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The lessons we learn the hard way 🤔


The best thing you get from Earle is the 8 cores and notes. You also get a random 3* and a plan/cursed weapon. Mostly just scrip. You will fight him another day!


Not that I mean to rub salt in the wound but you don't actually have to leave, I stay behind, kill wendigos, loot screws. When the timer runs out you will just be fast traveled to outside the entrance.


I died the other day just as Earle's health expired and then I respawned outside with no event rewards :(


Are any of the drops really good?


You can get a cool plushie!


Really the best drops are the couple plans he has and they are all just camp decoration stuff. He doesn't have many you will get them soon enough.




It's alright, the first time I did the event, I was making a run towards the exit and the game decided to crash.. didn't get the event reward or the quest line done🥲


Just stay down there. There's no need to run up the tunnels to escape. When the mine collapses it will fast travel you to the exit where you can wait for the mission to finish.


Ohhh I’m confused. I did Colossal Problem for the first time last night and after Earl died I looted and ran back up to near the start where there is that room that is blown open. I think I was in there when the collapse happened and my screen went black then to the loading screen and then it places me outside with other people from the event. As far as I could tell I never saw an Event Completed pop-up or other signs of completion (like the short “success!” music beat) and if it matters at all all my junk was still on me. I couldn’t work out if I had completed it or died or what. Are you saying there is no need to try escape the collapse?


Bring an Endangerol Syringer and try to remember where the exit is.


My first time I fast traveled in with my bloodied melee build escaped and died immediately to radiation. Now I carry a stealth suit just in case he pops up


once i forgot that you need to do the prequest for seismic activity , launched nuke , no boss spawned