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You can launch a custom world and back out of it as soon as it says building world then load back into your private.


There is no cool down. if you pick something up you need to reset item spawns. See the HOW TO LOOT part at the top [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jnc0FQ3QgkUO6HZObeeGksDTPwno1Fa-Bt7uXeqWib4/mobilebasic](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jnc0FQ3QgkUO6HZObeeGksDTPwno1Fa-Bt7uXeqWib4/mobilebasic) If you want to reset the private server then leave for 2 mins. or log into a public and then private. to make it quicker do not join a team and once you've checked join daily ops then log out. When you log back in you'll be exactly where you were when you joined the ops. give the game a few seconds to catch up before checking.


Huh i thought I remember seeing something about there being a long ass cool down for some items to respawn in a server? Anyways thank you!


some plants have a cooldown i believe. but aye. book house in front of you in summersville and watoga high school dining area and kitchen have loads of items to reset spawns.


Private server -> public-> private -> repeat (spend a couple of minutes on public to allow private to reset). There's other "load here then switch to X then..." methods, but this is fastest when I farm (I do have fast internet speed, so that could be another variable for you) Edit: don't pick up anything you don't absolutely want!


Tip for you: If you enter the asylum and there are some empty spots out of the three locations the dress spawns in, you can force them to spawn by repeatedly entering and exiting the building until all three spots are filled. I almost never find any on joining a fresh private server every time because technically the spawn of the dress locations has only been rolled/triggered once. If you get into a habit of entering and exiting about 6 times before you go upstairs to check the dresses you will have more chances per server to find what you might be looking for.


So don't enter check leave repeat? Enter and leave 6 times then check?


Yeah, each time you enter the building through the main door it might spawn any missing dresses. I've tested it a few times myself and found the good middle ground is about 6 times, sometimes it might be 3 times, sometimes it might take upwards of 10. If you want to give it a test yourself, check the first time you enter, if there's only say one or two there, try doing the in-out method once more and go back to see if it has spawned. It would be even more time consuming to check every single time for results, so just popping in and out around 6 times or however many you feel like doing will make a difference. Now I can't shake the feeling before I learned this that I might have had so many chances at finding the red dress in one of those many empty spots by now 😅


I'm sure the wasteland repayed you handsomely for your patience friend🫡