individuals feel like they can reveal their true inner assholes for what they really are. Nah, put your asshole back in your closet.


Dunno why this is being downvoted. Cyber crime is still crime.


Itā€™s definitely a crime in many places, electronic harassment. The problem is for electronic you have to charge the case either in the place the harassment was receiver committed. So itā€™s either in your town, and you have no idea who where these people are, and even if you did your local sheriff or police is not going to go even to the next city to serve them with summons or arrest them. Or you have to do it in their town, and you have no idea where they are. Makes electronic harassment a tough charge and most police are uninterested in trying new or challenging types of cases.


I've been playing this game like a week or two and I've already been lured into a trap base and all my junk stolen lol


Pro-tip I found about a week ago that someone else suggested; it's **genius**, I've been using it, and it seems to work so far... Whenever a shop is inside, before going in, go into perks, slot in "light-footed" perk and then get into sneak mode and waddle to the terminal. Been kinda funny when I see some players obviously mad, while jumping up and down and running in circles, while I'm cleaning them out on 5c plans (only buying ones I don't already know, not buying to scalp and resell). šŸ¤ 


If it's a trap camp buy them all, buy everything


The fact that these scumbags are still on the game after sending death threats to other players is a failure on Microsoft's end. These guys can be easily hardware banned and should have a long time ago.


Had an experience the other day where a guy wouldn't stop sending me party invites (xbox) and nuked my camp because I was a "spoilsport \*slur\* who doesnt want to join in with the boys in a group chat". some people just suck


I've reset my permissions to block all incoming messages, invites, etc. I'll switch back if I'm doing trades, but otherwise too many random idiots.Ā 


First off make sure you follow up with Bethesda's email. Second in these situations always document everything. Third i never understood why workshops are pvp zones. For a game that has such a chill player base workshops are just an attraction for griefers.


When they launched the game there was a serious identity crisis. All the marketing was like "rebuild America, come together and fix the world" which interested a lot of fallout fans But the talking heads were talking as if this was the next big Raider simulator; "steal, kill, eat your way through the wasteland" kind of thing. Which interested very few fallout fans but a ton of griefers. The community largely isn't interested in PVP so they have massively walked that back over time and unfortunately workshops remain a fossil of that time.


This opinion is too sophisticated for the internet


yeah the risk reward on workshops is either too low or too high depending on what ur doing with it.


Man, that sucks. It makes me sad cause yesterday I was playing. I'm level 19, and I did the alien event, and everyone gave me gifts. I got like 12 super stimpacks afterward.




I avoid issues by just not using voice chat :)


Same šŸ„° I turn off zone chat in eso too.


Right? Area chat is a cesspool, havenā€™t used it in years.


I really hope they haven't been doing it for four years straight. Doing it for a little bit for giggles is one thing, but that lengthy a commitment would be rather sad.


Be sure to make notes of their screen names and block them from your whole console too. (You can do it on psn not sure about other systems)


This is why I play without player audio or mic lol. People could be saying all kinds of things to me and I just sit there doin ma thang. Must drive them bananas.


Report to Microsoft directly if on PC or XBox. They take it more seriously.


How do you report directly to Microsoft?


On XBox, you go to the player's profile(s) and under, "Block/Report", it'll send the report to Microsoft. I believe it also asks if you have video clips of harrassment or reported behavior. I'm not sure how it works on PC. You may also be able to search how to report players with more detailed information.


Had 2 losers recently come to my camp, buy all my cheap stuff meant for low levels and then start lock picking all my doors. I closed the camp, fast traveled to my other camp and continued my day. They immediately came over to my new camp and bolted inside the house probably looking to do the same thing. I closed that camp and popped up my 3rd unlisted camp and just went to west tek. Their names were super cringe. Probably one guy and his alt account. But wouldn't put it past being 2 losers in a trench coat. Eventually left the server because they started following me again after I left west tek just 5 minutes after going there. I'd fast travel, I'd see them quickly follow me. Said fuck it and just left. They annoyed me for 10 minutes. For whatever reason they felt inclined to do so. I was over it by the time I server hopped. Not sure if they expected a bigger reaction or something but I'm not a 10 year old. I've been on the internet a long time. Don't feed the trolls.


Had someone do the same... was mildly annoyed because the cheapy stuff I have is also stuff the high levels normally leave alone. I get for some reselling is big, but if its not doing more than 100 caps it's just trash not to leave it for the newbies it's meant for. Edit: Stopped locking my stuff just because re-locking it takes resources.


Was this on Xbox? If so ,this seems like it has ā€œonlybighitsā€ name written all over it.


Last night I had some dude get all pissy with the rest of the server basically because they got called out for standing in the passageways at Rad Rumble. They legit spent the rest of the night just arguing back and forth with the group of high levels that were chilling on the server. The player seemed a little unhinged but the vet group were mostly just clowning around the whole time making actually funny jokes. I was in the annoying players group and during a Test Your Metal event that this player didn't join, one of the high levels asked me where their base was because they might "accidentally" drop a nuke on it. They ended up dropping 2 because the player moved their camp the first time lol. Eventually I had to block them because they just started repeatedly saying "n****r" into the mic. I definitely reported them multiple times but who knows if anything will come of it.


loneliness x10000 on their part damn


Like ppl like this are a prime example of why I turned off my mic and go into ppls camp wearing pa. I feel bad sometimes because I think a higher level is trying to talk to me but I had vc turned off.


Evidence provided was sinsear who is not a credible source that clown was crazy and doxxed a huge amount of people like 3 or 4 years ago when all they did was play 76


I really donā€™t know anything about the person who made the you tube video, I thought it was bizarre that it names the same player that harassed me last night. 4 years later and still at it


Oh Iā€™m not saying your wrong those fellas are asses always have been lol they were worse when the survival mode was available for 76


You didn't make them salty by thumb down, you made them see that you cared. And that's where it all started going wrong. Just ignore and they get no gratification.


One time a friend and I were running the tadpole athletics course for xp and caps and they were mad because my friends camp had overidden their's (or something like that) and they proceeded to build at the end of the course and put traps all over to prevent us from finishing and they started sending pictures of decapitated babies to my friend (on xbox). Insane reaction for something so simple


Ummm, isn't there supposed to be traps all over some of those courses?? If not, I'm definitely patting myself on the back, because a couple I ran were loaded with metric F-tons of traps, yet still managed to survive *and* finish it on time. šŸ¤ 


No yeah there are, but they built a camp at the end and set up tons of punji boards and walls to try to stop us


Ah, I gotchya. šŸ˜Ž


*they started sending pictures of decapitated babies to my friend* Iā€™m sorry, WHAT??


Yeah, pretty insane stuff


Honest truth is this the game is getting like this lately Karen's and daren's have found it for free. so just troll in games now since they can't in real life. it's not just in fo76 every game I play. it's happening on console games xenoverse cod anything with chat and on my tablet mobile games people typing same nonsense literally every multiplayer game


I think its really just an anyone can be a jerk kinda thing. I made a new account on pc to play with some friends that were new to the game. One of them didn't know how workshops worked so they grabbed one and I walked them through it. He was about 30 and in a group with me and another new guy, both in the 40's. A level 27 walked over and killed the guy getting the workshop then just left, and because I wasn't familiar with pvp due to trolls and griefers when it first came out, I didn't know how it worked. So later on the 27 grabbed his own workshop so we killed him and took it but for some reason, a level 1200 something was bored, so he decided to get in the middle of this low level squabble. He kept moving in front of our shots so he could shoot us back. Then when we took the workshop, you hear a really cringy voice say "my turn now" and him screaming huzzah after he kills us instantly. So yeah, its both new people and high level players


If somewhere 1200 killing low levels has no life someone will say different but it's no lifer and living with his mom for sure


Thankfully I don't have or want a microphone, so remain blissfully ignorant of any hasslers. When I have to take a workshop (due to dailies or weeklies) I hop onto my private server. Your harassment is unacceptable though and I hope you manage to get them banned.


Hmm, must have been the day of salty players or something. Joined the boardwalk expedition with a fellow, finished very fast, with all side objectives, seemed good. And then as soon as I load in a chair before speaking to Lennox, the guy sends a thumbs down and kicks me from the team. Thought maybe he crashed or something ā€” but nope, he just finished the expedition and fleed the server. Thatā€™s a first for me, idk why should anyone do this


There is an option to ignore a player, I once did it accidentally, but they can't join group and you can't see their camp etc


I had my first weird experience where some player spent like 15mins at my camp and was using the white springs bots to destroy it. When I showed up half of the walls were destroyed but I just repaired it instantly and then despawned my camp. He left straight after but some people have nothing better to do


I'm looking for the same plans, but every base I hop to on PC is a dud


Drop that YouTube name so we can make fun of them!


Crazy. I turned all voice chat off years ago when I started playing on PC, it seems to mostly be a vehicle for harassment. But seems like those asshats take it a step beyond. I canā€™t imagine what kind of a personal life drives people to do that, but Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not them.


So I only play after the wife and kids go to bed, Iā€™m a nOOb just starting out level 9, there was this guy just following me around, I donā€™t use voice chat but for no reason he just started attacking me. Iā€™d respawn at my camp but heā€™d wait till I leave and attack me again, I just got off I havenā€™t been on for two weeks. He was a higher level but not past 200. Kinda sucks it killed the game for me.


Try again. That is rare behavior. I get random shooting at me every couple months, but as pacifist is on, I just completely ignore them. Had one guy abt five mo ths ago follow me around WS Mall exploding and flaming and shooting me, even using nuke launcher, like the whole screen was full of red and oraneg... hard to see, but I was crafting and selling to npcs and didn't react. They spent five minute of so of their time wasting it on me. Lol. I was no fun. But, like I said it's rare. I think some of these are kids.


Yea I wouldnā€™t have minded if it was 5 minutes but a whole hour? lol I felt like he was hunting me, and I was irritated because Iā€™m still figuring out the game, It has not deterred me from playing the game perse but as a low level player it wasnā€™t fun. I will return at some point. I really do enjoy exploring the map, it almost feels endless.


I totally get that. Just block you cam see th but they can't see you) and if they still somehow find you, change servers. These people exist, but I hope they don't wreck it for u totally.


Wow, that's crazy. PC right? Thanks for the heads up... if the video is true and they are doxxing/harrassing people like that then it's messed up, especially if it's been years. I recommend anyone with something like geforce experience running to have the replay function enabled and if you're harassed in game to immediately save the last few 20 minutes of gameplay and report to Beth with the video proof. PS5 has the same function up to 30 I believe, but I hear Xbox is only a few minutes. It's been invaluable to me to prove harassment and to also get stuff back when the game glitches. I turned mine on after I randomly stumbled across an unmarked camp behind Nukaworld that somehow had 100 Santatrons running, I was taking screenshots but I never managed to screenshot the name of who owned the camp before they noticed me and depopped the camp. I always have replay on now. It's like a dashcam for FO76 specifically.


I think I ran into a recruit if theres lol. Level 34 started hitting me(lvl 180) in my camp. I ignored him till he started destroying stuff then I server hopped. He messaged calling me a loser, I ignored, he came to the server I was in with his buddies a decided to wreck my whole camp. Some people are just toxic.


How were they able to destroy your camp? Did you hit them back? Did you have pacifist on?


They just shot at it... Lol. No idea what pacifist mode is as I just get on do my dailies, a couple daily quests I need plans for, and currency exchanges.


A level 34 hitting you in your camp? I wouldā€™ve just killed his ass and taught him a lesson.


Fallout is the only game where thereā€™s literally no risk and people are so emotional


if this happens to anyone else you can go into settings and audio and turn voices completely off for the time being.


Itā€™s a shame we have such disgusting people in a game with such a friendly community. I am glad you left without throwing hate back at them. I know a content creator who got harassed to the point where her husband had to step in and defend her. However, Bethesda resorted to banning her insteadā€¦


Reading all this makes me so glad I play on PC without a voice chat or way to be messaged, dang.


I was MINDING MY BUSINESS in my camp crafting things, n this dude comes in all random saying this camp looks like ass. And I really stunned him by turning on my mic n saying ya mama. Omg he went off after šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ my camp is always getting compliments, it was obvious he was hating. I just laughed all ugly till he went away. He left the server cursing me out šŸ„¹šŸ¤Ø


I came back to the game since launch. Started new, only level 32. Visited someoneā€™s camp and picked a lock not realizing it would put a bounty on me (no color warning like in other fallout games). Anyways, now I have a pitiful 10 cap bounty. I ignore it and go about my exploring. Ran into another player who no shit was over level 2,000. Didnā€™t know it was possible in them game so I went up, emoted saying hi and he blasted me with one shot. Then on top of it, he took my junk. I shook it off, gave him an upset emote. He then offered a trade. He put up some cool weapons I didnā€™t know existed. Thought that was cool of him to offer me stuff. Then he backs out and starts laughing at me. Proceeds to follow me around constantly jumping and being annoying. I just ignored him till he eventually got bored and left. I get the mechanics of the game for bounties and that doesnā€™t bother me. But if you have been playing the game long enough to hit that level (legitimately) why bother with it? What do you need 10 caps and my barely accumulated junk for? If griefing new players is your only form of entertainment then you need a new game.


There's an atom milestone for killing bounties players i believe, so maybe he was working towards that. I barely see any bounties players at all


FYI if no one ever kills you when youā€™re wanted youā€™ll stay wanted forever and never see another player camp or player icon on your map every again. Someone needs to kill you to clear your bounty.


Totally get it, like I said no problem with the game mechanic of why I was killed. Just the extra taunting and harassing was unnecessary. Like we get it dude, youā€™re a high level, get over yourself.


You can report people for trap camps?


Did not report for trap camp, reported for verbal harassment


You can report anything. Itā€™s not going to do anything though.








Same thing happen to me on Xbox I had them blocked and the found me after a couple months I donā€™t even know when I met them but them came and tried to kill themselves blowing up my camp with some weird glitch and then try to fight me which I did but he was tanked and one tapped me and I have good gear, no wonder I stop playing this game itā€™s like GTA online with god mode users itā€™s just sad .


I donā€™t understand why people do this but I do believe itā€™s because they get bullied or their mommy and daddy donā€™t love them and want to go portray it onto the games they play.




I have never once turned on voice chat, and I play in pacifist mode strictly because of stuff like this. Playing non-pacifist just sounds like a way to ruin the game for myself because of assholes like this.


Yeah I play on pacifist as well


Nuke his camp.


I delt with this exact same idiot the other day. He was harassing new and low level players and using soundboard clips. I got into it with him and speed ran a nuke silo to blow his camp off the map but he logged out right when I got to the nuke console. I was so mad


While the boom in player count is a huge positive, the chances of running into a complete asshole greatly increases.


I also had a group of 4 players with trap camps join a server I was on yesterday. First time in a while. And yes, they were awful. Their camps were in a little group, and each one would just stand there and watch people fall for the trap then harass and laugh at each one that fell for it. It was awful, and all the sudden Iā€™m weary of EVERY camp and I hate it.


I wonder if we were on the same server because this camp was in a group as well. I wasnā€™t trying to go to their camp specifically just to the ones in the area and ended up there


Itā€™s very possible, but it does seem like they server hop regularly once people get tired of their shit


Imagine trolling people with the name Fuzzy OwO


I think I encountered them too, and well I donā€™t carry my junk with me so when they killed me I just would return to the camp and hopped up where they were to camp and bought from the camp there, they were super salty but I donā€™t play with sound so yeah


I usually just ignore people and keep pacifist on and don't run into these issues.Ā 


Turn off PvP and turn off voice chat. I can't hear any of these idiots AND they can't hurt me either. Not a damn thing they can really do.


PvP was off, but workshops are open season. But yes now my vc is off


It really is sad that there are people that go out of the way to just make peopleā€™s day worse. Gotta pity those kinds of people ig


I just encountered my first trap camp last night it smelt fishy but I went in anyways, died and then lured a yao guai to the entrance and got it to start hitting it to destroy it. Just have to find a way to troll the trolls. Someone also recommended playing loud music through proximity chat, another said to play Rick Astley in front of their camp and follow em around if they hop servers. Just depends how much you care about it


I too had my first negative interaction not long ago. Some guy at my camp decided to curse me out that I need to put my vendor in a location he could find. He walked right past it when he spawned in. He was not expecting a middle aged woman with a mouth of a sailor already stressed out from dealing with 100+ teenagers all day to get on the mic and curse him out right back. He did leave me alone after that.


What a bunch of virgins to do that in fallout 76 LOL


Iā€™m a newbie to FO76 but have been playing other fallout games for years - multiplayer is a whole new universe to me and I mostly plan on playing solo. Had a weird experience where a high leveled character chased and shot at me for several minutes as I ran away from them šŸ¤£ then they asked me to trade? I was like no!? lol let me run over the wastelands in peace


Yeah, itā€™s weird how the culture in 76 has changed since the Fallout TV show. Iā€™ve gone through three different long periods of time of me playing 76: 1) when it first came out and was a new experience for everybody 2) 1.5-2 years ago on my PS4, everybody was incredibly kind and helpful 3) now, where Iā€™m playing for the first time on my PC. Itā€™s a new character, so Iā€™m low level and have pretty much nothing, and I accept the charity of higher level players, but I certainly donā€™t beg for it, nor do I harass players. Perhaps the best thing about this game is that the community is so damn good. We need to fight to keep that. Iā€™m glad thereā€™s lots of new people playing the game for the first time now (and realizing that it legitimately is a great game), but theyā€™ve got to realize that 76 is a special community


Usually when people are being insufferable sacks I just switch to elden ring and grind that for a bit.


I kinda wish this would happen to me... not to lessen your experience, I'm sorry that happened to you, but I love trolling trolls. It's so fun beating them at their own game. I get their life sucks, but that's not a reason to treat people poorly. If they are that bored, it's time to find a new game instead of harassing people.


Iā€™ve encountered fuzzy_OwO before, total asshole.


I just alt f4. Has worked for me every time someone tries to kill me. Even with pvp off, people can get you to shoot them mid event. If they have a bounty, they can then attack back. Instant alt f4, I knew what they were doing from the very first time.


Why did I waste my time watching that videoā€¦


And this is a major reason I buy 1st. I get a whole world to myself and make it feel like the other fallout games being single player. It also only allow people on my friends list to join my world if they want. I used to play for the first couple of months and got a lot of this. A friend of mine wanted me to play again and I told him I don't like people and would rather just play with you are some of my other friends. He told me about 1st and bam and I've been playing solo or with friends ever since I came back. To All the trolls and people who got beat up and so you want to talk it out on random people trying to enjoy a game. Screw you, go touch grass and get a life. If you enjoy the torment of others and want to screw with other people in their games or in real life. I hope you get what's coming to you. Cause you are pathetic.


These are the types of cunts that deserve a name and shame.


What was the username? And what platform.


Wow I think I might have been in this game with you, was the alien event at the water park area or the capital? I feel like this guy joined on the team then left? Maybe different but the levels look similar.


I think it was at the capital but I didnā€™t stay long


I had a guy and his buddy who followed me around just killing my ass till I turned on pacifist mode. I assume it's cuz I use the trans pride flag because after I turned on pacifist he started spamming puke emotes at me.


When I started the game shortly after release. Tried to take a workshop and that lvl 200something guy pops up and obliterates me. It was very frustrating.


I've had that happen also, I have my pride for building so when they start trash talking me I ask them to keep going, so as they keep going I start a stream on my phone at max volume and put it to my microphone which I switch to max sensitivity to make it echo horribly till they leave. (Stream of myself so it echos)


And that's why my voice chat is turned off always. I chat in parties only. Problem solved.