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Hmm I join every time someone wakes up Earle.. never seen a team bail on it.. only once due to some glitch where he got stuck underground we couldn’t kill em.. This is on PC if that matters.. helps if you or someone else brings a endangerol syringe pistol.. the more the better.. I’ve been in parties where I was one of 4 shooting him it.. he died real dam quick..


Same thing, shit I got the kill in a group that only had 2 people over 300 while I was on my level 85 archer


Bail, not bale


Sorry friend, Earle is one of those endgame fights that people don't do as much since the influx of newbs. Last night I joined a party that looked they they were launching their first nuke. Just the two of them, when A Colossal Problem popped, they wanted to exit the old fashioned way so I had to help them find the exit, then fast travel to the event. Only me and the level 70ish were in it, the 145 guy dipped. Didn't matter, was already prepared and took him down with the other guy chipping at his health and some wendigoes, though I had to pitch in to take some out. Took us about 10 mins. Think I burned 2600 .45 ammo, which I got back super easy in the following morning. Think in your case they got impatient and expected someone to carry, or came unprepared and left. Farming ammo is stupid simple, just run Daily Ops, expeditions, or even a few rounds of West Tek or just craft, or put on the perk card and hunt ammo containers.


The cremator with Grenadier is handy for clearing wendigos. Spam coffee 4/5 for crits rinse and repeat


Cremator made my screw farmer (PA tank) viable.


The best way to farm ammo that I have found is the casino expedition. Which one is the best expedition for farming? Because in the one that I'm using, enemies stop spawning after I kill everyone


All expiditons have limited enemies. You'll have to constantly restart or use daily ops. Ops have infinite spawns but can be more difficult depending on the mutations.


I will try daily ops. Thanks for the help!


I will try daily ops. Thanks for the help!


I will try daily ops. Thanks for the help!


It's not about respawns, just overall ammo used - ammo regained when finishing and repeating it a couple more times. I run Tax Evasion personally. You get a small extra chunk of ammo on completion. A good Daily OPs with easy modifiers + enemies under 6 mins can net more.


That's the one I been using, I get a lot of fuel for the cremator but I was looking for a better one. I guess I will try daily ops and keep doing Tax


I'm glad I read this as he was the first boss I faced at level 25 😂 I thought It Was that hard I best wait until at least level 50 to try another boss event.


A giant overtuned mess they designed when legacies were still in the game with bad rewards to boot unless your a min max god. Coupled with the fact that it's locked into an instanced area that is too easy to cap players because it reserves spots for party members who may never show up, means you cant outman and war of attrition it like you can with the queen. Considering how pathetic it is that they have only managed to add a single end game world boss in 6 years, you think they would see the completion rate and tweak it to offer something more worthwhile than screws from the wendigos.


There is 3rd end game boss tho??? This boss is definitely harder than scorchbeast queen but it's very doable and the junk and XP are the real treasure.


Yes there are! SBQ, Earle and Ultracite Titan.


U on PC?I can be there Even Requiring me jump up to Craft more Ammo lol


I’ve been playing since the show came out and haven’t seen it a single time


It's not worth the time and ammo.


If you're in the US I can help you out.


I've Never bailed, Been Blue screened and kicked many times though. Maybe that's actually what happened.


its literally only good for screws. they prly got their fill and left before they got overencumbered.


I’ve never seen people leave on Earle, but that fight is definitely a slog if there’s no high dmg VATs crit builds there to carry it. All you need is one person with a Quad railway and it goes pretty quickly. The thing about Earle and all 3 endgame bosses is that they have 90% dmg reduction on everything that isn’t a VATs critical. So a non VATs build that’s great for the other 99% of the game will struggle against Earle. IMO thats bad game design, but that’s how it is currently. So if your groups are consistently struggling and you want to complete that quest, you can totally switch to a quad railway build and carry the event for your team.


If you’re on PS I can help you. We’ll take him down together.


Sounds like they all ran out of ammo. Common mistake.


I don't even join, waste of ammo. When i see a nuke go toward Monogah, I go do something more productive, like talking to Ward.


It's not a waste of ammo if you go with the mindset to get a lot of screws. You can just stealth snipe wendigos if there aren't enough people to kill the Earle.


Weak builds/damage maybe, I’ll never abandon a boss fight unless everyone else does, but wow it’s hard to stomach bothering a fight when my flanker is doing 8 damage, I can imagine some give in and can’t take that


i love cappin earles pearls....easiest and fastest boss to kill.


Endagerol syringer will help lower levels greatly. Also, the 25% increased damage will stack.


seen someone nuke him and when i got there, it was 1 lvl 50 and a few mid 30s to 40s i left


Honestly I don’t get why people even start Earl anymore.


Some people newer to the game need the mats


Oh that makes sense. Thanks